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PPT SUMMARY (WEEK 1)- ACC 101 - The board is composed of a chairman and

August 20, 2021 6 members appointed by the President of

the Philippines.
 Accounting - The board elects a vice chairman from
- Has evolved, as in the case of medicine and among its members of a term of 1 year.
law, in response to the social and economic - They will formulate the CPA licensure
needs of society. As business is more examination will be given every May and
complex, accounting develops new October.
techniques to meet the ever-increasing needs
for financial information.  Requirements for CPA Examination
- Is an information system that measures, 1. Filipino citizen
processes and communicates financial 2. Of good moral character
information about an economic entity 3. Holder of the degree of BS Accountancy from
(Statement of Financial Accounting school duly recognized and accredited by
Concepts No.1 ) CHED
- Is the process of identify9ing, measuring and 4. Has not been convicted of any criminal
communicating economic information to offense involving moral turpitude.
permit informed judgements and decisions 5. Must submit the following documents
by the users of information (American - PSA Birth certificate
Accounting Association) - PSA marriage certificate for married female
- Is an art of recording, classifying and applicants
summarizing in a significant manner and in - Diploma
terms of money, transactions and events, - Transcript of records
which are, in part at least, of a financial - NBI Clearance
character, and interpreting the results - Money
thereof (American Accounting Association)
- Is a service activity. Its function is to provide  Subject of the CPA licensure exam
quantitative information, primarily financial 1. Financial accounting and reporting
in nature, about economic entities that is 2. Advanced financial accounting and reporting
intended to be useful in making economic 3. Auditing
decisions (Statement of Financial 4. Taxation
Accounting Standards No.1) 5. Management advisory services
6. Regulatory framework for business
 Accounting History- important to transactions
accounting pedagogy, policy and practices.
- Primitive accounting started when people  Ratings in the licensure examination
have counted and kept records throughout - The examinee must earn a general weighted
history. average of seventy-five percent (75%) with
- The origin of keeping accounts has been no grade lower than 65% in any given
traced as far as 8500 B.C subject. 
- During Middle Ages, Arabic numerals were - In case the applicant did not obtained an
being used as a result of trade with the Near average of 75% but obtained 75% and above
East allowing columns of numbers to be in at least 4 subjects shall receive a
added and subtracted. conditional credit for the subject passed.
- Luca Pacioli, is generally associated with - The candidate shall take an examination in
the introduction of double entry the remaining subjects within 2 years from
bookkeeping. the preceding examination. 
- Information age introduce the electronic - Upon examination and the candidate fails to
spreadsheet. obtain at least a general average of 75% and a
rating of at least 65% in each of the subjects
 Accounting Profession reexamined, the candidate shall be
- Republic Act 9298 otherwise known as considered as failed in the entire
Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004. A BS examination.
Accountancy graduate who took the
licensure examination and pass the board  Refresher Course
exam is given a license to practice as a - Any candidate who fails in two (2)
professional Certified Public Accountant complete CPA Board Examinations shall
(CPA). be disqualified from taking another set
of examinations unless the candidate
 Board of Accountancy (BOA) submits evidence to the satisfaction of
- Is under the supervision and administrative the Board of Accountancy that he/she
control of Professional Regulation enrolled in and completed at least 24
Commission (PRC). units of the subject given in the licensure
books in providing information for
 Professional Organization managerial planning and control.
- The Philippine Institute of Certified 4. Financial Accounting
Public Accountants (PICPA) is the - It focused on the recording of business
integrated national professional transactions and the periodic preparations
organization of CPA’s in the Philippines of reports on financial positions and results
accredited by BOA and PRC. of operations.
5. Financial Management
 Scope of Practice of Accountancy/ - It focuses on setting financial objectives,
Accountancy Profession making plans, obtaining the finance needed
- The professional accountant is presented and safeguarding all the financial
with a myriad of opportunities. The demand resources of the entity.
for accounting services has increased with 6. Management Accounting
the increase in number, size and complexity - It incorporates cost accounting data and
of business. The accountants may be adapts them for specific decisions which
engaged in any of the following areas of management may be called upon to make. A
competence. management accounting system
1. Practice of Public Accountancy incorporates all types of financial and
- Rendering professional services as CPA to financial information from a wide range
clients on a fee basis. Professional of sources.
Organization named as Association of CPA’s 7. Taxation
in Public Practice (ACPAPP) - It includes the preparation of tax returns
2. Practice in Commerce and Industry and the consideration of the tax
- They are CPA’s who are employed by consequences of proposed business
various business entities. Professional transactions or alternative courses of
organization named as Association of CPA’s actions.
in Commerce and Industry (ACPACI) 8. Government Accounting
3. Practice in Education/Academe - It is concerned with the identification of
- It constitutes CPA’s in an educational the sources and uses of resources consistent
institution which involves teaching of with the provision of city, municipality,
Board subjects and other technically provincial or national laws.
related subjects. Professional organization
named as Association of CPA’s in Education
4. Practice in Government
- A person who holds or is appointed a
position in an accounting professional
group in government. Professional
organization named as Government
Association of CPA’s (GACPA)

 Branches of Accounting
1. Auditing
- Auditing is the accountancy profession’s
most significant service to the public.  An
external audit is the independent
examination that ensures the fairness
and reliability of the reports that
management submits to users outside the
business entity.  Internal auditing
ensures the accuracy of business records,
uncover internal control problems and
identify operational difficulties.
2. Bookkeeping
- It is a mechanical task involving the
collection of basic financial data.
- The data are first entered in the
accounting records or books of accounts,
journal and ledger.
3. Cost Bookkeeping and Cost Accounting
- Cost bookkeeping is the process that
involves the recording of cost data in
books of accounts.
- Cost accounting makes use of those data
once they have been extracted from the cost

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