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Name: Judy Ann C.

Year Course & Section: BEED-4B

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

in English IV
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to;
a. Identify the elements of Literacy texts
b. Develop critical comprehension in the process
c. Summarize narrative text based on the Element {setting, character,
II-Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Elements of Literacy texts
b. Reference: Joy in Learning English p.36-37.
c. Materials: visual aids, pictures.
A. Preparatory Activities
A. Review
B. Motivation
-Let the pupils watch and follow the instruction in a short video clip
A. Presentation
1. Choose 5 pupils to unlock some words posted on the board.
2. Check the answer and read words for vocabulary development.
Pre- Reading: Unlocking of Difficulties
1. Vast- very great or big in size
2. Possession- ownership
3. Lovers- person in love 2
4. Bridge- a structure carrying a pathway or a roadway over a depression or
5. Minister- servant or agent

B. Modelling/ Teaching
-Today we are going to hear the story about the Bridge of Love.
1. Read the story and let the pupils listen very carefully.
Have you ever looked in the night sky? Have you noticed a broadband of
brightness across the entire sky? This hand of stars is called the Milky Way. It contains
over 100 billion stars including our sun. the Chinese say that if you look into the night
sky on the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, you will see this bridge of stars very
A long time ago, there lived a king in the land of stars. He was powerful. He was
the mightiness ruler in the vast expanses of the skies. But the land of the stars was not
his important treasure. His most precious possession was his own daughter.
The princess was beautiful and hardworking, loving and obedient to her father.
And she did one thing nobody else can do. She could weave clouds on her loom every
day. The clouds covered the sky and gave shelter to the people from the hot sun.
It came to pass that a handsome prince from a neighboring space kingdom
visited the king. He was attracted by the princess’s beauty. He saw hoe respectful and
obedient the princess was to her father. They fell in love with each other.
The prince asked the princess hand in marriage. The king agreed on one
condition. The princess must continue weaving clouds even after her marriage. And
prince agreed.
But the young lovers forgot their promise. The princess spent days gathering heavenly
flowers. She would dress herself with jewels of all kinds. The prince enjoyed the
company of his beautiful bride. They play, travel, and enjoy food and music all day long.
The prince left his kingdom to his minister. He spent all his time with the princess.
And the princess never wove clouds on her loom.
The king was very angry. There were no more clouds to protect the people from
the sun’s bright rays. People died from heat. There no rains that watered the earth.
Crops and animals died. With one wave of his hand. The king separated the lovers. He
sent prince to the northern skies. He sent princess to the southern skies. The river of
stars separated them. The lovers were very sad. They cried all hours of the day and
flooded the earth with their cries.
The magpies, a kind of bird, pitied the lovers. On the seventh month in the
Chinese calendar, all magpies in the word formed a bridge over the river. The lover
would meet and all the stars in the sky twinkled their brightness as the lovers enjoyed
each other company.

Analysis and Discussion

1. How did the story open?
a. It introduces at once the characters in the story
b. It gave the names of the characters in the story
c. It gave a background information about the ‘’bridge of love”
2. What characters does the story have?
a. Unnamed human characters with specific names
b. Human characters with specific names
c. Animal characters

3. Which phrase names the setting names

a. Bridge of love
b. The land of the stars
c. Band brightness across the skies

4. Wy did the king become angry at the newly wed?

a. The princess forgot to weave the clouds
b. The princess gathered heavenly flowers
c. The prince left his kingdom to his minister

5. How did the king punish the newly wed?

a. He had marriage annulled
b. He had the prince killed of wild animals
c. He took back the princess to the land of the stars

IV- Generalization:
1. Ask pupils about the element of literacy and let them recite each.

F- Evaluation:
Direction: tell whether the give statement is setting, characters, or plot based on
the story discussed.
__________ 1. The magpies, a kind of bird.
__________ 2. A long time ago.
__________ 3. Lord of stars.
__________ 4. The prince fell in love with the princess and then got married. The
princess forgot her promise so the king separated the newly wed because they broke
their promises.
__________5. The handsome prince and beautiful princess.
VII- Assignment
Directions: present the details of your favorite fairy tale by making story grammar
using semantic web. Write your story grammar on your English notebook and be ready
to present it in the class the following.

Tittle of

Setting Plot

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