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INSTRUCTOR: Dang Thi My Dung

Members list of group 1

Hà Trí Thuận 2011116576

Nguyễn Quang Huy 2011116406
Mai Hoàng Sơn 2011116551
Nguyễn Lâm Minh Tiến 2012215603
Trần Quốc Nhật 2011116500
Nguyễn Công Tuấn Kiệt 1911115215

Ho Chi Minh City, May 2021

I. WHAT IS ADVERTISING ? .................................................................................. 3

II. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVERTISING ........................................................... 3

1. Tool for Market Promotion: ................................................................................. 3

2. Non-personal: ....................................................................................................... 3

3. Paid Form: ............................................................................................................ 3

4. Wide Applicability: .............................................................................................. 4

5. Varied Objectives: ................................................................................................ 4

6. Form of Advertising: ............................................................................................ 4

III. TYPES OF ADVERTISING: .............................................................................. 5

1. Brand advertising ................................................................................................. 6

2. Online advertising ................................................................................................ 6

3. Political advertising .............................................................................................. 7

4. Directory advertising ............................................................................................ 8

5. Institutional Advertising? ..................................................................................... 8

IV. MEANS OF ADVERTISING .............................................................................. 9

1. Social media advertising ...................................................................................... 9

2. Cell Phone & Mobile Advertising ..................................................................... 10

3. Print Advertising ................................................................................................ 11

3.1 Periodical Advertising ..................................................................................... 11

3.2 Brochures, Leaflets, Flyers, Handouts, and Point-of-Sale Advertising .......... 11

4. Guerrilla Advertising ......................................................................................... 12

V. THE IMPORTANCE OF ADVERTISING: ......................................................... 12

1. Product Introduction and Awareness ................................................................. 12

2. Product Value ..................................................................................................... 13

3. Product Breakthroughs and Advancements ....................................................... 13

4. Product Differentiation from Competitors ......................................................... 13

5. Economic Impact ............................................................................................... 13

6. Consumer Choice ............................................................................................... 14

VI. GOOD AND BAD ADVERTISING: ................................................................ 14

1. Definition ........................................................................................................... 14

2. What makes a bad advertisment compared to a good one ? .............................. 14

3. For example ........................................................................................................ 15

3.1 Good advertisement : ....................................................................................... 15

3.2 Bad advertisement : ......................................................................................... 17

REFERENCES: ............................................................................................................. 19


Advertising is defined as the marketing communication to create awareness about the

product or service to ultimately influence the customer to reach to the purchase decision. It
is primarily a promotion tool of the business to market anything and everything under the roof. 
It is an effective process to reach or build brand awareness of a product/brand/idea/service.  

Two kinds of advertising are: organic adv and paid adv. Organic advertising is done
through the word of mouth publicity. Paid advertising is done using various mediums.  


1. Tool for Market Promotion:

There are various tools used for market communication, such as advertising, sales
promotion, personal selling, and publicity. Advertising is a powerful, expensive, and popular
element of promotion mix.

2. Non-personal:

Advertising is a type of non-personal or mass communication with the target audience.

A large number of people are addressed at time. It is called non-personal salesmanship.

3. Paid Form:

Advertising is not free of cost. Advertisers, called sponsors, have to spend money for
preparing message, buying media, and monitoring advertising efforts. It is the costliest option

of market promotion. Company has to prepare its advertising budget to appropriate
advertising cost.

4. Wide Applicability:

Advertising is a popular and widely used means for communicating with the target
market. It is not only used for business and profession, but is widely used for museums,
charitable trusts, government agencies, educational institutions, and others to inform and
attract various target publics.

5. Varied Objectives:

Advertising is aimed at achieving various objectives. It is targeted to increase sales,

create and improve brand image, face competition, build relations with publics, or to
educate people.

6. Form of Advertising:

Advertising message can be expressed in written, oral, audible, or visual form.

Mostly, message is expressed in a joint form, such as oral-visual, audio-visual, etc.

6.1 Use of Media:

Advertisers can use any of the several advertising media to convey the message.
Widely used media are print media (newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, booklets, letters,
etc.), outdoor media (hoardings, sign boards, wall-printing, vehicle, banners, etc.), audio-

visual media (radio, television, film, Internet, etc.), or any other to address the target audience.

6.2 Advertising as an Art:

Today’s advertising task is much more complicated. Message creation and presentation
require a good deal of knowledge, creativity, skills, and experience. So, advertising can be
said as an art. It is an artful activity

6.3 Element of Truth:

It is difficult to say that advertising message always reveal the truth. In many cases,
exaggerated facts are advertised. However, due to certain legal provisions, the element of truth
can be fairly assured. But, there is no guarantee that the claim made in the advertisement is
completely true. Most advertisements are erotic, materialistic, misleading, and producer-

6.4 One-way Communication:

Advertising involves one-way communication. Message moves from company to

customers, from sponsor to audience. Message from consumers to marketer is not possible.
Marketers cannot know how far the advertisement has influenced the audience.


1. Brand advertising

Companies use brand advertising to establish connections and build strong, lasting
relationships with consumers. Brand advertising aims to help brands get long-term
positive recognition through establishing brand identity, credibility, and loyalty with
prospects. If you’re wondering how brand marketing works and are considering
advertising in newspaper, here are some things to know.

2. Online advertising

Online Advertising is the art of using the internet as a medium to deliver marketing
messages to an identified and intended audience. It is helpful for attracting website traffic
and brand exposure, but first and foremost, online advertising is designed to persuade
the targeted customer to engage in a specific action - like, making a purchase.

There are many different types of online advertising - or internet advertising/web

advertising as it is otherwise known - and it can be difficult to know where to start. To
help, we have highlighted some of the most important types of online advertising for you
to consider:

1. Social Media Advertising

2. Content Marketing

3. Email Marketing

4. SEM (Search Engine Advertising) - including PPC

5. Display Advertising - including banner advertising & retargeting

6. Mobile Advertising

3. Political advertising

Political advertising includes any advertising displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs,
brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or television presentations, digital or social
media advertising, or other means of mass communication, used for the purpose of appealing,
directly or indirectly, for votes or for financial or other support in any election campaign.

Political advertising does not include letters to the editor, news or feature articles,
editorial comment or replies to editorials in a regularly published newspaper, periodical, or on
a radio or television broadcast where payment for the printed space or broadcast time is not
normally required.

4. Directory advertising

Directory advertising is the placement of print ads and business contact information
in the yellow and white pages of phone books. Publishers of directories may place white
and yellow page listings into separate publications. Phone directory advertising is
typically grouped by major metropolitan areas and their sub-cMeans of advertisement

5. Institutional Advertising?

Institutional advertising is marketing & promoting a company, corporate, firm or

institution rather than its product or service. The main objective of institutional
advertising is to build a positive image and to generate goodwill about a particular
industry, rather than to promote sales. The benefits, ideas and philosophies of the

business are conveyed in a lucid manner. Because of its attempts to create a positive image, it
is closely related to public relations. In this, the organization markets itself rather than its

Institutional advertising is also referred to as corporate advertising or institutional

promotion. It does not attempt to sell anything directly. Institutional advertising just informs
the public of what the institution is doing for the society in terms of education, health,
environment, etc. The channels used for institutional advertising may be radio, television, print
and digital. Institutional advertising promotes a company while promotional advertising
promotes a company’s products & services.


Advertising has evolved into a vastly complex form of communication, with literally
thousands of different ways for a business to get a message to the consumer. Today's
advertisers have a vast array of choices at their disposal.

The internet alone provides many of these, with the advent of branded viral videos,
banners, advertorials, sponsored websites, branded chat rooms and so much more.

1. Social media advertising

Social media advertising is a popular choice for small businesses, because the cost
is relatively affordable and you can be highly selective with the audience you target. For
example, if you own a retail store, you can use ad targeting options to narrow the
audience so that only people of a certain demographic living within a certain mile radius
of your store are served your social ads. There are a few different social media platforms
you can select from for social advertising, including:

Facebook: Facebook is a great advertising choice for most small businesses,

because of the widespread adoption of the platform and the relatively low cost of their
ads. Almost 70 percent of American adults use Facebook, and among those who use it,
nearly 75 percent log in to the service at least once per day. There are different ad units
to choose from on Facebook, including video ads, customer offers, carousel images, lead
generation, page likes, event responses and more. You can learn more about Facebook
advertising on the Facebook Business site.

Instagram: Instagram ads are a great option for small businesses with a highly
visual brand that appeals to younger audiences, since 60 percent of Instagram’s one-
billion users are under the age of 30. Instagram includes many of the same targeting
parameters offered by Facebook and their ad units include image ads, video ads, Stories
ads and carousel ads. You can also include clear call-to-action buttons to drive traffic to
your website.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn advertising tends to be a bit more expensive compared to other

social networks, but it’s a great option for small businesses with a business-to-business
(B2B) sales model, since you can target professionals in specific industries and with
certain job titles through LinkedIn ads. There are more than 560 active professional users
on LinkedIn.

2. Cell Phone & Mobile Advertising

A dominating force in digital advertising is through mobile devices such as cell

phones, iPads, Kindles, and other portable electronic devices with internet connectivity.
Current trends in mobile advertising involve major use of social media such as Twitter,
Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Mobile advertising is similar to online
advertising and is increasingly gaining importance as a method of reaching new customers.

3. Print Advertising

Once a huge driver of sales, print is taking a back seat to the many digital forms of
advertising now available to marketers. However, if there is one thing that's certain about
advertising, it's that being different is good. And when consumers tire of digital ads, a return
to printed pieces and the tactile feeling and permanence they provide is definitely in the cards.
Typically, print can be split into three subcategories:

3.1 Periodical Advertising

If it's in a magazine, a newspaper, or anything else that comes out at regular intervals,
then it's periodical advertising (aka a print ad). For decades, print ads were the gold standard
for advertisers and their clients. To grab the center spread of a big magazine or the back cover
of a newspaper meant millions of people saw the message.

3.2 Brochures, Leaflets, Flyers, Handouts, and Point-of-Sale Advertising

Although some of these media can be placed within the pages of newspapers and
magazines, they are treated as a separate entity, usually because they have less chance of being
seen. From something that sits on a counter or customer service desk to a glossy car brochure,
small print media offer a more intimate and long-form way of engaging the consumer. Use
this approach when you have more information than you can cram into a print ad.

3.3 Direct Mail Advertising

Either of the techniques mentioned above can be incorporated into direct mail. It
simply means that your printed pieces are mailed directly to the consumer. This is a
technique that has been and continues to be, abused by inferior marketing agencies that
have turned the craft into junk mail. If it is creative and intelligently conceived and
executed, direct mail can be a fantastic way to engage the customer. Do not count it out.

4. Guerrilla Advertising

Also known as ambient media, guerrilla advertising (or marketing) has become
prominent over the last 20 years. It is a broadly used term for anything unconventional
and usually invites the consumer to participate or interact with the piece in some way.
Location is important, as is timing. The driving forces behind guerrilla advertising or
marketing are creative ideas and innovation, not a large budget. Quite often, you will ask
for forgiveness rather than permission with these campaigns, and they will spread via
word of mouth and social media.


Businesses use advertising to accomplish varied goals, and companies place those
ads in diverse media. Besides advertising products in traditional venues such as
newspapers and general interest magazines, businesses advertise in media that reach
specific markets. Effectively produced ads help to further business goals.

1. Product Introduction and Awareness

When a business introduces a new product, advertising provides a means to make

a large market aware of the product. Ads often focus on the product's solution to a
common problem, such as a new cell phone's touted ability to solve the "dropped call"
problem. In a very visual example, ads for an anti-frizz hair treatment can show "before
and after" photographs to illustrate the product's effectiveness.

2. Product Value

In the minds of consumers, advertising can add value to a product. The image or brand
that advertising helps to create becomes a part of the product, which is what makes one product
brand more valuable than its competition. This is why a consumer may be willing to pay a
higher price for a name brand product than buy a brand they are not familiar with at a lower
cost. Because advertising broadens the awareness of the product, the increase in awareness
can add value to the product.

3. Product Breakthroughs and Advancements

Advertising is used to communicate dramatic product breakthroughs. In September

2003, "Advertising Age" depicted a long history of "soap wars" in which bar soap
manufacturers promoted their respective products. In 1980, a product breakthrough occurred
with the first liquid hand soap introduction. This refillable soap solved the problem of messy
sink residue. This liquid soap product was purchased by a national brand, while competitors'
liquid soap products also emerged.

4. Product Differentiation from Competitors

Businesses frequently use advertising to show how their product has more benefits, or is
more effective, than similar competitors' products. In some cases, the retailer feels it's
necessary to advertise because the competition is blanketing newspaper pages or television
airwaves with its own ads. Unless other market retailers that aggressively highlight their own
products, they are likely to be overlooked in the minds of consumers.

5. Economic Impact

When companies use advertising, sales increase, according to the French founder of
advertising, Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet. The increase in business sales also causes an increase
in the quality level of life for consumers. Essentially, advertising causes a chain reaction that
boosts the economy of the area where the product or service advertisement is.

6. Consumer Choice

Advertising also has an impact on businesses because it leads to the creation of new
products and modification of existing products in order to meet consumer needs and
demands. While one company may possess a larger share of the market sales for a time,
when advertising introduces a new product that is better than the existing one, market
share can quickly shift to the company offering the newly advertised product.


1. Definition

Good advertisement : A good ad is one that is written and designed to

emotionally connect with its target audience. Once connected, your ad’s rhetoric strongly
persuades its consumer to want the product or service. The individual recognizes a need
for it and feels a sense of urgency until the purchase is made.

Bad advertisment : is the use of dishonest, erroneous, misleading, baseless

information to advertise or promote products and services to consumers. Any form of
advertisement (i.e. print ads, television & radio commercials, billboards, transit ads, in-
flight ads, etc.) that demonstrates false claims is bad advertisement.

2. What makes a bad advertisment compared to a good one ?

2.1 Result

Results are obviously the most important. Without results, you can’t really have
any of the others unless you are good at lying or manipulating data.

2.2 Transparecy

Transparency is important because you want your client or your boss to be able to see

2.3 Communication

Communication is mainly about showcasing your results in a way that makes sense to
someone who isn’t well- versed in marketing (laymans terms).

Communication is the most important part. We know we’re getting great results and
doing our job, but if we aren’t communicating that to the client how are they supposed to

3. For example

3.1 Good advertisement :

3.1.1 Nike: Just Do It.

Ad Campaign: Print, Television, Internet

Source: brandchannel

Did you know that, once upon a time, Nike's product catered almost exclusively to
marathon runners? Then, a fitness craze emerged — and the folks in Nike's marketing
department knew they needed to take advantage of it to surpass their main competitor, Reebok.
(At the time, Reebok was selling more shoes than Nike). And so, in the late 1980s, Nike
created the "Just Do It." campaign.

It was a hit.

In 1988, Nike sales were at $800 million; by 1998, sales exceeded $9.2 billion. "Just Do
It." was short and sweet yet encapsulated everything people felt when they were exercising —
and people still feel that feeling today. Don't want to run five miles? Just Do It. Don't want

walk up four flights of stairs? Just Do It. It's a slogan we can all relate to: the drive to
push ourselves beyond our limits.

The Lesson

When you're trying to decide the best way to present your brand, ask yourself: What
problem are you solving for your customers? What solution does your product or service
provide? By hitting on that core issue in all of your messaging, you'll connect with
consumers on an emotional level that is hard to ignore.

3.1.2 Coke: Share a Coke

Ad Campaign: Print

Big brands are often hard-pressed to do something ground-breaking when they're

already so big. So, what did Coca-Cola do to appeal to the masses? They appealed to
individuals — by putting their names on each bottle.

The Share a Coke campaign began in Australia in 2011, when Coca-Cola

personalized each bottle with the 150 most popular names in the country. Since then, the
U.S. has followed suit, printing first names across the front of its bottles and cans in
Coke's branded font. You can even order custom bottles on Coke's website to request
things like nicknames and college logos.

It was a breaking story across the marketing and advertising industry. Many
consumers were enchanted by it, while others were confused by it — why make a
temporary item so personal? Pepsi even released counter-ads shortly after the campaign

Nonetheless, Coke received immediate attention for it.

The Lesson

Coke fans are regular buyers, and the company leaned into that sense of individual
ownership with full force. Wondering what name you'll get out of the vending machine was a
fun thrill in and of itself — even if it isn't yours, it encourages you to "share a Coke" with
whomever's name is on the front.

3.2 Bad advertisement :

3.2.1 Pepsi Runs a Disastrous Lottery

In 1993 in the Philippines, Pepsi ran a lottery, in which—if you found the bottle cap with
the right code on it—you could win $40,000.

The problem? Pepsi announced the wrong code. So instead of 1 winning bottle cap, there
were suddenly 800,000 winning bottle caps. Pepsi refused to pay; outrage ensued.

Why It Missed the Mark

Do we even have to say it? False hope and botched lotteries are not good ways to do

The lesson

If you’re going to run a lottery or contest or anything promising a big, life-changing

reward, please make sure you’re running it carefully and 100% free of mistakes.

3.2.2 Hyundai Belittles Suicide Victims

In 2013, Hyundai ran a commercial in the UK that essentially said, “Our cars are so safe
you can’t even commit suicide in them.”

The point was that the sedan doesn’t produce harmful emissions like other cars do,
and unfortunately the campaign’s creators thought a good way to get that point across
was to show a man’s unsuccessful suicide.

Why It Missed the Mark

Just like Pepsi trivialized social justice movements, Hyundai trivializes the
heartbreak and devastation of suicide. You can’t be a person who’s suffered from
suicidal thoughts—or a person who has lost someone due to suicide—and enjoy
Hyundai’s ad, and that’s why they missed the mark.

The lesson

Don’t try to force your ad message into social issues if they don’t fit. Pro tip: they
probably don’t fit. Don’t let your desire to be quirky or clever undermine serious social


 The balance small business: The Different Types of Advertising Methods

Available to You.
 Advertising: Its Definitions, Characteristics and
 Penij: What Separates A Good And Bad Advertisement?
 Instapage: What Is Brand Advertising & Why Should You Use it?
 Online Advertising: How to Create Effective Online Advertising
 Institutional advertising
 Wikipedia: Interactive advertising.


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