Samuel Main Body Motivation

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Every organization sets objectives that must be accomplished as to

sustain and maintain the organization. There is a significant gap between the

setting of organizational objectives and accomplishing the determined goals. In

filling this gap, the management of such organization must look into tools

suitable for this to fill gap. Ensuring effectiveness and efficiency through

motivation of workers structuring and execution of organizational activities so

as to achieve organization objectives which is the central focus of all

management. In general, the objectives of any organization is to produce what

the society needs and make available some kind of goods and service to the

consumers. It is obvious that, the organization objectives may be primary in

every organization while the individual involved are also of special importance

to the organization. It is only when their needs are recognised that their

potential can be utilized. At the same vain, understanding the role of the

people (i.e workers) in the organization their dignity recognition can make
them to work from fingertip to bone so that the organization can achieve the

set objectives.

It is of paramount important to recognize that individuals in a work

setting are much more important than other factors of production despite they

are derively demanded for. There are member of social system of many

organization which must be given due recognition in managing an organization,

certain result are important in this regard in order to violate the dignity of

people. This concept of individual dignity derives from ethical philosophy

meaning that people must be treated with respect, no matter what their status

or position in an organization. Each workers is talented with different abilities

and aspirations, to be sure, all are human beings and deserve to be treated as



Motivation is a complicated concept that is strictly a human problem.

Needs varies among individual (workers) managers find out that motivating

workers may have effects on the other workers in the organization.

Furthermore the ways in which needs are eventually transmitted to action also

very considerably between one individual and another. Individual in need of a

strong may play it safe and avoid accepting in need of a strong security may

play it safe and avoid accepting responsibility for fear of falling and fired.

Another with the same need may seek out responsibility for fear of being fined

for low performance. It is true that reactions of workers positively though one

occasion may fall entirely on another.

However, an unmotivated workers or group of workers are relatively

careless with his or her work and consequently lends to insufficiency and

ineffectiveness of the organization. This hinders the accomplishment of the

organizational goals and objectives. There by causing ineffective and

unproductive at the economies.


The general objectives if this study is to examine the impact of motivation on

organization productivity while the specific objectives are to:

I. Assess the impact of training and staff development programme on

employee’s performance.

II. investigate different motivational techniques used by the organization in

motivating their employees

II. examine if worker are pleased with the work they do


I. Does worker’s motivation have any effect(s) on organization


ii. Is there any adequate training and staff development programme for


iii. What types of motivational techniques does the organization

management uses in motivating the employees?

iv. Are the workers pleased with the work they do?


The significant of the study is to spread out the importance of

motivation in achieving organization goals and objectives and it goes thus;

i. It will help the managers to know the factors which can be sued in

motivating employee and motivate the employee to influence their

performance in a desirable way.

ii. This study will help the management of guaranty Trust holding

company to understand the behaviour of their employee with the

organization when they are motivated.

iii. It will also help the organization to identify ways of motivating


iv. This research will enable managers to understand the individuals

motivated in an organization they control.

v. Also, this research work will assist the management in trying to

satisfy the employee in the organization, thereby increasing the

productive capacity in the organization.


Basically, the study will be within the working area of guaranty Trust

holding company Ado –Ekiti in Ekiti State. The study is focused on the

impact of motivation on worker’s productivity in Nigerian organization using

the above named company as a case study.

To obtain very sustained information for this study, it requires efficient

time and money. The researcher has a very limited period to make the

research and write up the reports. Therefore much could not be achieved with

a very short period.


I. Motivation: According to James, (2004), Motivation can be seen as the

skills an organization have that can be used to subject the worker’s

needs to achieving the organizational objectives.

II. Productivity: This is the rate at which a worker, a company produces

goods and the amount produced compare with how much time, work

and money is needed to produce them. (Oxford Advance Leaner


III. Incentives: This is something that encourage people ( workers) to do

something more and more. It can be refers to as fringe benefits from

superior to subordinate. It could be in monetary term or non-monetary

like recognition.

IV. Training: Base on this study, training is the act of increasing the

knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job effectively

and efficiently.

V. Promotion: Promotion is the movement of an employee from lower

rank to higher position or more important position in an organization. It

could be vertical or horizontal.

VI. Job Enrichment: This is an increase in the job depth of a job in order to

remove the dissatisfaction observed in the jobholder




In order for the organization to reach its optimum goals there is need for

motivation. Employees are motivated so they can produce higher outputs

effectively, thus motivation is a key factor for progress in the organization.

Motivation and its meaning are therefore essential for the organization (Pare,

2011) because motivating employee is important in achieving organizational

goals. Therefore for some years now a lot has been written by different

scholars with contrasting ideas on what motivation is all about and what it

should be.


2.1.1 Motivation

Motivation is a complex phenomenon and was defined according to

Dublin (2012), “Motivation is the complex of forces starting and keeping a

person at work in an organization. Motivation is something that puts the

person to action and continues him in the course of action already initiated”.

Motivation refers to the way a person is enthused at work to intensify his

desire and willingness to use his energy for the achievement of organization’s

objectives. It is something that moves a person into action and continues him

in the course of action enthusiastically.

2.1.2 Worker’s Performance

This is the extent to which workers carry out an assignment or task. It

refers to the degree of accomplishment of the task that makes up an

employee’s job (Cascio, 1992). Based on Wager and Hollenbeck (1992)

performance for them is getting more out of what you put in. this means doing

better than what you have done before. Worker’s performance is the price of

evaluating the employees in the work place. In appraising the employee, their

progress performance, results or personality are rewarded and assessed by

their employer (Suh, 2003). Based on Tabah (2012) worker’s performance is a

very sensitive concept which ought to be well understood. It is concerned with

how people perform, why they perform, how their performance affects the

organization as a whole. Worker’s performance helps us to understand some

of the complexities in the behaviour of the worker as well as the organization

as a whole. That notwithstanding, worker’s performance here was measured

by looking at the worker’s productivity.

2.1.3 Productivity

Productivity in general has been defined in the Cambridge International and

Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionaries as the rate at which goods are produced

with reference to number of people and amount of materials necessary to

produced it. On the other hand, productivity has been defined as the utilization

of resources in producing a product or services (Gaissey, 2013). It has further

been defined as the ratio of the output (good and services) and input (Labour,

capital or management).

The definition of productivity is utilized by economists at the industrial level

to determine the economy’s health, trends and growth rate whiles at the

project level, it applies to areas of planning, cost estimating, accounting and

cost control (Mojahed, 2005). This has been given a mathematical expression

as follows: Productivity = Output Input (Heizer and Render, 2009)

Clearly, it can be seen from the mathematical expression that productivity

will increase when output increase with input being constant or decreasing

input with output constant. In Nigeria for almost 30years, was able to increase

productivity at an average rate of 2.5% per annum and that doubled their

wealth every 10years (Heizer and Render, 2009). Productivity improvement

can be realised if the following factors can be accomplished.

(i) Faster set-up of machine tools

(ii) Better quality control

(iii) More flexible in changing product specification.

(iv) Proper material handling

Surely, there exist a positive correlation between productivity and

some variables namely: Labour; Material; Capital; and Management.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Mac Gregory’s Theory of X and Y

Mac Gregory suggested that there exist two set of employees (lazy and

ambitious employees) with the lazy employees representing theory X and the

ambitious representing theory Y. According to him the lazy should be

motivated to increase performance in an organization. Mac Gregory suggested

that there exist two set of employees (lazy and ambitious employees) with the

lazy employees representing theory X and the hard and ambitious workers

representing theory Y. according to him the lazy should be motivated to

increase performance in an organization.

Another motivational author Mac Gregory’s theory which is built on

Maslow’s theory adds a central idea that: managers’ assumptions about their

employees can affect their motivation. This theory proposes two alternative

and extreme views to see the human being: Theory X & Y. according to Theory

X the employee is viewed as mainly negative, lazy, resist, threats and

punishments. Employees in an organization like this tends to perform less

effectively, give low productivity, produces aggressions and conflicts (Bolman,

2007). Theory Y on the other hand strives to maximize the employees’

individual goals and efforts by giving workers greater job involvement and


This means that employees are given the possibility to grow and achieve

their own goals within the organization. Employees are viewed as positive,

open to development. Management’s goal is to make the employee happy and

satisfied with their work and performance (Bolman, 2007). Taken not too

literally the theory can provide a useful tool for motivation and management

research (Shah and Shah, 2007). In addition these theories remain as a guiding

principle of positive approaches for management to organizational and

development and to improve organizational culture.

2.2.2 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

This theory is based on two foundations; namely man’s need as a living

being to avoid pain and as a human, the need for psychological growth

Herzberg listed a number of factors that are similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of

needs, except that his theory is more inclined to the working environment. He

divided these factors into dissatisfies (hygiene factor) and satisfiers

(motivators). Under the satisfiers he stated factors such as recognition,

achievements, advancements, growth, responsibility and job challenge.

On the other hand the dissatisfies include working condition, company

policy, administrative practices, salaries and benefits, supervision, status, job

security, co-workers and personal life. One set of need is associated with what

a person does while the other is concerned with the situation in which it is

done. Motivators are able to create effective motivation in workers in order to

be able to perform and exert considerable effort while the dissatifiers describe

the work environment but do not have much effect in creating positive

attitudes. The hygiene factors form the environment in which man is

persistently trying to adjust while the motivators create motivation.

They are the task available to facilitate achievement and growth.

Herzberg argues that dissatisfier factors must be initially observed in the job

before satisfiers can be used to stimulate the job and the resultant feeling of

motivation is achieved. This means that motivators cannot be used until the

hygiene factors have been fulfilled. Herzberg theory was able to point out

some related factors that are typical of organizations experience and can be

useful to managers in manipulating workers performances. It is also appraised

fir its simplicity and provides understanding based on real life concerns. On the

other hand his methods used did not measure the relationship between

satisfaction and performance (Armstrong, 2000).

Again a limited number of specialized samples were used from where

large inferences have been established. Also there is no supporting fact to

prove that satisfiers improve production level (Armstrong, 2000). Once again

Herzberg focuses only on the internal system of the work place oblivious of the

external system which constitutes factors such as family, environmental and

other socio-economic and political factors which influences production levels.

And lastly he was too specific and rigid in listing his factors oblivious again of

the volatile nature of human behavior.

2.2.3 Geogopalaus’ Goal Path Theory

Geogopalaus path goal theory of motivation states that if a worker sees

high productivity as a path leading to the attainment of one or more of his

personal goals he will turn to be a high producer. But if he sees low

productivity as the path leading to the attainment of his goals he will turn to be

a low producer and hence needs to be motivated. Geogopalaus Path Goal

theory of motivation states that if the worker sees high productivity as a path

leading to the attainment of one or more of his personal goals he will turn to

be a high producer but if he sees low productivity as the path leading to the

attainment of his goals he will be a low producer and hence needs to be


The term motivation has been used in numerous and often contradictory

ways. Presently there appears to be some agreement that the crucial thread

that distinguishes employee’s motivated behavior is that it is goal directed

behavior, Bindra (2010) argues that the core of motivating individuals lies in

the goal directed aspect of behavior. And these behavioral aspects cannot be

met if the five hierarchies of needs identified by Maslow are not satisfied.

2.2.4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory

Maslow (2013) identified five stages through which our needs have to

pass through and an individual moves up the hierarchy when a need is satisfied

(Shah and Shah 2007). He suggested that human needs can be classified into

five categories and that these categories can be arranged in a hierarchy of

importance. These include physiological, security, belongings, esteem, and self-

actualization needs. According to him a person is motivated first and foremost

to satisfy physiological needs.

As long as the employee’s remains unsatisfied they turn to be motivated

only to fulfill them. When physiological needs are satisfied they cease to act as

primary motivational factors and the individual moves up the hierarchy and

seeks to satisfy security needs. This process continues until finally self-

actualization needs are satisfied. According to Maslow the rationale is quite

simple because employees who are too hungry or too ill to work will hardly be

able to make much a contribution to productivity hence difficulties in meeting

organizational goals.

Although, Maslow’s theory is still useful in certain areas, the main

strength of this theory is the recognition and identification of individual needs

for the purpose of motivating behavior (Bowditch, 2007). Although Maslow’s

theory has not stood up well under actual testing, it teaches managers one

important lesson that a fulfilled need does not motivate an individual. For

example the promise of unemployment benefit may partially fulfill an

employee’s need for economic security.

Maslow’s theory has not received a great deal of support with respect to

specific notion it proposes (Greenberg &Baron 2003). To them this model is

theorized to be especially effective in describing the behavior of individuals

who are high in growth need strength because employees who are to the idea

of increasing their growth will not realize any physiological reaction to their


2.3 Empirical Review

A lot has been written in recent years on motivations and workers

productivity with divergent ideas on what employees should use to motivate

workers in order to attain high performances and thus high production

outputs. Most of these studies carry empirical analysis upon which concrete

recommendations can be drawn. Nchoubuno (2011) in his study, the role of

motivation on workers productivity in Nigeria organisation (GTB plc. Ado-EKiti)

as a case study, used random sampling technique and applying it into SPSS

software found out that motivation packages for staffs of GTB plc. Ado-EKiti

were inadequate. He was able to see that the inadequacy of professional,

book, research, off campus, entertainment and medical allowances.

He therefore recommended the provision of funds to ameliorate the

situation. The above work did not use any standard statistical test to the

relationship between motivation and workers productivity in GTB plc. Ado-

EKiti. Therefore his results cast doubts and so no meaningful recommendation

can be drawn from it. Stella (2008) in her work; motivation and work

performance for GTB plc. Ado-EKiti, Nigeria, used both qualitative and

quantitative, with exploratory approach to find out that good motivation

schemes to employees leads to good performances and vice versa. This author

fails to show precisely which quantitative or qualitative method used in her

analysis. She also fails to pin point the reasons and types of motivation

provided to employees of GTB plc. Ado-EKiti which leads subsequently to

improved performances. Therefore there are too much on the reliability of her


Masood (2013), in his study of the Impact of motivation on Workers

productivity with Effect of Training: Specific to Banking Sector of Nigeria, used

descriptive statistics and regression analysis to show that motivation and

performance rely on each other positively. He recommended that, GTB plc.

Ado-EKiti should revise their salaries and reward benefits to enhance workers

productivity. This author fails to explain the necessary pretest needed for a

regression analyses, he did not demonstrate or elaborate on the method of

estimation and the validation techniques employed.

And so therefore we can conveniently rely on his results which might be

suffering from spurious regression. Base on Latham & Ernest (2006) motivation

was in the beginning of the 2000s thought only to be monetary. It however

was discovered during the 20th century that to motivate employees there are

more factors than just money. In their view employees’ satisfaction with their

job is important for it is an important indicator for a good job performance and

happy employees are productive. To them motivation is a psychological factor

and is affected by the workers’ mental attitude and health. Therefore in order

to be motivated a person needs to have certain basic needs fulfilled. If these

needs are lacking a person’s self-esteem and self-actualization cannot develop.

This could result in lack of interest to progress and develop both professionally

and personally. There are several theories of human needs which are the

foundation of motivation.

For Edward Lawler, a motivational researcher observed that “which

higher order need come into play after the lower ones are satisfied and which

order come into play cannot be predicted. If anything, it seems that most

people are simultaneously motivated by several of the same level need” Lawler

(2006). He said so because the physiological and safety needs to him compete

because anyone of them may emerge as the single most important need

depending on the individual. Centers & Bgental (2006) in their survey carried

out among a cross section of the working population in Los Angeles posited

“background factors and aspirations affects workers needs, expectation and

situation assessment”.

According to Graham & Messner (2008) there are generally three major

criticisms directed to the need theory and other content theories of

motivation. (A) There is scant empirical data to support their conclusions, (B)

they assume employees are basically alike and (C) they are not theories of

motivation at all but rather of job satisfaction. This was supported by the views

of Nadler &Lawler (2009) in Graham &Messner (2010) Nadler & Lawler (2009)

cited Graham &Messner (2010) also criticized the need theory of motivation by

Maslow. They argue that the theory makes the following unrealistic

assumptions about employees in general that: (a) all employees are alike (b) all

situations are alike that (c) there is only one best way to meet needs.

Another critic to this view was Basett, jones & Lloyd (2004). Looking at

Greenberg and Baron (2000) their definition could be divided into three main

parts. The first part looks at arousal that deals with the drive or energy behind

individual action. People turn to be guided by their interest in making a good

impression on others, doing interesting work and being successful in what they

do. The second part referring to the choice people make and the direction

their behavior takes. The last part deals with maintaining behavior clearly

defining how long people have to persist at attempting to meet their goals.

According to Halopota (2005) motivation he defines as “a person’s active

participation and commitment to achieve the prescribed results. He further

presents that the concept of motivation is abstract because different strategies

produce different results at different times and there is no single strategy that

can produce guaranteed favorable results all the times” Young (2000) suggest

that motivation can be defined in a variety of ways depending on who you ask.

Ask someone on the street you may get a response like “it’s what drives us” or

“it’s what makes us do the things we do” therefore motivation is the force

within an individual that account for the level, direction, and persistence of

effort expended at work.

According to Antomioni (2009) “the amount of effort people are willing

to put in their work depends on the degree to which they feel their

motivational needs will be satisfied. On the other hand, individuals become de-

motivated if they feel something in the organization prevents them from

attaining good outcomes. From the above works on motivation we can observe

in a general perspective that motivation is more or less basically concerned

with factors or events that moves, leads, and drives certain human action or

reaction over a given period of time given the prevailing conditions.

Furthermore, the definitions suggest that there need to be an “invisible

force” to push people to do something in return. It could also be deduced from

the definitions that having a motivated work force or creating an environment

in which high levels of motivation are maintained remains a challenge for

today’s management. This challenge may emanate from the simple fact that

motivation is not a fixed trait as it could change with changes in personal,

psychological, financial and social factors.




This chapter is based on how the data are used for the research project

and how is being collected. Part of the data are collected in the library author,

some are informatively collected through the existing project. (i.e. secondary

data) and other were collected through questionnaires which I used

extensively in collecting information from guaranty trust holding company

(GTB Bank), Ado-Ekiti, little oral interview with one of the management and

workers of the organization as well.


The topic in focus is relevant to many area in every organization. It

applies institution, Business organization both private and public sector,

financial institutions e.t.c but it will not be easy to go to various establishments

to collect the necessary data that will be sufficient to write this project, that is

what made me to put into consideration before choosing guaranty trust

holding company (GTB Bank),, Ado-Ekiti as my case study bearing in mind that

the result will provide adequate information for other establishment.


The data for this research work was collected from both primary and
secondary sources.


The primary data used for this research work was gotten from oral

interviews conducted by the researcher within the office and premises of the

guaranty Trust holding Plc, Ado Ekiti structured questionnaire administered to

relevant staffs of Guaranty Trust holding Plc (GTBANK). The purpose was to

get their personal views on a number of issues.


The secondary sources from which data was collected include: textbooks
from Digital library (Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti), manuals of guaranty Trust

holding Plc, Ado Ekiti and different website on the internet.


A questionnaire is a set of question prepared by the writer and

distributed among the staff of the company used as the case study.

After the questionnaire distributed might have been returned and fully

completed (that is filled), it is intended to know through the responses the

motivational activities and the incentives benefit given to their employee in

order to motivate them towards the achievement of company goals.


Interview is used by the writer to support the questionnaire which is

based on interviewing the production manager and personnel manager. This is

used in order to explain or put more light on the question in the questionnaire

as well as to clarify some issues as regard the purpose of this project.

The interview is based on the motivational activities in the company that

is used in order to motivate their employee to give maximum service to the


The personnel manager mention some motivation activities such as

payment of overtime allowance, payment of their hospital bill in case any of

them is ill, giving price to the best staff of the year e.t.c so as to enable the

company to meet the demand of their customers.


The whole exercise of collecting the necessary data lasted for six weeks

from the day the project topic was approved. The questionnaire data were

administered through the help of the official which make it to be effective. The

respondents were given about a week within which to complete and return the

questionnaire. But it took more that a week to have the anticipated return.

When request were made for the questionnaire, it was discovered that some

were misplaced while some returned unfilled but majority responded to it.


The data collected make no sense until it is been processed and

analyzed. To further processing and analyzing the transformation of the data

into information must take place.

The collected data will be organized and presented in a suitable and

unique for easy understanding



This chapter deals with the data collected from the questionnaire

distributed and sorted out for analysis with the aim of bringing out a valid


The data obtained from the questionnaire are presented and analyzed

below according to the question. But only 46 questionnaire were returned out

of 50 questionnaires back to the researcher which represent about 92% of the

questionnaire and this is a good responses on the part of the respondent.


Performing an experiment carried out from a particular research on

need to analysed the data in order to bring out the subject matter. Data

presentation and analysis form a critical stage in this research work. It deals

with the actual collection of data collected from the sample population which

is based on the questionnaire.

Table 1

Have you ever witnessed any employee training and development in this

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Yes 41 89.1%

No 5 10.9%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

The statistics above shows that the respondent respond positively. 41 of the

respondents has witnessed training and development which takes 89.1% while

the 10.9% of the respondents are new in the organization.

Table 2

How do you consider the organization’s objectives based on motivational

incentives to other organization in the country?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Favourable 12 26.1%

Fairly favourable 26 56.5%

Unfavourable 8 17.4%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

According to the above, we can see that it is crystal clear that their incentive

programme is grossly inadequate because guaranty Trust holding Plc p

is based on motivational incentives plan without looking into the workers


Table 3

How can you consider the use of promotion as a variable for motivation in

the organization?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Favourable 12 24.1%

Fairly favourable 26 60.9%

Unfavourable 8 15%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

Based on the table above, it is observed that promotion is not a good variable

for promotion in the organization. 60.9% of the employee kicked against

promotion as a tool for motivating employee in an organization.

Table 4

How many times have you witnessed employee training?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

1-2 times 4 8.7%

3-4 times 12 26.1%

5 times above 30 65.2%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

According to the table above, the number of employee that experience 1-2

times training are those just employed by the organization while 3-4 times and

5 times above are the senior staff. It is very clear that Hope and Faith Book-

shop organizes training for its employee often and often for greater


Table 5

Are you satisfied with your job?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Yes 40 96%

No 6 5%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

According to the information on the table above, all the respondents are

satisfied with their job. But the researcher notice that they don’t just say Yes,

some are managing the job due to unemployment in the country.

Table 6

Which of these variable of motivation do you think is the best way of

motivation workers?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Salary increment 14 30.4%

Promotion 1 2.2%

Training Nil Nil

Employee welfare 31 67.4%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

The table above shows that the most important variable of motivating

employee is through the employee welfare which covers about 67.4% of

overall study while other variable are secondary. The organization that takes

the welfare of its employee into consideration will always get the best of its


Table 7

Is there any effect of motivation on the productivity?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Yes 46 100%

No Nil Nil

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

Table seven above shows that when an employee is motivated, they can work

from their finger tips to bone. The effect of motivation in an organization

brings about an increase in production.

Table 8

What is the impact of motivation incentives on the organization productivity?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

High 14 30.4%

Moderate 32 69.6%

Low Nil Nil

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

Base on statistic, the impact of motivation on productivity is moderate which

cover about 69.6 percent of overall respondent. This means that each worker

is averagely satisfied with motivational incentive given to them by the


Table 9

Are motivational incentives given as and when due?

Options Number of response Percentage (%)

Yes 20 43.7%

No 26 56.5%

Overall 46 100

Source: Field survey,2022

From table 9 above, it is observed that the organization does not give

motivational incentives to its workers as and when due. This means that their

production will only increase when its workers is motivated. The percentage of

response that chooses ‘ No’ option covers 56.5% of the overall.




Attention will be focus more on the effects of inadequate incentives

offer by the organization which are inefficient. The conduciveness of the

working environment on productivity go a long way as individual are motivated

by different needs which are different from what the organization even have in

mind for its works. The working environment at Hope and Faith Book-Shop in

Ado-Ekiti is in poor state because most of their operations are carried out

under the heat atmosphere especially the store department.

Also, lack of workers insurance scheme especially for the operational

staff in the organization is seriously affecting the production capacity, mostly

the operational staff of the organization whose works are dangerous in nature.

They don’t perform their activities very well because they belief that nay injury

sustain will be their own cup of tea, the company will just render a little help.

On personal observation carried out, there is no canteen service being

rendered to the staff of the Hope and Guaranty Trust holding Plcdo-Ekiti.

Despite the one hour break being given to staff between 12noon and 1:00pm

everyday, the staff of Hope and Faith did not follow it. Their break period

varies because few hawkers selling food for them can enter into their

compound anytime of the day.

Also, since individual is motivated by different needs, promotion and

recognition play an important role in providing organization productivity

despite the fact that most of the workers do not belief in promotion as a way

of motivating them, they belief mostly in the salary increment.


Human motives are based on needs. A motive is an force that moves a

person or works to behave in a certain way. Some motive stem from

physiological needs such as the need for water, food, house e.t.c and other
physiological needs such as the for self-esteem, affiliation, achievement and


Motivation is a general term that must be apply by every organization so

as to increase their production capacity in order to achieve the set objectives.

Also, where there is effectives motivation, job satisfaction is experienced by

workers which leads to increase in the level of efficiency of the workers.

To this ends, from the analysis in chapter four, it could conclusively said that

motivation is important in the organization as it brings about increase in the

level of productivity, against the forgoing discussion, the management of the

company ( Hope and Guaranty Trust holding Plc ado-Ekiti) and other business

organization in Nigeria are here by encouraged to actualized the

recommendation made in this write-up.


The needs for effective incentive compensation plan to enhance

effective performance standard in the organization especially in guaranty

Trust holding company (GTCO), Ado Ekiti can not be over emphasized.
The management of the company must make the objectives of its workers

along side with that of organization objectives.

Management must take a comprehensive view of the motivational

process and job satisfaction of every individual workers and also their job


A good motivation provides job security to an employee and more

financial opportunities must also be provided for them such as shares in the

company. Motivation must be flexible and comprehensive.

The delegation of duties by the superior office to subordinate must be

encouraged. This will go a long way in motivating and training a subordinate

for a future responsibilities. By doing this, productivity of such worker is

improved as well as his/her skill.

There must be a need to develop an effective communication between

the management and the staff. The purpose of communication is to effect

changing and influence action towards the welfare of the organization and

employees. Communication also relates the organization to its external

environment through which information gets to manager and aware of the

needs of customers, the suppliers and the entire society.

Management must know that special promotional merit programme

should be carry on often so as to encourage efficient performance of the

workers. Also, the objectives and programme of the organization should be

constantly reviewed. This will serve as a means of controlling its activities,

hereby the actual performance are measured relatively to set standard and

corrective measures are taken on any deviation.


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Hackett, Penny (1979): Management Personnel, Survey John Murray
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Kootz, H. and Odonnel; W. (1978): Principles of Management (Tokyo: McGraw

Olowe, O.F (2011): “Administrative Theory II”, Akure, R. R. R. Press. (Education
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Stoner et al, (2004): Management Theory and Practice, London, Thi Ltd.
Tailor, (1991): Principle of Scientific Management, Prentice Hall of india,
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Udeku, A.K (1975): Personnel Management in Nigeria, Benin-City Ethiope
Publishing Corporation.








Dear Sir/Ma,

I am a final year student of the above institution and this research form

part of fulfilment of the Higher national Diploma (HND) which I am currently


I will be grateful if you could give me the information needed in this

questionnaire and I promise to treat such information under strict confidence.

Thanks for you cooperation.







Personal data

a. Department: -------------------------------------------------------------

b. Year job title/post: -----------------------------------------------------

c. Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )

d. Qualification :

i. WASC, GCE (O’LEVEL) ( )



iv. None of the above ( )

e. For how long have you been on the job? ----------------------------0


This part deals with motivation practices used by Hope and Faith Bookshop

Ado Ekiti.

1. Have you ever witnessed any employee training and development in this

organization? A. Yes ( ) B. No ( )

2. How do you consider the organization’s objectives base on motivational

incentives to other organization in the country? A. favourable ( ) B.

Fairly favourable ( ) C. Unfavourable ( )

3. How can you consider the use of promotion as a favourable for

motivation in the organization? A. favourable ( ) B. Fairly favourable ( )

C. Unfavourable ( )

4. How many times have you witnessed employee training? A. 1-2 times ( )

B. 3-4 ( ) C. 5times above ( )

5. Are you satisfied with your job?

6. Which of these variable of motivation do you think is the best way of

motivating workers? A. Salary Increment ( ) B. Promotion ( ) C.

Training ( ) D. Free benefit ( )

7. Is there any effect of motivation on the productivity?

8. What is the impact of motivation incentives on the organization

productivity? A. High ( ) B. Moderate ( ) C. Low ( )

9. Are motivation incentives given as and when due? A. Yes ( ) B. No ( )


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