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Yuffy Sarah Lestari
Indonesia University of Education
Abdul Azis Wahab
Indonesia University of Education
Cicih Sutarsih
Indonesia University of Education

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the role of education and training in improving employee
performance. This study uses a type of descriptive writing with a qualitative approach. Data collection
techniques include: Literature, documentary, and intuitively-subjective studies. The results of the study
showed that Education and Training (Diklat) had a positive and significant direct effect on employee
performance. Based on the results of the study, it can be suggested that improving employee performance
needs to conduct an assessment of employees regarding the implementation of training in accordance with the
needs of the work. The results of the study stated that in its role in improving the performance of widyaiswara,
education and training proved to be very beneficial towards widyaiswara performance improvement which can
be seen in increasing widyaiswara's professional competence and the increasing number of capable and skilled
widyaiswara. With increased competency, widyaiswara participants become confident in doing their daily
tasks. Thus, the orientation of the work is no longer just a task, but is oriented towards achievement by
practicing what is obtained during teaching and training.

Keywords: Education and Training, Employee Performance

1 INTRODUCTION Performance is the achievement of the work

Human resources are the most important thing in results of employees in achieving the requirements
an organization because of its role as the subject of of the work given both in terms of quality and
implementing policies and operational activities of quantity. Performance can also be interpreted as a
an organization. Therefore organizations need measure of work, therefore employee performance
human resources in this case, namely employees can be interpreted as a condition that shows the
who have high performance (job performance). ability of an employee to carry out his duties in the
Where high or good employee performance can be workplace and describes the existence of an act
used as one of the basic factors measuring the displayed by employees in work activities (Suparno
success of an organization in achieving its goals. and Sudarwati, 2014:13).
Human resources (man) is one component that In order to optimize the performance of
exists in organizations other than machine, money, widyaiswara employees, it needs to be supported by
materials, methods, and markets. According to professional apparatus resources. Ironically, not all
Notoatmodjo (2003: 2). widyaiswara employees have competence according
"An agency must be supported by competent to the expected qualifications. As is the case with the
human resources because human resources play an Lembang Center for Animal Husbandry Training
important role in running a business or activity (BBPP), not all widyaiswara employees have
within the agency. "Based on these opinions, professional competence, and of course will hinder
sources. employee performance. In connection with the
One way to improve the quality of apparatus increasing workload and workload, it is not possible
resources is through education and training carried to rely on the existing apparatus, therefore for this
out in a planned and systematic manner. In other purpose the agency has taken cooperative and
words, the importance of education and training in anticipatory steps to obtain a balance between
organizations is an improvement in employee workload and apparatus competency. One of the
performance which includes knowledge and skills efforts made by the Chairperson was to provide
that support, and the formation of attitudes of each opportunities for education and training. The
employee as desired by the organization. importance of employee education and training was
intended to shape the personality of employees to
behave well, tough, moral, intelligent and improve Development of Training in Government Training
employee skills and expertise, to be more and Education Institutions. In carrying out its main
responsible in carrying out their duties. Through tasks, widyaiswara must obtain a letter of
education and training this is to create widyaiswara assignment or a warrant from the Head of the
employees according to the expected qualifications, Government Training Center concerned. The
and on the basis of education and training that is Widyaiswara Functional Assistance Agency is the
followed can be used as working capital to carry out State Administration Agency, hereinafter
their duties. abbreviated as LAN. Hamzah (2017:111) states that
As for the aspects that affect performance as widyaiswara is the main factor in training
stated by Simamora (in Mangkunegara, 2010:14) institutions.
there are 3 factors as follows: Notoatmodjo (2003:21) conceptually
1) Individual factors: ability and expertise, distinguishes between education and training.
background, and demography. Education in general is related to preparing
2) Psychological factors: perception, attitude, prospective staff needed by an agency or
personality, learning and motivation. organization, while training (training) is more related
3) Organizational factors: resources, leadership, to improving the ability or skills of employees who
appreciation, structure, and job design. Serve have occupied a particular job or task.
according to professional skills and skills. It can be concluded that education and training
There are 2 (two) main requirements needed to (education and training) is an effort to develop
conduct an effective performance assessment, human resources, especially to develop intellectual
namely: a) the existence of performance criteria that abilities and human personality in accordance with
can be measured objectively; and 2) objectivity in the needs of work.
the evaluation process, this is revealed by Gomes In general, this study aims to determine the role of
(2008:136) education and training in improving the performance
Whereas from the point of view of the usefulness of widyaiswara.
of performance according to Siagian (2008:223)
explains that for individuals performance appraisal
acts as feedback about various things such as ability, 2 RESEARCH METHODS
fatigue, lack and potential which in turn is useful to
determine goals, paths, plans and career This study uses a type of qualitative approach.
development . As for the organization, the results of (Husaini Usman, 2009). The types of data used in
performance appraisal are very important in relation this writing are primary and secondary data. Data
to decision making on various matters such as collection techniques include: Literature study,
identification of education and training program which is a series of activities relating to the method
requirements, recruitment, selection, introduction,
of collecting library data, reading and recording and
placement, promotion, remuneration systems, and
various other aspects in the HR management processing research materials. (Silalahi, 2012).
process. Furthermore, field studies include: interviews,
Widyaiswara's main tasks are teaching and observation, documentation study and FGD (Focus
training Civil Servants (PNS) in order to increase Group Discussion), namely the way of collecting
knowledge, skills so as to achieve certain data by conducting group discussions and
competency standards in carrying out their duties. So exchanging thoughts with people who are competent
widyaiswara is one component or there is a mention with objects being studied to solve certain problems;
as a "pillar" that is very important in the successful (4) Intuitive-Subjective, is the involvement of the
implementation of training. In Government author's opinion on the problem being discussed.
Regulation No. 101 of 2000 concerning Civil Furthermore, data analysis is done with a series of
Servant Education and Training stated that
widyaiswara is one of the most important data reduction, data presentation and conclusion
components of education staff besides other drawing.
components (training institutions, training programs
and training programs) in the implementation of
Government training. As an important component in 3 RESEARCH RESULT
organizing education and training, widyaiswara is a
very important part of education and training Employee education and training is a job
institutions, because if the pillars are fragile, the requirement to improve the mastery of various skills,
implementation of education and training will expertise and knowledge based on actual and
collapse. detailed work activities in order to be able to carry
Widyaiswara's main task is to carry out educating, out and complete the work given to him. Whereas
teaching and training PNS, Evaluation and the process or steps of education and training should
be carried out by paying attention to: a. Target, b. Of course, all the roles of education and training
Curriculum, c. Means, d. Participants, e. Coach, and in improving the performance of widyaiswara at
f. Implementation. Training organizers must also BBPP Lembang were very influential in improving
clearly define the goals to be achieved so that the the development of widyaiswara's professional
training program can be directed towards achieving competencies which directly affected the
organizational goals. performance of widyaiswara.
Based on the results of research, education and
training (training) has the role of increasing the
knowledge and skills of widyaiswara through 4 CONCLUSION
education and training (training) such as providing
learning assignments, study permits, training, Based on the results of the research and
discussion, it can be summarized as follows:
courses or the like to employees will provide a
Education and training conducted by BBPP
motivation or encouragement to employees in work Lembang as an effort to improve the performance of
which will ultimately improve organizational widyaiswara employees has been successful, that is
performance. to be able to add a number of capable and skilled
Based on the description above, education and employees, and contribute to improving
training provide a great opportunity for training performance. The policy of the leadership of the
participants to develop and improve their knowledge institution that has provided the opportunity for its
and skills. With increasing knowledge and skills, the staff to attend education and training is the right
competencies of training participants will increase. step, in addition to increasing the competence of
With the increased competence possessed by widyaiswara employees, and can also reduce the gap
Widyaiswara, the widyaiswara will become considering that there are still a number of less
competent widyaiswara employees.
confident in working through the demands of his
Implementing education and training can be
work. Thus, the orientation of the work is no longer effective, because it is supported by adequate
just to carry out tasks, but is oriented to facilities and infrastructure, so that the learning
achievement, namely carrying out tasks according to atmosphere makes the training participants feel safe
their expertise (according to their duties) by and comfortable, however, it is faced by a small
practicing what has been obtained during Diklat in number of less interesting teaching staff / tutors in
the workplace. delivering training materials. In relation to education
Performance improvement will be significant and training applicatively faced by various factors
when widyaiswara can apply the knowledge and that support and inhibit. The supporting factors are
skills acquired during training in daily life at his Law Number 43 of 1999, about the main staffing, PP
place of duty. number 101 of 2000 concerning education and
training of civil servants and the strong commitment
This education and training has proven to play a of the Head of the Training Agency and the vertical
role in increasing the professional competence of leadership of the provincial government to improve
widyaiswara which directly influences the the competence of widyaiswara employees. While
performance of widyaiswara. Education and training the inhibiting factors are the limited professional
will not improve performance when widyaiswara are staff / widyaiswara, and the limited budget allocation
not given the opportunity to develop themselves. for education and training.
The characteristic of this training is that one thing Education and training proved to be very
that is very important is getting attention from the beneficial in improving the competencies of the
executor and the person in charge of the training, so participants. With increased competency,
that the training can contribute to the trainees. In participants will become confident in doing their
daily tasks. Thus, the orientation of the work is no
general, education and training have objectives
longer just a task, but is oriented towards
including: 1. Increasing work morale; 2. Fostering achievement by practicing what is obtained during
character; 3. Increase faith and devotion to God teaching and training.
Almighty; 4. Increase life expectancy; 5. Increase
intelligence; 6. Improve skills; 7. Improve the degree 5 REFERENCES
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