Final Examination of Customer Relationship Management

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1. This final examination comprises 40% of your total grade for this module.
2. This final examination contains 1 banking dataset, and several instructions that you need to
do, with TOTAL MARKS OF 100. You must follow ALL the instructions.
3. This is final examination. You are not allowed to form a collusion to finish this assignment.
4. You are to use the final examination Cover Sheet provided by the University, which include
the following details: Course Title, Assignment Title, Name and Student Number and
Submission Date.
5. You should type out all your answers in Times New Roman, 12 points, justify with 1.5 line
spacing. Non-conformance will affect marks allocated for presentation of the final answer.
6. You should upload the complete answer (pdf file only) to the moddle with respect to the due
date (ontime). Each student should only submit one (1) soft copy of the answers; please do
not submit multiple copies.
7. Students should keep a copy of the submitted final examination

IMPORTANT: The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism and will not accept any form of
cheating in a student’s work, including this final examination. Hence, please ensure that you always
provide proper references when using other people’s ideas, words or pictures, including diagrams.


1. Create some segmentations of given dataset (Banking dataset). You may have at least 3
segments of the dataset and analyze the characteristics of each segment.
2. Select one or several segments to target for selling a *long-term Deposit. Explain in detail,
why you think selected segments are suitable to be targeted by the Bank.
3. Devise the best Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategy for customer
acquisition and retention. This CRM Strategy must be inline with the selected segment
characteristic that intended to attract new customers and retain existing customers.


*long-term Deposit here is the product that the bank offer.

*Before creating several segments or clusters, please do data preparation first (Cleaning or data
transformation if needed)

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