Questions Philosophy 5

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Aristotle diverges from his teacher Plato in that Aristotle grounds his
philosophy in what?
Empirical reality

2. What is a primary substance?

It is an entity of which qualities are predicated.

3. An excess of fear leads to what?


4. According to Aristotle, language is a mirror of what?


5. According to Aristotle, all art is a form of what?


6. Who was the astronomer who first introduced the epicycle?


7. According to Bruno, how is the universe?


8. According to Descartes, where do innate ideas originate?

They originate from within the mind

9. Cartesian Dualism holds that the world is made up of what?

Mind and matter

10. According to Descartes, what is the reason why humans fall into error?
Because we jump to conclusions and allow our will to overpower our intellect.

11. How is Kant's philosophy called?

Transcendental idealism

12. According to Kant, how od space and time exist?

They exist subjectively in the human mind.

13. Can God’s existence be proved or not? Why?

According to Kant, God’s existence cannot be proved because it exists in the noumena

14. Is a Hypothetical Imperative moral or non - moral? Why?

It is non moral.

15. Kant's philosophy combines elements of what?

Rationalism and empiricism
16. According to Kierkegaard, what is anxiety?
It is a psychological condition
17. What is the highest level of spiritual development, according to Kierkegaard?
It is the religious stage

18. According to Schopenhauer, which entity is the most subject to suffering?


19. Nietzsche claims that everything in the universe is comprised of what?

Will to power

20. What did John Stuart Mill advocated to?

The greatest happiness principle

21. Who are the three thinkers who make up the Milesian School of philosophy?
Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes

22. According to Plato, the things created by artists are?

Three steps removed from the truth

23. What is a syllogism?

It is an argument with two premises and a conclusion.

24. According to Democritus, the world consists of what?

Atoms and void

25. Who was the person who first coined the term philosophy?

26. What does religion assume in terms of the nature of God?

Authority figures

27. Socrates was influenced by the Presocratic philosopher Anaxagoras because of

Anaxagoras' focus on what?

28. What do we know about the quantity and quality of Socrates writing?
Socrates did not write anything.  What we know about him is from the writings of his
followers (similarly to Jesus).

29. The method used by Socrates in order to philosophize is called?


30. The school founded by Plato was called:

The Academy

31. All humans, according to Plato, have souls that are?

Divided into three parts

32. Who introduced the idea that planets move in elliptical orbits?
Johannes Kepler

33. Who was the first person to use a telescope to view the heavens?
Galileo Galilei

34. What does philosophy mean? Why?

The word Philosophy is a combination of two Greek words, philein sophia, and it means
lover of wisdom.

35. What does philosophy focus on?

Philosophy is the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental
truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world, a study of principles of
conduct, and much more.

36. Name the main virtues of philosophical thinking:

courage, justice, humanity, temperance, wisdom, and transcendence.
37. What is the noumenal world?
It is the world as it exists independent of human perception.

38. Transcendental illusions are based on what?

The use of reason without observation.

39. Sublimity involves what?

The idea of infinity

40. The Socratic Method requires that?

Those involved in a conversation be concerned with uncovering the truth.

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