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2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,

Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal


Section/Group Name: IC2AA – GROUP 3


PROPONENTS/ RESEARCHERS: 1. Delos Reyes, Janalexis

2. Ferry, Justine Grace

3. Duazo, Jhon Rey

4. Udad, Angelica

5. Sandoval, Ejhay

Statement of the Problem: This study is aiming to determine the effects of playing online games
to the academic performances of ICT students in Asian Institute of Computer Studies - Montalban.

More specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the senior high school students in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Grade Level;

2. How do playing online games affect the academic performance of the students in relation with:

2. 1. Concentration;

2.2 Social Behavior;

2.3 Grades;

2.4 Attendance;

3. Is there any significance between the relationship of students playing online games and their
academic performance?


2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,
Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal

Background of the Study: Online games is referred as games that are played over some form of
computer network, most often the Internet. It can range from simple text-based games to games
incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously.
Online gaming has drastically increased the scope and size of video game culture as it attracts many
players from a variety of ages, nationalities, and occupations. The online game content can also be
studied in the scientific field, especially gamers' interactions within virtual societies in relation to
the behavior and social phenomena of everyday life.

There are a number of reasons why investigating online games may

be particularly useful for better understanding online collaboration and problem-solving. Previous
research has suggested that online gamers must adapt socially to the new modalities, reorganize
and re-examine how meaning is made within this virtual environment, and consider how to use
new cues to provide and interpret meaning, such as body movement, gesture, repetition, and tools
within their game environments (Keating & Sunakawa, 2010).

According to Dr. Jose George Los Baños, a psychiatrist, online games

can be an addictive adjunct to a human being. “Its an online game and it really hits you to be part
of something especially the basic human instinct,” “The addiction, there is a need to be satisfied
because for any person so the children are involved in the game itself, they really live in the world
of the game.” he said. Dr. Los Baños added, “online games have a great impact on someone's
behavior. They're really violent, they're even violent with parents.”

An internet search for “gaming addiction” yield in physical and

psychological symptoms from dry-eyes and carpal tunnel syndrome to “problems with school or
work”, as indicated of problem usage behavior (French, 2002; Zack, 2004).

Withal, there’s a paper which claims that online games can transform
education and change the widely shared perspective that games are “mere entertainment.” More
than a multibillion-dollar industry, more than a compelling toy for both children and adults, more
than a route to computer literacy, online games is important because it lets people participate in
new worlds. It let players think, talk, and act in new ways (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee,

Games are inherently interactive in the sense that they require players
to make choices to progress a narrative, and this choice-making process has the potential to
challenge people to think reflectively about moral, ethical and social problems. Previous research
has focus on game theory perspective where an examination of game rules leads to ideas about
how people will behave and therefore how designing in certain ways can construct certain types of
communities (Smith, 2005; Zegal, Rick & His, 2006).

The purpose of this study is to gather then share information with

regards to both positive and negative effects of online games to the academic performances of the
students. As the innovation of technology continuously occur yearly, online gaming also continues
upon becoming more and more popular especially among students for the reason that it can be
played through any kind of gadgets. All ranges of age are certainly possible to become addicted
into playing online games in this new era where in most children can already be less careful about
their performances whether it’s at school, social life and even themselves. Teachers, researchers,
faculty members and students can all benefit from this study through these ongoing theories and
studies as the study on the “Effects Of Online Games To The Academic Performances Of ICT
Students In AICS Montalban” will be conducted by the researchers themselves.


2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,
Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal

Significance of the Study: The researchers conducted this study in order to have knowledge
about the effects of online gaming among senior high school students in AICS Montalban. The
researchers believe that the outcome of this study will definitely benefit the following:

AICS Montalban's Students. Students, especially those who plays

online games will be able to know the emotional and physical effects of playing online games. They
will be more cognizant on the effects that will be shared, they will know how they actually act
when playing online games and they will understand that playing online games excessively doesn't
just have positive but clearly negative effects also.

Parents. Parents will be provided with good information background

regarding how their children act towards online gaming. They will turn out to be more mindful of
the various nature of online games that their kids always play on their gadgets.

Schools and Universities. The various schools will be likewise

educated about the online gaming mentalities of their students and along these lines, they might
give programs that will guide and counsel understudies with regards to proper attitudes and
standpoint in both studying and playing online games.

Future Researchers. Future researches might be furnished with

educational insights about the effects of online gaming among individuals. They can use this study
as a guide or reference as well as it might turn into a proposal for them to play out a wide and in-
depth study and analysis on this topic.

Approved by:

PRR2 Instructor


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