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METRO MANILA DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING TEST MANUAL [PHOEBE DAUZ WILLIAMS, RN, PhD ADELINA B. ABAD SANTOS, RN, MN LUZ B. TUNGPALAN, RN, MA, SJOSEFINA A, TUAZON, RN, MN Biltors Research and Creative Writing Program cnt ips < Kes ¢ Fodge inet BE Lob 5 Jed: wt Ffoi" Lithdah: ule 1? even ace , 8 “ spooky = 1. (4 0ts prensha) uae Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test Manual ‘Second Editon Copyright © 1999 | by University ofthe Philippines Manila College of Nursing First Baiton, 1985 Editors: Adlina B. Abad Santos ‘Luz B. Tungpalan Al rights reserved. No pat of this work covered by copyright hoyein may'be reproduced or copied in any form or by any mes ‘without writen pemission ofthe publisher Published by University ofthe Philippines Manila College of Nursing ‘Pedro Gil Se, Malate, Manila Philippines 503-1472/523-1494 1880) 971-93089-0.7 #0. if Contents Foreword/y Preface /vi Overview of the MMDST / 1 Test Form / 4 “Tet Prventven £29, Preliminary Phase Test Administration ‘Test Items: Administration and Scoring Directions J 15 Scoring Delays in Development / 66 Interpreting Test Results / 67 Discussing Test Results ) 68 Retesting / 68 Difficult Test Situations / 69 Practice Testing 73 References /74 Appendices /76 ‘A. Sample Protocols /77 B. MMDST Administration Check C. Denver Developmental Screening Test / 83 Foreword ‘The Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test (MMDST) devised by Dr. Phoebe Williams as a pediatric serecning test isa milestone in nursing. Being culture based, it has been widely used by nurses, physicians and other workers for nearly two decades nov, — Indeed, its makes it easy to use for Fi =. The MAST is research-based and, as such, should be inherent to mursing practice. Developmental screening should be made an integral part of the nursing curriculum to enhance the competency of professional nurses, specially would-be child health nurses, firmily nurse practionets and nurse specialists ‘The publication of this revised edition is part of the UP. College of Nursing’s commitment towards professional advancement in aursing and the enhancenent of the Filipino nurse's involvement in promoting wellness and preventing disability ‘This project has been made possible withthe support of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in recognition of the UPCN's role asa center of excellence in mig eatin ie CYCILIA M. LAURENTE, Ph.D Dean, UP. College of Nursing Preface This manual describes a sereening process using the Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test (MMDST). This test ‘was the product of a normative study in 1980 by the author, Dr. Phoebe Dauz Williams, on Metro Manila children to standardize the widely recognized Denver Developmental Screening Test of Frankenburg and his associates: Since then, the MMDST bas been validated and well utilized not only in research but in practice as well by nurses, pediatricians and other health workers. Today, William’s MMDST remains to be the recognized developmental screening test among Filipino children “The author is a nurse researcher and professor with a BS in ‘Nursing and MA in Psychology from the University of the Philippines, and Masters in Nursing and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. She was a former professor and hhead of the Department of Research, University of the Philippines College of Nursing, She is curently Professor of the University of Kansas School of Nursing and the only Filipino Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). Although she has been abroad for almost two decades now, she remains to be an active member ofthe U.P. College of Nursing. From across the miles, she produced the first edition of the MMDST Manual in collaboration with the SSUPCN Department of Research in 1985. Adelina B. Abed Santos and Luz B. Tungpalan edited this frst edition. my This second edition of the MMDST Manual is a project of the Research and Creative Writing Program of the UP College of Nursing, just asthe first edition was. This edition promises # format and language that is user-fiendly. Is rmore compact size makes it handier that will fit snugly into the MMDST bag with the test materials. The topics have also been rearranged for easier comprehension. Some ofthe illustrative examples were updated and made consistent with the test form for better integration of learning. ‘This project is the result ofa collaborative effort of many people. We specially acknowledge the editorial expertise of Prof. Luz B. Tungpalan whose assistance was invaluable, and to the editorial staff, Sheila R. Bonito who prepared the manual for publication with the assistance of Erlinda S. Bilog and Glorie €. Mangalino. Special mention has 10 be given to Prof. Ma. Estela M. Layug whose expertise in the _MNINST and vsfuable comments helped direct the revisions undertaken, Lastly, this project would never have reached this stage without the urging and support of Dean Cecilia M, Laurente, ‘The project of writing the second edition is a personal fulfillment because as a young graduate, my first job was as 4 research assistant to Dr. William's normative study. And it isa privilege for RCWP to be given the chance to be a collaborative partner with the likes of Dr. Williams and Prof. Tungpalan, Josefina A. Angeles Tunzon Head, Research and Creative Writing Program (RCWP) December 1999 — toe i An Overview Screening is the presumptive identification of an ‘unrecognized disease or defect by the application of tests, ‘examinations or other procedures that can be applied rapidly Screening tests sort out apparently well persons who probably have the problem from those who probably do not, permitting those with positive or suspicious findings to be referred for diagnosis and appropriate treatment as carly as possible, One such screening tést is the Metro Manila Development Screening Test (MMDST). It is an. carly detection model that applies to the detection of developmental disabilities in children aged six and a half years old and younger. . = -Te-2A.0ST is simpleyclinially useful too! used in the carly detection of children with serious developmental delays developed by Dr. Phoebe D. Williams. It i a modification and standardization of the original Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) by Dr. William K. Frankenburg and his associates (1970) on 6,006 Metro Manila children. It ‘was developed for health professionals such as nurses, doctors, and other health workers so that slow development may be recognized, referrals made, and appropriate therapy prescribed as soon as possible. Just like the DDST, the MMDST is not an intelligence test. It is intended as a screening instrument to etermine whether 2 child’s development is within normal range, ‘The MMDST is designed to detect developmental delays in children 2 weeks to 6 % years old. It evaluates four aspects of 4 child’s development: personal-secial, fine motor-adaptive, language: ant prossmotc behavior. ‘The test is administered using the MMDST kit which includes the manual, sample test form. test materials and the MMDST bag, The test materials are standard and shown in Figure 1. These consist of the following: + Albright red yam pom-pom ‘+ Araitle with a narrow handle + Bight -inch colored wooden blocks (reg, blue, yellow, green) ‘A small clear glass/bottle with 5/8 inch opening ‘A small bell with 2 ' ineh-diameter mouth ‘A rubber ball 12 % inches in circumference Cheese curls A pencil Bond paper Caleulating the child's age-and-indicating the age line is cemucial, if not the most important, initial step in test ‘administration. The test items that will be administered will depend on the calculated age ofthe child, Therefore, this will fuide the selection of fest items to be administered and the ‘Subsequent interpretation of the MMDST results. Four kinds of scores may be given for eact tet item: passed, failed, refused or no opportunity, Failure of an item that is completely to the left of the child’s age line is considered a developmental delay and is therefore referred to in the MMDST as a delay ‘The succeeding sections of this manual will deseribe the test form, steps in administering the MMDST, scoring each ‘est item, and interpreting the tet. Difficult tet situations are also presented plus the conditions under which retesting is ~~ aceeplable, / Figure 1, Test Materials Sa ou j “Enemas i Like the DDST, the MMDST is made up of 105 items fen in the range of accomplishments for children between birth and six years of age. ‘The sample test form is shown in FFigure 2. Instructions for administering footnoted items are placed at the back of the test form. These items are categorized in four sectors: 1. Personal-Social - tasks which indicate the child's ability to get along with people and to take care of himself, 2, Fine Motor-Adaptive -tasks which indicate the child's bility to see and to use his hands to pick up objects and todraw. © 3. Language - tasks which indicate the child's ability 10 hear, follow directions and to speak; and 4, Gross Motor = tasks which indicate the child’s ability to sit, walk, and jump. AActoss the top and bottom of the tet form are age scales ‘marking ages in months from | to 24, and ages in years from 214 to 6, Each ofthe test items is represented in the test form by a bar. ‘The bar is placed along the age scale to show when 25%, 50% (indicated by the hatch mark) 732% and 90% of normal children are able to pass the item. A sample test item and the corresponding age scale is shown in Figure 3 AGE SCALE (mois) ein, 3 ia 16 18, 2 batch ma ecg " South, aH Som TH Om Figure 3 = pss Mont Test Directions for Footnoted Items 1. “Try to get child to smile by smiling, talking or waving to him Do not touch him 2, When child is playing with toy, pull it away fiom him. Pas if he resists. 3, Child does not have to beable tote shoes or button in the back 44. Move yar slowly in an arch fom one side othe other, about above child's face. Pass if eyes follow 90° to midline. (Past ine; 180") 5. ass. the child grasps rattle when iti touched to the backs or fips of fingers? 6. Pass if child continues to look where yarn disappeared or ties 0 see where it went. Yam should be dropped quickly from sight ‘fom tester's hand without arm movement 17, Pass if child picks up cheese curl with any part of thumb and finger. - 8, Pass if child picks up cheese cul with the ends of thumb and ec finger using an over hand epproach, O | 9, Pass any en: 10, Which Ine is 11, Passanycros- 12. Have child closed form. longer’ (oot ing ine copy rst Fal eowtine bigger) Tum If bailed, vous round paper upside demons rotons flowm and re state peat GB or 56) When giving items 9,11 and 12, do aot name the forms. Do not demons 9 and 11 13, When scoring, each pair (2 ms. legs, ee.) counts as one part 18, Point to picture and have cild ame st ( No credit is given for ( ee ee ee ae nine usta ee Be ee ees teeing rae eel ee ee ees ee eae ee poe ree e ee eee eae aaa eel ie re ce ec err a as prea eee Cee ceca are Pe ata alert eee a ee ate Fp eee ee Fe eee ee eee ee ee ane) on in vita fe eee es ero ee ea ee eee eee ee Ms ta ear ey aooere Ca era et ee 21 DATE AND BEIAVIONAL OBSERVATIONS hw hil a fe ie ‘The bar representing the item, walks well, in Jocated between ages less than 2 months and 17 months. The Jeft end of the bar denotes that 25% of normal children walk well at Jess than 12 months, 50% (indicated by hatch mark) at 13 % months, left end of shaded area shows 75% do so at 15 ‘months, and right end of bar shows 90% walk well at about 17, months. All test items are represented similarly, ‘Some tes items have a small footnote number at the left end of the bar. This number indicates the corresponding instruction for administering the item that is found at the back of the test form (see Figure 2). For example, the instruction forthe item, walks up steps, is #23 atthe hack of the test form (see Figure 4). i Some test items may be passed by report of the parent ‘The leter Rin the bar as shown in Figure 4 indicates this, Only items with an R on the form may be passed by report. Howewet, ‘whenever psd he tester should oberve wht the child can actually periorm rater than ask the parent, even though the item may be passed by report, ons which an puna ver) Foote Number 4 Figure 4 The item, egual movements, hasan asterisk (*) atthe right ‘end ofits bat. This indicates that 100% of normal children pass this item at bith. The item is hardly seen in the form but itis the only itom with an * and is located in the fine motor adaptive sector ofthe test form Nine items eve arows (>) atthe right end ofthese bas. This includes the items, defines words and composition of _. ‘Thecarrewscindigie hat moral chien: may pass these ites even beyond 6: pear of ge. ———————_—_—— =. Calculating the Child’s Age ‘The first step isto calculate the child's age. This will be the basis for drawing the age line later and determining the test items to be administered. Check the calculation very well before placing the age line onthe form Ask for the birth date of the child and calculate the exact age using this formula: date of test minus birth date equals aze of ‘child, Calculate first the days, then months, and then years, To illustrate, ifthe birth date is March 10, 1997 and the date of test is November 27, 1999, then: Spain Month Day Date of Test 8 uw 5 Birth date 7 3 10 ‘Age of Child 2 ® 5 ‘Age of this child is therefore 2 years 8 months and 15°Uays. Sometimes, it boxames neossay to “bono” inthe subeaction. Make sue 530 days are bore fam tae mena column ac 12 ms fo the yea ‘ohn. For example, ifthe same child was tested on February 5, 1999, then: Drawing the Age Line Use the age scale shown at the top and bottom of the test {our as a guide (see Figure 5). Mark the calculated age of the child on the scale and draw a line through the four sectors ofthe test form. Write the date ofthe test at the top ofthe age line. ‘The leation ofthe age lind must be acute beens the tet inrpetitin depends upon core plement of is ine The apace between age mara presets 2 weeks antl ege 14 rmonis and | mont rom 14024 months, From 24 months S ye, ques between mats reprent 3 months se tbe afer, months 0 the endo the age sel, To illustrate, in Figure 5, the test was administered on ‘March 1, 1996 to a child 3 yeats and 3 months of age (line is halfway between 3 and 3 % years) Yeu Month Day 98 3 85 Date of Test 8 4 ye Binhdute * 97 3 -10 “Age of Child 7 10 = ‘Step 1. Convert the date of test from 99 years, 2 months and 5 days into 98 years, 13 months (12+ 1) and 35, days (30 +5). ‘Step 2, Subtract the birth date from the converted date of test. "The age ofthe child atthe time of testing is therefore yea 10 months and 25 days. st Mel Adjustment for Prematurity rematurity may affect the ability ofthe child to perform or demonstrate items that other normal children pass at the same age. There is therefore a need to make adjustment for prematurity for children aged 2 years ot younger. After2 years Of age it isno longer necessary to compensate for prematurit (Frankenburg, etal, 1970). No adjustment should be made for children born later than expected. Figure 6 First, ask the pirent if the child was bom prematurely. For chien bom two or more weeks earlier than the expected date subtract the mumnber of weeks of prematurity from the actual age of, the child. This is the agjusted age. Draw the age line based on the adjusted age, not the chronological age ‘To illustrate, in Figure 6, the actual age ofthe child is 14 months ‘The child was born 6 weeks premature or 1% months earlier than the due date. Therefore, the age line is drawn 6 weeks earlier than the actual age of 12 % months, and notat 4 ‘months. Selecting lems to be Administered Items tobe aiminstered fist are those dheagh which the child's chronological age line pass. a fae oo2us any of these items proceed to adit items tothe left ofthe age ine until you obain duce pases, then stop. In items passed, continue testing to the right where the items become progressively more dfielt until the child fis three times inthat sector. . ‘Keep the following in mind in selecting the items 10 ine should be adminis- 2) the child should have a minimum of three passes tothe left of any faire; and 3) each sector should have at least three passes and ‘three failures. ‘The number of items to be administered will vary with the age and abilities of the child. Normally, child is tested on only twenty simple tasks or items. ‘The child may accomplish some of the tasks on his own, without being asked. One example is the ifem on the child's ability to sit alone, If the tester observes the child doing so at any time during the interaction, then this is passed without asking the child to demonstrate it again goss Hoa, Preliminary Phase Establish rapport with the mother/caregiver, State that ‘you are interested in observing what babies and children can 4o at certain ages, State also that this isa soreening test and rot an intelligence or IQ test. Reassure the mother/earegiver that the child is not expected to be able to do all that the child is’ asked of pass all the items administered. You ‘might explain it this way: “Maglalaro ho Kam ng inyong nao titgnan eo kang eno ang kanyang magagawa se pamamag- tn nitong mga laruan. May mga tatemmgin ci oo sano, Fowag kayong mabahala tng hind! riya magawa lahat ng aking ipagagasva o hind! niva Imasagor ang aking mga katanugan.” ‘Make the child as comfortable as possible during the test.” Sitting on the mother's or caregiver’s lap is the best position for the infant or toddler. The table on Wat’ test ‘materials ate set should be easily accessible to the child. A mat on the floor with you, the test administrator, in a kneeling postion is recommended for testing young infants fr even older children who live in poorer jiomes where tables and chairs are not common fixtures in the houses, If the child is one year old or older, put the child at ease by saying: “(Name}, may’ mga laruan akong dala Tingnan mo, 0 (Show a block).” Every effort is made to observe what the child ean actually do rather than simply asking the parent. This is done even if 46% of the items may be passed by verbal teport of a parent or other caregiver who knows the child well. Avoid testing the child when he is ill, sleepy, tted, ‘hungry or upset. 201087 Moret Administering the Test Generally, the test starts with the personal-social sector. ‘This gives the child a chance to get used to the tester while the tester asks the parentearegiver items which can be scored based on report but can also be ditectly observed, ‘The items that need to be administered directly in this seotor are given next. Fine motor-ndaptive sector follows. In this sector, the child can perforin the task at hand without having to talk to the tester directly as yet. For the shy Filipino child, this is an essential warming-up period. The language sector is tested next. As Frankenburg et al, (1970) have observed: “By the time you have reached this ‘Point in the tes, the child will be more comfortable with you ‘and muck more likely o answer questions and ralk to you.” ‘The gross motor sector is tesed last. Many children are too shy to try these items at the beginning of test. Although the above sequence is recommended, there are instances when you may vary the sequence of some items in order to take advantage of the child’s interest. For example, {est items using common test materials like blocks may be ‘administered in sequence although these test items may belong to different sectors. This enables you to put the blocks away and divert the child’s attention to the next task. In general, clearing the tablefloor of all materials except those forthe task at hand minimizes distractions. What may not be changed, however, isthe manner in which each tet item is administered. Words or directions aay not be changed. Otherwise test inistaton will not be standard, AVoid asking questions in such a way that you suggest the ans ost ot For each sector, start sith items that the child is able t0 perform easily. This motivates the child to perform the rmiore difficult tasks later on and provides the parent some satisfaction as well. Praise the child for histher efforts ‘When the child has had 3 failures in one sector, move on to the next sector ofthe test. Tn general, the child is allowed 3 trials to perform each item before a score of failure is given Please note that some items have required number of trials. ‘This is specified in the section on specific test item administration, ‘To minimize refusals, the following suggestions made by Frankenburg etal. are recommended: ‘Tell the child what t0 do"(Gawin/gayahin mo ito) and not ask “ean be” or “will hie.” If the child refuses to do any of the items, the parent! ‘caregiver should be asked to administer the item instead. Tt ‘is important that the parenticaregiver be told exactly how to do this, Ifthe child still refuses, score the item “R™. Score “R" instead of “F" only if you feel certain that the ‘child can perform the item but refuses to do so atthe time of | the tes, A good way to validate this is to ask the parent if the child has performed whatever is being asked of him at some previous time. For example, the child refuses to jump at the time of the test yet the parent reports that the child jumps all the time at home. Since this item cannot be passed by report, "R” would be the approximate score. ‘Once you have completed the test administration, note pertinent observations on the child’s cooperation, attention span, verbal behavior, self-confidence, nervous habits, parent-child relationships, as well as your own overall feeling about the testing. In some instances, a child may have a normal test result, yet, he/she may present some _ problems in certain areas that need to be addressed by the health care worker. Personal-Social _ Regards face ‘Administration Place the child on his back, The tester should come face to face to within : inches ofthe child. Scoring Pass if the child actually looks “it tester Smiles responsively ‘May pass by réport (R) Adminisation Smile and talk to the child, Do not — ‘cue im, Seoring Pass if the child smiles hack. If this cannot be seen, ask the parent if the child smiles without being touched. (R) Question ——-Ngumingiti na ba ang bata bung Kinakausap mo, kahit hind hina awakan? spontaneously 1288 by report (R) ‘Administration During the test see ifthe child smiles at tester or patent without any stinu- lation, ether by touch or sound Pass ifthe child smiles on his own at ‘any time during the test. If this can- nnot be seen, ask the parent, "Does + your child smile without you touching ‘or talking to hin?” Scoring avs Hoe (R) Question Ngumingitt ba ang bate kahie hindi Works for toy finakeasap 0 hinahawakan? Administation Place a toy that the child seems to enjoy on the tble a Hite out of his Feeds self cracker reach, Do not leave toy out of reach May pass by report (R) foo long or too faraway. ‘This moy ‘Administration Ask paentifhe child feds himselta upset the cil Ts cracker oF cookie. Scoring Pas if the chil tres to get the toy Scoring ‘Pass ifthe parent says the child can do . Any stretching of arm or arms or this. Score “NO” if for some reason body to get the toy is pass. Child the child has not ben allowed t have dls not have to actually pick up the cracker or cookie toye (R) Question Nakakakain na ba siya ng mag-isa ng : cookie o cracker? Tnitially shy with strangers ‘May pass by report (R) Resists toy pull . Adminisation See if the child seems to be shy of ‘Administration Give the child a toy. While he is ‘wary of the tester when he ist sees playing with i, gently try to pull i the tester. away from him. - ‘Seong “Passi the child-at first shows some Scoring Pass if the child pulls back onthe ty. hesitation or a litle shyness of the Child should actually resist having the tester Ithiscanot bese ake pret toy akon from him $e chil oc difeery wands soanges than he does to people hes aia wit. (t Plays peek-a-boo is important otto ask ithe is afraid of ‘Administration Make a small hole in the middle of the strangers. This may be misleading.) test form with a pencil or pen, When (R) Question —_Nangingitala na ba ang bata? the child is looking at the tester, the tester hides his face with the test Plays pat-a-eake “form, Tester then looks around the test form twice and says, “Peek-a boo.” Look through the hole tose the child watches for you to reappear. ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Try to get the child to play pat-a-cake ‘or wave bye-bye. Do not touch the ‘hil’s hands or rms De ot sno the paper or the eid Scoring Pas ifthe child responds to this. f walla aint this cannot be een, ask the parent it as ifthe child ook i the direction ld play go gnc as pal ‘where tester’s face appeared before. elt ee af ‘ike, w-big, orbye-bye without the sane tam eee peat moving the cll's hands or scoring Pass ifthe cid can do this. (The cup a Ist nt bethe ype ta as pout) (R)Qvestion ——_Nakatopapbabay 0 nakakapatakpak () Question Natatahawal aba sia ng laa © ne ba syn nang hind hnberwchan dao t nakakinom rake lag ‘ang mga kamay? ‘ang natatapon? Plays ball with examiner Removes garments ‘Administration Roll the ball tothe child and try to get. «| May pass by report (R) him ool tor toss back, Administrator "Ask the parent ifthe child can remove scoring Paste child ols ot tosses the tll fay of cohing such as cou shoes beck toward he ester (Handi the ox tate ‘allo the esters nota pss) Scoring Passi the eld can remove elohing : ther than his ha, socks, or dae Tadieates wants (ot ery) apes a | (Question Rasa ba nb gk dant, ‘Admisvation Ask the parent how the cil ets one spats. ops hin tna? know what he wants, (“How does - fname) let you kno rhe wants? —_Tmltmte housewarke =~ * something such as glass of water ora May pass by report (R) toy") ‘Administration Ask the parent ifthe child imitates Scoring ass if the child lets someone know household chores such as dusting and ‘what he wants by pointing, pulling or sweeping. saying a word. (Crying isnot pass.) Scoring ass ifthe child copies any type of (®) Question : Peano nivaipinaaalan: ma may gusto housework. Siva, gaya ng laruan 0 win atbp.? (R) Question __Gumagaya ba ang bata ng rabahong- é ohay kanlad ng pagpupunas, pag Drinks from cup, wawelis? May pass by report (R) Administration Ask the parent if the child can hold Uses spoon, spilling little ‘up or glass and drink from it without “May pass by report (R) spilling much Administration Ask the parent if the chilé uses @ ‘spoon or fork to eat. If, how much does he spill? OO !_TE_——— 2087 Mas aos Bw) Scoring Pas ifthe child can use the spoon oF Washes and dries hands fork to get food to his mouth without May pase by repost (R) spilting much ‘Administration Ask the parent ifthe child can wash (R) Question Nakaagamit ba ang bata ng husero na aot lang ang natatapon? Naisusubo bo nije ang pagiain gaya ng kanin 0 ‘gulay ra haunt lane ang natapon? Helps in house - simple tasks ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the paren if the child helps ia the hhouse by doing simple things like pting toys away or geting something for ‘parent when asked. Scoring Pass if the child actually helps in the Bouse in any way. Nakakatulong na ba siva sa gawaing bahay tulad ng pagiitie se laruan? Nawutusan-na ba ninyo, gaya ng “Paabotng...?" R ) Question Puts on clothing May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the parent if the child can put on any of his ov clothing such as underpants, socks orshoes. Scoring Pass if the child can put any of his own clothing. Shoes do not have to be tied or on the correct foot. (Fail, if child can put on only adul-size clothing.) Nakapag-susuot na ba sivang meg-isa rng kanyang damit, panty, medyas, sapatos 0 tsinelas? (R) Question fn dry is mn ans Scoring Pas omy ithe child can do al pas of the tv tks without belp, except fuming on faucets that are out of his reach Hands shoud be almost com pletely feof soup end aiiost con pletely dry to pass, Kapog ava ay naghuhugas ng kamay kaa na ba nan magsabon, mae teanlaw at magpie nag mags, ar hina kllongen itn pa? (R) Question Plays interactive games May pass by report (R)_. ‘Administration Ask the parent what kind of games the child plays with other children, Scoring ass if the parent says the child plays games in which he takes tums with ‘otter children. Examples: hide and seek, tag, cops and robbers. Chasing and fighting are not passes. (the, child plays with cars or dolls by himseif “but where oer chien ar paying, this! #8 nota pass) Arann ing lro eg sinasaan sana ng ibarg baa? B) Question Separates from mother easily ‘May pass by report (R) Administration, At the end of the test, see how the hikt-aots-yherr eis "asked To stay ‘with the tester while the parent leav As Na, _ savor one the room, or see if the cid will leave Buttons up the room with the tester without the May pass by report (R) parent. This shoud not be done before ‘Administration Ask the parent if the child can button the end ofthe tes incase the ch gts ae piece of clothing up Scoring ass if the parent says thatthe child Scoring ass ifthe chill does not become too can! Bittans do nit need t bathe upset. If this cannot be seen, ask the as ese ieee eee R) Question. Naibubuiones/naikutativeres na ba ni baby sitter, other than someone living in the household, without getting too ‘upset, Pass the parent answers yes. (R) Question —_—_Naiwanan na basi fname) sa hind kasambahay ng hind liyak? Dresses with supervision May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Aske the parent (fene-child-can dress: himself. IF so, bow much help is needed? Scoring Pass ithe child ean put on and take off | his clothes, knows the front fom the | back, and needs no help except for | {ying shoes or puting buttons into the right holes. Parent may help the child by telling him what to do_as long as the parent does not actually help the child put on the cloths. (R) Question Nakapagbibihis na bang mag-isa si (name)? Sa anong bagay siya nangangeilangan mg tulong, kung siya ay naghibihis? ‘iuame) ang damic riya? Dresses without supervision ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Scoring (R) Question, ‘Ask the parent if the child can dress himself without any belp. ‘Pass ifthe child can dress himself ‘completely and correctly without help.) He may have help only for tying shoe laces, and for girls, button ing or zipping the back of the dresses. Kayang-aya na ba ni (name) ang ‘mogbihis ng tama at tapos na tapos rng hindi rnutulungan? OO 260s Ma Fine Motor Adaptive Follows to midline Administration Place the child on his back. (At this age the child's face will be tumed to ‘one side or the other. } Hold the red yarn about 6 inches in front of the Thild’s face. Shake the yam to attract the child’s attention and then, move it slowly from one side in an er (or half circle) over the middle of the child’s head to the other side. If necessary, the movement of the yam may be stopped to reattract the child's aten- tion and then continue the are, This ray be repeated thee times. Watch the child's head and Scoring Pass if the child follows the yam to the middle point of the are with either his ‘eyes alone or his head and eyes alto- gether. Make sure that the yarn has attracted the child's attention and that hae did not follow it before a failure is aiven, Equal movements Administration While the child is on his back or being held by the pacent, watch the activity of the child's arms and legs. Scoring Pass if the child moves his arms and legs equally. (Fail if one leg or arm does not move as much as the other.) Follows past midline Administat Place the child on his back. Hold the red yam about 6 inches in front of the child's face. Shake the yar to attract the chiles attention and then move it slowly from one side in an are over the mmidale of the child tothe other side. If + necessary, the movement of the yarn ray be stopped to reattract the child's ———-sttention-and-then-cantinue-the-are- — ‘This may be repeated three times Welch drechi'shea and eyerovenens. Scoring Pass if the child follows the yarn past the middle point of the are with either feyes alone or his head and eyes to- iether. Make sure that the wool has attracted the childs attention, and that hae did not follow it before a failure is aiven, Follows 180° ‘Administation Place the cil on his tack. Hold the re yam about 6 inches in ont ofthe cis Tice. Shake the yam to tit the eil’s Mention and then, move it slowly fom one side in an are over the mid ofthe cls the iE nese, the movement of yam may be stopped to reatiract the child's attention and then Grasp rattle ‘continue the are, This may be repeated Administration Place a rattle touching the back or three times. Watch the child's head and tips ofthe child's fingers when he is eye movements ‘om his back on the table or is being Scoring Pass ifthe child follows the wool with his held by his parent. hhead and eyes through the complete are Scoring Pass ifthe child grasps the rattle for fiom one side tothe other. . 2 few seconds. ve BO oss = Regards cheese eur ——-—~ Administration The child should be held on the parents lap so that he can place his Hands together hhands on the table, Drop a cheese May pass by report (R) curl directly in front of the child Administration Watch child to see if he touches his ‘within easy reach, (The cheese curl hands together in the midline (middle of Should be doped on sues that Tir body) thc bo san mk the shold be ened on suis tt ‘parent if child has done this before, paper, so that it can easily be seen). Scoring * as, ifchild touches his fingers together The tei inay fol ocr touch in the midline. Fal if this happens only ® cheese uo stat he cis ateson ‘when child is being cradled in parent's) See wieder the cl looks a the dese ames and the hands re forced together: a (R) Question Napagaabot na ba ng bata ang lanyarg Scoring Pass if the child looks atthe cheese mga daliri sa gima mg katarwan curl. (Fail if the child looks at the (Gemostate) na hind nyo tnauagan 0 finger or hand instead ofthe cheese kinakarga? cur) 10087 ama Reaches for object Scaring Pass if the child picks up 2 blocks and holds 1 in each hand atthe same time. Ma pmb tol falieenar ‘Administration child shoud be held onthe parent's ap this cannot be seen, ask the parent i so that is elbons are level with the tabletop the child picks up 2 objects like ths. and that be can easily place his hands on the (R) Question ——_Kepag nokngo cng fata raked ra ba siya ng dalawang bagay at nahahawakan ito ng sabay sa tig- isang kamay? table, Place a toy (such as the rattle) within easy reach of the child and tell him with words or motion to pick itup. Scoring, Pass if the child reaches toward the Helen lemmamesl, sitet . toy. He does not need 10 touch or *"=—-Administaton The child should be held On the pa- pick up the toy for a pass. If this rents lap so that he can. place his cannot be seen, ask the parent if the ands on the table, Drop a cheese child has done tis curl drely in font ofthe child with- (R)Queation Repay may lun sa kerry berpem, in easy reach, (The cheese cut] regal na basher aban? «should be dropped on surfae that gives a good contrast, such as white Sit, looks for yarn — paper, so that i can easily be seen) ‘Adminisation While the cit sting on the paert’s ap, The fester miny pinto ortuch he chesse stat his ater wit the red yao, When ca to atte thei saterton. Seow islookingatthe yarn, drop itso that it ‘he chil piks up the choc falls out of his line of vision, Tester Scoring Pass ifthe child picks up the cheese should not move hand or arm except carl with his bs srg aking motion to et go ofthe yan ‘Make sue tht he cid was nt able 1 Scoring Pass if child continues o look where § pick it up only because of sticky fie the red yam disappeared or tiesto see! gorse He should also be passed if he where it went. uses a thumb-o-finger or neat pincer rsp. Sit, takes 2 eubes May pass by report (R) Administration Place 2 blocks on the table in front of the child, Tell the child to pick up the gE blocks with words or motion, but do Ge not hand the blocks to the child. SSIS; ool seins” ovement ete os Met sasosr one) Passes eube hand to hand child has banged small objects such May pass by report (R) 45 blocks, together like this. "(Pots ‘Admmnistation See whether or not the child passes a and pans or other laxge objects do not block fom one hand to the other. The count) tester may encourage this by giving (R) Question Malibu ho sa_malalaking bagey the child a block end then presenting hnakakaganito (demonstrate) na ba a second block to the hand that is siyang mga laruang kasing iit nito? already holding one. The child il often pass the first block to the other ‘Thumb-finger grasp hand so that he can pick up the second ‘Administration , Theda bend on the pret'seps0 . block, on “+ teth canpaehishnds on tet: Dropa Scoring Pass ifthe child passes the block fin chose cut dretly in front ofthe child one hand to the other without using = sthin easy reach. (The cheese cur his mouth, body of table. If this ean- should be dropped on a surface that ec east sac the paren he gives @ good contrast, such as white ‘passes amall items from one hand to + ape, 9 that it can be eaily scen) the other. (Long objects such as The tester may demonstrate, point to spoons tis ies ws wort) cor touch the cheese curl to attract the = (R) Question Maltban sa malalaking bagay gaya ne child's attention. See how the child rattle 0 kutsara, nakapagtilipat-lipat picks up the cheese cur nna ba siva ng maliit na bagay sa Scoring Pass if the child picks up the cheese anyang mga kamay? curl using any prt ofthe thumb and 2 finger by bringing them together. He Bangs 2 cubes held in hands should also be passed if he uses a neat May pass by report (R) incor ssp, Administration A block is placed in each hand of the chill, The tester may encourage the shuld to hit the blocks together with, ar banging motions, but he may not touch the child's hands or do the ac- ‘tion for him."The tester may show the child as long as the tester does not use ‘Neat pincer grasp of cheese curl or] ‘Administration ‘The cil should beheld on the parent's lap so that he can place his hands on the Scot Pas if the child its the blocks m hb together in front of himself. If this cannot be seen, ask the parent if the Drop a cheese curl directly in front of (R) Question Kapag siya ay binigyan ng lapis at the child within easy reach, (The papel, sia ba ay nokqpog euguhit- cheese curl should be dropped on a gubil ng mag-isa? surface that gives a good contast such as white paper, so tht itcan be ‘Tower of 2 cubes easly seen). The tester may point to ‘Adiministretion Place blocks on the . or touch the cheese cur to attract the table in front ofthe child. The ester child's attention. See how the child | may encourage him to stack the picks up the cheese cur. blocks one upon the other as high as Scoring Pass if child picks up the cheese curt the ean by showing him how and for ‘using the ends of thumb and index handing the child the blocks. “(Th@ finger wit an overhand approach very young child is sometimes dis- “tracted by a number of blocks and © Tee 4a oe (onan eee ee Se sexing Pa ae ES ce eco rare oes oe ara peters at dos a Fre pape canbe eatacing | ‘when he removes his hands, Serta potseaety steve otd one iy py pe dinon Pae lca ca te wei on of weet ac pice of paper nt ein anaes eae feo afte cade hth Maton ben cketpon be fuasnmch em ely The eer eat a won sone Moye he perce chs ec eat ec ale nay nto tec hon See ie td ay kee ep orate Siesta cnnfanel acct sous Packie eld mates oof mee een purpose tang on ie pase sents ates Tals car tts Piteeusaires ovens ra conten barter eo Sit ect Hf carb cees oo ask the parent if the child scribbles * = a without help. ‘Tower of 8 cubes Imitates vertical line ‘Administration Scoring Administration Scoring 30 degree ange PASS eee ———— Dumps cheese curl from bottle- spontaneously Place blocks on the table in front of the child. The taster may encourage him to stack the blocks one upon the other a8 high as he can by showing him how and / or handing the child the blocks. The child may have up to three trials. Present rest of blocks, (Gamitin mong lahat ito) Pass if child balances 8 blocks on top ‘of one another so that they do not fall, ‘Administration Scoring ‘The child should be seated at the table 0 that he is at a comfortable wri level. Place paper and pencil in front ‘of the child and tell hirs 19 Aro Hina like the tester. The tester should demonstrate how to draw vertical lines in the up and down (vertical) position for the child. Do not guide the child’s hand. Draw vertical line, (Gavan mo ito.) Pass ifthe child makes 1 line oF more fn the paper, at least 1 inch long and sot varying fom the veal ine by mere han 30 degees Gee expe) Lins dort haveto os / arg aage FAILURE ‘Administration Scoring tes bridge ‘Administration les than 30 degre angle Pass Place a cheese curl in the bottle and tell the child to get it out. Do not use the word “dump”, or tell the child hhow to get the ‘cheese curl out (Mtabas mo ang ivong cheese curl.) Pass ifthe child dumps the cheese curl out ofthe bottle without being shown how to do it. (Dumping the cheese curl diecly into the mouth or raking» it out ofthe Bote witha finges isnot apes) 6 Dumps cheese curl from bottle - demonstrated First see if child does this sponta- neously. Ifnot, place a cheese curl in the bottle and tell the child to got it ‘out, If the child does not dump the cheese cur, from the bottle on his ‘own, show him how to do it 2 or 3 times. (Gawin mo ito.) Pass ifthe child dumps the cheese cur! ut of the bottle, either on his own, or afer he is shown how to do it, (Dumping the cheese curl directly into the mouth or raking it out of the bottle with a finger is nota pass.) ‘The tester should tell the child to watch closely while the tester builds a bridge. Place 2 blocks side bby side with Tess than a block’s space ee 2607 Mel sans Man covers the space between, The tester (Alin ang mahabo, ito 0 ito?) Point 10 then gives 3 blocks to the child and Hines tells him to build a bridge like the one Scoring, Pass if the child picks the longer line the tester built. The bridge should be 3 out of 3 times, Ifhe fails to do this, left standing for the child to copy. the tester must give the item 3 more ‘The tester should not point out the times. A pass is. given if the child opening. (Masclan mong mabuti picks the longer ine 5 out of 6 times. ltong ginagawa to.) Demonstrate The child receives a pass only if he is (Gawin mo rin ang ganito,) Give comest 3 out of 3 times or 5 out of 6 blocks. times. Scoring, Pass if the child copies the blpck. bridge that the tester built, If the 2° blocks on the bottom of the bridge are touching, ask the child “Is your bridge like my bridge?” If the child's bridge is not tight, the tester should not give hints to the child for correcting his Picks longer line 3 of 3orSof6 Administration Show the parallel lines on the back of the test form (Footnote # 10) t0 the child and ask him, “Which tine is longer ?” (The word bigger cannot be changed.) After the child has pointed to the line he thinks is longer, turn the sheet upside down and ask the ques- tion again. ‘This must be done at least 3 times. Copies © Administration Show the circle on the back of the test form Foototed iter #9) tothe child Donot name it or move your finger or pencil t0 show how to draw it. Tell the child to draw one like the picture (Gawin mo ito) Point to the picture. Scoring Pass any enclosed form that is not rade up of continuous round mo- tions. (See examples.) OO OG “Asan wots Fs FAILURE ratune ee ose anes Imitates demonstrated Administration First, see if child can copy from the Picture without being shown how to ‘draw the figure. If he cannot, show the square onthe back of the test form to the child. Do not name it or move your finger or pencil to show how to draw it ‘Tellthe child to caw one fhe te picture. Ihe i uuuie to copy the pictur, the fester shoul show him how by drewing to opposite Sis fst and then the cer two opposites riher thm dewing the squae witha comin vmeion. When the square is dawn wih a continues mation it may appear round ote dil Gomes le) Demons. Seoring Pass"if the child draws a figure with Straight lines and with 4 square comers. The comers may be f: ‘that intersect, but the comers must be approximately right angles CL. ) and not rounded (7 ) or pointed (Y ). The length should be less than 2 times the width, Pass FAILURE. FAILURE. a Copies + Administration Scoring xx 7. N Pass Show the cross on the back of the test, form (Footnoted Iter #11) to the child Do not name it or move your finger or pencil to show how to draw it, Tell the child to draw one like the picture (Gayahin 0 gawin mo ive) Point to the picture. ass if the child draws 2 lines which intersect at any point. The lines do not need to be exacily straight. Ifthe ehild uses 3 or 4 strokes to draw the cross, any 2 intersecting js pas. FAILURE Draws man -3 parts ‘Administration Give the child pencil and paper and tell him to draw a picture of a boy or gitl (man or woman). Do not tel him to add other parts to his drawing. When he seems to have finished his drawing, ask, “Are you finished?” Ifthe child answers, “Yes.” score the drawing. (Magdrawing kang tao. Tapos kaa bt) It yes, then Rote. Scoring Pass Copies “Administration OO Pass if the child has drawn 3 or more body parts. One point is given for each pair (ars, eyes, etc.) as well as for each part which is not a pair (head, neck, body, ete). (See example.) [fone part or pair is not drawn, i is not counted. Note in the test observations any unusual ctrawings, even ifthe child has identified acceptable pars Pass Pass FAILURE Show the square on the back of the test form (Footnoted item #12). Do not name it or move your finger or pencil to show how to draw it, Tell the child to draw one like the picture. (Gumawa ka ing tulad nito) Point tothe picture, Scoring Pass if the child draws @ figure with straight lines and with 4 square comers without being shown how to draw it ‘The comers may be formed by lines that intersect. The comers must not be rounded or pointed. (See example) ‘fhe length should be less than 2 times the width, Pose Faile sine Draws man - 6 parts ‘Administation Give the child a pencil and paper and tell, him to draw a picture of a boy or girl, (man or woman). Do not tell him to add other parts to his drawing, When be seems to have finished his drawings. —ask,,"Are_you finished?” If the child answers "YE," seore the drawing Seoring eee eel Pass ifthe child has drawn 6 oF more body parts. One point is given fr each pair (eas, eyes, ee.) as woll a for each single part (head, neck, body, etc.) See example. Note in the test observations any wnosual drawing, eventhough the child has identified acceptable parts FAILURE ute Language Responds to bell Administration Hold the bell so that the child cannot see it (othe side and a litle behind his ean. Ring the bel quietly. I the + child doos not seem to notice, try it fg ater inthe test exsion Scoring Passi the child shows in any way that . . ‘he‘has heard the tell, such as movement of © ees changin brent, ray the change in the child's activity: ¢ Vocalizes - not erying May pass by report (R) ‘Administration During the test, listen for sounds other than crying, such as cooing sounds. Scoring ass if the child makes sounds other than crying. If this cannot be heard, ask the parent ifthe child does this. (R) Question Matiban sa pag-ivak, may nadidinig ka na bang ibang’ tinig/salita sa Hanya? Anwanong tinig/salita ang nagagawa niya? Laughs ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration During the test check whether the child laughs aloud, Scoring |PPess if the child laughs aloud without 1) being tickle. this cannot be heard, ask the parent ifthe child does this (R) Question Tumatawana ba sivang malakas kahit — Hy insle. Squeals ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration During the test check whether the chila‘makes ‘highpitched, happy, P squealing sounds. Scoring Pass if the child makes these sounds, If these cannot be heard, ask the par- ent ifthe child does this. Tumitili na ba siva na parang masayang-masaya? Pawo sha tani? R) Question “Turns to voice Administration Wie te alison dees ince conthetable ficingtixe parent, approach the child fiom behind to within 8 inches of her eas Whispor the childs ame several tes taking cae that tester’s breath “does “hot tOucn thé chil child might then tam to where he feos the breath rater than tothe sound), Give up 3 tals Seoring Bass ifthe child toms tothe diction ofthe voie. Da-da or Ma-ma, non-specific ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administetion Check whether the child says “da-da” or “mama” al any time during the test Scoring Pass ifthe child says either “da-da” or “mama”. The child does not have to associate these with a parents If this cannot be heard, ask the parent ifthe child does this: ~~ ower Moma (R) Question Nakatapagsabi na ba siya ng dada 0 ‘mamattata o papa? (Hind! kailangan na ang mommy 0 daddy and kanyang tinutukoy,) Imitates speech sounds ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administation Check whether the child imitates sounds made by his parent or the Scoring th like those he has heard within the last ‘minute, It hese cannot be heard, ask ‘the parent if the child does this. (R) Question | Nakakagaya na ba siya ng inyong nga salta? Anong mga saliva ang nagagaya niya? Dada oF Macma, specific May pas by report (R) Administration Check whether the child says “dada” to his father or “mama” to his other during the test. Scoring Pass ifthe child ses ether “mane ‘or dada" comectly for his mother ot father If this cannot be heard, asthe parent ifthe child does hs ‘Nakapagsasab na ba siya #9 nyo ng tovafdeda va karyang ama, 0 na-nal tmarma sa karvang ina? (R) Question ‘3 words other than ma-ma, da-da May pass by report (R) : Ask she pase whet words the child wes Tegularly for specific objects, persons, er actions, Scoring Pas if parent reports child uses at la Scoring ‘Pass ifthe child correctly names any” 3 specific words other than “la-da” ‘one picture. Words such as horsey for “mama”, The words do not have are acceptable, Pass also ifthe child to be understandable but must mean fives the name of his pet iit isthe the same thing each time they are same animal as pictured, (Fail ani used, (No credit is given for “dada” mal sounds like ‘Meow” or “Woof” or “ma-ma”) (R) Question May nasasabi na ba siyang ibang ‘salita maliban 8a tata/dada 0 nana’ ‘mama sa tiving gagamitin niva ay jpareho ang ibig sabthin? ‘Combines 2 different words ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Searing (R) Question [Names one picture ‘Administration Check whether the ebild combines 2 for more words to make a meaningfl pluase Pass if the-child-seys-a-yneaninghid pluase of 2 or more words suc “play ball”, * want milk” and “get down". (No credit is given for a Single-ides combination such as “bye- bye", “thank you", and “peeks too") Ifthis cannot be heard, ask the pare ifthe child does this, Nakapagdudugtong-dugrong na ba sivaing 2 0 higt pang sali kung may ibig sivang sabikin, rdad rg “laro ako”, "gusto ko”, lbp? Point to the pictures on the back of the test form (Footnoted item #14) cone at time and ask the child, “What js this?” (Ano ito?) ex Follows directions 2of3 ‘Administration ata ft “The tester should tll the parent not to move and then give the child a block, Tell him to do the following, fone at a tim “Give the block to Mommy” (Ubigay mo ito sa Nanay.) “Put the block on the table” Ulagay mo ito sa mesa.) Put the block an the loor”” Glagay mo ito sa sahig,) ‘The tester and the parent should be careful not to give the child help by ‘eokingor_ pointing at Mommy. table or floor. Scoring Uses Plurals ‘Pass if the child follows 2 of the srctions correctly 5 ‘May pass by report (R) Administration Scoring (R) Question. Place 3 blocks in font ofthe child on a cleared ible. Ask the child, “What are these?" (Ano i?) Pass if the child answers “blocks” sing “s" to indicate. more than one block. Ifthiscannot be dbsorved, ask te paren ifthe cild uses "3" onthe end of words to indicate more than fone of anything. To pass the child need not say“ clearly, but he does have to tell the difference between ‘one and more than one. Nadinig. nebo gumamit ng salitang “mga” 0 “marami” kung mahigit sa isa ang nakikivang mga bagay-bagay, gaya rng “mga ibon"” 0 kaya nagdadagdag rng “s” gaya ng “birds” hung English ‘ang gamit na salita? Gives first and last name ‘May pass by repért (R) Administration ‘Ask the child, "What is you r name?” ithe gives only his frst name ask him to give his last name or both names. (Ano ang pangalan mo?) Probe. (E, “yung apeiyido mo ? Ano pa?) Pass ifthe child gives understandable (anced not be perfect) names. ‘Nick ames are acceptable 2 If this cannot be observed, ask the parent ifthe child can give his first or nickname and last-name without hints Nasasabi na ba ni (child ) ang Kanyang buong pangatan ng walang ‘long? (R) Question, ‘Comprehends cold, tired, hungry 20f3 ‘Administration Ask the child the following questions, ‘one at» time: “What do you do when you are tired?” (no ang ginagawa ‘mo kung ikaw ay pagod?) (010 sleep, sit down, rest) “what do you do wiien you are cold? (Ano ang ginaganwa mo nn sung ikaw ay giniginas?) (ut on a coat, go inside, turn up the furniture.) (Do not pass if the ohilé any swers this with “tough”, “take, medicine" or any other answer 5 “shout having a cold, He did not understand whet was being asked.) “What do you do whien you are hungry?” (Ano ane ginagawa ‘mo kung ikaw ay gutom?) (cat, have supper, ask for something to eat) [Pass ifthe child gives a logical answer ‘for 2 out of the 3 questions. Some Scoring Comprehends prepositions 3of4 Administration ‘The tester should tell the parent not to move and then give the child a bloc, Tell him to do the following, one at a time: “Put the block on the table.” Ulagay mo ito sa ibabew ng a.) “Pat the block under the table.” + lagay mo ito sa ilalim ng mesa.) atthe block in front of | Mommy's chair.” (Mlagay mo ito sa harap ng silya ni Nanay:) “Put the block behind her chair (lagay mo ito salikod ng silva ni Nang j - ‘A wrong answer should not be ‘corrected, Scoring \ Pass if the child follows 3 of the 4 directions comectly. 5 Recognizes colors 30f4 May pass by report (R) Administration Place a red, blue, green and yellow block together on the table in front of the child, Tell the child to point to oF tive to you the red block, the blue block, etc. IF the child hands the block to the tester, the block should bbe replaced on the table before the next color is asked for. Do.not let the? child know if his responses ere right, for wrong Do not ask the child to name the colors. (Ibigayvituo mo sa akin ang pula, dilaw, berde,asul,) Pass i the child picks 3 ofthe 4 colors correctly. IF this eannot be seen, ask the parent if the child can point out 3 of the 4 colors shown, Alin sa mga kulay na ito ang naituturo nya? Scoring R) Question Opposite Analogies 20f3 ‘Administration Make sure the chilis listening tothe tester and then say: (one sentence at atime, wait forthe child ofl in the tank) “Fine ist ce is_ 2° (cold, . ‘cool freezing; aot wei, melts, wae te) [Kang ang apey ay maint, ang yeloay J “Mother isa woman, Dad isa_?” (onan; not Daddy, boy, husband.) [Kung si nancy ay babae, stay y J A horses big a mouse is ” [Ang kabayo ay malaki ang daga oy 7 (Each sentence may be repeated 3 times ifnecessary.) Scoring Pass ifthe child gives any appropriate ‘opposite word in 2 of the 3 analogies. ‘A few of the correct answers are listed above. ——s Klee — Most tat Defines words 609 ‘Administration Make sure the chil is listening to the tester and then say, “lam going to saya word and I want yout tell re what iti.” Askeachword ane att 2 tn. Wht is bal..rver..desk..-house, bana ‘na!..curtain,..r0of. ..fence...road...? Fach word may be asked 3 times if necessary. Wait for the child's an- ‘wer after each word agbiigay ako ng isang sala at Sabihin mo kang ano ito: bola iogexmesabahay..2aging.Rurt nav. bubong.~bakodkalsada..) Paas ifthe child defines 7 ofthe 9 ‘words interns of 1-0, @) shape, (3) what itis made of, or (4) general category (suchas banana is fruit but not merely “yellow” or “banana skin") “Circle” is an acceptable answer for “What is a ball”; how- ver, nnee omy clildren soem 13 think acceptance of “circle means all words mist be defined by she, it may be helpfil to ask the chile to “ill me something ele about a all” In this way a child will be directed to other definitions ae well as sage Composition of 30f3 ‘Administration Make sure the child is listening to the tester and then ask the following ‘questions, one at a time: (Ano ang alnagawang...) “What isa spoon made of 2° (hutsara) “What isa shoe made of? (sapatos) “What isa door made of win) Wait for the child’s answer after cach question. Each question may be repeated 3 times if necessary. * Note: Ifunableto understand the above, ask: ———- — Kung ang mesa ay yari sa kahoy ‘ang kulsara ay varia ‘ang sapatos ay yari sa - ‘ang pintuan ay yari sa Scoring Pass hci replies that FA spoons made of metal (ot toy pei meta, plaster wood riots made of feather Fer cloth, plastic and. 00d Plastic. wood or other unustial anes us sepa if hd ‘is wearing or owns such shoes, Soca doors made of ood, al oe) Gross Motor Stomach (Sto) lifts head May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Place the child on his stomach on fat surface, Scoring Pass if the child momentarily lifts his head so that his chin is off the table without being tuned to either sido, (R) Question Kapag nakadapa ong bata, naitataas na ba niya ang kanyang baba kahit sandal? Stomach (Sto) head up 45° ‘Administration Place the child on his stomach on ‘2 flat surface, Sooring, Pass if the child lifts his head so that his face makes an approximate 43 degree angle with the table sans Mot ‘Stomach (Sto) head up 90° Administration Seoring Place the child on his stomach on @ flat surface, ass if the child lifts his head, and chest up so that his face makes 1190 degree angle with the table Sk ‘Stomach (Sto) chest up, arm support ‘Administration Scoring Sitthead steady ‘Administration Scoring Place the child on his stomach on & fst. surfsce. Pass if the child lifts, his head and chest up, using support of cutstreched hands or forearms so “that his face is looking straight ahead. Hold the child ina siting position. Pass if child holds head upright and steady with no bobbing. motion. (Fail if child holds head steady for only a few seconds and then drops it tochest or sideways.) Rolls over Scoring ass ifthe child briefly supports most May pass by report (R) of his weight on his legs. Ifthe child ‘Administation Tester should sce this or ask the keeps hhis legs rigid to support his parent ifthe child rolls from back to stomach or from stomach to back Scoring Pass if the child rolled completely ‘over, not just to or from side, ether way (not accidentally) two times or more. (®) Question Dumadapa na ba sivang mag-isa? lang beses na nivang nagawa ito? Pull to sityno head lag ‘Administration Place the child on his back. Grasp his hands or wrists and gently pull to 4 siting position. Do not pull the child up fast or his head will be forced to hang ica” ~~ Scoring Pass ifthe child’s head does not hang. at any time while he is being pulled up. Pass ‘Bear some weight on legs ‘Administration Hold the child upright so that his feet rest onthe table. Slowly loosen your child completely hhand support but do not release the ‘weight, pass the item but note on the test form thatthe legs were rigid Sits without support ‘Administration’ Hold the child oa sitting position on table. Making sure child does not fall, slowly remove your hands. Scoring Pass if the chilésits alone for 5 seconds or more. Child may put his fhgnds on his legs or the table for support Stands holding on * Place the child in standing position holding on to a solid object (not a person.) Scoring Pass if the child stands 5 seconds ot more by holding on. If this canmot be seen, ask the parent if the child can do this. (R) Question, Nakatarayo na ba sivang mag-isa ng mga 5 segundo na nakahawak Tamang sa isang bagay? Pulls self o stand May pass by report (R) Administration Check or ask parent if the child pulls hhimself to standing position while holding on to a solid object (such as the-crib-rail-a- chnir-leg.or table) ‘without help from a person. Scoring Pass ifthe cild can pull himself into Stanal alone well a standing postion May pass by report (R) (R) Question Mula sa pagka-upo, nakatatayo na ba ‘amiisteation Place the child standing on the floor. siyang mag-isa ng walang tulong ona Afier he seems to have his balance, fnatahawak lamang sa isang bagay remove your suppor. tulad ng siya, tbp? Scoring Pass ithe child stars alone 10 oF rote seconds, If this cannot be Gets to sitting seen; ask the parent ifthe child can ‘May pass by report (R) do this ‘Administration Check or ask parent ifthe child ean get, Question Nakatatayo na bong. mag-isa ne himself nto a siting position rmatagal (mga 10 segundo) ang Scoring Pass if seen of reported bata? (R)Question Mula sa pagkahige, nakawmpo na ba Stoops and reeavers. sivang mag-isa? Administration « Walks holding on furniture May pass by report (R) ‘While the child is.standing on the floor away from all suppor, place # ___May pass by epost (R) small toy on the looe in font of im ‘Administration Check of ake parent iki child ‘and tel Bim to pick it up. ‘walks around furniture ding Scoring ass ifthe child is able to bend over, onoit pick up toy and return to standing Scoring ‘ass if seen of reported ‘without holding on or touching (R) Question —_Nattalafatad nab siya na nakahawak ‘oor. If ths ean be seen, ask the sa sila o thang Bagey? parent if child can do this (R) Question Kapa may pimalor sian laruan sa Stands momentarily sahig, nataratayo ba sya nang May pass by report R) hinds unahawa a sah 0 oro Administration Place the child standing onthe floor mang basen! Aer be srs ive is lan, watks wet Scoring Pass ite child stands alone2 or more) May pass by eport (R) seconds? IF this cannot be seen, ask ‘Administration Watch the child as he walks to see if the parent ifthe child can do ths he as good balance and rarely als (®) Question Natkatitindig-na ba sivang mag-isa abit 2 segundo lamang? —= eee 9 Seinen: sen M Administration Place the ball about 6 inches in front (R) Question Matatag na ba siyang maglakad? of the standing child. Tell him to kick sat pet ieee ‘May pass by report (R) Scoring, Pass if the child kicks the ball forward tourna Arie os anne at a rh more steps. I this cannot be seen, ask parent ifthe child walks backwards at hhome, possibly when pulling a toy. Pass ifthe parent reports the child can do this. (®) Question Nakalalakad na ba siya ng paurong (paatrase sabato sn ctbang Walks up steps May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the parent how the child gets up steps. Scoring ass ifthe child can walk up steps (not crawl), He may use the wall or ral for support but cannot hold on to & person. Paano wnaakyat st (child) sa hagdan? (Probe to clarify) Nakaaakyat na ba siva’ sa hagdan nang hindi gumagapang 0 hinahawakan 0 di raya ay nakahawak lang sa dingding ogabay? (8) Question ask the parent ifthe child kicks a ball _of similar size at home. Kapag inilagay ang bola sa harap riya, nasisipa ba niya? ‘Throws ball overhand _Aedgistatio’ ~~ TOI UE ehild to thtow the ball tothe tester using an ovethand throw. The tester may show him how to throw overhand, (hagis mo ang bola sa akin gaya nite) Seoring ass if the child is standing atleast 3 feet from tester and throws the ball ‘within arm’s length of tester between his knees and foce. (Cannot seore a | ®) Question ass if child refuses to throw the ball toward tester but continually throws — ‘away ftom him.) 9 04087 Nees, ost Norse! Balance on I foot 1 second (R)Question __Nakapagbibisellera na ba sipa mula ee rito hanggang doon (point to ten ‘Administration Show the child how to stand on 1 foot ae without holding on. Allow 3 wal if eee ales oe eee Broad Jump (Gorin mo to) May pass by report (R) Scoring Dass if the child can stand on ether ‘Adminisrtion Place test form on floor and show fo | second or more in of 3 tals. : the child how to do a standing broad (May be noted during “Balance on 1 « jump across the width of the paper (8 . fot S seconds.") “4, then tl isnt do it. Give itn e we 3 als cs amps in place (Gayahin no to.) ‘Administration Tell the child to jump. The examiner Scoring -. Pass ifthe chiljumape ence, nih bot Federer Dard fettogaten over the # Ys tces.( (Gann noite) the child leaps across, one foot at Scoring aa clint oie iia aad foo:athestane me aC any measur , Medien te rt bee | BRRIREOW er Sue ~ Jand on the same spot from which he 20f3 stated, (The child cannot rin before ‘Administration Show the child how fo stand ont foot be jumps, or bold onto anything for without holding on and then tll him support) fo do it. Tie him with a watch, if possible, Allow 3 trials if needed. Pedals tricycle {(Gayahin mo ico.) ‘iy a cope (R) Scoring Pass ifthe child ean stand on either ‘Administatén Ask the parent ifthe child can pedal a peste Veer ee eet ase rl trials. (May be noted during “Balance Scoring ass ifthe parent reports the eld ean cal fost IO seco pedal a tricycle forward 10 feet or more on the level ground. (Pedsling the ticyele down a hil isnot consid ered a pass) If the child has not had an opportunity to ride tiyle of his ae size, sore the item “NO” for no op- portunity. MMOS Manat Balance on 1 foot 10 seconds 20f3 ‘Administration Scoring Hops on 1 foot ‘Administration Scoring Heelto-toc-walk 7 20f3 ‘Administration Show the child how to stand on 1 foot without holding on and then tell him to do it, Time him with a watch, if possible, Allow 3 trials if needed, (Gayahin mo ito.) Pass if child cdn stand on either foot 10 seconds or more in 2 of3 trials. Tell the child to hop on one foot. The tester may show him how to do this (Gawin mo to.) Pass ifthe child hops on 1 foot 2 ot more times in a row, either in place ocovera distence.yhout holding on to anything Show the child how to walk placing the heel of one foot in front of and touching the toe of the other. Walk about 8 steps like this and tell the child to do it. (The tester may eom- ppate this toa tight rope walk.) If the ‘child does not respond, show him how fo do it again. Allow 3 tials if needed (Gayahin mo ito.) Pas ifthe child can walk in a straight line for 4 or more steps placing his heel 1 inch or less in front of hi 2 out of 3 trials, toe, = Catches bounced ball 20f3 Administration Scoring Backward heel-to-toe 20f} ‘Administration Scoring The tester stands sbout 3 feet from the child and bounces the ball to him, taking care to have the ball bounce ‘once halfway between the tester and the child. The ball should reach the child between his neck and waist, The child is told to catch the ball, Allow 3 twials if needed. (Saluhin mo ang bola) * Pass ifthe child catches the ball with _ his hand or hands in 2 out of 3 trials The child may catch ball eguinst his body if he uses his hands and not his arms. (Ifthe child ues only his arms against his body to catch the bal, this ‘would be a failure.) Show the child how to walk placing the toe of one foot in back of and touching the heel of the other. Walk about 8 like steps this and then tell the child todo it. (The tester may compare this to a backward tight rope walk.) Allow 3 trials ifneeded. (Gayahin mo ito) as ifthe child can walk backward in 4 straight line for 4 or more steps placing his toe 1 inch or less in back ‘of his heel, 2 out of 3 trials. OH SeGRENGBEIANS tvEVERORHIEN > Items may be scored in four ways: pass (P), failure (F), refusal (R), and for items where the child has had no opportu= rity to demonstrate the behavior, a score of no opportunity (NO), One example is in the item, pedals trieyele, Ifthe child has never had an opportunity to try a bieycle, then the item should be scored as no opportunity or NO and not filed nor refused, Items scofed as NO are not considered in the overall test scores, The score P,F, Rand NO is to be writen on the 50% hateh mark. ‘A tes item that is filed and which falls completely to the Jef of the age line is considered a delay. That is, a child failed to ‘pass an item which 90% of children normally can pass at & ‘younger age, Delays are used to interpret the total MMDST results, Delays on the test form are emphasized by shading the right end of the bar of the delayed item (see Figure 7). If the “secieuches-¢he-right-end of the bar, the item is not "Soca ore nl errr ——— cau Cy EE] “INTERPRETING THE TEST Phe MMDST rest is interpreted as NORMAL, QUES- TIONABLE, ABNORMAL or UNTESTABLE depending fon the number of delays, Remember that a delay is any failure that falls completely to the Jeft of the age Jine. To properly interpret the result ofthe test, follow te steps listed below. ‘Step 1 - Mark each delay by heavily shading the right end of the bar. ‘Step 2 - Gount the number of sectors that have 2 oF more delays, ‘Step 3 - Count the number of sectors that have 1 delay with ‘no passes intersecting the age line in the same sector: Step 4 - Interpret the result using the following criteria ~_TINTERPRETATION ith 2 or more ABNORMAL Tsecor with 2 oF move delays plus ¢ | ‘or more sectors with 1 delay and in | ABNORMAL that same sector, no passes inte sectng the age line _| 1 sector with 2 or more delays | QUESTIONABLE Tor more sectors wit 1 delay and in | that same sector, no passes inter- | QUESTIONABLE | sectng the age tne ‘When REFUSALS occur Fr numbers | UNTESTABLE large enaugh to cause the test resut to be QUESTIONABLE or ABNORMAL if ‘these Were scored as fares ‘ay anton nat Isted above TORMAL At the bottom of the age fine, indicate the test result and interpretation. — For exainple;-Abuormal, Reason: 2sectors Ihave 2 delays [At the end of the test, ask the parentearegiver whether the child's performance is typical of his/her ability and ‘behavior. Sometimes, a child may be too ill, tired, oF upset ‘when tested to show what he ean actually perform. (Overall interpretation of test results should be given to the pagentlcaregiver in general terms rather than using the labels of abnormal, questionable or normal. If the child has done well, praise the child and reassure the parentcaregivet| that the child is developing as he/she should be. If, however, the child has a number of delays, remind them that this is 3 soreening test and that you would like to test the child again within approximately two weeks. ‘To retest the child on the same form, draw the new age line and score the new test with a different color of pencil ‘Write the date of the retest atthe top ofthe new age line. AA child who is abnormal, questionable, or untestable on. the second test should be referred to a pediatrician or the appropriate health professional for further evaluation and. possible developmental stimulation program. Nurses can ‘also be trained to teach parents skills in developmental stimulation of children. With severe resource constraint, these health workers may be the most feasible group to tap for this function. Continued surveillance and periodic retesting of children identified to have developmental delays or at risk should be done. z ' ups Moet, Performing the MMDST is generally pleasant task but ‘occasionally, one encounters a child who is difficult to test. Before making hasty conclusions thatthe child is untestabe, ask the paren ifthe child has always been shy, inattentive, overactive, or exhibit other similar behaviors for which he/she is considered difficult. The child may simply be reacting to previous unpleasant experiences like an injection for a wound treatment. ‘The “difficult” behavior may like- ‘wise be explained by other sociocultural factors. 1F thi 50, use a different approach in testing. The Shy Child ‘Ages 6 — 7 months mak the beginning of the shy age. ‘Shyness may normally continue up to age 3. Ifthe child's sists, helshe may need as much help as one one TUE Openers ——— “Testing a shy child may take longer. The following suggestions usually help ‘As an icebreaker, offer the child a cheese cutl or give him a block, a bell oF a ratle to play with prior to testing « Start testing with items that are seored by report. Fo= ceasing attention initially on the parent gives the child 8 chance to cope with the situation and becomes more familiar withthe tester andthe test materials. ‘IF the ebild remains shy and wary, ask the parent to administer some of the test items or show how they are done. Asthe parent demonstrates, you can say, "Tigran to nga kung matalolaked ka din ng paurong gave ng ranay mo.” Preschoolers are great show-offs. This technique may work and if it does, reinforce the child __ for performing {If Hi suagestions.fuil and the st is not complet, retest 2 cor 3 weeks late, The Uncooperative Child ‘The uncooperative child is one who is not shy but refuses to do what is asked of hiner, Approaches for the shy child may also be applied to the uncooperative child. In ‘addition, the following may be tried: ‘+ Ask the pazent to leave the room. ‘The chil may pefoam better inthe prent’s absence. Anxious feelings ofa prea ‘are communicated to the child who in tum acts negatively ‘+ Ifthe child becomes upset by the separation, the parent need not leave the room but is requested to turn away ‘while staying within seeing distance ofthe child «Ifthe parent says that the child can do certain items but is just uncooperative, ask the child to do the opposite Reverse psychology often works in the negativistc age. ‘You might say, “Sa palagay ko, hindi ka marunong magdrawing ng tao." The Overactive Child ‘An overactive child is one whose interest shifts rapidly from one test iter/material to another. Helshe may be seated beside you building blocks and as you tua to consult the test form, the child sees the ball in the kit, drops the blocks, gets the ball and runs off with it. Getting him to sit

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