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Utility Power Factor Penalty Calculation Simplified

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January 23, 2021 by Engineer Calcs

The effectsProvoking Posts
of low power factor impact electric utilities in many different ways. I’ll show you how
through a utility power factor penalty calculation.
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You’ll see why all large utility customers do everything they can to maintain a good power
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To generalize, residential customers pay for real power. While commercial and industrial
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pay for apparent power. I’ll explain this more in the depth in the following sections.

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Before Generator
we do Maintenance
any math, Tipsunderstand
let’s better to Save the types of electrical power.

Power factor and types of electrical power

What is power factor? Power factor is just the name given to the ratio of real power to apparent
power. In other words, the ratio of real power used in a circuit to the power that is apparently
drawn from the source.

I also like to think of power factor as the degree a load matches a resistive load. A purely
resistive load has a power factor of 1.

While some loads have a power factor of less than 1. These loads require reactive power to
operate. Such as transformers and induction motors.

Let’s dive into the three types of electrical power to make more sense of everything.

Real power (P)

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The energy a load consumes. In other words, the electrical energy converted into another
energy form. The electrical
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For example, the converted energy can be heat, light, or mechanical power.

measure real power in watts (W).

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Reactive power (Q)

Represents the electrical energy stored and then released. The storage is in the form of a
magnetic field or electrostatic field, for an inductor and capacitor respectively.
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An example is an induction motor. Induction motors require reactive current to function. The
current’s reactive
7 Must Know component
Mechanical creates
Engineering theTips
Design rotating magnetic field in the motor. While the real
current component converts the real electrical power to mechanical power.
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More specifically,
Over 100 the motor’s
Powerful Engineering magnetic
Resume field stores energy. This energy transfers to and from
the power source. This happens every time the magnetic field polarity reverses. Similarly, the
energy Guide For
can transfer toaand
Structural Engineerfactor compensation capacitors. This transfer of energy
from power
is reactive power.
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You measure reactive power in volt-amperes reactive (VARs).

Apparent power (S)

It’s what the power source inputs into a circuit. It’s the total power in an AC circuit, both
dissipated and absorbed.

In other words, the combination of reactive power and true power.

You measure apparent power in volt-amperes (VAs).

Now, take a look at the below power factor triangle. It’ll help you better visualize these power

Notice how apparent power is the hypotenuse. Also, you can apply the Pythagorean Theorem.

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Effects of low power factor on utilities

Let’s switch gears and see why utilities want their customers to maintain a good power factor.
So much so, they’ll penalize you if your power factor gets too low.


A generator is normally rated in kVA.

Also, you’ll notice most generators have a 0.8 power factor rating. This is to support some
lagging power factor load. For example, a generator that feeds a bunch of induction motors in a
water treatment facility.

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The 0.8 generator power factor means the full load kW capacity is 80% of the load kVA. Of
course, as long as you
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Tips or keep the
And Updates Inpower factor higher.
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Imagine you have a 100 kVA generator with a power factor of 0.8.


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P = 80 kW
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Is what happens
Engineering Worth It?when the power
6 Reasons It Is! factor drops below 0.8? The increased total kVA reduces
the generator’s capacity. This is because of the increased lagging reactive kVA component. The
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current flow increases and causes a voltage drop.
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This commonly happens when a facility is blindly retrofitted. For example, if you connect more
induction motors than designed to the generator. The generator would then need to support
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Moneymagnetic fields versus “doing real work.”

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Important Note: reactive power isn’t useless. Yes, reactive power doesn’t do
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real work.
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But, AC machines wouldn’t operate without reactive power. So how do you do
Email real work without operating machines? You don’t!

Think of electric
Sign Up! motors. They rotate and do work through the interaction of
magnetizing fields created in the motor windings. These magnetic fields need
a source of magnetism.

Thought Provoking Posts for an induction motor comes from the AC line it’s
The magnetization
connected to. More specifically, this magnetism comes from the power source. 
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Without the supplied magnetizing kVAR, the induction motor wouldn’t
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operate. Reasons It Is!
catch is, the magnetizing kVAR reduces the power factor. 
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Cutaway view of induction motor (Photo Credit: Stunteltje)


Transformers need a magnetic field for power conversion. Converting power from a primary to
secondary voltage.

The power factor of a load directly affects the real power capacity of a transformer though.
Refer back to the generator we just discussed.

Also similarly, the voltage drop experienced by a transformer through an increase in load is
greater with a lagging power factor.

As a result, the voltage regulation of a transformer suffers from a poor power factor.

Distribution line losses

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Utility’s size wires in electric circuits to carry the required current.

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But what happens when the connected customer’s power factor drops?
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At a low power factor, the circuit needs to carry a reactive kVA component on top of the kW.
More current will now run through the wires.

The utility will nowSign

to make the wires larger. For a given kW, a low power factor will draw
more current than a high power factor.

Also, keep in mind, the resistance losses ( ) of the conductor. These losses are proportional
Thought Provoking
to the current Posts them.
flowing through

7 theKnow
Must voltage drop atEngineering
Mechanical the load end of lines
Design Tips can be a huge problem. Voltage drop without a
doubt is a common theme when it comes to a poor power factor.
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To drill
Over 100a Powerful
little deeper, the same
Engineering problem
Resume happens with current limiting reactors. These are just
large coils of wire made to produce a magnetic field.
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You use current limiting reactors to reduce short circuit current. But they’ll also reduce your
12 system’s
Portable power
Generator factor. I go
Maintenance over
Tips how to size a current limiting reactor for a
to Save
substation. This will help you better understand inductive loads. Also, the working principles at

Power cost

A utility kilowatt-hour (kWh) meter tracks energy usage. This is how utilities determine how
much to bill you per your energy consumption.

Now, on top of the kWh charge, utilities have a penalty for a low power factor in their billing
rates. At the same time, they have incentives for high power factors.

As a scenario, the line losses vary per the square of the line current ( ). The line current is
higher at a lower power factor. The utility certainly isn’t going to eat the cost on behalf of the

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Important Note: there are benefits to purchasing power through a power

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factor clause. The customer benefits when they have a high power factor.
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Email utilities reducing power costs
Electric utilities need to Up!
Sign provide power to all their customers. This also includes the reactive
power needs of their customers.

To accommodate everyone, electric utilities need to upgrade their infrastructure a lot. They need
to spend money
Thought on thePosts
Provoking following higher rated equipment:

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Power lines
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Other electrical equipment
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Everything comes at a cost!
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To pay for these upgrades, utilities have a power factor penalty. And for some customers, the
penalty cost of reactive power is a big portion of their bill.

But if a customer installs capacitors, they can have huge cost savings. They’ll eliminate the utility
power factor penalty.

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Important Note: inductive loads require reactive power (kVAR). Again, a

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motor requires inductive power for magnetizing. In return, the apparent power
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increases from the lagging reactive power. 


Up!factor correction capacitors improve power factor. They provide
leading reactive power that cancels out the lagging reactive power. So, they’re
a great way to improve a power system’s power factor. 

Thought Provoking Posts loads improve the power factor. While inductive loads
In short, capacitive
reduce the power factor.
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Utility power factor penalty calculation
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Finally, let’s calculate the benefits of installing capacitors.
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I’m going to use the following typical utility rates you’d find in most U.S. states:
12 Portable Generator Maintenance Tips to Save
Money charge:

Rates (Demand Charge) Per Meter, Per Month

First 1,000 kW of billing demand $10,500.00

Over 1,000 kW of billing demand, per kW $12.00

Energy charge:

Rates (Energy Charge) Per Meter, Per Month

First 100 kWh per kW of billing demand per kWh $0.22

Next 300 kWh per kW of billing demand per kWh $0.28

All excess, per kWh $0.35

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Important Note: let’s define the power factor charge and fuel cost
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Power Factor Charge: we’ll use the above-listed rates in our calculation. The
Email total charge for any month decreases or increases by 0.1% for each 1% that
the average power factor of the customer is greater or less than 85%. 
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We’ll compute the average power factor using the ratio of lagging kilovolt
ampere-hours to kilowatt-hours. The calculation will be over a single month. 

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Fuel CostPosts
Adjustment: this is the total billed kilowatt-hours multiplied by
$0.006 per kWh. This figure isn’t impacted by adjustments for voltage or
power factor
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This $0.006 It Is!
adjustment captures the amount of required revenue to cover the
Over 100 Powerful to produce
Engineering power.Buzzwords
Resume The utility compares the actual cost of fuel and
purchased power to the costs they had projected. Because energy costs
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Money imagine Factory Z has 5,000 kW of load at 0.65 power factor. Their monthly
electricity consumption is 3,750,000 kWh/month. They purchase their power from Utility X.

Demand charge

First 1,000 kW = $10,500.00

Over 1,000 kW (bill at $12.00 per kW) =  (5,000 kW – 1,000 kW) x $12.00/kW = $48,000.00

Demand charge subtotal: $10,500.00 + $48,000.00 = $58,500.00

Energy charge

First 100 kWh/kW demand (100 x 5,000 x $0.22) = $110,000.00

Next 200 kWh/kW demand (300 x 5,000 x $0.28) = $420,000.00

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All excess kWh (3,750,000 – [100 x 5,000] + [300 x 5,000]) x $0.35 = 1,750,000 x $0.35 =
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Energy charge subtotal: $110,000.00 + $420,000.00 + $612,500.00 = $1,142,500.00

Now, we add the demand subtotal with the energy subtotal.

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$58,500.00 + $1,142,500.00

Power factor penalty 

Thought x 0.001 x $1,201,000.00
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20 x 0.001
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$1,201,000.00 = $24,020.00
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cost adjustment
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3,750,000 kWh/month x $0.006/kWh = $22,500.00
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Total monthly bill

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Now, we add all the following charges together:

Demand charge

Energy charge

Power factor penalty

Fuel cost adjustment

$1,201,000.00 + $24,020.00 + $22,500.00 = $1,247,520.00

Utility power factor calculation with capacitors installed

Here, we’ll do a second round of calculations with capacitors. Our goal is to improve the power
factor to 0.95.

Also, we’ll calculate the power cost reduction and payoff in years for the capacitors.

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We’ll use the same 5,000 kW load, and 3,750,000 kWh per month electricity consumption.

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Calculating capacitor size to improve power factor to 0.95
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At 0.65 , , where = P.F. angle

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At 0.95 ,

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Let’s calculate the apparent power using the power factor of 0.65. We already know the real
power is 5,000
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= 7,692.30 a Structural Engineer

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= 7,692.30 kVA x 0.76 = 5,846.15 kVAR

We’ll now do the same calculation using the power factor of 0.95.

= 5,263.16 kVA

= 5,263.16 kVA x 0.31 = 1,631.58 kVAR

Now, take a look at the below power triangle. This will piece together everything we just did in
our calculation.
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You can see how the added kVAR improves the power factor. Also, how the kVA drastically
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Capacitor size required

= 5,263.16 kVAR – 1,631.58 kVAR = 3,631.58 kVAR

Capacitor cost 

The installation cost of a capacitor per kVAR let’s estimate to be $40.00.

$40.00 x 3,631.57 kVAR = $145,263.20

Total cost reduction in the monthly bill

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Power factor penalty savings (from P.F. 0.65 to 0.85) = $24,020.00

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Power factor credit (from P.F. 0.85 to 0.95) = $12,010.00
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Now, we calculate the loss reduction using the following math:

(Monthly energy usage) x (Estimated 2% loss) x (Loss varies per ) x (kWh + Fuel cost
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adjustment) = 3,750,000 x 0.02 x 0.38 x ($0.35 + $0.006) = $10,146.00

Now, let’s add up the total savings per month.

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Total savings per month:Posts
$24,020.00 + $12,010.00 + $10,146.00 = $46,176.00

7 for capacitor
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= $145,263.20 / $46,176.00 = 3.15 months.
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So it’s a no brainer
Homeowner’s to ainstall
Guide For a capacitor
Structural Engineerin this scenario. As the utility power factor penalty is
extremely costly.

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The payback from installing a capacitor will improve profit margins right away for Factory Z.

At the same time, the utility power factor penalty cost shows the impact on Utility X.

A utility power factor penalty can greatly affect the bottom line of a company. These days we
heavily rely on AC machines. As we learned, AC machines need magnetism from their power
source to operate.

Now by eliminating power factor surcharges through capacitors, you can reduce your electricity
bill. All the while, maintain the operations in your facility.

This is even more important for businesses in states like California. As the cost of doing business
is increasing year after year.

What’s more, you increase the load-carrying capability of your existing circuits. Also, you
improve the supplied voltage at your equipment. A win-win!
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What are your thoughts on the utility power factor penalty? What’s your view on the future of
energy billing by utilities?
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Featured Image Photo Credit: Stunteltje (image cropped)

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12 Portable GeneratorKoosha started
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to Save Calcs in 2020 to help people better
Money understand the engineering and construction industry, and to discuss
various science and engineering-related topics to make people think.
He has been working in the engineering and tech industry in
California for over 15 years now and is a licensed professional electrical engineer,
and also has various entrepreneurial pursuits.

Koosha has an extensive background in the design and specification of electrical

systems with areas of expertise including power generation, transmission,
distribution, instrumentation and controls, and water distribution and pumping as
well as alternative energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and storage).

Koosha is most interested in engineering innovations, the cosmos, our history and
future, sports, and fitness.

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