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Department of Food Technology




Instructor: Nguyen Thi Huong Giang

Teaching Assistant: Nguyen Ha My Duyen
Date of submission: 6/12/2021

Subgroup 4

Đặng Tuấn Kiệt BTFTIU18053

Phạm Thế Đức BTFTIU18223
Nguyễn Minh Sơn BTFTIU17079
Trần Hoàng Vỹ BTFTIU17031
Văng Thị Ngọc Thi BTFTIU17093


I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………3



IV. COCOA TRACE…………………………………………………....9

V. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………….10

I. Introduction

The cacao tree is native to South and Central America but is now widely
grown in many parts of the world. Suitable conditions for cocoa trees to
grow and develop are tropical regions located in latitudes 20° North to 20°
South of the equator, annual temperature ≥27°C, high air humidity, Annual
rainfall is from 1500-2500 mm. The soil must be fertile, with good drainage,
located at an altitude of less than 700 m above sea level. Around the world,
cocoa trees are currently grown in three main regions: South America,
West Africa and Southeast Asia

Figure 1. Top 3 Cocoa producing regions

Cacao has 3 main varieties: Forastero, Criollo, Trinitario

Figure 2. Three main types of Cocoa

Cocoa trees were first brought to Vietnam by the French colonialists in the 19th
century, but because they did not bring much profit as coffee, pepper, cashew
trees, etc., they were no longer planted. Then for a rather brief period in the
1980s, the Soviet government sent experts to Vietnam in an effort to develop
cocoa trees. However, the breakup of the Soviet Union shortly thereafter in
1991 put an end to these efforts. In 2000, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development announced a long-term program to encourage cocoa production
in Vietnam. In 2013, the cocoa growing area in our country reached 20,000
hectares, the output reached 5,000 tons of beans. In 2020, the cocoa growing
area will be increased to 50,000 hectares. The cocoa variety grown in Vietnam
is a hybrid Trinitario which is a high-quality variety in the top 10% of "flavor"
beans worldwide. Although Vietnam currently accounts for only 0.1% of
world cocoa production, Vietnam's cocoa beans are highly appreciated by the
world for their unique flavor, which is very different from cocoa beans grown
in Africa. In October 2013 at the Salon du Chocolate contest held in Paris,
France, Vietnamese cocoa beans were voted as the best cocoa beans in Asia-
Pacific. Vietnam is on the list of the world's leading producers of good-tasting

In Vietnam, cocoa trees are grown mainly in the following provinces: Ben Tre,
Tien Giang, Binh Phuoc, Ba Ria Vung Tau, Dong Nai, Lam Dong, Buon Me

Thuoc, Dak Lak. In each region is different due to soil characteristics. (land,
water, climate...) and the way of post-harvest processing of farmers is
different, so cocoa beans of each region have a different unique flavor. And
good cocoa beans are just the beginning of making delicious chocolate.

In the online fieldtrip, our group have a opportunity to know about Puratos
Grand-Place Indochina which has a 60% market-share in the market for cocoa
products. From the history of company to the processing to make cocoa and
the cacoa-trace program.

II. History and achievements

2.1 History

− In 1998, Cocoa researchers conduct research on cocoa processing methods

to achieve the best taste.
− In 2001, the first Grand Place factory was established in Vietnam.
− In 2009, a new Grand Place factory inaugurated in Binh Duong province.
− In 2012, Grand Place completed joint venture agreement with Puratos
Group and was called as Puratos Grand-Place.
− In 2013, the second cocoa factory was opened in Ben Tre province in order
to buy cocoa fruit and produce raw materials of cocoa mass. In addition,
Cocoa Development Center (CDC) was opened in Ben Tre province. CDC
would take care of farms and organize technical training for farmers to
help improve productivity and quality of cocoa tree.
− In 2014, Innovation & Distribution Center (IDC) was established

− In 2016, Sale Offices and cocoa factory were opened in Bac Ninh province
and Ha Noi capital. Besides, Puratos Grand-Place also expands to
− In 2017, grinding line was applied in cocoa processing
− In 2018, cocoa mass production was developed
− In 2019, Post-Harvest Center was opened in Daklak province.

2.2 Achievements

− In 2013, Puratos Grand-Place Vietnam received the international cocoa

award for excellent cocoa in Paris.
− In 2019, highest bidding between fine flavor cocoa for Puratos Grand-Place

III. Cocoa processing method and procedure

In the chocolate process, they divided into two types of products including to
cocoa powder and cocoa mass. As regards cocoa powder, before the process
created to cocoa powder and cocoa butter, pressing the sample. This process
would make a smooth the cocoa power leading to the “stick” phenomenon and
producing cocoa butter. In this case, the cocoa powder is brought into the
factories in Binh Duong province to create the final product as cocoa compound.
Particularly, period of the final product, mixing the cocoa powder with the other
ingredients (vegetable, sugar, milk) to good flavour of the products and conching
process. After that, the labourers would set up the automatic- machines to be
moulding, creating the final products. For instance, we could look at the cocoa
compound on the outside-layer of ice-creams or the birthday cakes at the bakery.
According to the cocoa mass or cocoa realm, instead of the transition from mill
to press process that the engineers would stop the mill processing because it

would have the “stuck” phenomenon when milled too finely. From that point,
the cocoa mass was mixed with the other ingredients (sugar, milk) and cocoa
butter, being placed in the conching process. After the conching process was
finished, the tempers would have accounted for this step, and set-up the
automatic-machines moulding and creating the final products such as

Besides, Mr. Gricha Safarian concentrated in terms of the chocolate process,

“There is no pasteurization so if something bad enters the factory, we cannot do
anything” Mr.Gricha said. In other words, He had highlighted the issues using
the natural flavor during production. He chooses the method of the natural sun
during the drying process. To easily control it and create a natural flavour, while
using mechanical techniques during the method of drying such as using wood
fire, chocolate will have a smoky taste.

Fermentation plays an important role in determining the taste of chocolate. The

fermentation process must be carried out carefully according to the instructions
and strictly controlled: From choosing the right type of tank to controlling
temperature and humidity. Fermentation requires turning the seeds. Turning is
very important as it ensures proper temperature, aeration, breaks adhesion
between seeds and prevents mold growth. If you do not turn the beans, the cocoa
beans will not ferment properly, easily mold, and not create the desired chocolate
flavor. The wood used in the Puratos aging casks is carefully selected to create its
distinctive flavor, which is a bussiness secret. Puratos Grand-Place is the first and
only company in Vietnam to build a post-harvest fermentation center. Here,
Puratos experts hand ferment cocoa beans according to esoteric methods. Puratos
strictly controls the fermentation process: from turning the beans to the
temperature, humidity, etc. Cocoa beans that are incubated in the Cacao-Trace
standard barrel will be the starting step for a high flavored chocolate product.

Figure 3. The first cocoa fermentation center in Ben Tre in 2003

IV. Cacao trace

Cacao trace is a sustainable program in which can ensure the right of the farmer
as well as the constantly of cocoa supplied as well as their quality. In cacao trace,
the journey of good cocoa begins with the farmers. Puratos company first contact
with the farmer who grow cocoa, then they made a contract with them. The term
in this contract has clearly stated that Puratos will helped them in term of
fermentation. Unlike many kinds of different contract made between the farmer
and the company, Puratos ensure they will cover up the fermentation process. To
be specific, fermentation process was considered as a “heart” of a successful
cocoa processing. However, many company in the world with industrial scale
usually not cover this step. Instead, they push this piece of responsibilities to the
farmer. Many farmers whom I believed do not have many ideas about how to
carry out the fermentation as well as its role in processing will ultimately lead to
the degradation of cocoa. The cocoa trace first starts with send engineer which
trained by Puratos to the local farm and help the farmer to carry out the
fermentation process. Once the supplies of the cocoa have been ensure, Puratos
highlight their advantages compare to other competitor by return the money
back to the farmer. To be clear, for 1kg of cocoa sell, the farmer will get back 10
cents. Second point is that they buy the cocoa from the farm with the price higher
than other company in Viet Nam with the standard base on London market
which give huge advantages to the farmers. If we closely look back at the

beginning, the cocoa trace was a sustainable program for both company and
farmer. In term of company, the best quality will lead to the best product and will
lead to more customer which eventually will increase the profit of their company.
When comes to the farmer, we need a board view, since growing and producing
is quite cheap. The local will try to reduce the price as low as possible and the
farmer will end up getting no money. By paying back the money to the farmer,
Purotos has clearly show us the effect of it since it can give motivation to the
farmer in term of financially secure. The farmer will be their supplier and
constantly supplier the cocoa to them since they do not have to worry about the
price or other factor that can affect their financial situation.

V. Conclusion

In general, we see more clearly the preciousness of cocoa fruit. Vietnam is a

special area for growing coffee trees and very favored by the European market.
Besides, Puratos Grand-Place Indochina have been showed us the actual cocoa
processing process, development orientation and their vision during the past 25
years. Cocoa trace program encourages farmers to create the best source of raw
materials as well as the company’s companionship with farmers to develop the
cocoa product. Through the field trip, we have one more opportunity to study
and work in the field of food.

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