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Team Goal: To empower and educate teens and adults about preventative measures they
can take to reduce the possibility of developing heart disease in the future.

Mission Statement: To create a collective community that values health and wellness
both inside and out.

Duties (Individual and Collective) and Expectations:

● Collectively contribute at least three components to both the synopsis and the
● Edit the final draft of the project
● Support mission and goals of the organization through effective research and supportive
clinical studies
● Create and schedule mid-week check-ins to ensure the team is on track for completion

● Collectively contribute at least three components to both the synopsis and the
● Edit the final draft of the project
● Format and standardize all inputted information by team
● Responsible for final proofread. Will correct and make any necessary changes to
grammar or spelling

● Collectively contribute at least three components to both the synopsis and the
● Edit the final draft of the project
● Articulate a team goal and shared mission that embodies our passion and excitement
regarding our program
● Organize and facilitate communication amongst team

● Collectively contribute at least three components to both the synopsis and the
● Edit the final draft of the project
● Create PowerPoint template to initialize group work. Input collected data from shared
● Create organization motto/advertising slogan

Milestone Date of Completion

Finish and Submit Team Charter 04/17/2022

Initial Draft of PowerPoint & Synopsis 04/20/2022

Revise Final Draft of PowerPoint & Synopsis 04/26/2022

Finish and Submit Team Project 04/28/2022


1. Punctual and effective communication that clearly defines next steps for the project.
2. Respect for everyone’s competing priorities outside of school such as work, family, or
3. Positive and respectful written/oral communication that encourages collaboration and
increases creativity.

PowerPoint Criteria:
8 Slides, with at least 6 being “content” slides
1 Title Slide including names of group members and name of organization
1 Works Cited Slide that includes citations of the 5 required images (use EasyBib for easy
image citation)


1. Title Slide with Group Members and Organization Name (maybe include slogan with
Org. name like the example Finished Project shown on Canvas) *Potential org name
could be The Heart Beats. Has a cute play on words and we could somehow
incorporate music and movement into our community outreach programs
2. Organization General Subject Area & Target Audience(Public Health - Heart Disease)
3. Problems that come with Heart Disease and our goals to raise awareness. Include
factual data and research from Robert
4. Our plans to raise awareness (Lobbying on campus, 5k run, participating in activities that
lower the risk of heart disease)
5. Schedule of upcoming in-person activities with dates and times
6. Campaign (a small group of volunteers that design flyers and organize runners for the 5k
that can target local colleges and universities. Members can use social media to reach a
larger audience to increase participants in 5k) This includes fundraising goal and
participant goal
7. Motto/Advertising Slogan: Culminates slideshow/presentation with fun design that also
includes pictures and music to create energy and movement while presentation ends
and people leave.
8. Work Cited

Revisited Team Charter Self Reflection

Team Member Name: Kahlea Cranford

Individual assigned tasks from original charter: I was responsible for the following:

● Collectively contribute at least three components to both the synopsis and the
● Edit the final draft of the project
● Format and standardize all inputted information by team
● Responsible for final proofread. Will correct and make any necessary changes to
grammar or spelling

Collective assigned task from original charter:

Realized contributions:

Team Member Name:

Individual assigned tasks from original charter:

Collective assigned task from original charter:

Realized contributions:

Team Member Name:

Individual assigned tasks from original charter:

Collective assigned task from original charter:

Realized contributions:

Team Member Name:

Individual assigned tasks from original charter:

Collective assigned task from original charter:

Realized contributions:

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