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Part 1 pages 3 - 46

Repression Modernity Nationalism Justice Identity

How and why does the author use repetition in the images? Give two
Examples: page and panel number.
Which theme(s) are dominant? Explain
Page 3 panel 2, girls are wearing their veils to school. The repeated girls, all appear
miserable and bored. The author clarifies that the children do not want to wear
the veils, but are obliged to do so. They all have the same appearance and facial
expression, indicating that people are losing their identities as a result of the rules.

THE BICYCLE - page 10

How does the panel below show the author’s interpretation of the
revolution? Do you think it is effective? Why? What is the major theme?
The author uses juxtaposition, repetition, and closure. The two forces are in conflict
with one another. The fact that one is white and the other is black creates a
juxtaposition. Because groups in the narrative are fighting for their freedom,
freedom is a prominent theme.
THE WATER CELL - page 18
How does the author use “closure” in these panels? What other
techniques does the author use? What is the major theme? Explain.

In a protest between protestors and army panels, the closure or action between
the panels is gunfire and throwing rocks. The author does not fully draw the scene,
instead of leaving it in text, leaving the reader to picture it. We know that Marji's
father is telling her the story of why the monarch is not someone to adore and that
God did not select him in the panels where the British are trying to persuade Reza.
The story continues in the captions.

There are no illustrations in the foreground, thus the focus is drawn there. In these
panels, the story is told in the foreground. The demonstration panels' principal
theme is justice. They portray people taking action and standing up for their
beliefs. The British-Reza panels' principal theme is nationalism. These panels
foreshadow the British's colonial mentality and openly reveal their hunger for
Iranian oil.
4. What is the relationship between the two powers? Who is really in charge?
does the author show this? What is the major theme? Explain.

The bigger, taller man in the picture has more power and is watching the other
man. This provides the impression that he is in charge. It's possible that the person
smoking is English. He seeks power in order to have access to British Petrol. When
looking at the relationship between the demonstrators and the army, both groups
are the same size and have their own panels. There is a color difference between
the two groups, but as this is a black and white graphic novel, the only
significance of this is to show that the two groups are opposed.

Nationalism is a big theme for Reza and the British man. The demonstration
panels' principal issues are justice and repression. Repression because they are
fighting against their own government, justice because they are fighting for what
they believe in.

PERSEPOLIS - page 29
How is this panel different from
every other panel in the book? Why
do you think this is the case?

The images in the artwork are

illustrations of photographs taken by
Marji's father at the demonstrations.
We had never seen a layout like this
before, it is a unique panel. This is
used to display numerous images at
once. The panel shows what
happens on the streets everyday.
THE LETTER - page 37
What is the major theme in this part of the book? What does it tell us about
Iranian society?
The “Bee Gees” guy likes Mary. Mary writes her letters. He no longer wants to marry
Mary after learning that she is a maid. He is a modern individual. Looking at the
t-shirt he's wearing ("Bee Gees"), we can tell he's current.

THE PARTY - page 42

Why do you think this panel is so big - a full page? What does it tell the reader?
Which theme is being shown?

The size is crucial in demonstrating how happy

everyone is. The author has created a cheering
crowd. The departure of the Shah was a
national joy for Iranians. Merely showing a
couple of people celebrating would be
inappropriate. That image would not represent
what the author is trying to say. Because the
author is attempting to establish a collectivistic
identity and mission, a crowded picture is
required. People of various ages are shouting in
joy in the panel, which depicts the achievement
and celebration of a national goal (the Shah's
departure from Iran), and therefore the
appropriate theme is nationalism.
Go to the PDF and take a screenshot of a panel or group of panels you liked /
found interesting. Explain what you think about the panel.
● Techniques
● Theme
● Plot

This panel appealed to me since it depicts both sides of the revolution. Some
women support the veil, while others advocate for their independence without it.
This panel also employs juxtaposition by the author.

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