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Story Writing

Bangladesh International School, English Section, Jeddah.

1st TERM (2022 – 2023)

NAME …………………………………………………….

YEAR ……………………………………………………..

Section …………………………………………………….

A story is a narrative account of an event or a sequence of events. It can be true

or fictional. It is generally designed to entertain, and/or send a message across.

Structure/Format of a Story:
There is no given format as such for story writing, there is a basic structure one
can follow.
 Beginning: The beginning or the introduction of a story is of essential
importance. This is the part where you can hook the reader and capture
their attention.
 Character Introduction: Your story will depend heavily on how well
you write your characters. To develop your characters, you can use
dialogues as well. But you want to keep the dialogues limited in the
shorter format. Also, do not include unnecessary secondary characters,
every character of the story must have a purpose.
 Plot: Here is where the actual narration of the story will happen. The
events that occur or the description of the situation will be written in the
plot. A plot must always have a conflict, which is the focus of any story.
 Climax and Conclusion: And this is where the story will come to its
logical conclusion. If there is a plot twist, this is where you will include
it. Always end your story in an interesting manner. Also, it is not
necessary to give your story a definite ending. A cliff hanger is another
effective tactic.
 Cliff hanger: a story or situation, often dangerous or of great importance,
where two opposite results are possible and you do not know what the
result will be until the last moment
How do you write a creative story?

Write a Catchy First Paragraph, Developing Characters, Choose a Point of View.

Write Meaningful Dialogue, Set Up the Plot, Create Conflict and Tension. Build
to a Crisis or Climax, Find a Resolution.
In Brief
 Exposition – Beginning of the story where the characters and setting are introduced.
 Conflict – A problem or issue creating tension and interest.
 Rising Action – where the main character faces a series of conflicts.
 Climax – The point of highest tension or drama within the story.
 Falling Action – Events leading to the end of the story.
 Resolution – End of the story.

What kind of Story are you going to

An action adventure? A
How Will this affect your Story?

Points of View
How are you going to narrate your Story?
Are you going to tell it from your
Character’s point of view or from
the outside Watching it?
Physical Appearance Main and Supporting Character
Are they a human?
How tall are they?
What kind of Clothes do
they like to wear?

Personality and
Is your Character quiet and
Shy? What does your
Character do?

Family: What about your

Character’s family?

Why does your main

Character team up With this
Where does this Story
take place? IS it a real
place or an imaginary

What is its name?

IS it in the past, the
Present, or the future

AS the Story progresses,

is the location going to
Events, Crisis & Solution



What is the main Crisis in this Story?

IS it good or is it bad?

How is your Character or Situation

going to solve the original Crisis?

What are the Consequences of the

actions your Character has to take?
The Ending
How are you going to end your book?
Do you Want your Character’s problems
to all be Solved or are you going to
leave it a Cliffhanger for another Book
to follow? IS there any important final
events or Conversations that need to
Past Tense Present Tense

Robin was playing football in the field. His Robin is playing football in the field. His younger
younger brother was also playing there. brother is also playing there. Suddenly they see an
Suddenly they saw an eagle. ealge

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Q. Write a fantasy story about an object which has great power.
Things to consider:
 It is modern day or set in mythical times.
 How does the object affect the characters in the story? Do some of the characters also
have unusual powers?
Your story should be about 120-160 words long.

Plan your story here.

Write your story here.































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