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Gonzaga, Lorenz Lhoyd D.


Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Reflection Paper: Chapter 3

Human Resource Recruitment

The title of this chapter that I'm making a reflection paper

is Human Resource Recruitment and from the title itself, it
obviously means that it will tackle right standards, different
methods in human resources recruitment and answer
questions relating to the needs of human resources. The
reporter has stated that there are different ways or methods in
human resources recruitment. Recruitment is the process of
attracting the best individual that has the qualifications
requirement to join the company that will serve as one of the
company's assets. It is also said in the reporting that there are
two major sources of candidates to fill vacant positions and
those are the internal and external sources. These two are
about where the applicant came from. Before I listen to the
reporting I have no idea that there are two major resources of
candidates but as I observe and listen to the report of my
colleagues I have realized that it is natural to have two options
in recruitment. The internal source is the qualified applicants
from the company and within the ranks of present employees.
While on the other hand, the external source talks about the
hiring or finding qualified applicants from outside of the
company and it's an option of the management if they will
consider the other decision instead of sticking on the present
employees and giving them more opportunities to grow and
stay in the company. For me, the most informative part of the
report is where I participate in recitation by giving information
regarding one of the methods of recruitment which is the blind
ads under advertising media. The reporter has successfully
discussed the right definition of each methods.

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