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Using Reading English Narrative Poetry for Students Specific

Vocabulary at Eleventh Grade Senior High School


By :
Dwi Rizki Nur Fadela
NIM : 185300091



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................2
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION............................................................................3
A. Background of the study...............................................................................3
B. Research Question.........................................................................................5
C. Purpose of the study......................................................................................5
D. Significances of the Study.............................................................................5
E. The scope and limitation of the study...........................................................6
F. Definition of Key Terms...............................................................................6
CHAPTER II : LITERATURE RIVIEW.................................................................8
A. Theoretical Basis...........................................................................................8
1. Teaching vocabulary.................................................................................8
2. Specific vocabulary.................................................................................10
3. The concept of Reading...........................................................................11
4. English Narrative poetry.........................................................................11
B. Review Previous of Studies........................................................................13
C. Conceptual Framework...............................................................................14
CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD..............................................................15
A. Research Design..........................................................................................15
B. Data and Source of Data.............................................................................16
C. Data Collection Technique..........................................................................16
D. Data Analysis..............................................................................................17
E. Data Validity...............................................................................................18



A. Background of the study

Vocabulary is one component of language and as the basis of a language.
According to Nurdini et al., (2017) Vocabulary is the base component that
students need to master in order to be able to in those language skills. Based
on this statement shows that vocabulary should be learned first than other
aspects of languages such as, grammar, speaking, reading, and writing.
Vocabulary must be bigger mastered by students, so that they better display
their language. In learning English, vocabulary plays an important role in four
English ability. In listening skills, vocabulary makes it easy for students to
students to understand what other people are talking about. In speaking and
writing, Vocabulary makes it easy for students to develop their ideas. While
in reading, vocabulary makes it easy for students to understand the text.
Vocabulary should not be overlooked by anyone learning a language. It
means vocabulary is one step to know words, understand their meaning and
use them in sentences. The aim of teaching vocabulary for Senior High
School is students are expected to be able to understand and communicate
with others in English.
Sipayung (2018) stated that Vocabulary is very important to learn
because when student have a limited vocabulary they are not able to express
their thoughts accurately and answer question in their test. In this case,
students are expected to be able to access current and popular knowledge
while find teaching materials by genre, such as : descriptive, recount,
narrative, procedures, and other information reports, which means that
students are expected to be able to master a number of vocabulary, so that
students will be able to understand what they hear and read. In this case,
reading is one of the most important skills in language learning besides
listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is a language process that requires

written language comprehension. A reader reads written language with the
aim of obtaining information, digesting it and understanding the text. The
way people digest information to understand it is their own job to interpret
the text and get what the author wants to convey through his writing. Reading
is an interactive process that takes place between the reader and the text to
produce understanding.
Reading comprehension is most likely to occur when students read what
they want to read, or at least what they see are some good reasons to read, for
example, they have a real interest in a subject, know the language well
enough to understand the text, and know enough about what they want to
read. Then, the vocabulary mastered by students is still limited to vocabulary
that is often used in everyday life. So, researchers concluded that the students'
vocabulary had not yet developed. It is known when the researcher has a
conversation with the students. This situation reveals a big problem on
students' vocabulary compared to the eleventh student's expectation of
specific vocabulary. Some problems in adding students' vocabulary. First,
students' interest in vocabulary learning is very low because they think it is
very difficult to memorize it, especially on verbs and nouns students always
forget the meaning. Second, most of the students do not know the meaning of
the words said by the teacher. Then, when the researcher asked the students
to write down some vocabulary they already know without looking at the
dictionary, they write only two to five words. They also have a limited
vocabulary to understand the meaning of the text. By having a limited
vocabulary, students will find difficulties in understanding English skills.
From this case, the researcher can conclude that there are several factors that
emerged from this research. First, students are less interested in new learning
vocabulary. Students are lazy to study and find the number of vocabulary, and
they only learn from textbooks. So students' vocabulary does not find and
does not develop. Second, English teachers use conventional methods in
teaching and learning teaching. The teacher teaches students by giving an
explanation and then asking questions students to do some exercises and it

happens over and over again. Third, inadequate learning facilities, such as
dictionaries and learning media. Students rarely bring a dictionary to learn
vocabulary, unfortunately the school does not provide dictionaries for
students, so they cannot study optimally and Teachers are less creative in
providing media to teach vocabulary. Media is one of the many important
things in the teaching and learning process. Media can help teachers in
conveying material to students so that they can understand the material easily.
Narrative poetry in English as one of the media in teaching vocabulary.
Hanauer (2011) stated that poetry might have power to find literacy skill
which is writing skill. He can also help students to find students' knowledge
in education. By using narrative poetry in English for teaching materials,
teachers can provide opportunities for students to learn and add a lot of

B. Research Question
Based on the description above, it can be formulated the research
questions as follows:
1. How is reading English narrative poetry is used for students’ specific
vocabulary at Eleventh Grade Senior High School?

C. Purpose of the study

Based on these research questions the purpose of the study is below:
1. To describe how reading English narrative poetry is used for student’s
specific vocabulary at Eleventh Grade Senior High School.

D. Significances of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be significances to:
1. For writers

By doing research, the author hopes to learn and get more information
to identify problems in specific vocabulary . In addition, the author will
gain new experience and knowledge for his future life.

2. For students

By using narrative poetry students can take some information to
identify their problems in specific vocabulary.

3. For teachers

This research is expected to provide information to students about

specific vocabulary, where the teacher will help students when they face
some problems in specific it in English subjects.

4. For the readers

It is hoped that by using narrative poetry the reader will not find
difficulty in understanding specific vocabulary.

E. The scope and limitation of the study

The scope of this research which is the focus of the researcher on the
main problem in this study only uses narrative poetry for students' specific
vocabulary. To make it easier for students to find specific vocabulary,
because it is based on the preliminary study, the researcher found that most of
the students still had minimal vocabulary.

Definition of Key Terms

This definition of key terms will make in order to avoid different
thinking for these several word that is will be used in this research. The
definition of key terms such as:
1. Teaching vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary is a crucial aspect in learning a language as
languages are based on words (Alqahtani, 2015).
2. Specific Vocabulary
According nation (2008) defined specific vocabulary as words that are
“recognizably specific to a particular topic, field or discipline”

3. Reading Narrative

Narrative text includes any type of writing that relates a series of events
and includes both fiction (novels, short stories, poems) and nonfiction
(memoirs, biographies, news stories). The purposes of narratives are
amuse or entertain the reader with actual or imaginary experiences in
difference ways.
4. English narrative poetry
English a narrative poetry is a type of poetry which tells a story. It
uses the poetic techniques you might normally find in a poetry (such as,
similes, metaphors, hyperbola, and personification) to create a narrative.



A. Theoretical Basis
In this chapter, the researcher presents the review of the related theories.
In conducting a research, theories are needed to explain some concept or term
applied in research concerned. Some terms are used in this study and they
need to be theoretically explained.

1. Teaching vocabulary
According to Nisma (2016) Teaching vocabulary plays an important
role in language acquisition because the mastery of vocabulary will help
students master all the language skills- speaking, listening, writing, and
reading. Vocabulary will make it easier for students to practice the
structure. Vocabulary is very useful for students to communicate in
everyday life and will strengthen the belief that English can be used to
express the same ideas or feelings that they can express in their native
language. In teaching English vocabulary, teachers are expected to have
language skills in simple English. In other words, teaching English aims
to provide language recognition, which means that the teaching process
must take advantage of the context of the existing situation. According to
Sipayung (2018) Teaching vocabulary often means assigning a corpus of
words rather than exploring words meanings and relationships that
contribute the student’s conceptual awareness and understanding of a
subject. Teachers should do this because teaching English to add new
vocabulary is very important for daily communication, especially in
teaching vocabulary. Have become part of language learning strategies
that aim to encourage self-direction for students. According to Ghazal
(2007) The concept of self-direction is similar to the autonomy of
students who have aims to help students become independent learners
and have their own responsibilities in the learning process. Gu and
Johnson (1996) in Ghazal (2007) distinguish vocabulary learning

strategies into 4 groups. There are metacognitive, cognitive, memory and
activation strategies. First, metacognitive strategies are divided into two
kinds of processes of selective attention and self-initiative. Selective
attention involves the process indicate important words in the text for
understanding. In other words, this The process involves recognizing
key words from a text. Then, self initiative is the process of creating a
clear meaning using many ways. To clarify, people who use this strategy
will try to get good intentions with many people method. Second,
cognitive strategies are strategies that involve guessing process, use the
dictionary well and record information. Third, strategic memory is
divided into two types of activities; exercises (make a list of words and
do repetition) and encoding (associating images, visuals, audio, etc.).
Finally, activation Strategy is a way of learning by using new words in
different contexts. learning strategies into 4 groups of strategies. The
strategies are social, memory, cognitive and metacognitive. The first
strategy, the social strategy involves social activities such as asking
others for help to find out the meaning. For example, ask the teacher or
other friends. The second is strategic memory which relies on associating
or associating word knowledge. This means that learners will rely on
their memory to connect new words with previous ones one that has been
studied. Third, cognitive strategies similar to memory strategy because
the activities are to make word lists, flashcards, and vocabulary
notebooks to learn vocabulary. Then, the metacognitive strategy is
strategies that allow students to take control and assess their own
learning. Strategy The taxonomy discussed above is considered valuable
for teachers. Thus, the teacher can choose one strategy or combine
several strategies that suit students need. Otherwise, teachers need to
consider students' preferences in deciding which strategy they want to
use. In accordance with the purpose of vocabulary learning strategies,
teachers also need to tell students that they must practice in gaining their
confidence and ability to learn. For this goals, making the belief that

learning strategies are only for the benefit of students so that they must
be more active in learning. However, the role of vocabulary learning
strategies is to facilitate students become independent learners in learning
vocabulary because vocabulary cannot taught directly by the teacher but
will obtain by the students themselves. one of the suggested strategies is
a cognitive strategy which can be implemented by use vocabulary
journal. The teacher should try to explain as clearly as possible about the
meaning of the words taught by using the technique. This emphasizes
that choosing the right vocabulary carefully and correctly is an important
thing that the teacher must pay attention to. Teaching vocabulary helps
students understand and communicate with others in English.

2. Specific Vocabulary
Specific Vocabulary is not only knowing the words and their
meanings, but also knowing how they sound and how they are used in
language context. Specific vocabulary means having complete
knowledge of a set of words used by a person. By mastering a large
number of words, students are able to correctly construct simple
sentences and make noun phrases or simple vocabulary constructions.
Based on this statement, proper specific vocabulary is very important for
anyone who learns the language used in everyday life to communicate. A
foreign language learner will speak easily and accurately, write simply,
or understand what he reads or hears if he has sufficient vocabulary and
has the ability to use it accurately. So specific vocabulary is not only
knowing words and their meanings, but also know about how the words
sound and how they are used in context. Based on the explanation above,
specific vocabulary is the competence to know words and meanings. The
students are not only expected to know the words but also the meaning of
what is said or read.

3. The concept of Reading
Reading as one of the language skills is an important skill that must
be possessed by students and must be mastered by students. Reading is a
special way of which the reader understands the text or book. This is the
ability to understand and knowing the information presented in written
form in an event. In relation to this idea, Palani' (2012) said Reading is an
important activity in the process of learning. In the movement of human
society, it has been given a greater importance and becoming one of the
essential aspects of the functioning of human beings, who are collectively
involved in the regulation of society and exposure of knowledge and
revelation of literate society. The information stated explicitly or not in a
passage. It is a way of comparing information with the reader's own
knowledge. It is also a way of interpreting the author's intent. Reading
means understanding a written text to understand its context. Based on
the description above, it can be seen that reading means saying words,
identifying words and finding meaning from a text to get information
from the text. Reading can develop a person creativity because reading
consists of activities, sensations, perceptions, psychomotor movements,
cognitive activities, and emotional responses. Reading is also called a
way of interacting with researchers from books or texts.

4. English Narrative poetry

The narrative poetry is emphasized in story and action. According to
Pedersen (2015) poetry is a genre in literature that symbolizes human
experience. A narrative potry is a type of poetry which tells a story. It
uses the poetic techniques you might normally find in a poetry (such as
rhyme, rhythm, similes and metaphors) to create a narrative. In addition,
Ollila & Jantas (2006) state that poetry is a type of structured spoken or
written language rhythmic and intended to tell a story or express any kind
of emotion, idea, or state of being. In addition, poetry is a type of literacy
that includes a very careful choice of words in the linguistic aspect
because these words affect different perspectives. Therefore, students'

ability to read poetry can develop a sense of meaning based on their
experiences. There are several benefits of using poetry in learning
literature which helps students to find their ability to find new vocabulary
in language learning. For example, the first is that poetry provides many
opportunities for students active in class activities. Second, students can
practice reading in front of the class and how to express feelings through
words. Third is a lot of vocabulary in poetry more truth than any other
fashion writing. In addition, there are several benefits to find skill
competency for students using poetry in class. Such as students can
practice speaking to find communication and add new vocabulary with
supporting texts and recitations in the style of students. By learning
poetry students can imagine more, read more, think more, discuss and
write more new vocabulary. Then, students indirectly learn about poetry
that the teacher gives some activities related to learn a language. One of
the poetry that will be use in this research is:

STILL I RISE – Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,

Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear

I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

B. Review Previous of Studies

There are several related studies found in previous studies, the first is
from Ahmad (2016) with his research title "Improving seventh grade
students' specific vocabulary by using poetry at SMPN 03 silo in 2015/2016
academic year." This lesson talk about “How can poetry find the seventh
grade students' specific vocabulary at SMPN 03 Silo Jember in the 2015/2016
academic year?” And ”How can poetry find students' active participations at
SMPN 03 Silo Jember in the 2015/2016 academic year. The purposes of this
research is to find the seventh grade students' specific vocabulary by using
poetry. The use of poetry as a medium to find students' vocabulary skills.
The results of this study indicate that the use of poetry is able to find students'
specific vocabulary and active participation of class VII students of SMPN 03
Silo Jember.
The second research from Arvieta (2019) with the research title
"Enhancing Students Vocabulary Through Poetry for EFL" : A Case Study"
This study focuses on how poetry can find students' vocabulary. To analyze
the data, this researcher uses qualitative approach. In this study, to get some
accurate data and information, the researcher used observation and
interviews. There were ten people interviewed in this study. There are six
questions to be interviewed have been validated. There are nine poems that
are used to find students' vocabulary. The results of this study indicate that
poetry can find students' vocabulary.

C. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary Learning

The Concept of Reading

Reading English Specific

Narrative Poetry Vocabulary



In this chapter, the researcher describes the research method. It consists of

research design, data and source of data, data collection technique, data analysis,
and validity.

A. Research Design
This study aims to describe how reading English narrative poetry is used
for students' specific vocabulary. Based on these objectives, researchers will
use qualitative research methods. Nassaji (2015), adds that qualitative
research can provide rich data, including the behavior, thoughts, and
perspectives of participants. By using a qualitative method, the researcher
will obtain new information about how to use narrative poetry reading for
students' specific vocabulary. This research tries to dig up certain information
about the characteristics of teachers and students. Descriptive study in detail
and broadly on the unit in the study. Lambert (2013) adds that qualitative
descriptive is feasible and acceptable label for qualitative research design.
This has led to labeling of many research studies as phenomenology,
grounded theory, or ethnography, when in fact these studies fail to meet the
requirements of such a qualitative approach. Therefore, the researcher uses
this design and method because it is qualitative descriptive allows him to
investigate multiple participants with multiple sources of information. In this
case, this study will use observation and interview fragments as the main data
that becomes the focus of conversation with the subject under study related to
the topic of research discussion. Therefore, the results of observations and
interview will appear as keywords, and it will be studied in depth to solve
problem questions. Using multiple observations and interview fragments
from students, meaning case studies with certain objects and topics
researched into the design in this study.

B. Data and Source of Data
Data in this research are in the form of field notes from observation and
transcript from interview. Source of data of this research is Eleventh Grade
students and teachers of SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean. This data is an important
aspect in conducting qualitative research. From this data, researchers can
obtain information about how reading English narrative poetry is used for
student’s specific vocabulary at Eleventh Grade Senior High School. In this
study, researchers will obtain data from observations and interviews with his
English teacher without a vocabulary test. Based on the explanation above
about data that will be used in this research, it can be concluded that the
source of data that will be used in this research is full participation of students
and teachers, so the role of students and teachers here is important in giving
meaning that will impact this research.

C. Data Collection Technique

Researchers will use qualitative research. The technique that will be used
in data collection in this study are:
1. Observation
In the teaching and learning process, observation provides an
opportunity for novice teachers to see what more experienced teachers do
when they teach lessons and how they do it. According to Ciesielska et
al., (2017) Observation is one of the most important research methods in
social sci- ences and at the same time one of the most diverse. Based on
the observation technique used to see and observe changes in social
phenomena growing and developing, changes can be made from
evaluation, because observers see certain moments in objects so that we
can separate between what is needed and not needed. Observations will
be make before and during the research. The first observation will be on
students' activities in reading English narrative poetry. As for the next
observations will be make during the research. For observation,
researchers will observe activities that can captured by the senses, such as

the attitude of students during the learning process in a classroom
atmosphere, the way the teacher conveys material, especially English
vocabulary, and the learning media used. Result of class observations
will be compiled in the form of field notes. The purpose of this
observation is to find out how reading English narrative poetry is used for
students' specific vocabulary. So that observational techniques are needed
in this study to collect supporting data.
2. Interview
According to Creswell (2012) Interview is used when researchers
ask some participants and record their answers to obtain in-depth
information about their though, knowledge, reason, motivation, belief,
and feeling about the topic. In this study, researchers will obtain data
through interviews with their English teachers. Through interviews,
researchers will provide questions related to information needed for this
study, the participants provide information freely depending on their
experience. The results of the interview will be shown in the interview

D. Data Analysis
In this research, the research applied a qualitative data analysis
technique. Technique of data analysis did by processing the result of field
notes from observation and transcript from interview. Data analysis in
this study has the following steps observation and interview :

Steps to make observations in class:

1. Prepare learning media in the form of poetry that will be used as

observation material

2. The English teacher gives poetry to every student in the class

3. The English teacher appointed 8 students to read a narrative poem in

their respective places then they interpreted the poem in their own
language and underlined it

4. The English teacher asks students to underline specific vocabulary that
is difficult for students to understand

5. Using a reading assessment for the results of observations.

6. After that, write down the results of the observations.

Steps in conducting an interview with an English teacher:

1. Prepare several questions to be asked to respondents. First, the

researcher made several prepared to record respondents' answers.
During the interview, the researcher asked several questions before
conducting the interview.

2. Voice recorder is questions that were used by the researcher's data,

then the researcher recorded the respondents' answers.

3. Researchers will transcribe the results of the interviews. After we

interviewed our respondents, then we copied them.

4. The last step, the researcher categorizes the respondent's statement

which will make it easier for the researcher to analyze.

5. Analyzed.

E. Data Validity
In qualitative research, data can be categorized as good data if the
data are valid. So, to support the validity of the data will obtain, the
researcher will use an analysis based on participant triangulation.
According to Sugiono (2016) Triangulation is a technique of checking
the data that uses something else outside the data for checking purposes
or as a comparison against the data. So, triangulation technique means
that the researcher uses two or more techniques in collect data to get
validity. The purpose of triangulation is to find credibility and validity of
the findings.



This chapter presents research result and discuss from the research
data. The data were gathered from observation and interviews obtained
during PLP II.2 activities which started on 1 st November to 23rd
December 2021 at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean. The type of research used is
qualitative research. The result finding is related to using reading English
narrative poetry for students specific vocabulary at eleventh grade senior
high school. The research correspondents were 2 classes of 11th grade
students of SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean. This chapter describes the
problems described in the introductory chapter.

A. Research Result

In the chapter on the results of this study, the results of the research
are described and discussion through the data that has been obtained for
knowing the use of reading narrative poetry in increasing the vocabulary
of class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean, Gresik. To get a clear
picture, the researcher describes as follows:
1. Observation Results

This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean located in

Slempit, Kedamean Gresik by taking the population of class XI students
with the aim of knowing the use of reading English narrative poetry for
special vocabulary of class XI high school students. From the class XI
population, two classes were selected, namely XI IPS 2 and XI IPS 3. The
data in this observational study were obtained from the results of the
reading assessment rubric. The specific vocabulary assessment rubric is
used to determine student learning outcomes using narrative poetry in
increasing vocabulary. The specific vocabulary assessment rubric uses 1
sheet of poetry which is analyzed by students as data collection through
observation. This research was carried out for 2 meetings in 2 classes.
This was done to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus at SMA
Negeri 1 Kedamean, Gresik. Limitation of face-to-face teaching and

learning activities is carried out by providing a schedule for session 1,
some students study at home and part 2 learn face-to-face at school. This
research was carried out in 2 meetings in 2 classes which were divided into
sessions 1 and 2. The meetings included: giving an explanation of specific
vocabulary and giving narrative poetry in English to each student in the
class. Researchers follow the schedule of teaching and learning activities
that have been made by the school. In this observation, the English teacher
explains the specific vocabulary that will be used as research material. The
following is an explanation of specific vocabulary:

1. Metaphor is the use of words or groups of words not with the actual
meaning but as a painting based on similarities or comparisons, for
example in the poetry Still I rise - Maya Angelou there are 2 of them:

 " Shoulders falling down like teardrops"

 " I am the dream and the hope of the slave".

2. Hyperbole is an exaggeration and makes no sense. for example in

poetry Still I rise there are 10 hyperbolas, namely:

 “With you bitter, twisted lies "

 " Does my sassiness upset you ?"
 "Cause I walk like I've got oil wells".
 "With the certainty of tides,"
 "Does my haughtiness offend you?"
 "You may shoot me with your words,"
 "You may cut me with your eyes,"
 "You may kill me with your hatefulness,"
 "Does my sexiness upset you?"
 "Out of the huts of history's shame."
 "Up from a past that's rooted in pain."

3. Simile is a parable that presupposes one thing with another thing that
has a very different meaning, but is considered similar. usually use the
words like, like, like, like, and like. there are 4 examples in poetry Still I
rise, including:

 " But still, like dust, I'll rise.''

 "Just like moons and like suns,"
 "Just like hopes springing high,"
 ''But still, like air, I'll rise.''

4. Personification is a figure of speech that describes inanimate objects as

people or humans. There are 5 examples in poetry Still I rise, namely:

 " Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines''

 '' That I dance like I've got diamonds"
 " I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,"
 "Welling and swelling I bear in the tide."
 " Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear."

After giving an explanation of the specific vocabulary the English

teacher gave poetry to the students to find the specific vocabulary in the
poem so that to find out the results the English teacher used a reading
assessment vocabulary to find out how many students found the specific

For more details, see the following Rubric Assessment Vocabulary

table :

for class XI IPS 2 and XI IPS 3 in SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean

Specific Vocabulary
No Metaphore Personification Simile Hyperbola
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 D.J.S √ √ √ √
2 Y.D.A √ √ √ √
3 M.A.A √ √ √ √
4 F.E.A √ √ √ √
5 A.N.A √ √ √ √
6 A.D.P √ √ √ √
7 A.I.K √ √ √ √
8 M.F.P. √ √ √ √
Total 3 5 2 4 2 3 1 4 6 2

Description :

 Skor 1 : Students analyze specific vocabulary not good ( 1/10 – 3/10)

 Skor 2 : Students analyze less specific vocabulary ( 4/10 – 6/10)
 Skor 3 : Students analyze medium specific vocabulary (7/10 – 8/10)
 Skor 4 : Students analyze specific vocabulary well ( 9/10 – 10/10)

So after seeing the results from the vocabulary assessment rubric

on specific vocabulary in metaphors, there are 3 students who know the
metaphor medium and 5 students know the metaphor well. In the specific
vocabulary personification there are 2 students who do not know, there
are 4 students who are medium and there are 2 students who know very
well. In the specific vocabulary simile there are 3 students who do not
know, there is 1 student who knows medium and 4 students who know
very well. and lastly in hyperbole specific vocabulary there are 6 students
who do not know and there are 2 students who know the medium. it can
be seen from these four specific vocabulary that students know more
about specific vocabulary which is metaphor and simile, while from the

four specific vocabulary students are less familiar with specific
vocabulary which is personification and hyperbole.

2. Analysis of the Results of the Interview

In this study, interviews were used as another method to collecting

data.The interview was conducted after conducting class observations,
The data in this study taken from interviews with English teachers. The
purpose of this interview is to collect data from other methods besides
observation and to find out how to read English narrative poetry for
students specific vocabulary at eleventh grade senior high school at SMA
Negeri 1 Kedamean, Gresik, the researchers conducted data mining by
interviewing. Following are the results of interviews that researchers
conducted with English teachers as follows:

Researchers : Bagaimana membaca puisi naratif bahasa Inggris

digunakan untuk kosakata khusus di kelas sebelas
sekolah menengah atas?

( How is reading English narrative poetry is used for

vocabulary specific at eleventh grade senior high
school grade?)

Responden : Setelah dilakukan penelitian waktu itu dengan

pengambilan data menggunakan membaca puisi
bahasa Inggris untuk specific vocabulary, siswa
diberikan penjelasan terlebih dahulu yang dimaksud
tentang specific vocabulary dan contohnyaa,
kemudian siswa disuruh menganalisis per kalimat
dalam bait puisinya dengan mengartikan satu per
satu kata yang menurut mereka sulit untuk
menemukan specific vocabulary berupa majas yang
ada didalam puisi tersebut.

(After doing research at that time by taking data
using English poetry reading for specific vocabulary,
students were given an explanation first about specific
vocabulary and examples, then students were asked to
analyze per sentence in the stanza of the poem by
interpreting one word by one which they think is
difficult to understand. find specific vocabulary in the
form of figure of speech in the poetry)

In the interview the teacher gives direction to the

students before doing research, where the English
teacher explains the specific vocabulary and examples
first, after that the English teacher gives 2 pieces of
poetry that have been determined as research material
and the English teacher gives examples in finding
specific vocabulary by interpreting words that are
difficult to understand and then looking for the
specific vocabulary, so that with the English teacher
giving examples of these explanations, students can
easily find the specific vocabulary easily and a lot.

Researchers : baik bu, selanjutnya, Apakah penggunaan membaca

puisi naratif bahasa Inggris berpotensi meningkatkan
semangat siswa dalam meningkatkan kosakata

( Ok ma'am, next, Does the use of reading English

narrative poetry have the potential to find students'
enthusiasm in improving certain vocabulary?)

Responden. : Tentu mereka sangat termotivasi, begitu antusias

karena mungkin ini pembelajarannya beda dari yang
lain, kalau biasanya kita hanya menyuruh mereka

untuk menghafal dibuku paket, jadi sekarang kita
lebih efektif lagi dan lebih seru dalam pembelajaran
dengan menggunakan puisi karena sebagian besar
dari mereka sangat senang menggunakan puisi untuk
menambah specific vocabulary

( Of course they are very motivated, so enthusiastic

because maybe this learning is different from the
others, if we usually only tell them to memorize in the
package book, so now we are even more effective and
more fun in learning by using poetry because most of
them are very happy to use poetry to add specific

So seen from by the response of the English

teacher, learning to read English narrative poetry for
specific vocabulary is very good because it can
motivate students to be more enthusiastic in learning
English when looking for a lot of specific vocabulary,
and the learning is very effective because the previous
learning only used textbooks.

Researchers : lalu apakah ada kesulitan bagi siswa ketika

menganalisis specific vocabulary pada puisi tersebut?

( So it's like that, ma'am, then are there any difficulties

for students when analyzing the specific vocabulary in
the poetry? )

Responden. : Sebenarnya ada juga kesulitan, karena sebagian

siswa ada yang tidak mengerti apa yang dimaksud
dengan specific vocabulary tersebut dan yang lainnya
menganggap pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sulit,
namun karena adanya media pembelajaran berupa

puisi mungkin dapat meningkatkan cara berpikir
mereka bahwa bahasa Inggris itu dapat dipelajari
dengan mudah. Selain itu ketika saya telah
memberikan penjelasan tentang specific vocabulary
akhirnya siswa memahaminya lalu siswa bisa
menganalisis specific vocabulary dalam puisi yang
saya berikan.

(Actually there are also difficulties, because some

students do not understand what is meant by specific
vocabulary and others think learning English is
difficult, but because learning media in the form of
poetry may be able to find their way of thinking that
English can be learned easily. . In addition, when I
gave an explanation of the specific vocabulary, the
students finally understood it and then the students
were able to analyze the specific vocabulary in the
poetry that I gave.)

According to the English teacher, many students find

it difficult or rather never know what is meant by
specific vocabulary, but when the teacher gives an
explanation of specific vocabulary using poetry,
students finally easily know the specific vocabulary
and can find a lot in the poems that have been written

Researchers : Oke baik bu, Apa upaya untuk mengatasi kesulitan

siswa dalam menganalisis kosakata tertentu?

(Okay, ma'am, what are the efforts to overcome

students' difficulties in analyzing certain
vocabulary ? )

Responden : jadi sebelum penelitian dimulai saya menjelaskan
kepada siswa siswi terlebih dahulu tentang specific
vocabulary dan contohnya yang berupa majas
metafora, simile, hyperbola dan personifikasi,
kemudian saya memberikan arahan dalam
menganalisis puisinya dengan mengartikan per
kalimat lalu memberi kan garis bawah pada bait
pertama serta memberikan keterangan bahwa kalimat
ini termasuk majas yang ini sehingga siswa paham.

(So before the research started I explained to the

students first about specific vocabulary and examples
in the form of metaphors, similes, hyperboles and
personifications, then I gave directions in analyzing
the poetry by interpreting it per sentence and then
underlined the first stanza and explained that This
sentence includes this figure of speech so that students

So the efforts made by the English teacher in

overcoming the difficulties of the students are the
English teacher giving more detailed explanations
about the specific vocabulary and examples in the
form of metaphors, similes, personifications and

Researchers : Oke bu, yang terakhir, menurut ibu apakah

pembelajaran menggunakan puisi tepat bagi siswa
untuk meningkatkan kosakata tertentu?

(OK, ma'am, lastly, In your opinion, is learning using

poetry appropriate for students to find certain
vocabulary? )

Responden : menurut saya sudah tepat ya, karena ini termasuk
pembelajaran baru untuk siswa kelas 11 di SMA
Negeri 1 Kedamean, dapat dilihat dari penelitian
yang sudah dilaksanakan dan dari rubrik assessment
specific vocabulary hasilnya bagus dan siswa siswi
merasa senang dengan pembelajaran yang seperti ini
karena mereka dengan mudah meningkatkan specific
vocabulary baru dalam puisi bahasa Inggris.

(I think it's right, because this is a new lesson for 11th

graders at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean, it can be seen
from the research that has been carried out and from
the rubric for assessment of specific vocabulary the
find are good and students feel happy with this kind of
learning because they can easily find new specific
vocabulary in English poetry.)

According to the English teacher, learning to use

poetry as a specific vocabulary is very appropriate
because it can be seen from the enthusiasm of
students in finding specific vocabulary and from the
results of the vocabulary assessment rubric, many
students know specific vocabulary well.

B. Discussion

Based on the results of the reading assessment vocabulary and

interview transcripts with the English teacher, it is clearly stated that some
students know the specific vocabulary in metaphors and similes very well,
while in the specific vocabulary which is part of personification and
hyperbole, some students do not know it well. However, by using poetry
media, students can easily find specific vocabulary and motivate students to

learn certain vocabulary with enthusiasm. It also builds students' awareness
to learn certain vocabulary well.Vocabulary in poetry provides students with
an experience of deep meaning to explore the true meaning. This makes
students active to find out in depth about what the poem tells and to find out
the meaning of the words contained in the content of the poem. Several
types of narrative poetry are explored about life and linked to real life,
making students learn enthusiastically through narrative poetry media that
has been given as a thesis data collection material. Students also find simple
sentences that show new specific vocabulary, so that it is easily digested by
students. In narrative poetry there are many synonyms, like in Indonesian,
they say the same thing, only English words are different words, for
example " seems and seems ". Some students expressed about the types of
words, including tenses, adjectives, and synonyms of words. This was also
reinforced by the results of interviews about how it was described that
almost students agreed that narrative poetry mediated them to learn
vocabulary easily and attractively. In learning vocabulary, students need
media that provides several types of words. Narrative poetry mediates
students to learn easily showing simple text and easy to find text, not only in
books but also in a social media account where students find poetry as a
medium in learning. Most of the students use poetry to search for words that
they did not know before. To begin with, they read poetry and give opinions
about the poem. In addition, they underline words with predictive meanings
without using a dictionary to translate. Next, students relate the meaning of
each sentence of the poem.Then, they used a dictionary to correct the
meaning of the poem. In conclusion, narrative poetry is translated with the
appropriate meaning. Narrative poetry gives students experience with some
of the challenges of the text.



A. Conclusion

Based on research results and discussion in chapter IV, the authors

obtain conclusions that can be drawn from research on using reading
English narrative poetry for students specific vocabulary at eleventh grade
senior high school as follows:

1. The use of reading English narrative poetry at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean

can find students' vocabulary

2. Narrative poetry as a friendly medium used in vocabulary learning.

3. Narrative poetry presents a fun learning experience and challenge

students to learn more new vocabulary.

It can be concluded from the results of interviews with English

teachers about narrative poetry which presents a fun learning experience
while challenging students to learn more using poetry to learn to find
specific vocabulary is a challenge for students, while judging by the
research activities that have been going on, it shows that students like to
learn more about poetry to find Specific vocabulary. Because using poetry
to learn specific vocabulary mediates students to learn easily by showing
simple texts and finding texts easily. So students find it helpful when
learning to find specific vocabulary through poetry.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusions above, there are several suggestions for

English teachers, students of the Department of English Education, and
other researchers. The suggestions are as follows:
1. English teacher
Based on the successful implementation of the research using reading
English narrative poetry English teachers are expected to be selective and
creative in choosing English narrative poetry that can help find students'
specific vocabulary and the learning process according to the level, needs,
and capacity of students. Furthermore, narrative poetry must be diverse and
up to date that can support the teaching and learning process in the
classroom so that students are more enthusiastic in increasing new specific

2. Students of English Education Department

The results of this study are important for students of the English Education
Department as input that the use of narrative poetry is very helpful and
useful to find students' specific vocabulary. Next, provide information for

them that it is important to use narrative poetry in choosing suitable
materials to find new vocabulary because in poetry it gives students an
experience of deep meaning to explore the true meaning. So, it inspires
them to develop and use various interesting narrative poetry to find new
specific vocabulary.

3. Other researchers
This research can be used as a reference in conducting classroom learning
to find new specific vocabulary.There there are still many studies that have
not been carried out to find new specific vocabulary in the teaching and
learning process through interesting activities. This is the right time for
other researchers to apply other research in improving specific vocabulary
easily and interestingly. It is also possible for them to do this research in
another class and use some other interesting activities to find students'
specific vocabulary.


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