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V Rama Avenue corner tres de abril Street Cebu City

Subject Code: CORE151 Subject Title: Physical Education and Health
Module No: 5 Topic: Fitness Goals
Teacher: Mr. Jessa Tacatani


Good day! Did you know that improving fitness is an important goal for achieving optimum health?
If carefully planned, performed, monitored, and evaluated, positive health–related outcomes will
be achieved and that reduces their risks to acquiring health problems. In this module we will learn
how to set Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to achieve
and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF) and to be engage in moderate to vigorous physical
activities (MVPAs).

A. Learning Competency

Learners will be able to:

 Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to
achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF). (PEH11FH-Ii-j-7)

B. Specific Learning Objectives

Learners will be able to:

1. Discuss the FITT principle of physical activity and fitness;

2. compute their target heart rate (THR) range.


To maximize the results of a physical fitness program there is a need to be acquainted with the
Principles of Exercise and appropriate modification of the FITT— Frequency, Intensity, Type, and

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The FITT Principle of Physical Activity

Frequency. The frequency of exercise refers to number of

times a physical activity is done in each week. According to
the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is
recommended to exercise 3-5 days per week and for more
optimal results, exercise can be done in most days of the
week with a combination of light-moderate-vigorous activity.

Intensity. The rate at which the activity is performed is

called Intensity. It is also referred to as the magnitude of the
effort required to perform an activity or exercise. It
describes how easy or how hard a person has to work in a
certain activity, and it varies from one person to another.
The determination of intensity depends on some individual
factors such as exercise experience, relative level of fitness,
and needs of fitness.

The intensity level target may be determined by computing the target heart rate (THR) range based on
the results of an exercise stress test, considering the resting and exercise heart rate, with 60% to 80%
intensity level. (Karvonen’s Formula)

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Target Heart Rate computation
Age: 18
RHR: 60

1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate.

MHR = 220 - ______ (Your age)
MHR = _________
Ex. Solution
220 – 18 = 202
MHR = 202

2. Determine the Heart Rate Reserve

HRR = MHR - _______ (Resting Heart Rate)
HRR = _________
Ex. Solution
HRR = 202 – 60 = 142
HRR = 142

3. Take 60% and 80% of the HRR

a) 60% x HRR = _______
b) 80% x HRR = _________

a) 0.6 x 142 = 85.2
b) 0.8 x 142 = 113.6

4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the Target Heart Rate (THR) range.
a) 60% HRR + ____(RHR) = ____ beats per minute
b) 80% HRR + ____(RHR) = ____ beats per minute
a) 85.2 + 60 = 145.2 bpm
b) 113.6 + 60 = 173.6 bpm
Therefore, your target heart rate range is 145.2 to 173.6 beats per minute.

When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within the normal range therefore you have to
select moderate – vigorous activities that will make your heart pump within the THR range of from 145.2
to 173.6 bpm.

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Time. Time is the duration or the length of
session of a physical activity. It is inversely
related to Intensity since the more intense a
work is done, the shorter time it is performed.

Type. The type of activity is determined by following the

principle of progression and specificity. To attain a higher level
of fitness, select the type of physical activity that challenges
the body to accept an increase in work and answers your


Let us try these exercises to test if we have learned something from the Fitness Goals. Please read
and follow the instructions carefully.


 (FOR ONLINE STUDENTS ONLY). Write “T” if the statement is True and “F” if it is False. Answer
this using the Google form.

 (FOR MODULAR STUDENTS WITHIN CEBU ONLY). Write “T” if the statement is True and “F” if it
is False. Personally submit your answers to your class adviser on October 01, 2021. Above your
paper please indicate the following.
 Correct complete name
 Yr., Section, and Strand

Physical Education and Health Page 4

 Subject Name
 Module Number
 Subject Teacher
 Quiz Number or Performance Task Number

 (FOR MODULAR STUDENTS OUTSIDE CEBU). Write “T” if the statement is True and “F” if it is
False. Take a clear picture of your answers and sent it to on October
01, 2021. Upon submission please indicate the following.
 Correct complete name
 Yr., Section, and Strand
 Subject Name
 Module Number
 Subject Teacher
 Quiz Number or Performance Task Number

_____ 1. The intensity of exercise refers to number of times a physical activity is done in each
_____ 2. To attain a higher level of fitness, select the type of physical activity that challenges the
body to accept an increase in work and answers your need.
_____ 3. According to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is recommended to
exercise 3-5 days per week.
_____ 4. The determination of intensity depends on some individual factors such as exercise
experience, relative level of fitness, and needs of fitness.
_____ 5. The type of activity is determined by following the overload principle and reversibility.
_____ 6. Frequency is inversely related to Intensity since the more intense a work is done, the
shorter time it is performed.
_____ 7. The frequency of exercise refers to number of times a physical activity is done in each
_____ 8. The intensity is also referred to as the magnitude of the effort required to perform an
activity or exercise.
_____ 9. The intensity level target will never be determined by computing the target heart rate
(THR) range.
_____ 10. There are 3 steps in computing the Target Heart Rate (THR) range using the
Karvonen’s Formula.

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We have come this far and it is time to evaluate our knowledge about the Fitness Goals.


 (FOR ONLINE STUDENTS ONLY). Identify what FITT Principle is being described in each item.
Answer this using the Google form.

 (FOR MODULAR STUDENTS WITHIN CEBU ONLY). Identify what FITT Principle is being described
in each item. Personally submit your answers to your class adviser on October 01, 2021. Above
your paper please indicate the following.
 Correct complete name
 Yr., Section, and Strand
 Subject Name
 Module Number
 Subject Teacher
 Quiz Number or Performance Task Number

 (FOR MODULAR STUDENTS OUTSIDE CEBU). Identify what FITT Principle is being described in
each item. Take a clear picture of your answers and sent it to on
October 01, 2021. Upon submission please indicate the following.
 Correct complete name
 Yr., Section, and Strand
 Subject Name
 Module Number
 Subject Teacher
 Quiz Number or Performance Task Number

_________ 1. It is also referred to as the magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity
or exercise.
_________ 2. To attain a higher level of fitness, select the type of physical activity that
challenges the body to accept an increase in work and answers your need.
_________ 3. The determination of this FITT principle depends on some individual factors such
as exercise experience, relative level of fitness, and needs of fitness.
_________ 4. According to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is
recommended to exercise 3-5 days per week.
_________ 5. It is inversely related to Intensity since the more intense a work is done, the
shorter time it is performed.
_________ 6. The type of activity is determined by following the principle of progression and
_________ 7. It refers to number of times a physical activity is done in each week.
_________ 8. It is the duration or the length of session of a physical activity.

Physical Education and Health Page 6

_________ 9. It describes how easy or how hard a person has to work in a certain activity, and it
varies from one person to another.
_________ 10. The formula that is being used for computing the target heart rate range.


Let us enrich our skill and knowledge on our topic by performing this task.


1. Compute your Target Heart Rate Range in 4 steps. Fill in the blanks below.
2. Copy and answer it in a clean sheet of paper.
 Once you’re done, send a clear photo of your answer to ASGC MODULAR STUDENTS 2021
group chat. Upon submission please indicate the following.
 Correct complete name
 Yr., Section, and Strand
 Subject Name
 Module Number
 Subject Teacher
 Quiz Number or Performance Task Number
3. If you get all 4 steps, you will have a perfect score of 50.

Physical Education and Health Page 7

1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate.
MHR = 220 – (Your Age) Age: 15 RHR: 60
MHR = ____________
1. MHR = 220 – 15 MHR = 205
2. Determine the Heart Rate Reserve.
HRR = MHR – (Resting Heart Rate) 2. HRR = 205 – 60 HRR = 145
(*Please refer to Self-testing activities)
HRR=_____________ 3a. 60% x 145 = 87

3. Take 60% and 80% of the HRR 3b. 80% x 145 = 116
a. 60% x HRR = _________
b. 80% x HRR = _________

4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain

the Target Heart Rate (THR) range.
a. 60% HRR 87 + __60___ = __147__ beats per
b. 80% HRR 116 + __60__ = __176 __ beats
per minute

Therefore, your target heart rate range is __147_ to __176

beats per minute. (4.a) (4.b)

(When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within

the normal range therefore you have to select moderate –
vigorous activities that will make your heart pump within the
THR range of from 147 to 176 bpm.)

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1) PE 11 TG v3 final.pdf. (n.d.). Google Docs.

2) PE Poster: Activities that can improve your Cardiovascular Endurance | Pe activities,

Physical education lessons, Elementary physical education. (n.d.). Pinterest.
3) PE Poster: Top 10 Muscular Endurance Exercises. (n.d.). Teachers Pay Teachers.
4) PE Poster: Top 10 Muscular Strength and Power Exercises | Body ... | Muscular strength
exercises, Muscular strength, Strength workout. (n.d.). Pinterest.
5) Week Five Dare to Do Challenge – Fit in Flexibility. (n.d.). Copyright (c) 2020 University
of Washington.
6) WHO | What is Moderate-intensity and Vigorous-intensity Physical Activity? (n.d.).
Moderate-Intensity Vigorous-Intensity.

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