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Lecture 14
• D/A converters continued:
– Resistor string DACs (continued)
– Serial charge redistribution DACs
– Charge scaling DACs
– R-2R type DACs
– Current based DACs
– Static performance of D/As
• Component matching
• Systematic & random errors
– Practical aspects of current-switched DACs
– Segmented current-switched DACs

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 1

R-String DAC
• Advantages:
– Takes full advantage of availability Vref
of almost perfect switches in MOS
– Simple, fast for <8-10bits
– Inherently monotonic
– Compatible with purely digital

• Disadvantages:
– 2B resistors & ~2x2B switches for B C
bits Æ High element count & large
area for B >10bits
– High settling time for high resolution
τmax ~ 0.25 x 2B RC
M. Pelgrom, “A 10-b 50-MHz CMOS D/A Converter with 75-W Buffer,” JSSC, Dec. 1990, pp. 1347

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 2
R-String DAC
Including Interpolation

Resistor string DAC + Resistor string

interpolator increases resolution w/o drastic
increase in complexity
e.g. 10bit DACÆ (5bit +5bitÆ 2x25=26 # of
Rs) instead of direct 10bitÆ210
‰Main R-string loaded by the interpolation
string resistors

‰Large R values for interpolating stringÆ

less loading but lower speed

‰Can use buffers

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 3

R-String DAC
Including Interpolation
Use buffers to prevent
loading of the main

Æ Buffer DC offset
Æ Effect of buffer
limitations on
overall speed

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 4
Charge Based: Serial Charge Redistribution DAC
Simplified Operation

Nominally C1=C2

• Operation based on redistribution of charge associated with C1 &

C2 to perform accurate division by factor of 2

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 5

Charge Based: Serial Charge Redistribution DAC

Simplified Operation: Conversion Sequence
T1 T2

QCT11 = VREF × C1 & QCT11 = 0 QCT11 + QCT12 = QCT 2 + QCT 2 = (C1 + C2 )Vo
1 2

→ QCT11 + QCT12 = VREF × C1 VREF × C1 = ( C1 + C2 )Vo

Vo = VREF ×
C1 + C2
S i nce C1 = C2 → Vo =

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 6
Serial Charge Redistribution DAC
Simplified Operation (Cont’d)

T1 T2

• Conversion sequence:
– Next cycle
• If S3 closed VC1=0 then when S1 closes VC1 = VC2 = VREF/4
• If S2 closed VC1=VREF then when S1 closes VC1 =VC2 =VREF/2+VREF/4

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 7

Serial Charge Redistribution DAC

• Conversion sequence:
– Discharge C1 & C2Æ S3& S4
– For each bit in succession
beginning with LSB, b1:
• S1 open- if bi=1 C1
precharge to VREF if bi=0
discharged to GND
• S2 & S3 & S4 open- S1
closed- Charge sharing
C1 & C2
Æ ½ of precharge on
C1 +½ of charge
previously stored on
C2Æ C2

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 8
Serial Charge Redistribution DAC
Example: Input Code 101
b3 b2 b1

• Example input code 101Æ output (4/8 +0/8 +1/8 )VREF =5/8 VREF
• Very small area
• For an N-bit DAC, N redistribution cycles for one full analog output
generation Æ quite slow

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 9

Parallel Charge Scaling DAC

• DAC operation based on capacitive voltage division

Cy Cx C Cx
Vout = Vref
Cx + Cy + C

Æ Make Cx & Cy function of incoming DAC digital word

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 10
Parallel Charge Scaling DAC

2(B-1) C 8C 4C 2C C C

bB-1 (msb) b3 b2 b1 b0 (lsb)


B −1
• E.g. “Binary weighted” ∑ bi 2 i C
Vout = i =0 Vref
• B+1 capacitors & switches 2B C
(Cs built of unit elements
Æ 2B units of C)

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 11

Charge Scaling DAC

Example: 4Bit DAC- Input Code 1011
1- Reset phase 2- Charge phase
reset Vout

8C 4C 2C C C 8C 4C 2C C C

b3 b2
b3 b2 b1 b1 b0 (lsb)
b0 (lsb)

Vref Vref

20 C + 21 C + 23C 11
Vout = Vref = Vref
24 C 16

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 12
Charge Scaling DAC
reset CP
2(B-1) C 8C 4C 2C C C B −1

bB-1 (msb) b3 b2 b1 b0 (lsb)

∑b 2 C i

Vout = i =0
2 B C + CP

• Sensitive to parasitic capacitor @ output

– If Cp constant Æ gain error
– If Cp voltage dependant Æ DAC nonlinearity
• Large area of caps for high DAC resolution (10bit DAC ratio
• Monotonicity depends on element matching (more later)
EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 13

Parasitic Insensitive
Charge Scaling DAC
reset CP
2(B-1) C 8C 4C 2C C
+ Vout
bB-1 (msb) b3 b2 b1 b0 (lsb)

B −1 i B −1 i
∑ bi 2 C ∑ bi 2
Vout = − i = 0 Vref , B
CI = 2 C → Vo ut = − i = 0 Vref

• Opamp helps eliminate the parasitic capacitor effect by producing virtual

ground at the sensitive node since CP has zero volts at start & end
– Issue: opamp offset & speed

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 14
Charge Scaling DAC
Incorporating Offset Compensation


reset CP S1
S3 Vos
2(B-1) C 8C 4C 2C C reset Vout

bB-1 (msb) b3 b2 b1 b0 (lsb)

• During reset phase:
– Opamp disconnected from capacitor array via switch S3
– Opamp connected in unity-gain configuration (S1)
– CI Bottom plate connected to ground (S2)
– Vout ~ - Vos Æ VCI = -Vos
• This effectively compensates for offset during normal phase

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 15

Charge Scaling DAC

Utilizing Split Array
reset 8/7C
C C 2C 4C C 2C 4C
- Vout
b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5

∑ all LSB arra y C
Cse rie s = C
∑ a ll MS B a rr ay C
• Split arrayÆ reduce the total area of the capacitors required for high
resolution DACs
– E.g. 10bit regular binary array requires 1024 unit Cs while split array
(5&5) needs 64 unit Cs
– Issue: Sensitive to parasitic capacitor

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 16
Charge Scaling DAC

• Advantages:
– Low power dissipation Æ capacitor array does not dissipate DC power
– Output is sample and held Æ no need for additional S/H
– INL function of capacitor ratio
– Possible to trim or calibrate for improved INL
– Offset cancellation almost for free
• Disadvantages:
– Process needs to include good capacitive material Æ not
compatible with standard digital process
– Requires large capacitor ratios
– Not inherently monotonic (more later)

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 17

Segmented DAC
Resistor Ladder (MSB) & Binary Weighted Charge Scaling (LSB)
• Example: 12bit
– 6-bit MSB DACÆ
R- string reset
– 6-bit LSB DAC Æ Vout
binary weighted 32 C 16C 8C 4C 2C C C
charge scaling ...
... b1 b0
• Complexity much ... b5 b4 b3 b2
lower compared to .
full R-string
– Full R stringÆ
4096 resistors
binary weighted
– Segmented Æ 64 charge redistribution DAC
R + 7 Cs (64 unit 6bit
caps) resistor
ladder Switch

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 18
Current Based DACs
R-2R Ladder Type
• R-2R DAC basics:
R V/2
– Simple R network I/2
I I/2
divides both voltage V
& current by 2 2R 2R

Increase # of bits by replicating circuit

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 19

R-2R Ladder DAC



2R 2R 2R 2R 2R 2R

Emitter-follower added to convert to high output impedance current


EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 20
R-2R Ladder DAC
How Does it Work?
Consider a simple 3bit R-2R DAC:


VB 4xAunit 2xAunit 1xAunit 1xAunit

2R 2R 2R 2R

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 21

R-2R Ladder DAC

How Does it Work?
Simple 3bit DAC:
1- Consolidate first two stages:

I3 I2 I1 IT I3 I2 I1+IT
VB Q3 Q2 Q1 QT VB Q3 Q2

4Aunit 2Aunit Aunit Aunit 4Aunit 2Aunit 2Aunit

2R 2R 2R 2R 2R 2R R

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 22
R-2R Ladder DAC
How Does it Work?
Simple 3bit DAC-
2- Consolidate next two stages:

I1+IT I2+I1+IT
I3 I2 I3
VB Q3 Q2 VB Q3 Q2

4Aunit 2Aunit 2Aunit 4Aunit 4Aunit

2R 2R R 2R R
I3 = I2 + I1 + IT → I3 = T ot al , I2 = T ot a l , I1 = To t al
2 4 8

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 23

R-2R Ladder DAC

How Does it Work?
Consider a simple 3bit R-2R DAC:


VB 4Aunit 2Aunit Aunit


4I 2R 2I 2R I 2R I 2R
4I 2I

In most cases need to convert output current to voltage

Ref: B. Razavi, “Data Conversion System Design”, IEEE Press, 1995, page 84-87

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 24
R-2R Ladder DAC

+ Vout


16I 2R 8I 2R 4I 2R 2I 2R I 2R I 2R
16I 8I 4I 2I
Trans-resistance amplifier added to:
- Convert current to voltage
- Generate virtual ground @ current summing node so that output
impedance of current sources do not cause error
- Issue: error due to opamp offset

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 25

R-2R Ladder DAC

Opamp Offset Issue
out = V in ⎛ 1 +
R ⎞ R
os ⎜ ⎟
⎝ R T ot al ⎠
If R T ota l = l a r g e, -
→ Vos in
≈ Vos Vos
+ Vout
If RT ota l = n o t l a rg e
out in ⎛ 1 + R ⎞ Offset
→ Vos = Vos ⎜ RT ot al ⎟
⎝ ⎠ Model
P r ob l em :

S i nce RT ota l i s co d e d ep en d an t
ou t
→ Vos w ou l d b e co de d ep en da n t

→ G i ves r i s e t o I N L & DN L

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 26
R-2R Ladder
• Advantages:
– Resistor ratios only x2
– Does not require precision capacitors

• Disadvantages:
– Total device emitter area Æ AEunitx 2B
Æ Not practical for high resolution DACs
– INL/DNL error due to amplifier offset

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 27

Current based DAC

Unit Element Current Source DAC

Iref Iref Iref Iref Iref


• “Unit elements” or thermometer

• 2B-1 current sources & switches
• Suited for both MOS and BJT technologies
• Monotonicity does not depend on element matching and is guaranteed
• Output resistance of current source Æ gain error
– Cascode type current sources higher output resistance Æ less gain

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 28
Current Source DAC
Unit Element R

…………… -

Iref Iref Iref Iref


• Output resistance of current source Æ gain error problem

Æ Use transresistance amplifier
- Current source output held @ virtual ground
- Error due to current source output resistance eliminated
- New issues: offset & speed of the amplifier

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 29

Current Source DAC

Binary Weighted

2B-1 Iref 4 Iref 2Iref Iref


• “Binary weighted”
• B current sources & switches (2B-1 unit current sources but less
# of switches)
• Monotonicity depends on element matching Ænot guaranteed

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 30
Static DAC Errors -INL / DNL
Static DAC errors mainly due to component mismatch
– Systematic errors
• Contact resistance
• Edge effects in capacitor arrays
• Process gradients
• Finite current source output resistance
– Random variations
• Lithography etc…
• Often Gaussian distribution (central limit theorem)
*Ref: C. Conroy et al, “Statistical Design Techniques for D/A Converters,” JSSC
Aug. 1989, pp. 1118-28.

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 31

Current Source DAC

DNL/INL Due to Element Mismatch


Iref Iref Iref Iref Iref

Iref -ΔI Iref +ΔI

• Simplified example:
– 3-bit DAC
– Assume only two of the current sources mismatched (# 4 & #5)

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 32
Current Source DAC
DNL/INL Due to Element Mismatch

seg men t[ m] − V [ L S B ] Analog

DN L[ m] = Output
V [ LSB] 7 Iref R
seg men t[ 4 ] − V [ L S B ] 6
DN L[ 4 ] =
V [ LSB]
( I − Δ I )R − IR
= 4
DN L[ 4 ] = −Δ I / I [ LSB ] 3

( I + Δ I )R − IR 2
DN L[ 5] =
1xIref R
DN L[ 5 ] = Δ I / I [ L S B ] Digital
→ IN Lmax = −Δ I / I [ L S B ] 0
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 33

Component Mismatch
Probability Distribution Function
• Component parameters Æ Random variables

• Each component is the product of many fabrication steps

• Most fabrication steps includes random variations
ÆOverall component variations product of several random variables

ÆAssuming each of these variables have a uniform pdf distribution:

ÆJoint pdf of a random variable affected by two uniformly
distributed variables Æ convolution of the two uniform pdfs…….
pdf [f(x1)] pdf [f(x2)] pdf [f(x1,x2)]

* Æ
pdf [f(x1,x2)] pdf [f(x3,x4)] pdf [f(xm,xn)] Gaussian pdf
* * Æ
EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 34
Gaussian Distribution

Probability density p(x)



2 0.1
x−μ )
1 2σ 2
p( x ) = e
2πσ 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

where: (x-μ) /σ
μ is the expected value and
standard deviation :σ = E( X 2 ) − μ 2
σ 2 → variance

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 35

In most cases we are
Probability density

interested in finding the

percentage of

components (e.g. R) 0.2

falling within certain 0.1
bounds: 0

P (− X ≤ x ≤ + X ) = 1
P(-X ≤ x ≤ +X)

+X − x 68.3
1 0.6
= ∫e
2π − X
2 dx
0.4 38.3
⎛ X ⎞ 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
= e rf ⎜ ⎟ X/σ
⎝ 2⎠

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 36
X/σ P(-X ≤ x ≤ X) [%] X/σ P(-X ≤ x ≤ X) [%]

0.2000 15.8519 2.2000 97.2193

0.4000 31.0843 2.4000 98.3605
0.6000 45.1494 2.6000 99.0678
0.8000 57.6289 2.8000 99.4890
1.0000 68.2689 3.0000 99.7300
1.2000 76.9861 3.2000 99.8626
1.4000 83.8487 3.4000 99.9326
1.6000 89.0401 3.6000 99.9682
1.8000 92.8139 3.8000 99.9855
2.0000 95.4500 4.0000 99.9937

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 37

• Measurements show that the offset voltage of
a batch of operational amplifiers follows a
Gaussian distribution with σ = 2mV and μ = 0.

• Find the fraction of opamps with |Vos| < 6mV:

– X/σ = 3 Æ 99.73 % yield

• Fraction of opamps with |Vos| < 400μV:

– X/σ = 0.2 Æ 15.85 % yield

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 38
Component Mismatch
Example: Resistors layouted out 400

No. of resistors

……. ……. ΔR

After fabrication large # of
devices measured 0
& graphed Æ typically if 988 992 996 1000 1004 1008 1012
sample size large shape R[ Ω ]
is Gaussian E.g. Let us assume in this example 1000 Rs measured
& 68.5% fall within +-4OHM or +-0.4% of average
Æ 1σ for resistorsÆ 0.4%

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 39

Component Mismatch
Example: Two resistors 0.4
Probability density p(x)

layouted out side-by-side 0.35

0.25 ΔR

R1 + R2 0.1
R= 0.05
dR = R1 − R2 −3σ −2σ −σ 0 σ 2σ 3σ
For typical technologies & geometries R
1 1σ for resistors Æ 0.02 to 5%
σ dR

Are a
R In the case of resistors σ is a function of area

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 40
DNL Unit Element DAC
E.g. Resistor string DAC: Vref
Assumption: No systematic error- only random error
2B −1
∑o Ri
Δ = Rmedi an Iref w h ere Rmedian =
Δi = Ri Iref

Δi − Δmedian
D N Li =
Δmedian Δi = Ri I ref

Ri − R dR dR
medi an
= = ≈
R R Ri
median median

σ DNL = σ dRi
To first order Æ DNL of unit element DAC is independent of resolution!
Note: Similar results for other unit-element based DACs
EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 41

DNL Unit Element DAC

E.g. Resistor string DAC:
If σdR/R = 0.4%, what
σ D NL = σ dR DNL spec goes into
the DAC datasheet so
that 99.9% of all
converters meet the

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 42
X/σ P(-X ≤ x ≤ X) [%] X/σ P(-X ≤ x ≤ X) [%]

0.2000 15.8519 2.2000 97.2193

0.4000 31.0843 2.4000 98.3605
0.6000 45.1494 2.6000 99.0678
0.8000 57.6289 2.8000 99.4890
1.0000 68.2689 3.0000 99.7300
1.2000 76.9861 3.2000 99.8626
1.4000 83.8487 3.4000 99.9326
1.6000 89.0401 3.6000 99.9682
1.8000 92.8139 3.8000 99.9855
2.0000 95.4500 4.0000 99.9937

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 43

DNL Unit Element DAC

E.g. Resistor string DAC: Example:
If σdR/R = 0.4%, what DNL spec
goes into the datasheet so that
99.9% of all converters meet
σ D NL = σ dR i
the spec?

Ri Answer:
From table: for 99.9%
Æ X/σ = 3.3
σDNL = σdR/R = 0.4%
3.3 σDNL = 3.3x0.4%=1.3%

ÆDNL= +/- 0.013 LSB

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 44
DAC INL Analysis

Ideal Variance
N A=n+E n n.σε2

B B=N-n-E N-n (N-n).σε2

Output [LSB]

E E = A-n r =n/N N=A+B

n A = A-r(A+B)
= (1-r). A - r.B
Æ Variance of E:
Input [LSB]
N=2B-1 σE2 =(1-r)2 .σΑ2 + r 2 .σB2
=N.r .(1-r).σε2 = n .(1- n/N).σε2

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 45

⎛ n⎞
σ E2 = n ⎜ 1 − ⎟ ×σ ε
2 (2B-1)0.5/2
⎝ N⎠
dσ E 2
T o f i n d ma x. var i a nce : =0
→ n = N / 2 → σ E2 = ×σ ε 2
• Error is maximum at mid-scale (N/2):

σ IN L = 2B − 1 σε 0
2 0 0.5 1
w i th N = 2B − 1 n/N
• INL depends on both DAC resolution & element matching σε
• While σDNL = σε is to first order independent of DAC resolution and is
only a function of element matching
Ref: Kuboki et al, TCAS, 6/1982

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 46
Untrimmed DAC INL

1 B
σ INL ≅ 2 − 1 σε
Assume the following requirement 2
for a DAC:
σINL = 0.1 LSB ⎡ σ INL ⎤
B ≅ 2 + 2log 2 ⎢ ⎥
⎣ σε ⎦
Find maximum resolution for:

σε = 1% σε = 1% → Bmax = 8.6bits
σε = 0.5% σε = 0.5% → Bmax = 10.6bits
σε = 0.2% σε = 0.2% → Bmax = 13.3bits
σε = 0.1% σε = 0.1% → Bmax = 15.3bits

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 47

Simulation Example
12 Bit converter DNL and INL
2 σε = 1%
B = 12

-0.04 / +0.03 LSB

Random #
generator used in
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Computed INL:
2 σINLmax = 0.3 LSB
-0.2 / +0.8 LSB

Why is the
results not as
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 expected per our
bin derivation?

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 48
INL & DNL for Binary Weighted DAC
• INL same as for unit
element DAC

• DNL depends on transition

–Example: 2B-1 Iref 4 Iref 2Iref Iref
0 to 1 ÆσDNL2 = σ(dΙ/Ι) 2
1 to 2 Æ σDNL2 = 3σ(dΙ/Ι) 2

• Consider MSB transition:

0111 … Æ 1000 …

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 49

Example: 4bit DAC
Analog ..
Iout Output [Iref]
I8on, I4off ,I2off ,I1off
I8off, I4on ,I2on ,I1on

I8 I2 I1 6
8Iref 5
4Iref 2Iref Iref
4 I4on ,I2off ,I1off

3 I2on ,I1on
• DNL depends on transition
2 I2on ,I1off
– Example:
0 to 1 ÆσDNL2 = σ(dΙref/Ιref)2 1
1 to 2 Æ σDNL2 = 3σ(dΙref/Ιref)2
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 50
Binary Weighted DAC DNL
• Worst-case transition
DNL for a 4-Bit DAC occurs at mid-scale:
σ DNL ( )
= 2B−1 − 1 σ ε2 + 2B−1 σε2
3 14243
( )
σDNL2/ σε2

0111... 1000...
≅ 2Bσ ε2
σ DNLma x = 2B / 2σε
5 1 1
σ INLmax ≅ 2B − 1 σ ε ≅ σ DNLmax
2 2
• Example:
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 B = 12, σε = 1%
DAC Output [LSB] ÆσDNL = 0.64 LSB
ÆσINL = 0.32 LSB

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 51

MOS Current Source Variations

Due to Device Matching Effects
Id1 + Id 2
Id =
Id1 Id2
dId Id1 − Id 2
Id Id
dId dW L 2 × dVth
= +
Id W
L VGS −Vth

• Current matching depends on:

- Device W/L ratio matching
Æ Larger device area less mismatch effect
- Current mismatch due to threshold voltage variations:
Æ Larger gate-overdrive less threshold voltage mismatch effect

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 52
Current-Switched DACs in CMOS
Iref Switch Array

dId dW L 2d Vth
= +
Id W
L VGS − Vth ……

256 128 64 ………..…..1

• Advantages: Example: 8bit Binary Weighted

Can be very fast
Reasonable area for resolution < 9-10bits

• Disadvantages:
Accuracy depends on device W/L & Vth matching

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 53

Unit Element versus Binary Weighted DAC

Unit Element DAC Binary Weighted DAC
σ DN L = σε σ DN L ≅ 2 2 σε = 2σ IN L

−1 B −1 B
σ IN L ≅ 2 2 σε σ IN L ≅ 2 2 σε

Number of switched elements:

S = 2B S=B

Key point: Significant difference in performance and complexity!

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 54
Unit Element versus Binary Weighted DAC
Example: B=10
Unit Element DAC Binary Weighted DAC

σ D NL = σ ε σ DNL ≅ 2 σ ε = 32σ ε

−1 −1
σ INL ≅ 2 σ ε = 16σ ε
σ I NL ≅ 2 σ ε = 1 6σ ε
B 2

Number of switched elements:

S = B = 10
S = 2B = 1 0 2 4

Significant difference in performance and complexity!

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 55

“Another” Random Run …

DNL and INL of 12 Bit converter
2 Now (by chance) worst
-1 / +0.1 LSB, DNL is mid-scale.

-2 Statistical result!
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

-0.8 / +0.8 LSB


500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 56
10Bit DAC DNL/INL Comparison
Plots: 100 Simulation Runs Overlaid

Ref: C. Lin
and K. Bult,
"A 10-b,
in 0.6
mm2," IEEE
Journal of
Circuits, vol.
33, pp. 1948
- 1958,

Note: σε=2%

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 57

10Bit DAC DNL/INL Comparison

Plots: RMS for 100 Simulation Runs

Ref: C. Lin
and K. Bult,
"A 10-b,
in 0.6
mm2," IEEE
Journal of
Circuits, vol.
33, pp. 1948
- 1958,

Note: σε=2%

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 58
• DAC choice of architecture has significant impact on

• INL is independent of DAC architecture and requires

element matching commensurate with overall DAC

• Results assume uncorrelated random element


• Systematic errors and correlations are usually also

important and may affect final DAC performance
Ref: Kuboki, S.; Kato, K.; Miyakawa, N.; Matsubara, K. Nonlinearity analysis of resistor string A/D
converters. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol.CAS-29, (no.6), June 1982. p.383-9.

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 59

Segmented DAC
• Objective:
Compromise between unit element and binary weighted DAC

MSB (B1 bits) (B2 bits) LSB

… …

Unit Element Binary Weighted

• Approach: VAnalog
B1 MSB bits Æ unit elements
B2 LSB bits Æ binary weighted BTotal = B1+B2

• INL: unaffected same as either architecture

• DNL: Worst case occurs when LSB DAC turns off and one more MSB
DAC element turns on Æ Same as binary weighted DAC with (B2+1) # of
• Number of switched elements: (2B1-1) + B2

EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 60
Example: ( B2 +1)
B = 12, B1 = 5, B2 = 7 σ DNL ≅ 2 2
σ ε = 2σ I NL
B1 = 6, B2 = 6 −1
σ I NL ≅ 2 σε


S = 2B1 − 1 + B2
Assuming: σε = 1%

DAC Architecture σINL[LSB] σDNL[LSB] # of switched

(B1+B2) elements
Unit element (12+0) 0.32 0.01 4095
Segmented (6+6) 0.32 0.113 63+6=69
Segmented (5+7) 0.32 0.16 31+7=38
Binary weighted(0+12) 0.32 0.64 12
EECS 247- Lecture 14 Data Converters: DAC Design © 2008 H.K. Page 61

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