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Jack and Kate were in the cinema.

Sue was in the underground.
Mr and Mrs Hall were in a restaurant.
Ben was on the beach.


Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it was very cold.

I am hungry. Can 1 have something to eat?
I feel fine this morning, bur I was very tired last night.
Where were you аt 11 o'clock last Friday morning?
Don't buy those shoes. They are very expensive.
I like your new jacket. Is it expensive?
This time last year I was in Paris.
Where are Sam and Joe? I don't know. They were here a few minutes ago.


Mark wasn`t at work last week because he was ill. He's better now.
Yesterday was а public holiday, so the banks were closed. They're open today.
Were Kate and Ben at the pаrtу? Kate was there, but Ben wasn`t.
Where are my keys? They were on the tаblе , but they're not there now.
You weren`t at home last night. Where were you?

Перевод текста
На первых минутах фильма мы можем заметить парня которому нравиться
играть на барабанах, его имя Andrew Neiman. Следом за этим лысый
мужчина зашел в комнату и задал ему несколько вопросов , он попросил
сыграть его быстрее , но он сделал это плохо, и мужчина ушел. После этого
Andrew очень уставший и расстроеный пошел в кинотеатр где он купил
попкорн и колу , сев рядом с мужчиной у них вышла дисскусия насчет его
игры. Он вышел из лифта направившись к небольшому оркестру который
репетировал свое выступление , но увидев силуэт за дверью он направился к
нему. Увидев игру других он получил много мотивации продолжать
тренироваться .
1) Yesterday I was at home.
2) Yesterday I became tired.
3) Yesterday I began study.
4) Yesterday I brought a book
5) Yesterday I built a house
6) Yesterday I bought a car
7) Yesterday I could buy a car
8) Yesterday I came at home late
9) Yesterday It cost a lot
10) Yesterday I did homework
11) Yesterday I drew a picture
12) Yesterday I drank some water
13) Yesterday I ate pizza
14) Yesterday I felt bad
15) Yesterday I found my phone
16) Yesterday I flew to USA
17) Yesterday I forgot about lesson
18) Yesterday I got a parcel
19) Yesterday I gave an advice
20) Yesterday I went to school
21) Yesterday I hung clothes
22) Yesterday I had a lesson
23) Yesterday I heard a sound
24) Yesterday I held computer mouse
25) Yesterday I knew new information
26) Yesterday I left my book
27) Yesterday I made some work

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