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Reducing waste

by re-using
Rachel Gray
Programme Area
Manager – Re-use
About WRAP
WRAP’s vision is a world without waste, where
resources are used sustainably.

We help businesses, individuals and

communities reap the benefits of reducing
waste, developing sustainable products and
using resources in an efficient way.
 Definition of textiles
 National context
 Collections
 Communications
 Local examples
Definition of Textiles
 Clothing, shoes, belts etc.
 Household non-clothing – curtains, bedding
 Mattresses
 Carpets and rugs
 Leisure Textiles – tents, sleeping bag etc.
National Context
 Still significant amounts of re-usable textiles of
value going to landfill
 Collected textiles are going to landfill due to
contamination and wetness
 Re-use through established collection methods
is working well and has the potential to be
utilised further
Infrastructure & markets
 There is an established market for clothing
and household textiles
 Proportion of UK sorted clothing has decreased
 Buoyant overseas markets
 52% of clothing collected by Charity Shops is
sold in the shops
 Further market development is needed for the
re-use of mattresses and carpets
Stop Textiles have
textiles a value.
We threw
going to
away at least
landfill £238 million
last year
Opportunities for re-use
 All collection routes with the exception of
kerbside co-mingled can preserve quality
We need to get people using them even more
 Established re-use markets exist and can be
maximised - washing and drying can upgrade
waste textiles to re-use grades
 We need to tackle perception issues around
mattresses re-use
 Consider what is happening in your area
 Try to avoid moving materials from one route
to another
 Preserve quality at every stage
 Make it easy for householders to take part
 Work with agencies to tackle theft
 Clear communications about all the methods
the public can use is key
 Need to overcome perceptions about
fraudulent clothing collections
 Need to explain who is carrying out the
collection and who is benefitting
 Need to consider how to ask householders to
donate all types and quality of textiles
Watch this space – collections for reuse
 Pilots to test survival bags for comingled
kerbside collection
 Template communications materials
 Research to determine collection costs and
options for mattresses, carpets, duvets and
 Pilots to look at innovation for collection of
textiles such as retailer take back and
businesses as collection hubs for clothing
Local Examples
Working with Charities
Local Authority Partnerships
 Focus efforts on existing routes
 Target audience - women under 45 with financial pressures
 Worked with the Charity Retail Association
 Used MOSAIC profiling to decide on the location for the
 Aim is to make this a family day out
 Wear it, Love it, share it
Partnership – SE Wales Joint Contract
 Nine local authorities in South
 „The contract covers 100 sites
(bring sites and HWRCs).
 Aims to achieve a minimum
collection of 1,000 tonnes of
textiles per year.
 „Textile recycling is now cash-
positive - able to generate at
least £500,000
 „In the early part of 2012,
approximately 50 new sites
were added
Support Available from WRAP
 Waste Prevention Loan Fund
 Support for local partnerships
 Support for the Third Sector
 SCAP ezine for clothing
 Join SCAP
 Be part of the SCAP 2020 Commitment to
reduce the environmental footprint of UK
Further information
Visit for
 Textiles flow and market development
opportunities in the UK
 Textile feedstock sources
 Washing and drying trials
For the textiles collection guide
Visit our stand no. 19W25

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