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WHO Who do you dance with? Antonio/ I dance with Sofia

WHAT What does your father do? A lawyer/ he is a mechanic.
WHERE Where do you go in your free time? to RP/ I go to the movies.
WHEN When does your sister work? On weekdays
WHY Why do you go to Cuzco? Because I want to visit MachuPicchu
HOW How do you get to work? By car, By taxi, By bus, by bicycle, on foot
HOW OFTEN How often do you take a bath?always,usually, sometimes,hardly ever, never
HOW LONG How long do you stay in your new job? 15 days, a month, a week
HOW MUCH How much coffee do they need? 1 tea spoon, a little
HOW MANY How many books does your brother read a year? 12 books, 15 books

Car = own transportation

Taxi = public transportation
Weekdays= Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday -Thursday and Friday
Weekends= Saturday and Sunday
Holidays= Job’s day, Christmass, Independence day, New year,
Saint Rosa of Lima,
What Which
Unlimited choices Limited choices
What’s your name? Which color do you like, red
What color do you like or blue?
What kind of music do like? Which music do you like
What is your favorite drink? salsa or rock?
Which is your favorite
drink, soda or lemonade?
Pretty woman
A beautiful girl
A handsome guy
Hi guys, How are you?
DATE: ROMANTIC DATE: I have a date at 4:00 with Tony
APPOINTMENT: I have an appointment with the dentist.
MEET: I have a meet with my Friends
I have a meet in the office

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