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Sports bring other things. You

MODULE 1 become physically fit when you train
Advantages of Engaging in Sports and participate in these activities.
Activities Your body also becomes more
flexible and stronger. If your body is
Sports are athletic events or activities fit, your mind becomes fit too. When
which entail physical exertion and you do, you become a healthier and
participation. The primary objective happier individual.
of sports is enjoyment. It brings a
sense of satisfaction, and at the You do not need to excel in sports to
same time, improves one's skills and enjoy them. What matters is the
performance. participation that you do, and not the
winning. Whatever sports you would
Sports can help you improve your like to choose from, certainly there is
teamwork and leadership skills. much fun.
Teamwork kg together with other If you like team games, try volleyball,
people during a game or match. basketball, or football. These sports
Leadership is make to guide others can be played in school. Games you
in an organized and responsible can enjoy with another player include
manner. It helps you make wise chess, badminton, and tennis. You
decisions that face all members on can play them in both indoors and
your team. Teamwork and leadership outdoors with your friend or
skills help you deal with other people classmate. If you prefer doing things
both in sports and in your daily on your own, you may try swimming,
activities. biking, or athletics.

An important aspect that is There are lots of choices that you

developed when you participate in can engage in if you choose to
sports is sportsmanship. indulge in sports.
Sportsmanship is the ability to treat
all players, game officials and Types of Sports
spectators fairly during competitions.
A good sport plays his/her best at all Sports are usually categorized
times, follows the rules of the game, according to the number of players
and is gracious in defeat and humble participating on a specified sporting
in winning event. Individual sports are games
played by single player against
another. The term individual came
from the medieval Latin word MODULE 2
individualis and individuus, where in
means "not," and dividuus as ARNIS, THE PHILIPPINE
divisible." In this kind of game, the NATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS
individual competes against his/her Arnis, Our National Martial Arts Arnis
previous records or skills. was recognized as the country's
national art and sport when former
Dual sports, on the other hand, are president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
played by two allied players opposing signed Republic Act No. 9850 on the
another pair of players. The term 11th day of December 2009. By
dual came from the Latin word duos virtue of this Act, Arnis is
or dualis, which basically means promulgated by the Philippine Sports
"two." Commission to be the first sport
competition to be played on the first
Individual Sports day of Palarong Pambansa (R.A.
9850, Sec.3).
Athletics is a term denoting a group
of athletic events held as contests The Philippine Martial Arts or Arnis
between individuals or teams. The was founded by Remegio Amador
events may be held outdoors or Presas and co-founded by his
indoors. brother, Ernesto Presas. In his time,
he was aiming for a training method
Athletics is considered as the that can cause less injuries, but in
simplest and oldest of sports, being the same manner of making a self-
the basis of the ancient Olympic defense system. The term "Modern
Games. The basic categories of Arnis" described his style of Filipino
athletics are track events, comprising Martial Arts, and called this system
runs and walks; and field events, as Kombatan.
which include jumps and throws

An athlete participating in any athletic The native art of stick fighting was
event should have the qualities of called Arnis the Mano during the pre
strength, skill, stamina, speed and Spanish period. The name referred
flexibility (suppleness) which will help to Arnis differ depending on the
him/ her in competing. region's geographic location. In
Luzon, it was called Gilas, in courtesy bowing before and after
Visayas, it was called Kali, Baston, sparring.
Escrima; and in Mindanao, it was
called Kuntao, Moro-moro or Sinulog
Binaybani. Some historians said that
Kali was derived from a native 3. Forward Stance - From the
Indonesian fencing art called ready stance, step one foot forward
Tjakalele. to lunge position bringing the body
not too low nor too extended lead
An Arnis player uses a stick (or two foot. Forward stance is commonly
sticks) made of rattan. The traditional used for frontal striking or blocking
Arnis stick is made of rattan with 27- techniques.
30 inches in length and has a
diameter of more or less 1 inch.
4. Oblique Stance - Starting with
The Stances the ready stance, step one foot
diagonally forward, both toes pointing
Used in Arnis There are basic in front. Oblique stances are
movements or stances followed in commonly used for forward blocking
doing arnis. A beginner in this martial and evasion techniques.
arts should master these stances
5. Straddle Stance - From the ready
1. Ready Stance - Stand with feet stance, step one foot either right or
parallel to the shoulder, both toes left with knees slightly bent. Straddle
pointing forward. Knees should be stance is also known as "Horseback
straight hands on waist level holding Riding" stance. This is commonly
the stick on both sides. used for blocking the strikes intended
for the side of the body.

2. Attention Stance - With heels 6. Slide Stance - Starting with the

close to each other, feet should form ready stance, slide either right or left
45 degrees-angle, with knees foot to the side, making a side-kick-
straight and body facing forward. like position. Slide stances are
Shoulders are dropped, with both commonly used for strike deflection
hands on the sides. Attention stance and evasion techniques.
is usually used in preparation for
Techniques Used in Arnis 10. Right Eye Attack
Over hand stab to the right eye
There are different techniques used
in arnis: (a) the striking techniques; 11. Left Eye Attack - Underhand
(b) the blocking techniques, and (c) stab to the left eye
the sinawali techniques.
12. Crown Strike
A The Twelve Striking Techniques Straight down strike to the top of the
1. Right Temple Strike- Holding
the stick with your dominant hand, B. Six Blocking Techniques in Arnis
use forehand strike to the right
temple. These are the blocking techniques
used for defense
2. Left Hand Strike - Use
backhand strike to the left temple. 1. Outside blocking
Using your dominant hand, bring the
3. Right Shoulder Strike- cane vertically to your front,
Forehand strike to the right shoulder supported by your nondominant hand
at the middle
4. Left Shoulder Strike-
Backhand strike to the left shoulder 2. Inside block

5. Stomach Thrust - Straight stab Perform outside hand on the right

or thrust to the stomach side of the body.

6. Right Chest Attack Overhand - 3. Downward inside block

Stab or thrust to the right chest Hold the cane above your right
7. Left Chest Attack- Underhand shoulder before swinging downward
stab to the left chest to counter the opponent's attack

8. Left Knee Attack - Backhand 4. Downward outside block

strike to the left knee - Position the cane behind the left ear
before swinging it downward to
9. Right Knee Attack- Forehand counter the opponents' strike.
strike to the right knee
5. Rising block -Raise the cane a. Begin with the right hand up,
over the head to block the and the left hand tucked under the
opponent's blow. right shoulder
b. Strike the opponent's temple
6. Vertical block - This is done by with the right hand.
lifting the elbow, hiding the cane to c. As you retract the right hand to
shoulder level while the other hand the left shoulder strike the opponent's
supports it at the middle. knee with the left hand.
d. As you strike a backhand to
C. The Sinawali Technique the opponent's temple with the right
hand, retract the left hand to the left
Sinawali is a term referred to shoulder.
weaving activity being applied to
Eskrima. It practices the two-weapon
blocking and response method called WHY WE NEED TO LEARN ARNIS
Doblete. • Extremely practical self-
1. Single Sinawali • Great all-round exercise for
a. Placing the canes on the • Great for fitness and
shoulder, swing one of the canes to coordination
strike the opponent's right temple. • Deadly Art of Empty-Hand,
Stick, Sword, and Knife Combat
b. Withdraw the cane abruptly, • Uncomplicated and easy to
passing to the left shoulder and learn
swing it down to strike the opponent's • Suitable for all ages and sexes
knee. Complete system of martial art

c. Withdraw the cane and place it Module 3

above the shoulder
History of Badminton
d. Repeat the whole process
•Jianzi – Traditional Chinese sport
starting with the other cane.
•Originated from battledore and
2. Double Sinawali shuttlecock that was seen in Greece,
China, Japan, and India.
•16th century - it was played in court
where the battledore (paddle) hits the
shuttlecock (bird) back and forth "10" weighing 95-99 grams. "20" (90-
(England) 949) and "3U" (85- 89g) are usually
used for attacks, and "4U" (80-849)
•Jeu de Volant – Europe and "50" (75-799), the lightest
rackets, are used for defenses.
•1860's - the existence of Poona was
distinguished where it has the same
idea of playing battledore and
shuttlecock, but with the addition of a 2. Shuttlecock/Bird
Shuttlecocks are cone-shaped
•1870's - The British armies acquired materials made from 16 overlying
this game in India and brought the goose feathers fixed around a cork
materials to England base, covered with a thin layer of
leather. There are two types of
•1873 - It became popular to the elite shuttles that have different properties
society when it was played during a and flight paths: nylon shuttles and
lawn party of a Duke of Beaufort in feather shuttles,
his country estate, Badminton,
3. Net
•1877 - the Bath Badminton Club Nets should be made of fine dark
was created to set the first official cord with a thickness of 15mm-
rules 20mm. This must be set on a pole
positioned on the doubles sidelines.
•1934 - the International Badminton The height from the surface must be
Federation was formed with 9 5ft. (1.55m) and 20ft. (6.1m) wide
contributing countries as its founder.
•1992 - badminton was officially
introduced in Barcelona Olympics. 4. The Court The badminton
court shall be rectangle marked with
lines of 44 wide in white or yellow
1. Badminton Racket
The badminton racket serves as a
tool to hit the shuttlecock back and
forth the opponent's side. Its frame DOUBLE BACK SERVICE LINE
shall not exceed to 680mm in length
and 230mm in width For beginners, SHORT SERVICES LINE
the head and shaft is usually made
up of alloy or steel making it heavy. BROKEN LINE- DITO NAKALAGAY
Heavy rackets are used to train and YUNG NET.
strengthen the wrist and forearm for
a good control. Most of the racket LINES DOON SA BACKLINE
manufacturers categorized this as
DOUBLE OR SINGLES LONG strategies to use. You must know
SERVICE LINE IS GINAGAMIT FO when to defend and deceive the
DOUBLES NA SERVICE ONLY . opponent. You must know a wide
variety of strokes, making you flexible
and agile to every situation. You
must be mentally upright, observing
the opponent's strengths,
weaknesses, and patterns of play.
GINAGAMIT SYA DURING A. Know the Basic Grips
SERVICE/ DURING RALLY PAG To start playing badminton, you must
NAGPALITAN NA ANG BOLA know the two basic grips in order to
INCLUDED NA YUNG AREA NA control the racket. If you haven't
TOH [YUNG 6.5 FEET SA PICTURE learned to hold your racket properly,
NASA MODULE] dURING SERVICE you will not be able to aim accurately
BAWAL PAPATAKIN YUNG BOLA and hit the shuttlecock forcefully.
• Forehand Grip - Using your
PUMUNTA YUNG BOLA NATIN dominant/playing hand, hold the
DITO [YUNG 6.5 FEET PART DOON racket as if you were shaking hands
SA PICTURE]. with it. There should be a V-shape
forming in the middle of your thumb
and index finger. Grip the racket a
OUTER LANE NATIN IS CALLED little bit loose to have a good control
DOUBLES SIDE LIN NA and greater flexibility. This grip is
GINAGAMIT FOR DOUBLES ONLY used for forehand shots and clear
• Backhand Grip- Using your
YUNG GINAGAMIT NATIN FOR dominant playing hand, press the
SINGLE COMPETITION. ITONG wider surface of the handle using
PAYAT NA MAHABA. your thumb for greater leverage and
CENTER LIN SYA YUNG NAG power. Still, grip the racket a little bit
DEDEVIDE SA RIGHT AND LEFT loose in your fingers.
B. Know the Basic Stroke
Basically, a stroke is the swing
Techniques in Playing Badminton motion of your racket arm. You will
In order to win in a badminton match, need to perform these strokes to hit
you must consider variety of certain shots.
1. Overhead Forehand Stroke - 4. Smash - This is also known as
This is the most common and often "kill", this is a powerful force from up
used stroke in badminton. Using the high in the air, hitting the shuttle
forehand grip, this kind of stroke downwards and fast towards the
creates more power than the others opponent's court.

Badminton Scoring and Serving

2. Underarm Forehand Stroke -
An underarm forehand stroke is In most tournaments, toss coin is
usually performed when the used to determine who serves first in
opponent made a drop shot and the the game.
shuttle is clearly in front of you
From zero, a point is gain in every
rally you win. A game ends when a
player reaches 21 points, having a
3. Overhead Backhand Stroke - two-point advantage. A match maybe
This stroke is done when the shuttle the best of three games, meaning,
is in the backhand area where it is you win a match by winning two
above your head. games.
The score indicates the area where
you will serve. When the server's
4. Underarm Backhand Stroke-
score is even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8,
This is done when the opponent
10, 12, 14...), he/she must serve from
made a drop shot to your backhand
the right service court. When the
area in front of you.
server's score is odd number (1, 3, 5,
7, 9, 11, 13..) hel she must serve
from the left service court. Therefore,
C. Familiarize Yourself with the the right service court is also called
Different Shots as even service court and the left
service court as the odd service
1. Clear Shot -Using the court. In doubles, every time the
overhead stroke, you aim the shuttle serving side succeeds a rally, the
up in the air going to the opponent's same person serves again following
back court. the odd-even ruling. The serve does
2. Drive Shot -Make a quick not alternate among the partners: it
counter-attack shot, making it flat, remains with one person, until the
horizontal and fast back to the opponents win a rally and get the
opponent's court. serve

3. Drop Shot - Using an overhead

stroke, hit the shuttlecock softly
downward towards the opponent's
forecourt close to the net.
A dual sport is one that can be sideways); then, it advances one
played between two players, such as more square at right angle
chess, tennis, badminton, or fencing.
In these games, the opponents face 6. Pawn (P) - The pawn can
off against one another. move only in a forward line. Each
pawn can move one or two squares
on its starting move, but thereafter, it
can only move one square at a time
Materials Used in Playing Chess
Rules in Playing Chess
Chess is a game played by two
persons. This game develops mental 1. The game pieces are laid out
alertness and decisiveness to be with the pawns arranged in each
able to play. Players use a square player's second row.
board consisting of 8 rows with 8
squares each. The squares are 2. On the first row, the rooks are
placed alternately in white and black placed at each side, then the knights,
colors. Each player has 16 pieces, then the bishops, with the king and
either in white or black. queen in the two center-most
squares, opposite the opposing
player's king and queen.
1. King (K) - The king can move
one square in any direction
(sideways, forward. backward, or 3. On the first move, the player
diagonally) as long as the move is can choose to move the pawns one
not placed in a square under attack square or two squares forward (never
by an opponent's piece. backwards). Or the next moves, the
pawns can only move one square at
2. Queen (Q) - The queen is the a time.
most powerful attacking piece. It can
move in a straight line, in any 4. The other pieces can be
direction for any unobstructed moved depending upon the earlier
square. description of their movement.

3. Rook (R) - The rook or castle 5. When a pawn makes it to the

can move any distance (forward, other side of the board, it can be
backward, or sideways) as long as "promoted" to become another piece,
the line is unobstructed by any other which is usually a queen.
6. Chess is a game of strategy in
4. Bishop (B) - The bishop moves which the players' objective is to
diagonally (forward or backward) for "checkmate" the opposing player's
any unobstructed square. It confines "king". Checkmate occurs when a
itself to the diagonal lines of the player's king can no longer make any
same color. moves without being captured.

5. Knight (Kt) - The knight goes

two squares in a single move in any
A Quick Glimpse
direction (forward, backward, or
1. Chess is a popular indoor
game played by two individuals.
2. The first step in learning how
to play chess is to know how to set
up the chess board. properly
3. The next vital step is learning
which pieces are allowed to move to
a safe direction
4. The object of the game is to
capture the other player's "king"

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