Nursing Theory Rogers - Science of Unitary Human Beings

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CU7 – OREM, ROGERS, KING DATE: 11/08/2021

science of
unitary human beings
May 12, 1914 – March 13, 1994
She was an American nurse, researcher, theorist, and author widely
known for developing the Science of Unitary Human.
She believes that a patient can never be separated from their
environment when addressing health and treatment. Her knowledge
about the coexistence of the human and his or her environment
contributed a lot in changing toward better health.

An Introduction the Theoretical Basis of Nursing.


The theory views nursing as both a science and
an art as it provides a way to view the unitary
human being, who is integral with the
SUHB contains two dimensions: the science
of nursing, which is the knowledge specific to
the field of nursing that comes from scientific
research; and the art of nursing, which
involves using the science of nursing
creatively to help better the lives of the
There are eight concepts in Rogers’ nursing theory: energy field, openness, pattern, pan-
dimensionality, hemodynamic principles, resonance, helicy, and integrality.

1 Man is a unified whole possessing his
own integrity and manifesting 4
Pattern and organization identify the
man and reflect his innovative
characteristics that are more than and wholeness.
different from the sum of his parts. Man is characterized by the capacity

2 Man and the environment are

continuously exchanging matter and
5 for abstraction and imagery, language
and thought sensation, and emotion.
energy with one another.

3 The life process evolves irreversibly

and unidirectionally along the space-
time continuum.

Human-unitary human beings defined as an indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field

P identified by a pattern and manifesting characteristics specific to the whole

It is also a unified whole, having its own distinct characteristics that can’t be viewed by
looking at, describing, or summarizing the parts.
environmental field “An irreducible, indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified
by pattern and integral with the human field.”
E energy field is the fundamental unit of both the living and the non-living which
continuously vary in intensity, density, and extent.
health is an expression of the life process
H The characteristics and behavior coming from the mutual, simultaneous interaction of the
human and environmental fields and health and illness are part of the same continuum.
nursing is the study of unitary, irreducible, indivisible human and environmental fields:
people and their world.

N It exists to serve people, and the safe practice of nursing depends on the nature and amount
of scientific nursing knowledge the nurse brings to his or her practice.
scope of nursing aims to assist people in achieving their maximum health potential.
Maintenance and promotion of health, prevention of disease, nursing diagnosis,
intervention, and rehabilitation encompass the scope of nursing’s goals.
Rogerian model is an abstract system of ideas from which to approach the practice of nursing.
It stresses the totality of experience and existence that is relevant in today’s health care system.
Critical thinking pattern has three components:

1 pattern appraisal
assessment of
is an inclusive
human and
2 mutual patterning it is the mutual
interaction between the client and
environment energy fields, its nurse; and proper patterning between
organization of energy field, and the human and environment.
identification of areas of dissonance. It can be therapeutic, touch,
Nurses validate the entire appraisal meditation, humor, imaginary, etc.
along with the client.
It includes appraisal of nutrition, rest
3 evaluation is done by repeating the
pattern appraisal after the mutual
and sleep, exercises, discomfort, and patterning to determine the extents of
relation with others. dissonance and harmony.

openness is having no boundaries that stop energy flow between the human and environmental
fields which refers to qualities exhibited by open systems.
pandimensional is defined as a “non-linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes.
Humans’ parameters to describe events are arbitrary, and the present is relative; there is no
temporal ordering of lives.
synergy is defined as the unique behavior of whole systems, unpredicted by any behaviors of
their component functions taken separately.
Human behavior is synergistic.
pattern is an abstraction and gives identity to the field and the distinguishing characteristic of an
energy field seen as a single wave.


1 homeodynamics is a dynamic
version of homeostasis (a relatively
4 integrality (synchrony + reciprocity)
is the result of the sequential changes
steady state of internal operation in in the life processes are continuous
the living system) and postulates a way revisions occurring from the
of viewing unitary human beings. interactions between human beings
The three principles of and their environment Because of their
homeodynamics are resonance, inseparability.
helicy, and integrality. There is a constant mutual interaction
and mutual change whereby
simultaneous molding is taking place
at the same time between them.
2 reciprocity
of man
5 resonancy speaks to the nature of
the change occurring between human
environment and predicts that and environmental fields and
sequential changes in the life process identifies them by wave patterns
are continuous, probabilistic revisions manifesting continuous change from
occurring out of the interactions longer waves of a lower frequency to
between man and environment. shorter waves of higher frequency.

3 synchrony predicts that change in

human behavior will be determined by
6 helicy postulates the continuous
change due to the constant
the simultaneous interaction of the interchange between the human and
actual state of the human field and the environment.
environmental field’s actual state at This change is also innovative. An
any given point in space-time. open system is never the same at any
two moments; rather, it is continually
new or different.

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