Midterm - Week2 (Material) Oct.05

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October 03, 2022

With Prof. Jessica Kim D. Batalla

TED Talks and
Thinking in Today’s
For this lesson, we will see how reports can be done in
today’s modern world. People from all over the world share
their knowledge on various media platforms, whether they are
amateurs from YouTube or experts on TED Talks. People
from the past might have thought that animation and graphics
would have dominated the information revolution, but it turns
out that human beings like watching other humans talk – and
that public speaking remains one of the more important ways
to spread ideas in the 21st century.
Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Know the features of a good TED talk;
2. To perform a good TED talk using visual aids; and
3. Give a talk in front of a corporate or academic
audience, in a business or an academic conference.
Before-Reading Questions:
1. Have you ever watched TED Talks? Why or why not?

2. What makes TED Talks interesting?

3. Would you ever want to give a TED Talk? Again, why

or why not?
TED Talks Walking
the Talk
• Sometimes, people with good public speaking skills and
mediocre ideas get more attention than people with great
ideas but average public speaking skills.

• It is important to know that content is King. Whatever one

chooses to talk about, it should come from a place of

• When people speak in front of audience, they are already

on a place of vulnerability, which is why some people
freeze up or are afraid of showing their emotions.
TED Talks in different Topics
1. “What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?” (Isaac Lidsky)

Before-Watching Questions:

• What are the five senses? Which one do you consider most
important? Why?

• Do you think that reality is something that we are in or is

reality something that we create? What is the difference
between the two?
TED Talks in different Topics
1. “What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?” (Isaac Lidsky)
TED Talks in different Topics
1. “What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?” (Isaac Lidsky)

After-Watching Questions:

• How can people affect the reality?

• What was the most surprising thing for you in the talk?
• What made it so effective?
• How does it personally affect you?
• What can you learn about life?
TED Talks in different Topics
2. “All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes” (Andy Puddicombe)

Before-Watching Questions:

• When was the last time you did absolutely nothing for ten

• What does being “mindful” mean to you?

TED Talks in different Topics
2. “All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes” (Andy Puddicombe)
TED Talks in different Topics
2. “All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes” (Andy Puddicombe)

After-Watching Questions:

• What did you feel after watching the talk?

• What would be the benefit or benefits of meditation?
• What is the main point of his talk?
• What are the benefits of being a more reflective person? Do
you think it will help society as a whole if people were more
reflective? Why?
• What problems do we encounter if we are not reflective,
and are connected to social media, all the time?
TED Talks in different Topics
3. “What Makes a Good Life?” (Robert Waldinger)

Before-Watching Questions:

• How would you answer the title question, “What Makes a

Good Life?”

• What are your goals in life?

TED Talks in different Topics
3. “What Makes a Good Life?” (Robert Waldinger)
TED Talks in different Topics
2. “All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes” (Andy Puddicombe)

After-Watching Questions:

• What struck you the most about the talk? Why?

• Why is it hard to maintain relationship? Why should we
maintain them, anyway?
• How can good relationship protect us? Have you ever
experienced this before, as well?
• Which relationship is the most satisfying one for you, now?
• What can we learn from the speaker?
Thank you for
Uychoco, Marikit Tara A., and Santos, Maria Lorena (2018). Lesson 3:
TED Talks and Critical/Creative Thinking in Today’s Society.
Communication for Society (Purposive Communication).
Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI), pages 63-69


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