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power of media information

Media is considered as one of the most powerful tools in providing information to people or in society.
Media is part of our daily lives. It informs, influences, and entertains us. Not only they inform us, they
have also the capability in shaping our lives.

Advertisements shown on television or even in the internet can affect the viewers. Some contains
violence, nudity or anything that is inappropriate to the viewers who are children or under age. They
might think the information on that certain advertisement is correct without proper guidance from the
parents. In the internet, there is no censorship when it comes to information resulting to some users to
take this as an advantage to spread false information all over the web. That is the reason that there are
some users who were victimized by scammers, bullies and etc. Medias has biases also. They have the
power to manipulate thus making viewers to believe on the information they insinuate. But all of those
negativities written above can be abide. Parents must be vigilant on what their children are watching.
They must ensure that it is age appropriate. Users in the internet must check the authenticity of the
information. They must check the origin of it to avoid fallacy. Never post something too personal like
bank numbers, address or any that might put you in jeopardy. Always consider one’s privacy. In
detecting biases in media, look for the sources if it involves political perspectives. Check if the headline
and actual article matches. Sometimes it contains double standards. Look who’s point of view is the
article is written and find alternate point of views . Biased information tries to change your mind so as
an individual we must not believe immediately.

Our main source of to get information is the media. Without media, we will never be updated on the
day-today events that is happening in our surrounding. Media is used to raise awareness but sometimes
they use it for biases. In using the media, we must follow some rules and etiquettes. Information is
powerful but we must not abuse it. We must turn ourselves as responsible users. Media has two sides,
the positive and the negative. It can help us but it has the capability to destroy us. But it all depends on
us. If we let them continue to do those negative things, we are only letting them play our lives. But if we
become vigilant, we can truly avoid or stop those things. Responsibility is a big word. But it is one the
things that are inevitable. Every individual plays a role in the society and a responsibility to take. There is
one saying that serves as a reminder, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

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