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Salam, Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta


TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/tanggal : Kamis, 17 Maret 2022

Kelas : VII Waktu : 07.30-09.00 WIB

1. Bacalah bismillah dan do’a sebelum mengerjakan soal.
2. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Periksa dan bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti dan seksama sebelum menjawab.
4. Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang pada huruf
A, B, C atau D!
1. How ……money do you need to buy a new penthouse?
A. Many C. Is
B. Much D. Are
2. My grandmother doesn’t like to eat ……sugar.
A. Have C. Much
B. Has D. Many
3. How ……Chairs do you have in your classroom?
A. Many C. In
B. Much D. On
4. How ….T-Shirts did you buy last week?
A. Beside C. Many
B. In D. Much
5. How …..detergent do you need to wash your t-shirts?
A. Much C. Have
B. Many D. Has
6. Are there ......children in the park?
A. Is C. Much
B. Are D. Many
7. How ......victims are in that accident?
A. Many C. Behind
B. Much D. Beside
8. How .......water is in your bottle right now?
A. Much C. In
B. Many D. In front of
9. There isn’t ........snow today
A. Is C. Much
B. Are D. Many
10. My Father has in the garage
A. Are C. Much
B. Is D. Many
11. There umbrella on the chair.
A. Is C. Has
B. Are D. Have
12. There ..... a boy playing foot ball in the yard.
A. Much C. Is
B. Many D. Are
13. ........there six apples in the refrigerator?
A. Are C. Much
B. Is D. Many
14. ...........Twenty students in the library
A. There are C. In front of
B. There is D. Beside
15. ........An elephant in the zoo
A. There is C. Beside
B. There are D. Behind
16. ........Ten flowers in the vase
A. There is C. Above
B. There are D. Bellow
17. .......many dictionaries in the library
A. On C. Many
B. Much D. There are
18. ...... there a pen in your pencil box?
A. Is C. In front of
B. Are D. Between
19. ..... Five cats under the table
A. There are C. Many
B. There is D. Much
20. ......... a picture on the wall
A. There is C. At
B. There are D. In
21. my phone on the table
A. In C. These
B. On D. This
22. ........ are my cars in the parking area
A. These C. This
B. Those D. That
23. ........ my classmates
A. Those are C. That
B. This is D. This
24. Brian : Where is my new motorcycle?
Lucky : Over there, ……..near the bank
A. Those are C. That is
B. These are D. That is
25. ......... my bags. Those are farah’s pens.
A. Those are C. This is
B. These are D. That is
26. ......the place and .....the spoons I bought from Alva supermarket. The suitable words to
complete the sentence are...
A. This is, those are
B. This is, that is
C. Those are, this is
D. These are, those are
27. Shinta : What are you holding?
Rasya : ....key holders, souvenirs from my brother who studies in Malaysia
A. Those are
B. These are
C. This is
D. That is
28. Which of the following statements is grammatically CORRECT?
A. This mobile phones are for sale
B. Those mobile phones is for sale
C. This mobile phones is for sale
D. These mobile phones are for sale
29. Lidya : Look at ....are they pigeons?
A. A bird C. That birds
B. This bird D. Those birds

Read the text to answer the questions!

Dita: I’m really sorry, the…. Is too small. I’m afraid that it won’t be a good place for us
to practice cooking.

Fita : Oh, it’s fine, Dita. It is comfortable enough for us to practice cooking.

30. What is the most suitable word to fill in the blank?

A. Living room C. Kitchen

B. Bed room D. Dinning room

Read the text to answer the questions!

Deni : Look at the elephants. They are ……. (31) 

Tedi : Yes they are. They are very big indeed.

Siti : Guys, those are tigers. Look, they are eating meat.

Rita : They can eat meat because they have very sharp …. (32) 

Deni : They can also run very fast with their powerful …. (33)

31. What is the most suitable word to fill in the blank?

A. Small C. Huge

B. Tiny D. Adorable

32. What is the most suitable word to fill in the blank?

A. Eyes C. Tail

B. Teeth D. Neck

33. What is the most suitable word to fill in the blank?

A. Teeth C. Legs

B. Claws D. Necks

34. Chaty is the name of my cat. It......a cute cat

A. Was C. Is
B. Were D. Am
35. I....... a lecturer in Yogyakarta State University.
A. Is C. Are
B. Am D. Do
Read the text to answer the questions number 36-40!

Siti : This park is shady and the flowers are colorful. I ……….this park. (36)

Lina : I do, too. This is a ……….park. (37)

Edo : Look! There are butterflies. 

Dayu : They are …….(38)

Beni : There are garbage cans too. We can keep…… this park (39)

Udin : I like studying here. The weather is nice. The park is beautiful. And, it’s a
…. day. (40)

36. What is the most suitable answer for question number 36………

A. Want to go to C. Like

B. Hate D. Feel

37. What is the most suitable answer for question number 37…..

A. Ugly C. City

B. Dirty D. Wonderful

38. What is the most suitable answer for question number 38…..

a. Flying C. Pretty

b. Boring D. Dirty

39. What is the most suitable answer for question number 39…..

A. Dirty C. Ugly

B. Clean D. Wonderful

40. What is the most suitable answer for question number 40…….

A. Terrible C. Beautiful

B. Horrible D. Pretty

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