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- Responsible for the many movements

- Orbicullaris oris - muscles that surrounds the
- Hypertrophied - excessing training of
individual results in to increase in bulk of the
- Atrophied - it is not being exercised daily or
the muscles are decreased in size
- Movement of body fluids,
- Has a numerous number of mitochondria


● The muscular system is made up of the
many and varied muscles of the body. ● A skeletal muscle fiber is a single cell
● These muscles are specialized for that contracts in response to stimulation
movement in both invertebrate and and then relaxes when the stimulation
vertebrate animals. ends.
● Muscular actions also provide muscle ● Each skeletal muscle fiber is a thin,
tone, propel body fluids and food, elongated cylinder with rounded ends,
generate the heartbeat, and distribute and it may extend the full length of the
heat. muscle.
● Just beneath its cell membrane
(sarcolemma), the cytoplasm
(sarcoplasm), of the fiber contains
CONNECTIVE TISSUE COVERINGS OF many small, oval nuclei, and
MUSCLES mitochondria.
● The sarcoplasm also contains many
● Layers of fibrous tissue called fascia threadlike myofibrils that lie parallel to
separate an individual skeletal muscle one another.
from adjacent muscles and hold it in
● The layer of connective tissue that closely
surrounds a skeletal muscle is called
● Other layers of connective tissue, called
perimysium extend inward from the
epimysium and separate the muscle
tissue into small compartments (fasciculi)
● Each muscle fiber within a fasciculus lies
within a layer of connective tissue in the
form of a thin covering called
● Give off the stripe appearance
● Has actin and myosin
● Myofibrils play a fundamental role in
muscle contraction.
● They contain two kinds of protein
filaments – thick ones composed of the
protein myosin and thin ones mainly
composed of the protein actin.
● The organization of these filaments THE STRIATION PATTERN OF SKELETAL
produces the characteristic alternating MUSCLE FIBER
light and dark striations, or bands, of a ● Sarcomere -the functional unit of a myofibril
skeletal muscle fiber. ● Isotropic and anisotropic
● M line - makes the myosin molecules stay in
place during contraction
● The striation pattern of the skeletal
muscle fibers has two main parts:
● The first, I bands (light bands) are
composed of thin actin filaments directly
attached to the structures called Z lines.
● The second part of the striation pattern
consists of the A bands (dark bands),
which are composed of thick myosin
filaments overlapping thin actin filaments.
● The A band consists of a region where
the thick and thin filaments overlap, and
a central region (H zone) consisting only
of thick filaments, plus a thickening
known as the M line.
● The M line consists of proteins that help
hold the thick filaments in place.

ROLE OF MYOSIN AND ACTIN ● The segment of a myofibril that extends

● Contractile proteins from one Z line to the next Z line is called
a sarcomere.
● Responsible for contraction of the muscle
● As they slide past each other there is a
contraction (shortening of the muscle)
● A myosin molecule is composed of two
twisted protein strands with globular
parts called cross-bridges projecting
outward along their lengths.
● An actin molecule is a globular structure
with a binding site to which the myosin
cross-bridges can attach. Many actin
molecules twist into a double strand
(helix), forming an actin filament. The
proteins troponin and tropomyosin are
also part of the actin filament.
ADDITIONAL MATERIALS OF THE ● Together, a motor neuron and the muscle
SARCOPLASM fibers that it controls constitute a motor
● Calcium ion depot - sarcoplasmic reticulum
● Transverse tubules - passageway of muscle
impulse from the sarcolemma towards the
sarcoplasmic reticulum
● Within the sarcoplasm of a muscle fiber
is a network of membranous channels
that surrounds each myofibril and runs
parallel tio it.
● These membranes form the
sarcoplasmic reticulum, which
corresponds to the endoplasmic
reticulum of other cells.
● Another set of membranous channels,
called transverse tubules (T tubules),
extends inward as invaginations from the
fiber’s membrane and passes all the way
through the fiber.

● Each skeletal muscle fiber connects to Recall of the Anatomy of
an axon from a nerve cell, called a motor Striated Muscle
● The connection between the motor
neuron and the muscle fiber is called a
neuromuscular junction or synapse.
● Here, the muscle fiber membrane is
specialized to form a motor end plate. In
this region of the muscle fiber, nuclei and
mitochondria are abundant, and the
sarcolemma is extensively folded.


● A skeletal muscle fiber normally does not
contract until a neurotransmitter
MOTOR UNITS stimulates it.
● A muscle fiber usually has a single motor ● The neurotransmitter in this case is
end plate. The axons of motor neurons, acetylcholine.
however, are densely branched. ● This neurotransmitter is synthesized in
● By means of these branches, one motor the cytoplasm of the motor neuron and
neuron may connect to many muscle stored in vesicles at the distal end of a
fibers. motor neuron axons.
● When a motor neuron transmits an ● When a nerve impulse reaches the end
impulse, all of the muscle fibers it links to of a motor neuron axon, some of the
are stimulated to contract simultaneously. vesicles release their acetylcholine into
the neuromuscular junction (synaptic
● Acetylcholine diffuses rapidly across the ● The globular portions of the myosin
synaptic cleft and binds to certain filaments contain an enzyme, ATPase,
protein molecules (receptors) in the which catalyzes the breakdown of ATP
muscle fiber membrane, stimulating a to ADP and phosphate releasing
energy that puts the myosin
muscle impulse, which is very much like cross-bridge in a “cocked” position.
a nerve impulse. ● When a “cocked” cross-bridge binds to
● The impulse passes in all directions over actin, it pulls on the thin filament.
the surface of the muscle fiber ● According to the sliding filament model,
membrane and travels through the this cycle repeats as long as ATP is
transverse tubules, deep into the fiber, available as an energy source and as
until it reaches the sarcoplasmic long as the muscle fiber is stimulated to
reticulum. contract.

Sliding Filament Model

● According to the sliding filament model of
muscle contraction, sarcomeres shorten
because cross-bridges pull on the thin
filaments. A myosin cross-bridge can
● The sarcoplasmic reticulum contains a attach to an actin binding site and bend
high concentration of calcium ions. slightly, pulling on the actin filament.
● In response to a muscle impulse, the Then the head can release, straighten,
membranes of the cisternae become combine with another binding site further
more permeable to these ions, and the down the actin filament, and pull again.
calcium ions diffuse into the
sarcoplasm of the muscle fiber.
● When a high concentration of calcium
ions is present in the sarcoplasm,
troponin and tropomyosin interact in a
way that exposes binding sites on actin.
● As a result, linkages form between the
actin and myosin filaments, and the
muscle fibers contracts.


short time, so when a fiber is active, ATP
must be generated.
● Once ATP reserves begin to decrease,
the energy stored in creatine phosphate
is used to maintain ATP levels in the
contracting muscle fiber.
The Control of Muscle Contraction ● Like ATP, creatine phosphate contains
high-energy phosphate bonds, and it is
four to six times more abundant in
muscle fibers than ATP.
● Creatine phosphate , however can not
directly supply energy to a cell’s
energy-utilizing reactions. Instead, it
stores excess energy released from the
● When ATP supply is sufficient, an
enzyme in the mitochondria (creatine
phosphokinase) catalyzes the synthesis
of creatine phosphate, which stores
excess energy in its phosphate bonds.
Energy for Contraction ● As ATP decomposes, the energy from
● Resting muscles or muscles undergoing creatine phosphate can be transferred to
long-term exercise, such as during ADP molecules, converting them back
long-distance running, depend primarily into ATP.
on aerobic respiration for ATP synthesis. ● Once creatine phosphate stores are
● Although some glucose are used as an depleted, anaerobic respiration
energy source, fatty acids are a more becomes important.
important energy source during both
sustained exercise and resting condition.

Oxygen Supply and Cellular

● The blood carries the oxygen required to
● ATP molecules supply the energy for support aerobic respiration from the
muscle fiber contraction. lungs to body cells.
● However, a muscle fiber has only enough ● Red blood cells carry the oxygen, loosely
bound to molecules of hemoglobin, the
ATP to enable it to contract for a very
pigment responsible for the red color of synthesizes more glycolytic enzymes,
blood. and its capacity for glycolysis increases.
● Another pigment, myoglobin, is ● With aerobic exercise, more capillaries
synthesized in muscle cells and imparts and mitochondria form, and the muscle’s
the reddish-brown color of skeletal
muscle tissue. capacity for aerobic respiration is
● Like hemoglobin, myoglobin can combine greater.
loosely with oxygen.
● When a person is resting or is
moderately active, the respiratory and Fatigue
cardiovascular systems can usually ● A muscle exercised strenuously for a
supply sufficient oxygen to skeletal prolonged period may lose its ability to
muscles to support aerobic respiration. contract, a condition called fatigue.
● However, this is not the case when ● Psychological fatigue is the most
skeletal muscles are used strenuously common type of fatigue. It involves the
central nervous system rather than the
for even a minute or two. muscles themselves.
● In this situation, muscle fibers must ● Muscle fatigue results when ATP is
increasingly use anaerobic respiration used during muscle contraction faster
to obtain energy. than it can be produced in the muscle
fibers and lactic acid builds up faster than
it can be removed.
Oxygen Debt ● Muscle fatigue is most likely to arise
● The oxygen debt or excess from accumulation of lactic acid in the
postexercise oxygen consumption is muscle as a result of anaerobic
the amount of oxygen needed in respiration.
chemical reactions that occur to: ● The lactic acid buildup lowers pH, and
as a result, muscle fibers no longer
- convert lactic acid to glucose, respond to stimulation.
- replenish the depleted ATP and ● Occasionally, a muscle becomes fatigued
creatine phosphate stores in muscle and cramps at the same time.
fibers, and ● A cramp is a painful condition in which a
muscle undergoes a sustained
- replenish oxygen stores in the involuntary contraction.
lungs, blood, and muscles.
● After intense exercise, the respiration
rate and volume remain elevated for a Threshold Stimulus
time, even though the muscles are no ● When an isolated muscle fiber is
longer actively contracting. exposed to a series of stimuli of
● This increased respiration provides increasing strength, the fiber remains
the oxygen to pay back the oxygen unresponsive until a certain strength of
debt. stimulation is applied.
● The magnitude of the oxygen debt ● This minimal strength required to cause a
depends on the intensity of the exercise, contraction is called the threshold
the length of time it was sustained, and stimulus.
the physical condition of the individual. ● An impulse in a motor neuron normally
releases enough acetylcholine to bring
Muscle Metabolism the muscle fibers in its motor unit to
● The metabolic capacity of a muscle may
change with training.
● With high-intensity exercise that depends All-or-None Response
more on glycolysis for ATP, a muscle
● A skeletal muscle fiber exposed to a
stimulus of threshold strength responds
to its fullest extent.
● Increasing the strength of the stimulus
does not affect the fiber’s degree of
● In other words, a skeletal muscle fiber
normally does not contract partially; if it
contracts at all, it contracts fully.
● This phenomenon is called the
all-or-none response

Muscle Twitch
● If a muscle fiber is exposed to a single
stimulus of sufficient strength to reach
threshold, the muscle fiber will contract
and then relax. Sustained Contractions
● This action – a single contraction that ● Summation and recruitment together
lasts only a fraction of a second – is can produce a sustained contraction
called a twitch. of increasing strength.
● Twitch contractions are of little
importance; rather, sustained
contractions of whole muscles enable us
Summation to perform everyday activities.
● A muscle fiber exposed to a series of ● Such contractions are responses to a
stimuli of increasing frequency reaches rapid series of stimuli transmitted from
a point when it is unable to completely the brain and spinal cord on motor
relax before the next stimulus in the neuron axons.
series arrives.
● When this happens, the force of
individual twitches combines by the Muscle tone
process of summation. ● Even when a muscle appears to be at
● When the resulting forceful, sustained rest, its fibers undergo some sustained
contraction lacks even partial relaxation, contraction.
it is called a tetanic contraction, or ● This is called muscle tone.
tetanus. ● Muscle tone is a response to nerve
impulses that originate repeatedly from
the spinal cord and stimulate a few
Recruitment of Motor Units muscle fibers.
● Muscle tone is particularly important in
● At higher intensities of stimulation, other maintaining posture.
motor neurons respond, and more motor ● If muscle tone is suddenly lost, as
units are activated. Such an increase in happens when a person loses
the number of motor units being consciousness, the body collapses.
activated is called recruitment.
● As the intensity of stimulation increases,
recruitment of motor units continues until, Bases in Naming Muscles
finally, all possible motor units in that ● Location
muscle are activated and the muscle
contracts with maximal tension. ● Action
● Points of attachment
● Number of heads/ number of slips
● Shape/size
● Direction of fibers

Major Skeletal Muscles

● Muscles of the face
○ for facial expression
○ for mastication
● Muscles of the neck and upper back
● Muscles of the posterior shoulders
○ for the movement of the head
and back muscles
○ (sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis,
○ for the movement of the arm.
semispinalis capitis)
○ for the movement of the pectoral

● Chest and shoulder muscles ● Muscles that connect the radius and
○ for the movement of the pectoral ulna to the humerus or pectoral girdle.
girdle ○ for the movement of the forearm.
○ for the movement of the arm
● Muscles that move the hand. ○ ischiocavernosus
○ flexor and extensor muscles

● Muscles that move the thigh.

○ anterior group
● Muscles of the Abdominal Wall.
○ posterior group

● Muscles of the Pelvic Outlet

● Muscles that move the leg.
○ pelvic diaphragm
○ flexors – biceps femoris,
levator ani semitendinosus,
○ urogenital diaphragm semimembranosus, sartorius.
○ superficial transversus perinei
○ bulbospongiosus
○ extensors - quadriceps femoris associated with frowning, as it
group, vastus lateralis, vastus depresses the corner of the mouth.
medialis, and vastus intermedius.
Levator muscle - largest component
of the pelvic floor. It is a broad
muscular sheet that attaches to the
bodies of the pubic bones anteriorly,
ischial spines posteriorly and to a
thickened fascia of the obturator
internus muscle

Away from the midline - abductor muscle

Near to the midline - adductor muscle
Constrictor muscle - closes
Dilator - open apart
Flex apart - flexor muscle
Strengthen apart - extensor muscle

Synergies - the activation of a group

● Muscles of the leg that move the ankle, of muscles to contribute to a
foot, and toes. particular movement
Antagonists - as one muscle contracts
the other muscle relaxes or lengthens.
The muscle that is contracting is called
the agonist and the muscle that is
relaxing or lengthening is called the

Point of origin - fixed and proximally
located in the point of attachemnt
Insertion - Movable and distally located
point of attachment

More than 1 points - heads of the muscle

More than 1 insertions - slips

Depressor muscles - is a facial muscle.

It originates from the mandible and
inserts into the angle of the mouth. It is

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