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A thesis Submitted to Bacha Khan University Charsadda in partial requirement for
the award of BS Degree in Political science.









We hereby recommended that the research report entitled “The role of media in strengthening
democracy in Pakistan submitted by Akasha jan accepted as fulfilling this part of the
requirements for the Degree of BS
Political Science.


Internal supervisor: ______________________________

Dr.Ahmad Ali
(Department of Political Science GPGC Charsadda)

External Examiner: ______________________________

Head of department: _____________________________

Mr. Amjid Khan
(Professor Department of Political Science GPGC Charsadda)


SESSION: 2018-2022


Table of Contents
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introductions ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Research Methodology ............................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Significance of the study........................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Research Questions ................................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Aims and Objectives ................................................................................................................. 3

1.7 Chapter Structure ...................................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................................. 5

LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................... 8

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 8

3.1 Data ........................................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Primary data .............................................................................................................................. 8

3.3 Secondary data .......................................................................................................................... 8

3.4 Method and material ................................................................................................................. 8

3.5 Method of data analysis ............................................................................................................ 9

3.6 The procedure of data collection............................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER IV.............................................................................................................................. 10

DATA AND ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................ 10

4.1 Role of media in strengthening democracy in Pakistan? ........................................................ 10

4.2 Media as an agenda setter ....................................................................................................... 10

4.3 Media in Pakistan as a civic forum ......................................................................................... 11

4.4 Media in Pakistan as a source of information ......................................................................... 13

4.5 Media in Pakistan as a watchdog ............................................................................................ 13

4.6 How media mould the general public opinion in Pakistan? ................................................... 14

CHAPTER V ............................................................................................................................... 16

RECOMMENDATION, CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 16

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 17

References ..................................................................................................................................... 18


This work is wholeheartedly dedicated to my beloved parents, who have been our source of
inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their
moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support.
To my brothers, sisters and classmates who shared their words of advice and encouragement to
finish this study.
And lastly, I dedicated this study to Almighty ALLAH, think you for guidance, strength, power
of mind, protection and skill and for giving us a healthy life. All these I offer to you.


“Starting with the name of Allah, Who is the most Merciful and mighty” Perhaps I will never
forget the things I learnt during the course of writing this thesis. Special thanks to my supervisor
Dr.Ahmad Ali.I am grateful for his help, cooperation, valuable suggestions and sympathetic
attitude throughout the course of this research work.
On this enlightened occasion I cannot forget my honorable and respectable Professor Amjid khan
Chairman of Political science Department, Government Postgraduate College Charsadda and
also my respectable teachers, Mr. Sohaib Khan (Assistant Professor), Mr. Azmat Ali and Mr.
Waqar Ahmad who all helped me a lot to complete my laborious work successfully.
I sincerely and earnestly pay humble and heartedly thanks to my affectionate parents and dear
brothers for their moral and financial support, love and valuable prayers, and encouraging
attitude throughout my studies.
Furthermore, I am deeply obligated and thankful to my friends, Adil saeed and Shariq zaman for
their cooperation. I also express my profound gratitude to all who directly and indirectly
extended help and support, in any form, in the accomplishment of my thesis.


The study analyzes the perception of most influential people’ regarding role of Pakistani media
in strengthening democracy. It was also aimed to identify the factors which undermined the role
of media in strengthening democracy. In this study survey was conducted 82 print and electronic
media journalists of Pakistan. For qualitative purpose there are five senior journalists associated
with print and electronic media of Pakistan were interviewed to have insights in the role of media
in strengthening democracy in the country. This study concludes that Pakistani media is not
playing a significant role in strengthening democracy in the country. It also reveals that some of
the influential persons’ are satisfied with media’s role in creating awareness and providing
information to public and act as a watchdog to government policies. In addition, majority
respondents are not pleased with media’s role as an agenda setter for upholding the principles of
democracy and offering as civic forum for the people of Pakistan. Moreover, it also indicates that
there is no difference between the perception of senior and junior persons’ regarding media’s
role in strengthening democracy in Pakistan.



1.1 Introductions

Democracy (from Greek democratic) demos 'people' and kratos 'rule') is a form of government in
which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy”) or
to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy"). Who is considered part of
"the people" and how authority is shared among or delegated by the people has changed over
time and at different rates in different countries, but over time more and more of a democratic
country's inhabitants have generally been included. Cornerstones of democracy include freedom
of assembly association property rights freedom of religion and speech inclusiveness and
equality citizenship consent of the governed voting rights freedom from unwarranted
governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights.
Democracy is a popular political notion in today’s world, fair and free elections are the
prerequisite of democracy and rule of the law, protection and freedom of human rights and
supremacy of the constitution are important elements in true democratic system. Pakistan is one
of those countries where democracy has been the slogan but true democracy never existed here
as Pakistan has faced prolonged military regimes and feudal nature of its democracy. Media in
Pakistan however has developed in the last decade and has emerged as a very powerful and
influential tool in socio-political matters. Importance and power of Media can never be denied in
democracies; media policies, media content and media persons have a direct or indirect influence
other audience.
Media in Pakistan is playing a role of a political actor now-a-days. Under various governments’
media in Pakistan faced restrictions. Almost all modern states allow freedom of expression but
still there are certain limits/restrictions imposed. As far as Constitution of Pakistan is concerned,
about Freedom of Expression, article 19 states that Every citizen shall have the right to freedom
of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable
restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or
defense of Pakistan or any part thereof friendly relation with foreign States, public order,

decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, commission of or incitement to an
offence. (Constitution of Pakistan, Article 19).
Mass Media and Democracy are always related to each other. Media is a mirror of the society
and how democratic a society is, can be represented through media. Opinion leaders influence
the public opinion regarding political leaders and political system of any country. Hence, media
has an influential role in strengthening democracy. However, few would deny that the role of
media is influenced by the factors, pertaining to the characteristic of media institutions
themselves, for example the policies designed by ownership of media, its financiers, and most
importantly working conditions of journalists, who are largely the shareholders of media
conglomerates in any country determine the kind of media prevalent in the country. Countries
where media is controlled by state, are naturally very conservative, and thus cannot perform their
various roles due to official censorship and regulating laws. States where media is largely owned
by private agencies and groups are less under the influence of government and it is more citizens
oriented. Yet private ownership has one disadvantage that it may promote and lead to hegemony
of unilateral views and ideas. The basic Objective of this study is to investigate the role of
Pakistani media in strengthening democracy and to identify the factors which undermine the role
of the media in strengthening democracy.

1.2 Research Methodology

Research work will be qualitative involving content and documents analysis. Data for description
and analysis of event will be obtained from secondary source consisting of newspaper, journal,
books and report etc.
1.3 Significance of the study

The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of social media in strengthening democracy in
Pakistan as to how social media play its role in political awareness, Efficacy and Participation.
The study highlights the importance of social media among youth to take part in different
political activities and strengthen their internal and external political efficacy. As per the
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, more than half the population of Pakistan based on youth which is
(60%). The study is the focus to analyze the youth of Lahore regarded social media (Facebook
and Twitter) role for political awareness, efficacy and participation. Today Societies have

become more social, and they are globally interlinked through Social Media (Riaz, 2010, Hassan,
2004). For the last few years, media studies actively examine the pros and cons of Facebook and
Twitter in different media studies.
Democratization is promoted by the use of social media. It is so easy to socialize from region to
region and discuss the ongoing political happenings with others. Likewise, today all around the
world majority of the political parties, democratic Participants communicate with their national
and international followers through Facebook and Twitter. Digital technologies and applications
are changing the way individuals, governments, and non-governmental organizations are
interacting today (Spinner, 2012). Currently, it is debatable that social media is successfully
generating a great involvement in political participation among youth for the strengthening of
democracy in the world (Sohl, 2014). The problems and prospects of democracy in Pakistan have
been studied by many researchers, but there is very limited researches have been done on social
media and its role in democratization, especially the participation of youth. However, this study
explores the role of social media in building political awareness, efficacy and participation to
explore the contribution of these variables in the Democratization of Pakistan.

1.4 Statement of the problem

The main statement of the study deals with “The role of media in strengthening democracy in
Pakistan” in which study the basic point that is to investigate the role of Pakistani media in
strengthening democracy also to identify the factors which undermine the role of the media in
strengthening democracy but in last not the least identified that how the media make the general
public opinion in our nation Pakistan.

1.5 Research Questions

1. What is the role of media in strengthening democracy in Pakistan?

2. How media mould the general public opinion in Pakistan?

1.6 Aims and Objectives

1. The basic Objective of this study is to investigate the role of Pakistani media in
strengthening democracy. To identify the factors which undermine the role of the
media in strengthening democracy.
2. To study that how the media make the general public opinion in our nation Pakistan.

1.7 Chapter Structure

Chapter I
Chapter I include a brief introduction of the topic, Background or introduction of the Study,
Significance of the problem and study, objective of related study, research questions, Statement
of the problem, , Delimitations of study and research Methodology.
Chapter II
The second chapter deals with review of the related literature. The relevant researchers done in
this area, the relevant materials cited in books, other relevant thesis articles and internet.
Chapter III
In third Chapter Research Design, Population of Study, Sample of Study, Instruments,
Validation of the Instrument, Procedural Design and Data collection, of Data and all the
methodology which was used in this study was discussed.
Chapter IV
Fourth chapter includes the data which was observed and analyzed from literature study of the
role of media in strengthening democracy in Pakistan
Chapter V



Bushra H. Rehman (2014) conducted a research entitled “Conditional Influence of Media: Media
Credibility and Opinion Formation” among the students of university of Punjab Lahore. In her
study, she tries to find-out the relationship between media usage and formation of political
opinion among youngsters. The research concluded that TV news have no effects on heavy
viewing in the formation of political opinion. Such as the extent which used by the TV is just for
information and have not significant relation with their trust in the medium of information.
The case study by Stetka (2013) the achievement of investigative journalism in the Czech
Republic, give some support to interdependency model. He argued that fight against corruption
to be successful by efforts of various accountability institutions like judiciary, civil society and
prosecution authorities. Only media pressure itself is not enough to enforce accountability and
systematic change can be done by eradicating political corruption.
Yasir Arfat (2013) conducted a survey to explorer the role of television in creating
political opinion among the illiterate people of Bahawalpur. Its further aims was to determine the
effect of Pakistani private TV channels on the political opinion of illiterate people and to know
the role of opinion leaders in shaping political opinion among illiterate people of Bahawalpur.
The methodology to conduct the research was Survey methodology. The study concluded that
the television is not a major source of political opinion building among illiterate population of
Bahawalpur. Biradarism, party affiliation and cast system are also some of the major reasons that
affect the political opinion of illiterate population. Study further concluded that opinion leaders
are the main source of political opinion building among the illiterate population of Bahawalpur.
Opinion leaders play a major role in creating political opinion and political awareness among
illiterate population.
Sultan, Jan and Khan (2012) conducted a study on “Cultivation Management of Pakistani
T.V. channels with special reference to politics” by using cross-sectional survey method. In this
study, they discuss the voting behavior and attitude of the people motivated by the television.
There are so many private T.V. channels in Pakistan that has become the most important medium
that shape the opinion and mind of the viewers. They founded that television has great role in

motivating the people to play their role by casting the vote and become the part of democratic
Durre-E-Shawar and Muhammad Asim (2012) conducting a study in Faisalabad, Pakistan
on voting behavior of people about different political parties. Its reality that voting is the main
part to participate in democratic process. Study explores the association of voting by education,
inner modify in the party, voter’s approval, biradrism and reasons regarding voting process to
find out the facts of political association within District Faisalabad. The study concluded that
party is most important rather than biradrism. So people like to give vote to the party. Because
strong and well image party attract the people and take favor by voting process.
Mauro Porto (2012) said that in Brazil T.V Globo (the largest television network) caused
the fall of Authoritarian regime in 1985. Greater professionalism and development of critical
reporting forced the chief executive to adopt their communication strategies with the complex
obligations for the quality of social accountability. He said that changes at T.V Globo contribute
to improve the performance of elections and mechanism of accountability. Against the defense of
Presidential Authority, the rise of more assertive and independent model of journalism at TV
Globo enhanced mechanism of accountability that play role to limit the presidential power. So,
the opening of TV Globo strengthened the social accountability function of television.
VineetKaul (2012) in his article “Are new media Democratic?” argue that new media
technological change has impact deeply on globalization and democratization. Media has the
potential to strengthen and weaken democracy through their chief characteristics. In some ways
Globalization itself prevent democracy for their own interests and this is done through media
technology. Through effective and sensitive programs change the political and democratic
situation in regimes. Market forces only use media for commercial use not for democracy. If real
change is required then political change should be given priority than technological.
Yasir, Nawaz &Sajjad (2011) conducted a research in the Urban and Sub-Urban area of
Lahore entitled “correlation between Media’s Political Content and Voting Behavior: A case
study of 2008 elections in Pakistan” to find out the relationship between people, media political
contents and the decision of people about vote casting in elections 2008. The data of 400
respondents were collected including males and females. Research concluded that people spend
more time to watch TV for political awareness and information. It is also concluded that TV
played significant role in informing people about political campaign. The high educated people

use more television for political information rather than low educated. Moreover, study also
concluded that people do not much depend on community political leaders. They chose media as
a source of information and political awareness.
According to the McNair (2011) Media not only report politics, it is also the part of
political environment in which democracy is pursued. Media contribute in policy discussion and
resolution and set public agenda. Media provide plate-forms to politicians to formulate their
ideas to the public so that a good democratic system should be developed. But not only this,
media is also involves in judging and critiquing the different viewpoints of political parties.
Anwar and Jan (2010) conducted a study on “Role of Media in Political Socialization: the
case study of Pakistan”. The aim of this research was to explore the role of media in making
public opinion in Pakistan. This research described the Political Socialization and Political
Communication. Democratic process completes by taking the opinion of people by casting their
vote. The study concluded that Pakistani media has strong role in making public opinion.
Electronic media plays primary role in shaping public opinion and print media plays secondary
role in shaping public opinion regarding democracy. The relationship between research and
theory is very strong. Theory provides basic guidance and framework to conduct research. The
theoretical support of the present study is “Agenda Setting Theory & Gate keeping theory”.



Research methodology is an important part for any research. Each approach has its own set of
philosophical assumptions and principles and its own stance how to do research. Research
methodology is what makes social science for as the research methodology of the
study concerned this is quantitative research in which researcher provides a detail and complete
description to his topic the quantitative research include collection of primary data to
questionnaire and secondary data from books magazine article newspaper etc. this research
includes collecting analyzing and then interpreting the data. For this reason research
methodology is quantitative in nature and deal with numerical data.

3.1 Data
The study was composed on secondary data

3.2 Primary data

Primary data is collected in the form of interview from the different local leaders and educated
Peoples. Interview was composed on structure form.

3.3 Secondary data

Secondary data was collected from different sources like books, articles, international papers, the
Statute book of parliament, journals. Most of the secondary data are taken from international
Journals, from different newspapers, \local leaders, writings and international politicians

3.4 Method and material

The current study used the qualitative research design to the issue at hand. The study constructs.
The objectives and research design. And a survey was carried out to collect data from the
Different sources. The researcher studied different articles, books and journals for the purpose to
fulfill the objectives of the study.

3.5 Method of data analysis
Data was collected by the researcher through different sources and thoroughly analyzed by
Himself and find their research questions answers which are clearly mentioned in chapter four.

3.6 The procedure of data collection

The important procedure of data collection is books of the international analyst, political analyst
and high rank politicians.



In the Modern States, the role of media, newspaper and television is very important to create
awareness among the public as free media will encourage citizens to take part in politics.
Moreover, highly public participation in politics has been observed in those countries where
media is free. For the success of democracy and good governance, the role of mass media is
vital. Media shapes public opinion creates awareness and provides a platform for discussions on
political and social issues helps to educate voters and also encourages tolerance for others which
can play a positive role in the progress of democracy.

4.1 Role of media in strengthening democracy in Pakistan?

It looked at Media in Pakistan from two perspectives, firstly, is it strengthening democratic
traditions in the country, and secondly, it took cognizance of the factors which undermine the
role of media in strengthening democracy in the country. Various researchers (Norris, 2006;
Camara, 2008; Saeed, 2009) have outlined four roles of media, media as a source of information,
as a watchdog, as a civic forum and as an agenda setter; and how media, when it is free and
independent promotes democratic traditions in any country. So in this research top notch media
professionals were interviewed and asked to evaluate and rate media according to these four
The majority of Journalists’ 46(56.10%) out of 82 were not satisfied with the role of media in
strengthening democracy in Pakistan. While, Journalists’ responded that they were satisfied with
their role in creating awareness and providing information to public and act as a watchdog to
government policies. In addition, majority respondents were not happy with media’s role as an
agenda setter for upholding the principles of democracy and offering as civic forum for the
people of in Pakistan

4.2 Media as an agenda setter

Researchers tried to find out that how media professionals perceive about the role of media as
agenda setter in enhancing governance and promoting human development, both of which are
key elements of strong democracy. Majority of the interviewees criticized the role of media in

enhancing governance. Ejaz Haider said that the numbers promoting regressive tendencies in
media are more than radicalization and conservatism in the society. According to Anwar-ul-
Hasan, acceding with Ejaz Haider, media usually does not take cognizance of state’s interest so it
is not making the governance strong. Anjum Niaz categorically said “our reporters are not
trained and expert in reporting governance related issues.
However, Zahid Hussein quoted the example of the media’s role in the restoration of Chief
Justice in 2008. Talat Hussein has also appreciated the role of media in governance by saying
that media has created a platform for debate regarding governance, people are more conceptually
aware of what governance is even though the situation of Pakistan is more chaotic now than
before, but media is raising awareness and openly debating issues of governance, and in the long
run this will bring a good change. In response to media’s role in promoting human development,
four of the experts replied in negation. Their responses revolved around the point that media’s
focus was more on the political news and news of the day and that whatever human development
news is shown has lot of ‘sensationalism’ factor and is not result oriented. Other than that,
Anwar ul Hasan and Ejaz Haider also raised the point that human development news and
program were not being shown in the prime time slot which clearly tells how much importance
they are given by the media.
Talat Hussein though agreed with other respondents that human development issue is not the
prime focus of media, however, also reasoned that this issue form the sub-subject of the larger
issue of politics and governance, about which media is concerned. If politics is stabilized, then
policies will be stabilized too. He said that, talking about developing FATA region is redundant
if FATA is not stabilized. Overall it can be concluded that respondents have more negative
opinion about media role in highlighting governance related issues and promoting human
development. They considered that Pakistan’s media role as an agenda setter in promoting
governance and human development is not up to the mark.

4.3 Media in Pakistan as a civic forum

Out of five respondents, two said that media’s role as a civic forum in promoting participation
was positive. Ejaz Haider quoted the example of Women Protection bill in which media openly
debated on the issue and helped the legislature. He also said that many channels had Doha style
debate program in which audience participated too. Anwar ul Hasan also agrees with Ejaz Haider

that media has done very well in promoting participation and gave example of his show,
Sachtouyehhai, which is one of the longest talk show on media, said that it brought the common
man perspective and also said that our media was reflective of people’s voice.
However, Zahid Hussein, Anjum Niaz and Talat Hussein said that the media hadn’t shown much
effort there. Anjum Niaz has castigated that our reporters don’t even know what civic journalism
is. Zahid Hussein said that the media had failed to mobilize people and whatever participation
was, it was limited to few people who kept appearing on same channels. Talat Hussien raises a
strong point saying that media in Pakistan, is urban based so it has urban bias. The structures of
media are located in only the main cities of the country, and participation is ensured by
proximity so our media cannot ensure larger participation. Coming to pluralism, three of the five
experts appreciated the role of media in promoting pluralism. Anjum Niaz remarked that the role
was encouraging and liberal in presenting various views. Agreeing with her, Talat Hussein and
Anwar ul Hasan said that many issues were previously taboos but now they are discussed and
diverging views are also given.
Talat Hussien said that media the only platform where people of opposing views could sit and
debate. Now Madrassah children can sit with students of LUMS in studio, while this is not
possible anywhere. However, Ejaz haider and Zahid Hussein have contradicting viewsabout this.
Ejaz Haider is of the view that media is run by people who come from this society and our
society is no more a pluralist society. He further comments what we have is a cacophony of
voices rather than a pluralist society. He supported his claim by giving example of the
assassination of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer who was gunned down by his own guard
because he believed that the latter had committed blasphemy.
He also gave the example of the murder of Christian Minister of Culture and then of Ghamdi, a
religious scholar who had to flee from the country as he faced intimidation from people who did
not agree with his interpretation. According to Ejaz Haider, in such an alarming situation we
cannot say that media has done much in creating a pluralist society. Affirming Haider, Zahid
Hussein condemned the media for making our society more intolerant. With regard to media
increasing social cohesion, only AnjumNiaz and Talat Hussein appreciated it. According to Talat
Hussein unity in diversity is our model of media and that if you appreciate diversity, then you
would acknowledge that our media is increasing social cohesion.

Ejaz Haider said that society was fragmented and media alone could not act as glue. Anwarul
Hasan agreed with Haider, saying that our society was fragmented more than ever and there was
a pressing need for social cohesion now. Majority was of the opinion that media’s role as a civic
forum in promoting participation and pluralism and increasing social cohesion was not up to the
mark and needed to be addressed.

4.4 Media in Pakistan as a source of information

Media’s role as a source of information in creating awareness among citizens regarding their
rights is extensively lauded by the media persons in the study. Talat Hussein said that media had
done a superb job in this. He said that media was not only telling people what their rights were
but also why and how they were violated. It is more important so that one can get the justice.
Zahid Hussein and Anwar ul Hasan said that because of electronic media incidents of human
rights violation came up as they happen. Anjum Niaz though agreed with the rest but raised an
interesting point that “media is making people aware of their rights, but rulers should also know
about people’s right”. However, Ejaz Haider disagreed saying there was too much information
but no understanding of it among people.

4.5 Media in Pakistan as a watchdog

Four of the five experts agreed that media was ensuring free and fair elections .Ejaz Haider and
Anwar ul Hasan said almost the same point that the old style of rigging of stuffing ballot boxes
was no more possible simply because of the presence of camera. Anwar ul Hasan said that 2008
elections in Pakistan were by far the most transparent in the history of the country. Zahid
Hussein talked about the recent rigging in Azad Jammu Kashmir election in 2011 and how it was
exposed by the media. Talat Hussein agreed with the rest and said that the presence of media in
electoral activity served as a check on rigging. Even though media is not present in every
constituency but if rigging is found even in one, it can be painted as a case of rigging across the
Secondly, debate before the elections about how constituencies are divided, how much money is
being spent, and news on the performance of the current party in power increase people’s
awareness about how to use their vote. However, AnjumNiaz criticized that media could play a
good role there but it haven’t. Coming to rule of law, again media was lauded for its role there.

Ejaz Haider said that media was alert and people belonging to any income group could approach
media. While Anwarul Hasan and Zahid Huaaein agreed with each other that media was doing
good there and took Chief Justice restoration movement in 2007 as a classic example of
upholding of rule of law, but the latter said that media does not follow the rule of law for
instance, they evade taxes.
Talat Hussein said that media has created an enabling environment in which anybody that
transgresses law and is caught by the media then he is a goner. Media cannot replace the
responsibility of state to punish but can expose people and that’s how it sets precedence.
However, AnjumNiaz remarked that media played an excellent role in the restoration of Chief
Justice of Pakistan but by and large it has failed. Overall the role of media in Pakistan, as a
watchdog was also spoken well of. Its role in promoting rule of law and ensuring free and fair
elections was acknowledged. Data was collected through documents review and internet,
websites, articles was used as the sources of data collection.

4.6 How media mould the general public opinion in Pakistan?

The media has the ultimate ability to sway public opinion in favour of or against government
initiatives. In most situations, media changes public opinion by supplying information to define
public goals/agendas towards a certain issue, which is important for national security and
developing national identity. This act can be carried out in a variety of ways by both print and
electronic media, including through talk shows, analytical discussions, cultural programs,
cinematography, social media campaigns, online polling, and articles in the social media arena.
In today’s globalized world, the media has played a significant role in creating and constructing
national discourse and projecting national identities. It has made significant contributions to
bringing historical revolutions and wars to the attention of the general public. With the present
age of the internet and media, there is no harm in mentioning how it has shaped public narratives
and attitudes through reporting, news, programs, and articles in order to achieve political and
international objectives.
The media has also been recognized as an important instrument for bringing people together.
Because human psychology is more susceptible to images, the media takes use of this
fundamental human tendency to generate material that manipulates people’s brains by offering
biased shows, information, news, ideas, and programs that appeal to people of all ages. This

creates an unbreakable public narrative that is skewed in favour of the state. Governments have
been known to use the media to further their own agendas in various instances.
In several wars and conflicts, media production firms broadcast purposeful pro-state narratives
and facts in order to achieve domestic public support and dominance over their foe. During
World War I, all of the countries that took part in the conflict used posters as a means of
communicating with their own populations to justify their participation in the conflict. For the
Americans throughout World War II, the media was their primary source of information. Radio,
newspapers, and magazines were the most widely distributed sources of information. Domestic
support was also gained through propaganda warfare employing radios, leaflets, and the news.
The goal of distributing propaganda was to sway public opinion in favour of official policies.
In the current situation, Indian media can be used as an example of how it uses national media to
influence and propagate negative sentiments against Indian Muslims in general and Pakistan in
particular. With relation to its fascist and anti-Muslim agendas, the mainstream media has a long
history of influencing and moulding public perception. Due to incessant media poisoning,
Indians’ brains and emotions, as well as their attitudes, have become so skewed that they blame
Pakistan for practically everything, including terrorist attacks, domestic violence, and border
Governments are increasingly using social media platforms for manipulation in order to build
narratives, given the present dynamics of technical vastness and reliance. These platforms are
used to humanize political narratives in order to sway public perceptions and opinions. The
media can be used as a propaganda tool for a variety of reasons, including winning elections or
spreading misinformation by the government in order to achieve desired public outcomes.



 Media should be accurate and honest.
 Be aware of your audience and be respectful and sensitive about the content you create.
 Freedom of the press, speech and choice are necessary rather than regulation and scarcity
 Market monopoly should be reduced.
 Media should be open to all for enjoyment as well as for information but not for the
private gain or profit of business and political leader.
 The gap between information poor and information rich should be minimized.
 Mass media can play a very important role in creating domestic demand for business
environment reform and giving a voice to entrepreneurs and representatives of business
associations. (As well as in other areas of enterprise development.) Media can as well
contribute to support enforcement of new regulations and accelerate the implementation
of reforms.
 Liberalisation of media industry is a way of creating a more diverse and commercial
media landscape. A market development approach to using mass media has more
potential for sustainability.
 Donors should support the capacity development of the media industry with the objective
to media becoming a driver of change itself.
 The business environment reform process has not only to be conceptualized at national
level with the responsible ministry. This process needs to include the different players
such as BMOs, media, the public sector and donors.
 The political economy of reforms implies domestic negotiation of power relations and
distribution of resources. Media is a central actor in this process and can contribute to
give weaker actors a voice and influence.

This study concludes that media is not effective in strengthening democracy in Pakistan. Despite,
media is free and liberal in Pakistan; still it hasn’t done much in enhancing democratic traditions
in the country. While media’s role as a source of information and watchdog has been
appreciated, it is interesting that its role as an agenda setter and especially as a civic forum has
been hugely castigated. Also it has been acknowledged that media owners and the financiers
have negative influence on the role of media. Journalists working conditions are also not very
conducive for them to work earnestly. However, the overall analysis of views given by the
respondents also shows that they have high hopes from media in Pakistan. As they discussed that
Pakistan’s media is still in the growing phase as it has hardly witnessed a decade to its rise.
However, its role has been vastly mooted ever since 2003. According to some, like Zahid
Hussein, Pakistan’s media has too much power but the people who have its reins do not have the
training or experience to run it so the performance suffers.
However, the likes of Talat Hussein are on the opposing camp and suggest that the end result
should not be used as a yardstick to gauge media’s contribution because the situation of the
country is different now and that media is cultivating political consciousness among people that
will have positive outcome on the long run. Hence, media persons are recognizing the fact that
media institutions have to be more democratic for them to be able to promote democracy in the
country. While they hold government in power accountable, they should be ready for
accountability too. Sawant (2003) also says that media though should be free from the reins of
government but there should be some mechanism to regulate it. Media rules and regulations are
not necessarily meant to curb the power of media. Rules and regulations help build code of ethics
and also serve to make the role of media more sophisticated and refined.


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