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OSHAS-18001 – 1999

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit

An Audit Tool for the Assessment of Compliance to OHSAS 18001-2000 Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems
Organisation to be Audited:__________________________ Lead Auditor:_______________________Date of Audit: / /
Audit Team: 1) 2) 3) 4)
5) 6) 7) 8)

Audit Question Yes No D O I Verification

Information purposes only.
Information purposes only
Does the organizations OH&S Management System provide for a scope that clearly
defines the purpose and or objectives of the OH&S Management System ?
Possible Compliance Points 1
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %
I The OH&S MS provides for the organisation to have regard to the guidance material and
information listed in the following Appendices included in OHSAS 18001
Ii A) Guidlines on the implementation of OHSAS 18001
Ii B) Correspondence between OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001:1996, ISO 9001:1994 ,
Iv C) Correspondence between OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001:1996 and İSO 9001:2000
V Does the OH&S MS have a list of other informative documents , standards, codes of
practice and appropriate relevant references ?
vi Others as appropriate? *
Possible Compliance points 5
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

D= Documentation O = Observation I = Interview 1

OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
3.0 DEFINITIONS Does the Safety Management System provide for a section that
covers the following definitions?
3.1 Accident
3.2 Audit
3.3 Continual Improvement
3.4 Hazard
3.5 Hazard Identification
3.6 Incident
3.7 Interested Parties
3.8 Non Conformance
3.9 Objectives
3.10 Occupational Health & Safety
3.11 OH&S Management System
3.12 Organization
3.13 Performance
3.14 Risk
3.15 Risk Assessment
3.16 Safety
3.17 Tolerable Risk
3.18 OH&S Competent Person *
3.19 Risk control *
3.20 Health Surveillance Ill-Health (Occupational Ill Health*
Note Items with an Asterik * are not required by OSHAS 18001 but are considered appropriate.
ACTUAL COMPLİANCE POİNTS: Percentage Compliance: %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
Item Continued Audit Question Yes No D O I Comments
4.0 OH&S Management System Elements
4.1 General Requirements
a) OHSAS 18001 Requirement
Has the organization established and maintained an OH&S Management System, as per
the requirements set out in Clause 4.0 of OHSAS 18001 ?

b) Intent
i) The OH&S Management System conforms to all requirements of OHSAS 18001 ?
ii) OHSAS 18001 applies to all the organizations individual operations ? (includes JV’s )
iii) OHSAS 18001 applies only to the organizations operations ?
iv) Are the boundaries and scope of the H&S Management System defined ?

v) Are H&S Policies & procedures from other parts of the organization or individual joint
organizations used for the O H&S activities ?
c) Typical input
Are all the OH&S input requirements for implementing OHSAS 18001 described in the
specification for the specific organization or a JV operating unit?
d) Typical output
The organization or JV’s OHSAS compliant OH&S management System provides for
and assists the organization in continually improving performance in OH&S ?
e) Initial Status Review
Has / was an initial review of the organizations existing arrangements for managing
OH&S to OHSAS 18001 -2000 conducted ? (Where are we now?)
Note: Not an OSHAS 18001 requirement but is considered good practice.
Possible Compliance points 9
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
Item DETAİLS Yes No D O I Comments
4.2 OH&S Policy:
OHSAS 18001 requirement

i) Does the OH&S MS have an OH&S policy statement that is authorised by the
organizations Chief Executive Officer, that clearly states overall OH&S objectives
and demonstrates a commitment to:
a) be appropriate to the nature and scale of the organizations OH&S risks ?
b) Include a commitment to continual improvement ?
c) Include a commitment to at least comply with current applicable OH&S legislation and
with other requirements to which the organization subscribes ?
d) Be documented , implemented and maintained ?
e) Be communicated to all employees with the intent that employees are made aware of
their individual OH&S obligations ?
f) Be available to interested parties ?

g) Be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the

organization ?
b) Intent
i) The OH&S policy establishes an overall sense of direction and sets the principles of
action for the organization ?
ii) The OH&S policy sets objectives for OH&S responsibility and performance required
throughout the organization ?
iii) The OH&S policy demonstrates the formal commitment of the organization ?
Particularly that of the organizations top management, towards good OH&S
iv) The OH&S policy statement is produced and authorised by the organizations top
management ?
c) Typical inputs
In establishing the OH&S policy management has considered the following items:
i) Policy and objectives relevant to the organizations business as a whole?

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
ii) OH&S Hazards of the organization ?
iii) Legal and other requirements ?
iv) Historical and current OH&S performance by the organization ?
v) Needs of other interested parties ?
vi) Opportunities and need for continual improvement ?
vii) Resources needed ?
viii) Contributions of employees ?
ix) Contributions of contractors and other external personnel ?

d) Process
The OH&S policy takes into account the following points;
i) Be appropriate to the nature and scale of the organizations OH&S risks?
ii) Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control reflected in the OH&S policy ?

iii) Has a commitment to continual improvement ?

iv) Includes a commitment to at least conform to current applicable OH&S legislation and
with other requirements to which the organization subscribes? (includes codes of practice)

d) v) (a) The OH&S policy is documented, implemented and maintained?

v) (b) Is the necessary finance, skills and resources available ?
v) (c) Are all of the OH&S objectives realistically achievable within the current policy

vi) OH&S policy is communicated to all employees and all employees are aware of
their individual OH&S obligations ?
vi) (a) There is involvement and commitment from all employees ?
vi) (b) Employees are made aware of the effects of OH&S management on the quality of
their own work environment and are encouraged to contribute actively to OH&S
Management ?

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
vi) (c) OH&S responsibilities and objectives are communicated to Employees so they
clearly understand their responsibilities?
vi) (d) There is a framework for employees to measure their own individual OH&S

vii) The OH&S policy is available to interested parties ? ( internal or external )

viii) The OH&S policy is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and
ix) (a) An internal assessment as to compliance with OSHAS 18001 has been undertaken?
e) Typical output
i) The OH&S policy is communicated throughout the organization?
ii) If yes, how is it communicated ?
Possible Compliance points 37
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

D= Documentation O = Observation I = Interview 6

OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.3 Planning
4.3.1 Planning identification of hazards, assessment & risk control
a) OHSAS 18001 requirement
i) Does the Organization’s OH&SMS provide for the establishment, implementation and
maintenance of documented procedures to identify the OH&S hazards and to assess and
control the associated risks of activities, products and services over which the organization has
control or influence?
a) The documented procedure include;
ii) routine and non routine activities ?
iii) activities of all personnel having access to the workplace (including subcontractors and visitors)?
iv) Facilities at the workplace, whether provided by the organization or others ?
v) The documentation and recording of the results of these assessments and the effects of the
controls are considered when setting its OH&S objectives?
The Methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment;
vi) Defines its scope, nature & timing to ensure it is proactive rather than reactive ?
vii) Provides for the classification of risks and identification of those risks that are to be eliminated
or controlled by measures as defined in 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 ?
viii) is consistent with operating experience and the capabilities of risk control measures employed ?
ix) Provides input into the determination of facility requirements ?
x) Identifies the training needs?
xi) provides for the development of operational controls ?
xii) Provides for the monitoring of required actions for both;
a) Effectiveness of the implementation? And
b) The timeliness (close out ) of their implementation ?
b) Intent
i) The organization has a total appreciation of all significant OH&S hazards in its domain, after
using the processes of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control ( Hazard Register) ?
ii) The hazard identification , risk assessment and risk control processes enables the organization to
identify, evaluate and control its OH&S risks on an ongoing basis ?

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
iii) The Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control process give consideration to;
a) normal operations within the organization ?
b) Abnormal operations reasonably expected within the organization ?
c) Reasonably foreseeable / potential emergency conditions ?
b) vi) The hazard identification , risk assessment and risk control processes take into account;
a) Cost & time to perform these three processes, and the availability of reliable data ?
b) Information already developed for regulatory or other purposes ?
c) The degree of practical control the organization can have over the OH&S risks
being considered ?
. d) What are the organizations risks, taking into account the inputs and out puts
associated with its current and relevant past activities, processes and services ?
v) The organization has established its own current position with regard to OH&S risks by means of
an initial review ?
vi) The aim of the initial review is to consider all OH&S risks faced by the organization as a basis
for establishing the OH&S management system ?
vii) The initial review considered as a minimum the following items within its initial review;
a) Legislative and regulatory requirements ?
b) İdentification of OH&S risks faced by the organization?
c) An examination of all existing OH&S management practices, processes and procedures ?
d) An evaluation of feedback from the investigation of previous incidents, accidents and
emergencies ?
viii) The approach to initial review included;
a) Checklists ?
b) Interviews ?
c) direct inspection and measurement ?
d) results of previous management system audits or reviews ?
c) Typical İnputs
i) Typical inputs include the following items;
a) OH&S legal and other requirements ?
b) OH&S policy ?
c) Records of incidents and accidents ?
d) Non conformances ?
e) OH&S management system audit results?
f) Communications from employees and other interested parties ?
g) Information from employee OH&S consultations ( Perception İnterviews) review and
improvement activities in the workplace? ( May be reactive or proactive)

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
h) Information on industry best practice ?
i) Typical hazards related to the organization ?
j) İncidents and accidents having occurred in similar organizations ?
c) ii) Information on the facilities, processes and activities of the organization including the
a) Details of change control procedures ?
b) Site plans ?
c) details of process flow charts ?
d) Inventory of hazardous materials (raw materials, chemicals, wastes, products, sub-
products) .?
e) Toxicology and other OH&S data ( industrial hygiene , MSDS’s ) ?
f) Monitoring data ?
g) Workplace environment data ?
d) Process
Hazard identification , risk assessment and risk control
i) General
refer to page 13 of OHSAS 18001 İnformation only

ii) Hazard identification, risk assessment and control processes, should be documented and
include the following elements;
a) identification of hazards ?
b) evaluation of risks with existing (or proposed) control measures in place?
c) take into account exposure to specific hazards ?
d) the likelihood of the failure of the control measures ?
e) The potential severity of consequences of injury or damage ?
f) Evaluation of the tolerability of the residual risk ?
g) Identification of any additional risk control measures needed ?
h) Evaluation of whether the risk control measures are sufficient to reduce the risk to a
tolerable level ?
. iii) Additionally the processes should include the definitions of the following items?
a) the nature ?
b) the timing ?
c) scope ?
d) methodology ?
for any form of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control that is to be used.

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
Item Audit Question Yes No D O I Comments
iv) Process considers applicable OH&S legislation or other requirements ?
v) Process considers the roles and authorities of personnel responsible for performing the hazard
identification , risk assessment and risk control processes ?
vi) Process considers the competency requirements and training needs for personnel who are to
perform the Hazard identification , risk assessment and risk control process ?
( İf no internal expertise, it is acceptable to utilise external resources)
vii) Does the process take into account how consideration should be given to the risk of human error
within the processes being examined ?
d) viii) Process considers the hazards posed by materials, plant or equipment that degrades over time,
particularly when such items are in storage ?
ix) Subsequent Actions following the performance of the hazard identification and risk assessment
and risk control processes include;
a) Clear evidence that any corrective or preventative actions identified as being necessary are
monitored for their timely completion ? ( Register)
b) There is consideration as to new or additional or revised risk assessment required to
reflect proposed changes to risk control measures and to determine revised estimates of
residual risks ?
c) Feedback on completion of corrective or preventative actions is provided to management
as inputs for management review and establishment of revised or new OH&S objectives ?
d) Ability to determine whether the competency of personnel performing specific hazardous
tasks is consistent with that specified by the risk assessment process in establishing the
necessary risk controls ?
e) Feedback from subsequent operating experience is used to amend the processes, or the
data on which they are based, as applicable ?
Possible Compliance points 71
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.3.2 Legal and other requirements:
Does the organizations OH&SMS provide for establishing, implementing and maintaining
procedures to identify and have access to all legal and other requirements that are directly
applicable to its activities, products or services, including relevant relationships with contractors
and suppliers?
ii) Is there a system for ensuring that all the above type of legal information is kept up to date?
iii) Is there a mechanism to ensure the communication of all relevant information on legal and
other requirements to the organizations employees?
Does the organization have current copies of the relevant;
i) Statute legislation,?
ii) Codes of practice ?
iii) Standards ?
iv) OH&S Guidelines on site ?
Possible Compliance points 7
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

4.3.3 Objectives :
i) Does the organizations OH&MS provide for the provision to establish , implement and
maintain documented OH&S objectives and targets, at each relevant function and level within the
ii) OH&SMS states the establishment and review of the organizations objectives shall consider;
a) its legal and other requirements?
b) its OH&S hazards and risks?
c) its technological options?
d) its financial, operational and business requirements?
e) the views of interested parties?
f) Are the objectives and targets consistent with the OH&S policy ?
g) Including the commitment to measuring and improving OH&S performance?
Possible Compliance points 8
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.3.4 OHS Management Programme(s):
i) Does the OH& SMS provide for the organization to establish and maintain management
plans for achieving its objectives and targets? If yes,
ii) Do the objectives and targets include;
a) Designation of responsibility and authority for achievement of objectives and targets at relevant
functions and levels of the organization?
b) The means and time frame (closeout) by which objectives and targets are to be achieved?
iii) Does the OH&SMS provide for procedures to be established to ensure that current plans are
reviewed and if necessary amended to address such changes at regular and planned intervals, and
whenever there are changes to the activities, operating conditions of the organization ?
Possible Compliance Points 4
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %
4.4 Implementation and Operation
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility
a) The roles , responsibilities and authorities of personnel who manage, perform and verify
activities having an effect on the OH&S risks of the organizations activities, facilities and
processes shall be ;
c) Defined ?
ii) documented ?
iii ) communicated ?
in order to facilitate OH&S management
b) Does the OH&SMS provide for the organisations top management to appoint a specific
management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined roles,
responsibilities and authority for;
i) ensuring that OHSMS requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance
with this OHSAS specification ?
ii) ) reporting on the performance of the OHSMS to top management for review and as a basis for
improvement of the OHSMS ?
Possible Compliance points 5
Actual Compliance Points Percentage points %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.4.2 Training, Awareness and Competence.
Personnel shall be competent to perform tasks that may impact on OH&S in the workplace.
Competence shall be defined in terms of appropriate education, training and / or experience.
The organization shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that its employees working at
each relevant function and level are aware of.
i) The importance of conformance to the OH&S policy and procedures and the requirements of the
OH&S management system ?
ii) The OH&S consequences, actual or potential, of their work activities and the OH&S benefits of
improved personal performance ?
iii) Their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance to the OH&S policy and procedures and
the requirements of the OH&S management system, including emergency preparedness and response
requirements ?
iv) The consequences of departure from specified operating procedures ?
v) Training procedures take into account differing levels of;
a) Responsibility ?
b) Ability ?
c) Literacy ?
d)Risk ?
vii) Does the OH&SMS provide for procedures being in place to ensure that OH&S
competencies are developed and maintained ?
viii) Does the OH&SMS have procedures being developed for providing OH&S training ? If yes;
ix) Do the procedures take into account:
a) the characteristics and composition of the workforce which impact on occupational health and
safety management? And
b) individual responsibilities, hazards and risks?
x) Does the OH& SMS provide for the organisation to ensure that all personnel ( including contractors
and visitors) have undertaken training appropriate to the identified needs?
xi) Does the OH&SMS provide that training shall be carried out by persons with appropriate
knowledge, skills and experience in OH&S training?
Possible Compliance points 14
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.4.3 Consultation and Communication
4.4.3 Consultation
i) Does theOH&SMS provide that all employees shall:
a) be involved in the development, implementation, and review of policies and procedures to
identify hazards and assess and control risks?
b) be consulted whenever there are any changes that affect workplace OH&S?
c) select those who will represent them on OH&S matters? and
b) be informed as to who is / are their employee OH&S representative(s) and specified
management representative(s)?
ii) Does the OH&SMS provide;
a) for documented procedures, agreed to by employees, for employee involvement and
consultation OH&S issues? And
b) for information regarding the arrangements being made available to interested parties?
iii) Does the OH&SMS state that those persons representing the employees and employer shall
receive appropriate training to undertake effectively their involvement in the development,
implementation and review of OH&S arrangements?
iv Does the OH&SMS provide that the organisation shall have procedures for ensuring that pertinent
OH&S information is communicated to and from employees and other interested parties?
Possible Compliance points 8
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

4.4.4 Documentation:
i) Does the OH& SMS provide that the organisation shall establish, implement and maintain
information, in a suitable medium such as print or electronic form? To;
a) describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction? and
b) provide direction to related documentation?
Possible Compliance Points 3
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.4.5 Document and Data Control
i) Does the OH&SMS require that the organisation shall establish, implement and maintain
procedures for controlling all relevant documents and data required by OHSAS 18001?
ii) If yes to above, does the OH&SMS procedures require documents that :
a) can be readily located?
b) are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by competent and
responsible personnel?
c) current versions / revisions of relevant documents and data are available at all locations where
operations essential to the effective functioning of the OHSMS are performed?
d) obsolete documents and data are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use or
otherwise assured against unintended use?
e) archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes or both are
suitably identified ?
a) Does the OH&SMS provide for the establishment of appropriate procedures for relevant and
timely reporting of information to ensure that the OHSMS is monitored and performance improved?
b) Does the OH&SMS provide for procedures to be established to cover the following;
i) OH&S performance reporting ( including results of OH&S audits and reviews)?
ii) Reporting of incidents and system failures?
iii) Reporting on hazard identifications?
iv) reporting on risk assessment?
v) reporting on preventative and corrective action?
vi) Statutory reporting requirements?
vii) legal documents & data retained for uses, are suitably identified and archived ?
viii) Does the OH&SMS provide that documentation and data shall be legible, dated (with
dates of revision) and readily identifiable and be maintained in an orderly manner for a
specified period?
ix) Does the OH&SMS require that procedures and responsibilities shall be established and
maintained concerning the creation and modification of the various types of documents and data?

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.4.5 Possible Compliance points 16
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

4.4.6 Operational Control

i) Does the OH&SMS require that the organisation shall establish, implement and maintain
documented procedures to ensure that;
a) hazards are identified?
b) risks are assessed?
c) risks are controlled? and;
d) steps (a) to (c) above are evaluated?
ii) The OH&SM require that the identification of hazards in the workplace shall take into account ;
a) situations/events, a combination of circumstances that has potential to rise to injury or illness ?
b) the nature of potential injury or illness relevant to the activity, product or service?
c) past injuries , incidents and illnesses?
d) the OH&SMS hazard identification process shall also include consideration to;
i) the way work is organised, managed, carried out and any changes that can occur in this?
ii)design of workplaces, process, materials, plant and equipment and adaption to human capabilities?
iii) the fabrication, installation, commissioning, handling and disposal ( of materials, workplaces,
plant and equipment)?
iv) the purchasing of goods and services?
v) the contracting and subcontracting of plant, equipment, services and labour, including contract
specification and responsibilities to and by contractors?
vi) the inspection, maintenance, testing, repair and replacement ( of plant and equipment)?
Possible Compliance points 13
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
d) i) The OH&SMS requires that all potential emergency situations shall be identified and
emergency procedures documented for preventing and mitigating the associated illness and injury ?
ii) The OH&SMS provides that the organisation shall review , then revise, where necessary, its
emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular after the occurrence of incidents or
emergency situations?
iii) OH&S MS provides for emergency preparedness & response tests periodically as to adequacy?
iv) OH&SMS acknowledges impracticability to test some emergency response procedures , and that
such procedures and the training and efficiency should be tested by other means?
v) The OH&S Management system provides for risk assessments of worst case scenarios and
available resources ? *
Possible Compliance points 5
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %
4.5 Checking and Corrective Action
4.5.1 Performance measurement and monitoring
i) The OH&SMS provides that the organisation shall establish, implement and maintain documented
procedures to monitor and measure on a regular basis the key characteristics (Kpi’s) of its operations
and activities that can cause illness and injury? If yes;
ii) The OH&SMS acknowledges that the effectiveness of the above measures is to be evaluated?
iii) OH&SMS requires that any appropriate equipment for monitoring and measurement related to
health and safety risks shall be identified, calibrated, maintained and stored as necessary?
iv) OH&SMS records of this process shall be retained according to the organisation’s procedures?
v) The OH&SMS requires that with regard to the OHSMS the organization shall establish,
implement and maintain procedures to monitor;
a) performance, effectiveness of relevant operational controls and conformance with the
organisation’s objectives and targets?
b) compliance with relevant OH&S legislation?

Possible Compliance Points 6

Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.5.2 Health Surveillance
i) The OH&SMS requires that the organisation shall implement appropriate systems to identify
those situations where employee health surveillance is required?
ii) The OH&SMS requires that employees shall have access to their own individual results?
iii) The OH&SMS requires that where specified by legislation, the health of employees exposed to
specific hazards shall be monitored and recorded?
Possible Compliance points 3
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %
4.5.3 Incident Investigation, Corrective and Preventative Action
i) The OH&SMS require the organisation to establish, implement and maintain procedures for;
a) investigating, responding to and taking action to minimise any harm caused from incidents?
b) investigating and responding to system failures?
c) initiating and completing appropriate corrective and preventative action?
ii) The OH&SMS requires that the organisation shall implement and record any changes in the
OHSMS procedures resulting from incident investigations, corrective and preventative actions?
Possible Compliance Points 4
Actual Compliance Points Percentage Compliance %
4.5.4 Records and Records Management
i) The OH&SMS requires that the organisation shall establish, implement and maintain procedures
for the identification, maintenance and disposition of OH&S records, as well as the results of audits
and reviews?
ii) The OH&SMS requires that all OH&S records shall be legible, identifiable and traceable to the
activity, product or service involved?
iii) The OH&SMS requires that OH&S records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that
they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss?
iv) Their is provision for the retention times to be established and recorded for all OH&S records?
v) The OH&SMS requires that all records shall be maintained , as appropriate to the system and to
the organisation, to demonstrate conformance to the requirements of OHSAS 18001 ?
Possible Compliance Points 5
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
4.5.5 Audit (Occupational Health & Safety Management System ) (OHSMS)
i) The OH&SMS requires that the organisation shall establish, implement and maintain an audit
program and procedures for periodic OHSMS audits to be carried out by a competent person ?
ii) There is an OH&SMS requirement for the OHSMS audit to;
a) determine whether the OHSMS:
i) conform to planned arrangement for OH&S management & the requirements of OHSAS 18001 ?
ii) has been properly implemented and maintained?
iii) is effective in meeting the organisations policy as welll as objectives and targets for continual
OH&S improvement? And;
b) provide information on the results of audits to management and employees?
iii) The OH&SMS requires that the organisations audit program, including ant schedule, shall be
based on the OH&S importance of the activity concerned, and the results of previous audits?
iv) The OH&SMS has a requirement for the audit procedures to cover the scope, frequency,
methodologies and competencies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting
audits and reporting audits results?
Possible Compliance points 7
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

4.6 Management Review

i) The OH&SMS provides for the organisations top management, at intervals that it determines, to
review the OH&S Management System to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and
ii) The OH&SMS requires that the management review process shall ensure that the necessary
information is collected to allow management to carry out any evaluation?
iii) The OH&SMS has a requirement that the OH&S Management system review shall be
iv) The OH&SM has a requirement that the organisations management shall review the continued
relevance of , and change where appropriate, policy, objectives, responsibilities and other elements
of the OHSMS, in light of OHSMS audit results, changing circumstances and the commitment to
continual improvement?
Possible Compliance points 4
Actual Compliance points Percentage Compliance %

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OSHAS-18001 – 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audit
Percentage Compliance
Summary of Audit Results Total Possible Actual This Audit % Last Audit %
Expressed as a Percentage Compliance to the Specification Compliance Compliance
Points Points
Foreward Info Only
1.0 Scope 1
2.0 Referenced Documents 5
3.0 Definitions 20
4.0 OH&S Requirements
4.1 General Requirements 9
4.2 OH&S Policy 37
4.3 Planning
4.3.1 Planning Identification of Hazards, Aassessment & Risk Control 71
4.3.2 Legal & other Requirements 7
4.3.3 Objectives 4
4.3.4 OH&S Management Programme 4
4.4 Implementation and Operations
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility 5
4.4.2 Training Awareness and Competence 14
4.4.3 Consultation and Communication 8
4.4.4 Documentation 3
4.4.5 Document and Data Control 16
4.4.6 Operational Control 13
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response 5
4.5. Checking and Corrective Action
4.5.1 Performance Measurement & Monitoring 6
4.5.2 Health Surveillance 3
4.5.3 Incident Investigation, Corrective and Preventative Action 4
4.5.4 Records and Records Management 5
4.5.5 Audit ( Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems ) (OH&SMS) 7
4.6 Management Review 4
Total 251

D= Documentation O = Observation I = Interview 20


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