Amarsinghe S.P EN22303516 G2-A

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Assessment Cover Sheet

Faculty of Engineering

Module Details
Module Code MT1011 Module Title Engineering materials
Program: SLIIT Course: BSc (Eng)
Stream: Civil
Assessment details
Title Impact toughness measurement Group assignment YES
of metals If yes, Group No. G2-A
Lecturer/ Instructor Mr.Shayanthan Date of Performance 19.09.2022
Due date Date submitted 03.09.2022

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EN22303516 Amarsinghe S.P


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TABLE OF FIGURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

TITLE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
THEORY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
MATERIAL AND APPARATUS ................................................................................................................................. 3
PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
OBSERVATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
CALCULATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................. 12

Figure 1; A standard metallic specimen used for the tensile test ................................................................................... 2
Figure 2; Mechanical energy conversion........................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 3; Mild steel ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 4; Lab refrigerator ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 5; Pendulum testing machine .............................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 6; Lab oven.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 7; v notch cutter................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 8; procedure of pendulum ................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 9; Observations sheet .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 10;calculation ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 11; Discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 12; Discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 13:discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 14;discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Table 1;discussion ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

Impact toughness measurement of metals


 Study the Principle of brittle fracture in mild steels.

 Understanding the impact toughness of materials with different heat and strengthening treatments.
 Interpret obtained experimental data for the selection of engineering materials.

Simply toughness is known as the strength of a material. There are two tests to determine the impact toughness of the
1. Charpy test
2. Izod test
The difference between the two methods is only the position of keeping the specimen and anvil. Both are using
pendulum testing machines. There are also different types of notch types. But for this practical the notch type is V.
And specimens should be prepared before the practical. From this practical ductility, brittle qualities can be examined.
Impact The impact toughness of metallic material is determined by acting on the energy absorbed in the fracture.
Toughness is greatly affected by

 Alloying compositions
 Temperature (Ductile to brittle transition – DBTT)
 Heat treatment
 Strengthening mechanisms

Figure 1; A standard metallic specimen used for the tensile test

Toughness is a quality that refers to a material's ability to withstand fracture when hit. That energy was taken in during
the fracture. The following variables affect how durable the material is. Thermodynamics and alloy composition
Heating Procedures Stabilizing mechanisms in impact testing, the load is applied abruptly and dynamically. Items that
are subject to impact loading include parts like shafts, bolts, anvils, and dies. The device calculates the rapture
specimen's energy absorption in units of Joules. An approximate estimate of a material's toughness may be found in
the amount of energy absorbed. It may categorize the various materials into brittle or ductile materials. Because of
their toughness transition temperature ranges that might be above, at, or below room temperature depending on a
variety of variables, carbon, and low alloy steel reflect the Body Center Cubic (BCC) Lattice. The alloy is significantly
tougher when heated beyond the transition temperature than when heated below it. Without the notch, many materials
would simply bend without breaking, making it simpler to measure ability energy. A notch is supplied on the specimen
because it assures that the specimen will break due to the impact force to which it is treated. (Anon., n.d.)

Figure 2; Mechanical energy conversion


01. Mild steel

Figure 3; Mild steel

02. Lab refrigerator

Figure 4; Lab refrigerator

03. Pendulum testing machine

Figure 5; Pendulum testing machine

04. Lab oven

Figure 6; Lab oven

05.‘V’ notch cutter

Figure 7; v notch cutter


1. First, three mild plates of steel were taken.

2. Then cut a V notch on each mild steel.
3. One steel was kept at a 26C temperature, one was kept in a refrigerator to cool down to -32 Celsius and the
third one was kept on a heater in the oven up to 84 Celsius.
4. Then gave a free swing on an impact testing machine to discover any zero error.
5. After that, the pendulum was raised to the 150 J position, and the pendulum was arrested by using the brake.
6. Then impact specimen which was in 26 temperatures was placed horizontally across the block with the notch
opposing the striker.
7. The pendulum was released by releasing the brake lever.
8. After, the reading was taken after the pendulum hits the test piece.
9. Repeat step 5. (Ahemd, 2016)
10. The cold test piece was taken from the refrigerator and placed in the block.
11. Repeat steps 7 & 8.
12. Repeat step 5.
13. The heated test piece was taken and placed on a block.
14. Repeat steps 7 & 8.

Figure 8; procedure of pendulum


Figure 9; Observations sheet


Figure 10;calculation


All three specimens are broken with different fracture types. Most heated ones consume more energy to break.


The main aspect of this experiment is to identify and get some knowledge about how can steel absorb energy with
varying temperatures and how the material act at that temperature Before the experiment we cut a V notch on the three
test species. So, it will give some support to break the steel. When the test piece placing in the testing machine, the test
piece is simply supported, so place the test piece across the block with a notch opposing to the striker. From this
experiment, we can determine the ductile and brittle transition temperature of the metal.

Figure 11; Discussion

During the experiment observed three different results. The specimen that was at room temperature broke more easily
than the heated one. But the cold one was breaking easily. Ductility is a very important mechanical property. It is a
measurement of plastic deformation. A metal that experiences very little or no plastic deformation upon fracture is
termed brittle. (William D Callister, 1991)
Toughness is another mechanical term. It can simply define as the resistance to fracture when the crack is present. It
can explain in another way as the ability to absorb the energy and plastically deform before fracture. It is really
important to have knowledge about ductility and toughness for the accuracy of this experiment. (William D Callister,
Those three fraction types were different from each other. The heated-up specimen was hard to break. When the
temperature increases that metal will act as a Ductile material. Figure 6 shows a Ductile fracture. When the temperature
goes down that steel act as a Brittle material. Figure 5 shows a Brittle fracture. That transition clearly shows in the
below table. (Hughes, 2009)

Figure 12; Discussion

(Hughes, 2009)

Difference fracture types of different specimen

After the experiment, we discovered three different fracture types. According to the stress-strain curve, there are two
regions known as the elastic region and the plastic region. Then the fracture point of any metal is situated in the plastic
region. By observing the above graph, the specimen has low strength in lower temperatures. It behaved as a brittle
metal. Ceramics, glass, cement, concrete, and ice are some examples of brittle metal. In higher temperatures the
strength of the metal is high. It behaved as a ductile material. Ductile metal mostly uses for metal forming. Because it
is in the elastic regions of the stress-strain curve. In the experiment also we can discover the high energy absorption
from the high-temperature specimen. The very first specimen was at 26-celsius temperature. The specimen was broken
after the impact and the reading was 20J. There were some silver lines on the broken pieces. (Figure 13) That means
there was some stretching before it breaks. The toughness of the material is at a normal level. So, the percentage of
ductility was in the average range.

Figure 13:discussion

The specimen that was in the refrigerator after the impact was broken very easily than the previous one. Reading was
only 16J. There were no stretched marks on the broken species. (Figure 14) The toughness of the metal was low. The
percentage of ductility is low.

Figure 14;discussion

The last specimen was in the oven and the temperature was 84 Celsius. It was not broken into pieces. It is just stretched
and already broken. There can clearly identify the stretched marks. Toughness is high. The percentage of ductility is

Importance of the impact test
This test is really important for using materials in the manufacturing process. Then we can get the most reliable
materials for the manufacturing process. When considering the Titanic incident engineers considered only the normal
temperature and didn’t consider the cold temperatures. When the ship was in very cold water the metal as a brittle
material and when it hit, it broke easily. It was a big mistake by the engineers. In the plastic industry, this test is done
to verify the strength of a product. And also impact test was done to determine the resistance against the fracture of
Difference between Ductile and Brittle materials
Ductile and brittle are used to detail two physical changes in substance. Ductile materials can easily be hammered or
stretched into wires without breakage. But brittle materials break easily. Toughness is high in ductile than brittle.
(Anon., 2018)
When considering the Ductile & Brittle material there is some differences between both materials.
Table 1;discussion

Ductile Materials Brittle Materials

Absorb more energy before the fracture Absorb very little energy before fracture

Various metal forming operations can be performed Forming operations cannot be easily performed

Shows longer life Brittle materials fail faster

Percentage elongation is high Percentage elongation is very less

(Anon., 2020)


From this Charpy impact test we can observe that, metals act different behavior with the temperature. When
temperature increases the steel act like ductile material its strength also very high. When temperature drops down
metals act like brittle material & its strength goes down. Historical example for this metal behavior is Titanic incident.
So as a engineers we must give our attention these factors. After experiment acquired more knowledge about the
different fracture types. Especially brittle ductile temperature, how metal will act on those temperatures are very
important. By impact test we can get reliable materials for each and every work we need.


1. Ahmed, M., 2016. Title impact toughness of metallic materials. Available at: [Accessed
September 21, 2022].

2. Anon, Energy conversion. Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: [Accessed September 21, 2022].

3. William D. Callister, J. D. G. R., unknown. Materials science and engineering an introduction 8th edition, s.l.:

4. Hughes,S.E., 2009. Science Direct. [Online] Available at: [September 21 09 2022].

5. Madhusha, 2018. pediaa. [Online] Available at:

[Accessed 21 09 2022].

6. Unkonwn, 2020. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 21 09 2022].


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