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Name: Laili Zahrotul Maulinda

Class: C_2018
NIM : 185300052
1. What challenges you have in teaching English to young learners?
In a case study I have found that young learners have a mindset that learning English is
difficult and very scary. So the challenge that I will face when teaching English to young
learners is to be able to make young learners learn in an interesting and fun way. In this
case, I have to teach young learners creatively and innovatively in teaching English

2. What do you think is the better way of teaching English to young learners?
The better way to teach English to young learners is:
- make English lessons very fun
For example: giving English songs related to learning materials
- Make English learning creatively
For example: using learning strategies that use games related to English learning
- Using topics according to the preferences of young learners
For example: reading a story book that has pictures

3. What is the joy to be the teacher of young learners and what should you do to be a
creative and an inspiring teacher?
- The happiness of being a teacher for young students in my opinion is because she loves
the profession as an educator. She finds satisfaction in being able to educate students,
even though her personal lives may be simple and far from luxurious. A teacher will be
much happier, if what she have done not only makes students smart but inspires and even
moves students to change themselves for the better.
- Some efforts that can make teachers creative are:
1. Concentrate on teaching planning
For example: creative teachers always make learning plans, with various learning
plans and ripe, will make the process run smoothly.
2. Open to change
For example: the teacher must adapt to any changes that occur in the classroom.
3. Ready to work together
For example: Teachers must be able to adapt and get closer to young learners, if
teachers can close and liked by young learners so they will be willing to work
together in every learning and any conditions in the classroom. Teachers must also be
able to make young learners believe it.
- Here are some efforts to become an innovative teacher:
1. The teacher creates a safe and comfortable classroom atmosphere emotionally
and intellectually with a safe and comfortable classroom atmosphere, it
will increase interest in learning young learner.
For example: Teachers can help solve the problems of young learners that occur so that
they feel safe and comfortable during the learning process.
2. The teacher measures by heart how much involvement of students in the task
he gives
For example: Teachers must be able to recognize students, so it will be easier to
understand the strengths and weaknesses of the student's shortage of
3. The final five minutes are decisive
Usually at the last minute of learning, students will feel bored and sleepy. If a
teachercan explain learning in a way that fun, then time will not seem to
go fast.
For example: Last five minutes learning is fast and fun.

4. How will you teach young learners in a pandemic situation like this?
Steps to teach young students in a pandemic situation.
1. The teacher will use whatsapp and zoom media as interaction with students.
For example: the teacher will send the zoom link on whatsapp media
2. The teacher explains the material that will be studied by young learners
For example: about body parts
3. The teacher will ask students to name body parts
For example: ears, eyes, hands etc.
4. The teacher will give assignments to students
For example: making a video by mentioning the names of animals and fruits.
5. Students will send the results of their assignments in the whatsApp group
6. The teacher gives an assessment
For example: from students' courage in speaking, intonation, and student expressions.

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