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Clothing reveals our personality hence; we must dress properly according to the
occasion. There are many types of occasion and each of them requires a specific type
of clothing. It is important that we know the right clothing for every type of occasion
because it gives us confidence and a sense of belongingness. Weddings and job
interviews are both special occasions; however, the clothing that we use to attend a
wedding is completely different from the attire that we will use in a job interview.

Wedding is consider as a sacred special occasion because here we will witness

how two people unite and become as one therefore, if we are invited to this special
occasion we need to be presentable. In today’s world, weddings don’t stick in traditional
settings so it is important that we are aware of the motif and location of wedding and
at the same time the dress code. These will give us an idea about what type or color of
clothing is required. Choosing formal yet comfortable shoes in attending a wedding is
also important because we all know that wedding is a long ceremony so if we want to
enjoy the event we need to choose comfortable yet formal footwear. Lastly, we need to
be presentable. It is not good to be extra in wedding events all you need is to look
good when attending this kind of ceremony. Of course if we have DO’s we also have
DON’TS. In attending a wedding, let’s avoid wearing black or white unless it is what the
groom and the bride want. Wearing black or white may outshine the bride and groom
and we don’t want it to happen because it is their day. In short, not wearing black or
white is a sign of respect to the groom and bride. Aside from this, in attending a
wedding, avoid wearing jeans and casual clothing because wedding is a formal event
and we need to dress according to the event. Do not also wear too revealing clothes
most especially if we are attending church weddings, we can show some skin but we
have to consider our audience. Lastly, do not go overboard. Wedding is for the groom
and bride and not for you, as guests so do not outshine their moment. Be simple and
stylish as well.

Wearing proper attire in a job interview is important because it is what the

interviewer will judge first. As I mentioned above, clothing reveals our personality
therefore if we dress properly during a job interview there is a high possibility for us to
be hired. The ideal attire in a job interview is a conservative 2-piece suit or corporate
attire not ripped jeans and a t- shirt. However, in some instances we may wear smart
casual attire. For men they can wear trousers/ smart chinos, shirt, blazer and smart
shoes while for women they can wear well- fitting pants, button up shirts, blazers and
flats or small heels. Shoes should be dark and closed. For dont’s—avoid wearing baggy
interview clothes; clothes should be fit properly and nicely. Also, do not wear
sunglasses during the interview as it looks messy and unprofessional. Just like in
weddings, we should also avoid wearing revealing clothes in job interviews. We need to
be decent and respectful because job interviews are intended to measure our capability
not our body frame. Lastly, avoid too large or distracting accessories. Be simple and
confident, as what they say less is more.

There are other things that we need to consider in attending special occasions
like weddings and job interviews aside from clothing but always remember that other
people will judge you first based on your appearance therefore, we need to dress
properly so that we can confidently present ourselves with respect.

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