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ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR …………………………………………………………………..




 Induction week  I understood what was

Week 1: I was first introduced to all the expected of me and how I
departments in the organization. will be supported to carry
21/01/22 - Induction training on all the roles out my duties.
TO and responsibilities of a human  I had a difficulty in
28/01/2022 resource manager and also, a recalling the names of
slightly know how of how each departments and offices
and every department operates. apart from the one which
- Focusing on recalling workmates I’m working in and
by their names, duties and roles in recalling the names of my
the organization. fellow workmates.
 The objectives of this induction  I found referring to
was for me to familiarize with the workmates as either sir or
departments and all members of ma’am as helpful.
the organization and also to be
fully equipped with the
knowledge for reference sake in
the cases of queries.
 Recruitment and selection  I gained practical skills
Week 2: Recruited new attaches for G.I.S pertaining inducting a new
department. employee.
31/01/22 - Carried out an induction for
TO all the new attaches whereby I
04/02/22 introduced them to all the
department in the
- Briefed them on the structure
of the organization, hours of
work, N.E.C code of conduct,
dress code then lastly handing
them to their workplace
 Filing - Learned the
- Created a file for all the importance of filing
attaches in the organization. documents.
- Collected all the necessary
documents from each and
every one of them and file
 Employee welfare - Was having challenges
- Raising awareness on the with answering some
Nyaradzo Funeral Policy. of the employees’
- l visited each and every questions and l had to
department in the ask my supervisor for
organization explaining to assistance.
them the benefits of joining
the policy as a company,
monthly subscription mounts,
methods of payments and also
encouraging them to join the
policy. I even assisted them
on how to fill the forms.
- Lastly, l submitted all the
forms to the Nyaradzo
representatives for all the
employees that had joined.
 The objective of this was to make
the workers know that the
company takes care of them and
also to develop sense of
belonging to the company.

 Monitoring attendance  Had a difficulty in dealing

Week 3: - Collecting all the registers with those employees who
from all the departments in were ignorant concerning
07/02/22 the organization at 9:00 am the register, so I had to
TO while making sure that remind them on the
11/02/22 everyone who’s present had importance of it and also
signed. the penalty of not signing.
 The is done in order to make
it easier to schedule annual
leave, identify any attendance
issues and also it improves
staff morality.
 Raising Awareness
- Visited each department in the
organization, briefing them on
the changes concerning the
signing of the register and
also the reasons why there
were changes.
- Lastly, assisted them on how
to sign in and out the new
register.  I gained practical skills
 Recruitment and selection pertaining the recruitment
- Short listing of the applicants process in the company’
that were sent in responds to  The process was tiresome
the vacancy that were since there were a lot of
advertised in December 2021. applications that were
- Listing of all the important sent.
information necessary for
selection that is the names,
qualifications, gender as well
as years of experience of all
the candidates that applied.
 The objective of this is to reduce
the time to hire, give more time to
spend on qualified candidates.
 Monitoring attendance  No challenges
Week 4: - Collecting the registers from
all department.
14/02/22 - Submitted all the registers to
TO the Director for checking and
18/02/22 signing.
 Assisted the admin department in
issuing food stuffs to all the
workers in the organization.
- This was done in order to
appreciate the employees for
the duties they perform and it
gives them a feeling of
recognition and reward for
their contribution to the
growth of the company.
 Assisted on the payroll - Learned practical
administration. skills of payroll
- Assisting with payroll by management.
providing the department with
relevant employee
information, such as leave and
attachees banking details.

Trainee’s comments: Had a difficulty in in recalling the names of departments and offices part
from the one which I’m working in and recalling the names of my fellow workmates. I found
referring to workmates as either sir or ma’am as helpful. Also, I gained practical skills pertaining
inducting a new employee and the importance of filing.

Supervisor’s comments:

Trainee’s Name: Millicent Yeukai Zvirehwi

Trainee’s Signature: _________________________Date: ______/______________/________

Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________Date: ______/_____________/________




 Monitoring attendance  No problem encountered

Week 1: - Distribute new registers for
28/02/22 the month of March to all the
TO departments.
04/03/22  Involved in solving payroll
 Induction
- Assisted in the induction of
new employees from the
Zimbabwe Defence Forces.
- Arrange successful
candidate’s induction
according to organizational
- This was done in order for
them to be fully equipped
with the organization
knowledge for reference’
 Attendance monitoring.
Week 2: - Checking the registers.
07/03/22  Employee records
TO - Involved in the creation of
11/03/22 employee files for the new
- Collected all the necessary
documents and information
like personal details and also
emergency contact from them - Learned the practical
skills on updating
and created a file for each
NSSA data bases.

 Updating of NSSA data bases

- Assisted on the updating of
NSSA data bases through
distributing NSSA forms to
all the new employees and
collected them after they
finish to fill in the forms.
 The objective of this is for
pension and other benefits. Also,
Accident Prevention and workers
compensation to employees
 Monitoring attendance
- Checking the registers as
usual.  Learned how to
 Performance Appraisals conduct performance
- Assisted in the making of reviews.
performance review reports.
- Conducted presentations with  Learned how to carry
each and every employee in out a workplace
the organization whereby presentation and also
each and worker presented the areas of improvement.
roles or duties that they have
 Carried out a presentation on the
duties that l had performed for the
month of February.
 The objectives of this were to
evaluate an employee’s work
performance, identify
strengths and weakness and
set goals for future
 Filing
- Created a file for all the
performance review reports.
- Submitted the performance
review file to the Director
General for signing.

 Attendance monitoring
Week 4: - Checking the registers
21/03/22  Contract Management  The process was not so
TO - Assisted in the drafting and difficult since l was
25/03/22 issuing of employee contracts. guided by my supervisor
- Involved in the renewal of  Learned practical skills
contracts for the employees pertaining contract
whose contracts had expired. management.
- Ensure that employees
received, reads and signs the
- The objective of the contract
renewal is that it creates a
chance to renegotiate
payments, increase
performance and also address
issues with the previous
 Leave management.
- Process staff leave
 Assist in payroll preparation by
providing relevant data such as
adjustments, leave and so on.
Trainee’s comments: learned the practical skills on updating NSSA data bases, practical skills
pertaining contract management skills, learnt how to conduct performance review presentation
and also how to carry out a workplace presentation as well as areas of improvement.

Supervisor’s comments:

Trainee’s Name: Millicent Yeukai Zvirehwi

Trainee’s Signature: _________________________Date: ______/______________/________

Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________Date: ______/_____________/________

MONTH: April 2022


 Monitoring attendance
Week 1: - Collecting of registers.
 Attending to employees’ request  Learned the practical skills
04/04/22 - Involved in the drafting of a of handling pressure at
To confirmation letter. work that is staying calm
08/04/2022 - Involved the drafting of a as possible and focus on
proof of employment letter. getting the job done.
 Maintenance of staff records
- Update employee and human
resource records in a
confidential manner
- Involved in the filling of
contract forms in each and
every employee file.
 Recruitment and selection  Faced network challenges

- Recruited a new attachee for in trying to reach the

ICT department. person, so l had to use

- Recruited casual workers. WhatsApp or sending a

text message.
 Faced another challenge of
the person not showing up
for the assessment, so l
had to make a follow up in
order find out if he or she
was still coming.
 Monitoring attendances  No challenges
Week 2: - Collecting registers encountered.
11/04/22  Induction
To - Carried out an induction with
14/04/22 the new attachee and the new
casual workers.
 Recruitment and selection of  A lot of people had to be
junior scientist for the technical called in a short period of
department. time, so we had to ask for
- Involved in inviting selected assistance from other
candidates to come for department since it was a
interviews. half-day.
 Updated leave records.
 Attendance monitoring
Week 3:  Conducted practical and  some did not show up
19/04/22 theory pre-screening for the interview and l
To interviews for all the junior had to make a follow
22/04/22 scientist that had been up on whether they
shortlisted. were still coming or
 Recruited a new attachee for not.
the accounting department.  Most of the attachees
 Carried out an induction with did not show up for the
the attachee. assessment and also
 Finish with the shortlisting for others were refusing to
the admin candidates. come because the
attachment was on
voluntary bases.
 I found recruiting
those students who
were about to defer as
 Attendance monitoring  No problems encountered
Week 4:  Assist with payroll
25/04/22 management
To  Leave processing
29/04/22 - Processed a number of
annual/ vacation leave forms.

Trainee’s comments: Faced network challenges when inviting attachees to come for
assessment, candidates to come for interview. Had to use WhatsApp or send a text message. A
lot of people had to be called in a short period of time, we asked for assistance from other
departments. Another challenge is that of the candidate not showing up for the assessment or
interview, l had to follow up in order to find out if they are still coming or not. For the attaachees
l found recruiting those who were about to defer as helpful.

Supervisor’s comments:

Trainee’s Name: Millicent Yeukai Zvirehwi

Trainee’s Signature: _________________________Date: ______/______________/________

Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________Date: ______/_____________/________



 Monitoring attendance The tasks were well performed.
Week 1: - Submitted the registers for the
03/05/2022 month of April to the
To Director.
06/05/2022 - Distributed new registers for
the month of May to all the
 Leave processing
- Processed a number of annual
leave forms.
 Issuing proof of payments to
employees who request them.
 Attendance monitoring
Week 2: - Collecting all the registers
09/05/2022 from all the departments
To while checking who is present
13/05/2022 and who is absent.
 Inviting junior scientist who  I learnt that in order to
couldn’t make it the first time to hire the best and most
come for practical and selection experienced individual it
interviews. is important to give a
 Leave management second chance to others
- Processed a number of who were not present the
vacation leave forms to first time the interviews
employees who requests were conducted.
- Updated leave records.
 Issued a confirmation letter as per
employee requests.
 Short listing scoring for the
admin candidates.

 Monitoring attendance  No problems encountered

Week 3:  Induction
16/05/2022 - Carried out an induction with
To the new member from the
20/05/2022 Zimbabwe Defence Forces
who had come on
 Invited selected junior scientist to
come for oral interviews
 Leave processing
- Processed leave forms to
employees who requested
 Attendance monitoring  I learned how marks are
Week 4:  Selection interviews awarded to candidate
22/05/2022 - Conducted oral interviews for being interviewed
To the technical departments
27/05/22 with the candidates who made
it during the practical and
theory interviews
- I was one of the interviewers
and was responsible for
asking the first question to
each and every applicant also,
taking down the minutes of
the questions and answers that
the applicants were asked by
other interviewers.
 Summoning all the attachees for a
meeting with the director general  I learnt that being a leader
- Summoning all the attachees you should have
for a general meeting with the interpersonal skills
director and the Human because when allow
Resource Officer, allowing employees to express their
them to air out their grievances they expect to
grievances as well as what hear how and when their
they have learnt during their grievances are going to be
period of attachment. solved
 Issued leave forms to employees
who requested them.

Trainee’s comments: l learnt that another way of hiring the best candidate is giving a second
chance to those who couldn’t make it the first time for the interviews. I also learnt that
interpersonal skills are traits of a good leader.

Supervisor’s comments:

Trainee’s Name: Millicent Yeukai Zvirehwi

Trainee’s Signature: _________________________Date: ______/______________/________

Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________Date: ______/_____________/________

MONTH: June 2022


 Monitoring attendance  No problems encountered

Week 1: - Collecting of registers.
30/ 06/2022 - Distributing new registers for
To the month of June.
03/ 06/2022  Issues leave forms
 Recruitment and selection  Learned things that make
- Placing advert in Sunday mail up an advert.
for records officer, director
finance and administration,
- Long listing of these
 Issued a confirmation letter

 Monitoring attendance  Tasks were well
Week 2:  Recruitment and Selection performed
06/06/2022 - Short listing
To - Inviting shortlisted candidates to
10/ 06/2022 come for interviews of a
procurement clerk
- Conducted interviews for a
procurement clerk.
 Filing of interview score sheets
 Leave processing
 Attendance monitoring  Only few candidates
Week 3:  Recruitment and selection showed up for the
13/06/2022 - Invited shortlisted candidates to accounting officer and
To come for interviews of a legal administrator interviews
17/ 06/2022 officer, accounting officer, HR and none of them did well
officer so we had to re-do the
- Conducted interviews for interviews again.
accounting officer, administrator,
HR officer
 Filling of interview evaluation
 Leave processing

 attendance monitoring  no problems encountered

Week 4: - calling those who were absent
20/ 06/ 2022 from work
To  congratulating, as well as
24/06/ 2022 informing new staff on dates to
start work
 recruitment and selection
- shortlisting of accounting officer
and administrator.
- Conducted interviews for these
Trainee’s comments: learned the contents of an advert. Had a problem of candidates not
showing up for the interviews so we had to re-do the interviews.

Supervisor’s comments:

Trainee’s Name: Millicent Yeukai Zvirehwi

Trainee’s Signature: _________________________Date: ______/______________/________

Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________Date: ______/_____________/________

MONTH: …………………….


 Monitoring attendance
Week 1: - Collecting of registers.
 Filing
22/02/22 - Created a file for all the
To performance review reports.

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Trainee’s comments: your comments on the challenges you faced during the month and how
you overcame them. Include what you learnt

Supervisor’s comments:

Trainee’s Name: _______________________________________________________________

Trainee’s Signature: _________________________Date: ______/______________/________

Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________Date: ______/_____________/________

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