Precalculus11 q1 Mod3 Ellipses v1

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Module in Precalculus

First Quarter


Department of Education ● Cordillera Administrative Region

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum through the
Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)—Learning Resource Management and
Development System (LRMDS). It can be reproduced for educational purposes and the
source must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including creating an edited
version, an enhancement or a supplementary work are permitted provided all original
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material for commercial purposes and profit.


This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly

the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of
Education, Schools Division of CAR which is in response to the implementation of
the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education- CID,

Schools Division of Apayao CAR.

Date of Development : June, 2020

Resource Location : Apayao Science High School, SDO-Apayao CAR
Learning Area : PRECALCULUS
Grade Level : 11
Learning Resource Type : Module
Language : English
Quarter/Week : Q1/W3

Learning Competency/Code : Define an ellipse/STEM_PC11AG-Ic-1

Determine the standard form of the equation of

an ellipse/STEM_PC11AG-Ic-2


The developer would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and sincere
appreciation to the following people who contributed a lot in materializing this
professional endeavor:


Librarian Project Development Officer



Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division


Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent



Copyright Notice …………………………………………………..……...…..…. ii

Preface …………………………………………………………………...…….… iii

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………. …….…... iv

Table of Contents……………………………………………………….……. … v

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………. 1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 2

Learning Objectives

Pretest………………………………………………………………….…………. 3

Lesson Proper …………………………………………………………………… 5

Review…………………………………………………………………………. 5

Activity 1……………………………………….……………….…………. 6

Discussion …………….……………………………………...…………… 7

Enrichment ……………………………………………………….…………… 17

Activity 1…………………………………………………………………… 17

Assessment 1 ……………………………………………………………. 18

Activity 2…………………………………………………………………… 19

Assessment 2 …………………………………………………………….. 19

Activity 3…………………………………………………………………… 20

Assessment 3 …………………………………………………………. 20

Generalization ………………………………………………………………….. 21

Application ……………………………………………………………….………. 22

Post-Assessment …………………...……………………………………………. 22

Additional Activities……………………………………………….……………… 24

Answer Key……………………………………………………………………….. 25

Reference Sheet…………………………………………………...…………….. 28

Module in Precalculus

First Quarter



What I

need to know?

To the facilitator:

In this part of the module, the learners need to activate their prior
knowledge; communicate their expectations as to what they want to know and
understand. Reading materials are provided in this module and as evidence of
their learning they need to finish the activities. They will be answering
questions based on the lesson provided and at the end of the module; be
provided with the knowledge on how to define an ellipse and familiarize the
standard form of the equation of an ellipse. Assess the knowledge of the
students by letting them answer the questions at the end of this module. They
should be informed of the assessment technique to be used for their expected
outputs. Accept all the answers of your students. However, take note of those
areas where you need to clarify during the process part. Make sure that your
learners are clarified on the expected outputs at the end of this module.

To the learner:

This module is for an independent learner. Kindly follow the stages of

this module, do not skip any of the stages of the module unless it is stated in
the direction. The parts of this module are pre assessment test, lesson
proper, generalization, application and post assessment.

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you learn how to define an ellipse and familiarize the equation of the
ellipse in different cases. The language used recognizes the diverse your
vocabulary level. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of
the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Define an ellipse/STEM_PC11AG-Ic-1

 Determine the standard form of the equation of an

What I Know?

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your
Precalculus notebook.

1. What do you call the set of all points (x, y) in a plane whose distance
from two fixed points in the plane gives a constant sum?
A. Circle C. Ellipse
B. Parabola D. Hyperbola
2. What do you call the line segment whose endpoints are the vertices of the
A. Major axis C. Minor axis
B. Semi-major axis D. semi-minor axis
3. What do you call the two fixed points in an ellipse?
A. Vertices C. Intercepts
B. foci D. focus
4. What do you call the line passing through the center, foci and the vertices?
A. Principal axis C. x-axis
B. Conjugate axis D. y-axis
5. What do you call the line passing through the center and the intercepts?
A. x-axis C. Principal axis
B. y-axis D. Conjugate axis
6. What do you call the line segment whose endpoints are the intercepts of
the ellipse?
A. Major axis C. Principal axis
B. Minor axis D. Conjugate axis
7. What do you call the endpoints of the major axis?
A. Intercepts C. foci
B. Vertices D. focus
8. What do you call the halfway between the two foci?
A. Center C. Intercept
B. Focus D. Vertex
9. The constant sum in an ellipse is equal to the distance between the two

A. Intercepts C. vertices
B. foci D. points

10. The length of the minor axis is represented by the term

A. 2a C. a2
B. 2b D. b2
11. What is the standard form of the ellipse when the principal axis is the x-
axis and the center is at the origin?
x2 y 2 x2 y 2
A. 2 + 2 = 1 C. 2 - 2 = 1
a b a b
2 2 2 2
y + x =1 y - x =1
B. 2 2 D. 2 2
a b a b

12. What is the standard equation of the ellipse when the principal axis is
parallel to the x-axis and the center is at (h k)?
( x−h)2 + ( y−k )2 = 1 x2 + y 2 = 1
A. C.
a2 b2
2 2
( y−k ) + ( x−h) = 1 y 2 + x2 = 1
B. 2 2 D. 2 2
a b a b
13. What is the standard equation of the ellipse when the principal axis is
parallel to the y-axis while the center is at (h, k)?
( y−k ) = 1 y 2 - x2 = 1
A. ¿ ¿ - C.
b2 a2 b2
2 2
( y−k ) + ( x−h) = 1 y 2 + x2 = 1
B. D. 2
a b2
14. What is the standard equation of the ellipse when the center is at (0,0)
and the distance from the center to the vertex is 3 and the distance from
the center to one of the intercepts is 2 while the principal axis is the x-
x2 - y 2 = 1 x2 + y 2 = 1
A. C.
9 4 9 4
2 2 2 2
y x =1 y + x =1
B. - D.
9 4 9 4
15. What is the standard equation of the ellipse when the center is at (3,2)
and the distance from the center to the vertex is 5 and the distance from
the center to one of the intercepts is 4 while the principal axis is parallel
to the y-axis?

2 2 2
( y−2) = 1 ( y−3) ( x−2) = 1
A. ¿ ¿ + C. +
25 16 25
2 2 2 2
( x−3) + ( y−2) ( y−2) + ( x−3) = 1
B. =1
5 4 5 4

Lesson Definition and Equation

1.3.1 of an Ellipse

What’s In?

Unlike circle and parabola, an ellipse is one of the conic sections that
most students have not encountered formally before. Its shape is a bounded
curve which look like a flattened circle. The orbits of the planets in our solar
system around the sun happen to be elliptical in shape. Also, just like
parabolas, ellipses have reflective properties that have been used in the
construction of certain structures. These applications and more will be
encountered in this lesson.

In this lesson, you need previous knowledge about the distance formula.

d2 = ¿x)2 + ¿y)2

d2 = ¿x2 – x1)2 + ¿y2 – y1)2

or simply

d = √( x 2 – x 1)2 +( y 2 – y 1 )2

What’s New?

Answer the crossword puzzle below to have an idea about the new lesson – the
ellipse. Clues are provided below this puzzle. Use your Precalculus notebook.

Crossword Puzzle

What is It?

Definition of an Ellipse

An ellipse is a conic section. It is also the set of all points (x, y) in a plane
whose distance from two fixed points are constant. The two fixed points are called the
foci (plural for focus). The line passing through the center, foci and vertices is called
the principal axis. The line passing through the center and the intercepts (co-vertices)
is called the conjugate axis. The constant sum is equal to the distance between the
two vertices.

Some Properties of an Ellipse

There are also some properties of ellipse that you need to know. These are:
1. Center of the ellipse is halfway between the foci or the vertices.
2. Vertices (plural of vertex) of the ellipse are the points where the curve crosses the
principal axis.
3. Intercepts of the ellipse are the points where the curve crosses the conjugate axis.
4. Major axis is a line segment which is a part of the principal axis whose endpoints

are the vertices of the ellipse.
5. Minor axis is a line segment which is a part of the conjugate axis whose endpoints
are the intercepts of the ellipse.
6. Principal axis is a line passing through the center, foci and vertices
7. Conjugate axis is a line passing through the center and the intercepts or covertices.
These parts are shown below:

Standard Forms of an Ellipse

The standard form of the equation of an ellipse whose center is at the origin or
x2 y2
at (0,0) is + = 1 where a and b are positive real numbers and a ≠ b.
a2 b2

To prove this, we shall show the derivation of the standard equation of an

ellipse. Let F1(-c,0) and F2(c,0) be the two fixed and distinct points on the x-axis and
both are c units away from the center (0,0). Let P (x, y) be a point on the ellipse. And
the constant sum is 2a. Thus, we have PF1 + PF2 = 2a.

PF1 + PF2 = 2a

PF1 = 2a - PF2

√( x – [−c])2 +( y−0)2 = 2a –√ (x – c )2+ ¿¿ –use the distance formula

[√ ( x +c )2+ y2 ]2 = [2a –√ ( x – c )2+ y 2 ]2--square both sides

x2 + 2cx + c2 + y2 = 4a2 – 4a√( x – c )2+ y 2 + x2 -2cx + c2 + y2

4a√ ( x – c )2+ y 2 = 4a -2cx – 2cx


(4a√( x – c )2+ y 2 )/4 = (4a – 4cx)/4
--divide both sides by 4

(a√ (x – c )2+ y 2 ¿2 = (a – cx)

2 2
--expand the binomial

a2[(x – c)2 + y2] = a4 – 2a2cx + c2x2

a2[(x2 – 2cx + c2) + y2] = a4 – 2a2cx + c2x2

a2x2 – 2a2cx + a2c2 + a2y2 = a4 – 2a2cx + c2x2

a2x2 + a2c2 + a2y2 = a4 + c2x2 --transpose c2x2 to the left side

factor out a2-- a2x2 - c2x2 + a2y2 = a4 - a2c2 --transpose a2c2 to the right side

x2(a2 – c2) + a2y2 = a2(a2 – c2) --factor out a2

--remember that a2 = b2 + c2 or b2 = a2 – b2

(x2b2 + a2y2)/a2b2 = a2b2/a2b2 --

divide both sides by a2b2

2 =1 --the standard form of the
2 + 2 c equation of an ellipse
a b

We shall consider two special cases of the ellipse whose center is at the origin
or at (0,0).

x2 y2
+ = 1; where a > b.
a2 b2

Case II. When the principal axis is the y-axis (vertical)

x2 y2
+ = 1; where a > b.
b2 a2

We shall consider another two special cases of the ellipse whose center is at (h, k).

Case III. When the principal axis is parallel to the x-axis (horizontal)

( x−h)
+ ¿ ¿ = 1; where a > b.

Case IV. When the principal axis is parallel to the y-axis (vertical)

2 2
( x−h) ( y−k )
2 + 2 = 1; where a > b.
b a

How to find the center and

standard form of the equation
of an ellipse given its general

1. 4x2 + 25y2 – 100 = 0

2. 9x2 + 25y2 – 18x – 100y – 116 = 0

Solution to #1

4x2 + 25y2 = 100 - transpose 100 to the right

(4x2 + 25y2)/100 = 100/100 -divide both sides by 100

4 x 2 25 y 2 = 1 -simplify
100 100

x2 y2 =1 -Place the constants on the denominator

100/4 100/25

x2 y2 = 1 -simplify the denominator

25 4

x2 y2 = 1 -express the constants as squares

2 + 2
5 2

2 2
x y =1 -this is now the standard form of an ellipse
25 4

C(0, 0) ; a=5 ; b=2

a is the distance from center to vertex and b is the distance from center to


Solution to #2

9x2 + 25y2 – 18x – 100y = 116 - transpose 116 to the right

9x2 – 18x + 25y2 – 100y = 116 -combine terms with the same


9(x2 – 2x) + 25(y2 – 4y) = 116 -factor out the numerical coefficient

of each of the squared terms

9(x2 – 2x+1) + 25(y2 – 4y+4) = 116 +9(1) -complete the squares of each of the

+ 25(4) terms with the same variable on left


-add the product of the GCF and the

added constant for the two variables

on the right side of the equation

9(x – 1)2 + 25(y – 2)2 = 225 -express the 2 trinomials as squares

of a binomial on the left side of the


-simplify the constants on the right

side of the equation

[9(x – 1)2 + 25(y – 2)2]/225 = 225/225 -divide both sides of the equation by


2 2
( x−1) ( y−2)
+ =1
225/ 9 225/25

2 2
( x−1) ( y−2) -simplify the denominator
+ =1
25 9

( x−1)
( y−2)
-express the constants as squares
+ 2
5 3

( x−1)
( y−2)
-this is now the standard form of an
+ =1
25 9

C(1, 2) ; a=5 ; b=3

a is the distance from center to vertex and b is the distance from center to


How to find the standard form of the equation of an ellipse given some of
its properties?

1. Foci at (0,3) & (0,-3) and vertices at (0,5) & (0,-5)

2. Major axis of length 22 and foci 9 units above and below the center (2, 4)

Solution to # 1.

Since the foci are at (0,3) & (0,-3) we can say that the principal axis is

along the y-axis and therefore the distance from the center is 3 units above and

below the center (0,0). That distance is represented as c. The vertices also are

located 5 units above and below the center (0,0) and the distance from the

center is 5. That distance is represented as a. So let us identify the given: the

center is at (0,0); a= 5; c = 3 and b =? We will solve for b first before we can

give the standard form. To solve for b, we will use a2 = b2 + c2 because in ellipse

a is the longest among the three variables used to represent such distances. a

is the distance from the center to the vertex, b is the distance from the center

to the intercept and c is the distance from the center to the focus.

a2 = b2 + c2
a2 – c2 = b2 or b2 = a2 – c2
b2 = 52 – 32
b2 = 25 – 9
b2 = 16

Since the principal axis is along the y-axis and its center is at (0,0). We

x2 y2
therefore use this standard form of the ellipse, + = 1. Substituting the
b2 a2
2 2
x y x2 y2
value of a and b we have 2 + 2 = 1 and the final equation is + = 1.
4 5 16 25

Solution to # 2.

Major axis is a line segment whose endpoints are the vertices, that is

represented by 2a, so, 2a = 22 or a = 11. Center to focus (one of the foci)

distance is represented by c, so c = 9. And we are now ready to solve for b,

b2 = a2 – c2
b2 = 112 – 92
b2 = 121 – 81
b2 = 40
b = √ 40
b = √ 4 ∙ 10
b = 2 √ 10
Since it says that the foci is above and below the center, therefore we can say

that the principal axis is parallel to the y-axis and the center is at (2,4). We

now substitute the values of h and k of the center and values of a and b using

( x−h)2 ( y−k )2
this standard form of the ellipse, + = 1.
b2 a2

(x−2) ( y−4)2
2 + 2 =1
(2 √ 10) (11)

2 2
( x−2) ( y−4)
+ =1
40 121

How to determine the properties of an ellipse by transforming or rewriting

its standard form to general form?


2 2
x y
1. + =1
16 25
2 2
(x−1) ( y−2)
2. + =1
25 9

Solution to # 1.

2 2
x y – multiply the LCM to both sides of the equation
( + = 1)400
16 25
25x2 + 16y2 = 400 - transpose the constant to the left side of the equation

25x2 + 16y2 – 400 = - transpose the constant to the left side of the equation

25x2 + 16y2 - 400 = - this is now the general form of the ellipse

Solution to # 2.

(x−1)2 ( y−2)2 - multiply the LCM to both sides of

( + =1)225
25 9 the equation

9(x-1)2 + 25(y-2)2 = 225

9(x2 – 2x + 1) + 25(y2 - 4y + 4) = 225 - expand the squares of the two
9x2 – 18x + 9 + 25y2 - 100y + 100 = 225
- multiply the constants before the
two trinomials
9x2 – 18x + 25y2 - 100y – 116 = 0 - arrange the terms and simplify
the constants
9x2 – 18x + 25y2 - 100y – 116 = 0 - this is now the general form of
the ellipse

What’s More?

Activity 1:

Direction. Write true if the statement is correct and write false if the statement
is wrong. Write your answers in your Precalculus notebook.

1. Ellipse is the set of all points (x, y) in a plane whose distance from
two fixed points are constant.
2. Vertices are the two fixed points of an ellipse.
3. The principal axis is a line passing through the center, foci and
4. The conjugate axis is a line passing through the center and the
5. Focus is halfway between the two vertices.
6. The distance from the center to the vertex is represented by b.
7. Intercepts are the points where the curve crosses the conjugate
8. Major axis is a line segment whose endpoints are the intercepts of
an ellipse.

9. Minor axis is a part of the conjugate axis.
10. Vertices are the endpoints of the minor axis.
11. If the vertices are found in the x-axis, the principal axis is along
the x-axis.
12. If the foci are found in the y-axis, the principal axis is along the y-
13. If the general form of the ellipse has no linear terms, then the
center of the ellipse is at (h, k).
14. If there are linear terms in the general form of the ellipse, then the
center is found at (h, k).
15. If the principal axis is parallel to the y-axis and the center is at (h,
2 2
x y
k), then the standard form is 2 + 2 = 1.
b a

Assessment 1

Direction. Complete the unfinished statements by filling-up the blanks. Write

your answers in your Precalculus notebook.

1. Ellipse is the set of all points (x, y) in a plane whose distance from two fixed
points that gives a constant _____________________.

2. The two fixed points in an ellipse is called _____________________.

3. The line segment whose length is equal to the vertex to vertex distance is
called the _____________________.

4. The minor axis is a line segment whose endpoints are the


5. Halfway between the vertices is the _____________________.

6. The line passing through the vertices and foci is called the

7. The conjugate axis is a line passing through the center and


( x−6)2 ( y +8)2
8. If the standard form of an ellipse is + , then the center is
25 16

2 2
x y
9. If the standard form of an ellipse is + , then the distance from center to
36 49
vertex is _____________________.

x2 y2
10. If the standard form of an ellipse is + , then 5 is the distance from
36 25
center to _____________________.

Activity 2

Direction: Match the given general form of an ellipse in column A with its
corresponding standard form in column B. Write your answers in your Precalculus

Column A Column B
_____ 1. 9x2 + 25y2 – 225 = 0 A. (x +1)
2 2
( y +3)
+ =1
16 25
_____ 2. 25x2 + 16y2 – 1600 = 0 B. ( x−2)
2 2
( y +5)
+ =1
100 36
_____ 3. 25x2 + 16y2 + 50x + 96y – 231 = 0 C. (x +3)2 ( y−8)2
+ =1
64 36
_____ 4. 9x2 + 25y2 - 36x + 250y – 239 = 0 D. x2 y2
+ 9

_____ 5. 9x2 + 16y2 + 54x - 256y + 529 = 0 E. x2 y2
+ 100

Assessment 2

Direction: Complete the table by filling-in the required equations, numbers or points in
the cell.

Equation of the Ellipse Standard form Center a b

1. 9x2 + 25y2 – 225 = 0

2. 25x2 + 16y2 – 1600 = 0

3. 9x2 + 16y2 - 126x + 64y – 71 = 0

4. 25x2 + 16y2 + 50x + 96y – 231 = 0

5. 36x2 + 20y2 - 144x + 120y – 396 = 0

Activity 3

Direction: Find the standard equation of the ellipse given some of its properties. Show
your complete solution in your Precalculus notebook.

1. Foci at (3, 0) & (-3, 0) and vertices at (5, 0) & (-5, 0)

2. Minor axis of length 4 and vertices at (0, 5) & (0, -5)

3. Foci at (5, 0) & (-5, 0) and one vertex is at (6, 0)

4. Foci at (-7, 6) & (-1, 6) and the sum of the distances from the two foci to any point
on the ellipse is 14

5. Intercepts/covertices at (-4, 8) & (10, 8) and one focus is at (3, 12)

Assessment 3

Direction: Find the standard equation of the ellipse and fill-in the blanks of the
statements that follows in every equation. Write your complete solutions in your
Precalculus notebook.

1. Vertices at (0, 6) & (0, -6) and the intercepts at (5, 0) and (-5, 0)

The principal axis is along the __________________ and the center is at

__________________. The constant sum of the distances from the foci to any point on
the ellipse is __________________.

2. Vertices at (8, 0) & (-8, 0) and the covertices at (0, 6) & (0, -6)

The principal axis is along the __________________ and the center is at

__________________. The length of the major axis of the ellipse is __________________.

3. Minor axis of length 12, one vertex is at (-8, 3) and the center is at (2, 3)

The principal axis is parallel to the __________________. The constant sum of the
distances from the foci to any point on the ellipse is __________________. The other
vertex is at __________________.

4. Major axis of length 20 and foci 6 units above and below the center (-2, -5)

The principal axis is parallel to the __________________. The length of the minor axis is
__________________. The covertices are at _________&_________.

5. Covertices at (8, -4) and (8, 10) and one of the foci is at (12, 3)

The principal axis is parallel to the __________________ and the center is at

__________________. The length of the minor axis is __________________.

What I Have Learned?

Answer the following questions. Write your answers in your Precalculus notebook.

1. What is an ellipse?

2. Enumerate some of the properties of an ellipse and describe each.


3. Give the different standard forms of an ellipse.


What I Can Do?

Investigating the universe, we are living in!

Make a research about the solar system. Find out how the planets
revolve around the sun. Are the planets revolving in elliptical curve? What are
these planets? Find their shortest and longest distance from the sun. Are these
two distances now the so called, constant sum in the definition of an ellipse?

Post Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in
you Precalculus notebook.

1. What do you call the two fixed points in an ellipse?

A. Vertices C. Intercepts
B. covertices D. foci
2. What do you call the set of all points (x, y) in a plane whose distance from
two fixed points in the plane gives a constant sum?
A. Circle C. Ellipse
B. Parabola D. Hyperbola
3. What property of the ellipse whose length is equal to the constant sum that
has been told in the definition?
A. Principal axis C. minor axis
B. conjugate axis D. major axis
4. What do you call the line segment whose endpoints are the covertices of the
A. Major axis C. Minor axis
B. Semi-major axis D. semi-minor axis
5. What do you call the line passing through the center and the
intercepts/covertices of an ellipse?
A. Principal axis C. x-axis
B. Conjugate axis D. y-axis
6. What do you call the line passing through the foci and vertices of an ellipse?
A. x-axis C. Principal axis
B. y-axis D. Conjugate axis
7. What do you call the line segment whose endpoints are the vertices of the
A. Major axis C. Principal axis
B. Minor axis D. Conjugate axis
8. What do you call the endpoints of the minor axis?
A. Intercepts C. foci
B. Vertices D. focus
9. What do you call the halfway between the two vertices?
A. Center C. Intercept
B. Focus D. Vertex
10. The length of the distance between the two vertices is equal to twice the
value of _____________.
A. a C. k
B. b D. h

11. What do you call the endpoints of the major axis?
A. foci C. vertices
B. intercepts D. dead points
12. What is the principal axis if the standard form of the equation of the ellipse
x2 y 2
is 2 + 2 = 1 ?
a b
A. x-axis C. parallel to the x-axis
B y-axis D. parallel to the y-axis
x2 + y2 = 1
13. What is the center of this ellipse given its standard form, ?
49 36
A. (6, 7) C. (-7, -6)
B. (7, 6) D. (0, 0)
14. What are the coordinates of the vertices of this ellipse given its standard
2 2
( x−5) + ( y +3) = 1
form, ?
49 25
A. (-5, -3) & (5, -3) C. (-2, -3) & (12, -3)
B. (5, 3) & (-5, -3) D. (5, 7) & (5, -13)
15. What are the coordinates of the intercepts of this ellipse given its standard
2 2
( x−3) + ( y−2) =1
form, ?
64 100
A. (2, 3) & (3, 2) C. (3, 12) & (3, -8)
B. (-5, 2) & (11, 2) D. (-3, 2) & (3, -2)

Additional Activity

Direction. Rewrite the following equations in standard forms of an ellipse and identify
its center, vertices, intercepts and foci. Write your answers including your solutions in
your Precalculus notebook.

Standard Form

General Form

1. x2 + 4y2 – 4 = 0

2. 4x2 + 25y2 – 100 = 0

3. 36x2 + 16y2 - 576 = 0

4. 9x2 + 16y2 + 72x - 96y + 144 = 0
5. 36x2 + 20y2 - 144x + 120y - 396 = 0

Answer Key

What I know?

1 C 6 B 1 A
2 A 7 B 2 A
3 B 8 A 3 B
4 A 9 C 4 C
1 1
5 D 0 B 5 A

What’s new?

What’s more?

Activity 1






Assessment 1

1 sum 6 principal axis

2 foci 7 intercepts/covertices

3 major axis 8 (6, -8)

4 intercepts/covertices 9 7

5 center 10 intercept/covertex

Standard Form Center a b

x2 2
y C(0, 0) 5 3
Activity 2 1. + =1
Assessment 2
25 9
2 2 C(0, 0) 10 8
x + y =1
64 100
1 D C(7, -2) 8 6
( x−7)2 + ( y +2)2 = 1
64 2736
2 2 C(-1, -3) 5 4
( x +1) + ( y +3) = 1
16 25
2 2
( x−2) + ( y +3) = 1 C(2, -3) 6 √5

20 36
2 E
3 A
4 B
5 C

Activity 3
2 2
x +
y =1
25 16

x2 +
y2 =1
4 25

x2 +
y2 =1
36 11
( x +4 )2 ( y−6)2
4. + =1
49 40
2 2
( x−3) +
( y−8) =1
49 65

Assessment 3
Standard Form 1st Blank 2nd Blank 3rd Blank
2 2 y-axis (0, 0) 12
x +
y =1
25 36
2 2 x-axis (0, 0) 16
x +
y =1
64 36
2 2 x-axis 20 (12, 3)
( x−2) +
( y−3) =
100 36

( x +2)2 ( y +5)2 y-axis 16 (-10, -5) & (6, -5)

4. + =
64 100
2 2 x-axis (8, 3) 14
( x−8) +
( y−3) =
49 33

What I have learned?

1. Ellipse is the set of all points (x, y) in a plane whose distance from two fixed points are constant.

2. Properties of the ellipse

1. Center is halfway between the foci or the vertices.

2. Vertices (plural of vertex) of the ellipse are the points where the curve crosses the principal
axis. The endpoints of the major axis
3. Intercepts or covertices of the ellipse are the points where the curve crosses the conjugate axis.
The endpoints of the minor axis.
4. Major axis is a line segment which is a part of the principal axis whose endpoints are the
vertices of the ellipse.
5. Minor axis is a line segment which is a part of the conjugate axis whose endpoints are the
intercepts or covertices of the ellipse.
6. Principal axis is a line passing through the center, foci and vertices
7. Conjugate axis is a line passing through the center and the intercepts or covertices.

3. Standard forms of the ellipse

With C(0, 0)
x2 y 2
Case I. 2 + 2 = 1, where a > b.
a b
2 2
x y
Case II. 2 + 2 = 1, where a > b.
b a
With C(h, k)
2 2
( x−h) ( y−k )
Case III. 2
+ 2
= 1, where a > b.
a b
( x−h)2 ( y−k )2
Case IV. + = 1, where a > b.
2 2
b a

Post Assessment
1 D 6 C 11 C
2 C 7 A 12 A
3 D 8 A 13 D
4 C 9 A 14 C
5 B 10 A 15 B

Additional Activity
Standard Form Center Vertices Intercepts Foci

x 2
(0, 0) (± 2, 0) (0 , ±1 ) √
(± 3 , 0)
4 1

x2 +
y2 =1
(0, 0) (± 5, 0) (0 , ± 2) (± √21 , 0)
25 4

x2 y2 (0, 0) (0, ± 6) (± 4 ,0 ) (0, ± 2 √5)
3. + =1
16 36

( x +4 )
( y−3)
(-4, 3) (0, 3) & (-8, 3) (-4, 6) & (-4, 0) (-4± √7 , 3)
16 9

( x−2)
( y +3) =
(2, -3) (2, 3) & (2, -9) (2± 2 √5, -3) (2, 1) & (2, -7)

20 36


Deauna, M. C. & Lamayo, F. C. (2006). Introduction to Analytic Geometry & Calculus. Quezon
City, Philippines: SIBS Publishing House, Inc.

Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources (2016). Precalculus Learner’s

Material. Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education

Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources (2016). Precalculus Teacher’s Guide.

Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education


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