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Think of something you’ve done in the past week that really challenged you to think hard.
What was it? / What were they?

Give as many responses as you can think of:

Last week I contemplated on dying my hair red without my parent’s permission, It was something I always wanted
to do but I’m sure my mother will not approve of it but then I decided not to. Last week I also decided to buy a
new ipad, I thought of it really hard weighing the pros and cons of it since I know how much help an ipad could
bring me but at the same time I can still finish all those tasks without owning another gadget.

What’s something you’ve been working on frequently lately?

It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It can be as simple as trying to wake up earlier every day, eating
less carbs, drinkingmore water, exercising every day.

Give as many responses as you can think of:

Lately I’ve been trying to study harder since back when I was still in senior high school, I don’t study that much
and only rely on what I think I know. I also try to not go back to sleep after waking up in the morning, and trying
to sleep at 12 am instead of the usual 2-3 am since I know that it is very unhealthy.

What’s something you wish you could do better in?

This means this is something that you’re already doing, but not quite an expert in.

Give as many responses as you can think of:

Driving a car, I know the basics I even got my student permit but still I don’t trust myself driving a car on the main
road since I am easily surprised or I tend to panic easily.

In the past week, what mistake did you do— big or small —that
still irritates youup to now?

Give as many responses as you can think of:

I ordered an item on shopee and forgot to tell my mom about it until it was delivered, I did not expect the delivery
to be that fast since I was expecting for it to arrive by the end of this month. I regret not telling her before placing
it as an order since it costs more than a thousand pesos.
If you know you wouldn’t fail, what would you do?
For example: Become a chef! / Write a novel! / Become the next Philippine Idol!
Remember: The idea here is that what you intend to do, you are guaranteed to be a success.)

Give as many responses as you can think of:

I would become a fashion designer at the same time be a fashion model. I would travel the world, and make Harry
Styles fall in love with me.

On a scale of 1 to 100, where 100 is the highest, how would you rate yourself right
now? Just in general. Shade your answer below:
10 50 100

What’s keeping you from feeling a hundred percent?

Try to be as specific as possible. You can use full sentences, you can use phrases, you can draw
images. (If you’reone of the lucky ones who feels a hundred percent, please
share why this is so.)

I look confident, but there are a lot of things I want to change in me.
It was really hard when I decided to ignore the people who don’t like me, but I was able to do
it! That’s because I can remember all the past hardships and trauma when I used to value
other’s opinion.

To get better at Ignoring their nonsesnse, I will

Constantly remind myself until I can finally say that I made it.

I’m doing my best to love and value myself more _. I’m not the best at it sometimes I
still cry myself to sleep, but someday, I will.

In a short essay/letter to yourself or a quick drawing in the next page, show how you
plan to work on having aGrowth Mindset, starting with what you CAN SAY to yourself
INSTEAD of what you used to say to yourself.

This lesson really left an impact in my heart, I used to say this “I am afraid I will make a
mistake” a lot of opportunities were lost because I kept on saying this to everyone. I lost my
chance to be better at things I used to be passionate about, I lost the opportunity to meet a lot
of new people and to learn new things. Now I will try to accept every opportunity that I know I
can do, yes I know that the fear of failure is the reason why I am holding but from this day
onward instead of saying “I am afraid I will make a mistake” I will now say “When I make a
mistake, I will learn from it and get better”. I do not want to be stuck at where I am right now,
I want to become a better version of me therefore I must push and encourage myself for I will
be the best me someday.

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