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Reflection/Reaction Paper on Ambisyon Natin & SDGs Instructions:

Watch the audio-visual presentations prepared by the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) and write a reflection paper on how you can personally relate to the
government's vision for every individual, family, and the country in general.

The video presentation shows the ambition and dreams of the Filipino people. Some aspire
to have their own houses, finish college, financially support their parents, have a small business,
eat every day, have free consultations and hospitalizations, and have a government that is
corruption-free. These are the things that Filipinos aim to have and give to their families.
According to the survey conducted, 79.2% want to have a simple and convenient life, 16.9% aim
to have a higher capability of living, and the remaining 3.9% want to be rich or live a Class A type
of life.

As citizens of this country, we are all aware that these dreams can be made possible with
the help of our government. Our government plays a huge role in succeeding and helping Filipinos
live a prosperous lifestyle. And that is why they have come up with a vision to help enable
conditions and policies that would reach the dreams and goals of the Filipinos in the year 2040.
The government believes that by fostering sustained economic growth, investing in people, and
protecting them against instability would help fasten the process of the wanted vision for our

Being a student of this country, I too, aim and dream for a better life for the citizens in our
country. I can relate to the Government's ideal vision that in a few years, there will be no poor
people and everyone would live a prosperous life. Every Filipino deserves to live a life that is
comfortable. Same as the government, I also hope that by the year 2040, families will be able to
live a prosperous life without the worries of medical bills, expenses and opportunities. Although
this may be too “idealistic” for some, I give credence to those people in power, that they will do
what's best for our country. I believe that though business works, and unity of the government and
the citizens, our country will be able to overcome poverty and succeed this vision

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