The Role of Citizens in Intelligence Gathering and Sharing

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Halogen Academy

‘’The Role of People in Intelligence Gathering And Sharing’’

Thursday, 25th August, 2022

Webinar Presentation delivered by:

(Twitter: @DonOkereke)

Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to partake in this webinar and share my
perspective on The Role of People in Intelligence Gathering. Inter-alia, I will shed light on
the meaning of intelligence and how it can be shared, Differences Between Intelligence and
Information, Intelligence gathering methodologies, Why we have intelligence failures?,
Plausible case studies of intelligence failures in Nigeria, Plethora of Government
Intelligence agencies in Nigeria, Challenges of harvesting and disseminating Intelligence in
Nigeria, How to share intelligence, Why private sector, citizens need to be involved in
intelligence gathering, See Something, Say Something, Ways to Use OSINT for Corporate
Security, What information should citizens report?

There is no gainsaying the fact that insecurity – terrorism, KRE, banditry is pervasive in
Nigeria and the country seems to be coming apart at the seams. For the sake of emphasis,
according to a report by SBM intelligence titled “The Economic of Nigeria’s Kidnap
Industry”, between July 2021 and June 2022, no fewer than 3,420 people were abducted
across Nigeria, with 564 others killed in violence associated with abductions. The report
stated that in the same period N6.531 billion was demanded in exchange for the release of
captives while N653.7 million was paid as ransom.

The implication of this is that while legitimate businesses are struggling in Nigeria, kidnap
for ransom and extortion is obviously the fastest growing industry in Nigeria. What is more
distressing is that there seem to be no end in sight unless there is a positive disruption.

The unrelenting security challenges we have in Nigeria can be described as largely being
man-made and can be blamed on amongst other things, failure of gathering or
disseminating intelligence.

Meaning of intelligence?
Intelligence means many things to many people.

While INTELLIGENCE can be literarily defined as the ‘’ability to learn or understand or to

deal with new or trying situations’’, in the context of security, INTELLIGENCE refers to
processed, evaluated data that is usually gathered from trusted sources.

People often use the words ‘Information’ and ‘Intelligence’ interchangeably. However,
there is a difference between the two.
Differences Between Intelligence and Information

1. Information or knowledge that has Pieces of raw data
been processed and logic applied.

2. Proactive – can forecast, correlate, Passive – data accepted and stored
offer supposition and direct an
3. Not readily available. Ubiquitous; Available everywhere

Intelligence Process/ Cycle

The term "intelligence process" refers to the steps of the cycle.

Intelligence gathering methodologies

There are many ways of gathering intelligence that are often referred to as "intelligence
collection disciplines". They include:

I. Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is the collection of information from human sources.

The collection may be done openly, as when DSS/FBI agents interview witnesses or
suspects, or it may be done through clandestine or covert means (espionage).

II. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) refers to electronic transmissions that can be collected
by planes, drones, ground sites, or satellites. Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
is a type of SIGINT and refers to the interception of communications.

III. Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) is sometimes also referred to as photo intelligence
(PHOTINT). Similar to this is Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) - analysis and visual
representation of security related activities on the earth.

IV. Measurement and Signatures Intelligence (MASINT) is concerned with weapons

capabilities and industrial activities.

V. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) refers to a broad array of information and sources

that are generally available, including information obtained from the media
(newspapers, radio, television, etc.), professional and academic records (papers,
conferences, professional associations, etc.), and public data (government reports,
demographics, hearings, speeches, etc.).

Granted Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) is considered to be a sub-discipline of

OSINT. Often conflated, there is a subtle difference or nuances between both.

SOCMINT can be harnessed by government or non-state actors, such as private

intelligence agencies or marketing companies, in order to gain knowledge about
specific individuals, groups, events, or any number of other targets. SOCMINT data
available on social media sites can be either open to the public (e.g., Public posts on
Facebook or LinkedIn) or private. Private information -such as contents shared with
friends circle- cannot be accessed without proper permission from the creator or
complying with best practices, adherence to laws.

The Future of Social Media Intelligence

The future of social media intelligence will be largely impacted by Artificial

Intelligence (AI). For instance, AI can analyze extensive amounts of data by instantly
identifying trending topics and patterns that exist within social conversations.

Threat intelligence

Threat intelligence also known as cyber threat intelligence (CTI), is the process of
identifying, analysing cyber threats and data to better understand threats and
deploying solutions specific to the problem found.

Types of threat intelligence - split into three categories:

Strategic threat intelligence: This is typically a high-level analysis designed for non-
technical audiences – for example, the board of a company or organisation.

Tactical threat intelligence: This is focused on the immediate future and is designed
for a more technically-proficient audience. It identifies simple indicators or elements
such as bad IP addresses, known malicious domain names, unusual traffic, log-in red

flags, or an increase in file/download requests. Tactical intelligence is the most
straightforward form of intelligence to generate and is usually automated.

Operational threat intelligence: Behind every cyber-attack is a 'who', 'why', and

'how'. Operational threat intelligence is designed to answer these questions by
studying past cyber-attacks drawing conclusions about intent, timing, and

Intelligence Failures – Why do we have intelligence failures?

Occurs for three reasons –

1. Failure to process and analyze information correctly - the invasion of Iraq by the US
was premised on falsified intelligence.

This can be as a result of:

 Selective Information or bias
 Group think or not thinking outside the box.
 One Track Mind.
 Over Complicating Matters.
 Denial or Avoidance
2. Failure to disseminate and share information - there are claims that the Israelis and
other agencies were privy to 9/11 attack but they may not have shared the Intel.
3. Failure to act on intelligence - Intelligence is useless if not followed up with action.

Plausible case studies of intelligence failures in Nigeria

I read how a former governor of Enugu state reportedly got Intel of an impending
attack on a community. He promptly shared it with Abuja (the police hierarchy) but
they dilly dallied in preventing the attack.

Recent attacks in Nigeria such as the following buttresses lax security and intelligence

 Note that between 2015 and 2022, there were twenty attacks on prison facilities in
Nigeria. 2021 had the highest number of incidents in the 7-year period with a total of
7 attacks. Nearly 9,000 inmates were released from the prison breaks and nearly
half of them still on the run. This is a threat to national security.

 Kuje prison break – Tukur Mamu, the media aide to Kaduna-based Islamic cleric,
Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, said he shared intelligence with the authorities about the Kuje
prison attack, but the intel agencies failed to act (Channels TV News, July 7, 2022).

According to Daily Trust Newspaper (Tuesday 26 July, 2022), the DSS forwarded 44
security reports to the security agencies warning of attacks on the Correctional
Facility in Kuje, Abuja and nothing was done.

If the security agencies didn't act on 44 intelligence reports availed to them by their
counterpart, the DSS, there's no assurance that an Intel from a private citizen would
be put to good use.

 The Owo Catholic church attack – over 40 people killed. The attackers mounted
surveillance before attacks.

 The Kaduna-Abuja train attack – Daily Trust Newspaper (March 311, 2022) reports that
intel agencies provided intelligence, but it was not acted on. Some of the released
victims confessed that they were well fed. Means the terrorists have access to
food/meat, possibly from the local market…

 Kaduna Airport Security breach – 2nd time in 2 years of security breaches around the
Kaduna airport despite being in the centre of Nigerian security forces.

 Terrorists ambushed Guards Brigade in Abuja – This was sequel to terrorists

reporting writing a letter to the Management of the Nigerian Law School. An army
captain and 2 soldiers were reportedly killed. According to a November 2021 report
by SBM Intelligence, ''an estimated 337 Nigerian soldiers have been killed from
insurgents’ ambushes since 2019''

 President Buhari's advance convoy attacked in Katsina – Tuesday, July 5: An advance

convoy of President Buhari was ambushed and attacked in his home state Katsina,
specifically at Dutsinma, about 152 kilometres from Buhari’s hometown of Daura. It is
either the terrorists had advanced information about the convoy’s movement, or it
was a random attack.
 Sometime in July, 2022, terrorists, who attacked the Abuja-Kaduna train on March 28,
threatened to kidnap President Buhari and the Kaduna state governor, Nasir El-
Rufai. If they can ambush the presidential advance convoy, this threat should not be
waved aside.

 Nigerian Defence Academy Attack: On Tuesday, August 24, 2021, just a year ago,
bandits attacked Nigeria's elite military academy, The NDA, killing 2 officers and
kidnapped another in a brazen assault on a symbol of the armed forces.
 March 23, 2020, about 50 soldiers reportedly lost their lives after Boko Haram staged
a deadly ambush on a convoy of troops around Alagarno in Yobe State.

 June 30, 2022, bandits invaded a mining site in Shiroro LGA of Niger state and
reportedly killed ''43 people, including 37 Nigerian security personnel''. This is
equivalent to wiping out a PLATOON.

Plethora of Government Intelligence agencies in Nigeria

We cannot talk about the ‘’Role of people in Intelligence Gathering And Sharing’’
without citing the ultimate aggregators, beneficiaries, end-users of intelligence, that
is, mainstream government security/intelligence agencies.

Nigeria boasts of a mixed bag of government intelligence agencies. They include but
not limited to the following:

 The National intelligence agency (NIA)

 The Defence intelligence agency (DIA)
 Department of State services (DSS)
 Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI)
 Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps - NAIC),
 Nigerian Navy (Naval Intelligence)
 Nigerian Air force (Directorate of Air Intelligence)
 Nigeria Police Force Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (FCIID)
 Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (Directorate of Intelligence and
 Nigeria Customs (Customs Intelligent Unit or CIU)
 Nigeria Immigration Service (HQ National Intelligence Unit)
 the Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU), an arm of the global financial
intelligence unit domiciled within the EFCC.

Despite the motley security/intelligence agencies in Nigeria with annual budgets

running into billions of Naira, why is insecurity - arms proliferation, kidnapping,
banditry, terrorism unrelenting in Nigeria?

Challenges of harvesting and disseminating Intelligence in Nigeria

 Lack of trust and no love lost between government intelligence agencies and
citizens: There seem to be lack of trust and no love lost between private citizens and
government security and intelligence agencies in Nigeria. This is largely because
Nigerian security and intelligence agencies are often skewed towards ‘regime
protection’ or doing the bidding of those in power than fighting for the common man.
Pervasive incidents of extrajudicial killings which culminated in the ENDSARS civil
unrest buttresses this assertion.

 Lack of Privacy & Confidentiality: If citizens must feel free to share intelligence with
the security agencies, then their privacy and confidentiality must be guaranteed. And
this is where social media is apt in sharing intelligence anonymously.

 Lack of synergy, Inter agency rivalry and superiority/inferiority complex: This is the
bane of the security and intelligence agencies in Nigeria. It appears they are working
at cross-purposes.
 Politics is superior to security, nay, intelligence in Nigeria: There is a saying that
politics is superior to economics. It may be safe to also submit that politics is superior
to security and intelligence in Nigeria. We understand that politicians seldom dissect
or treat nuggets of intelligence reports made available to them. It can be a tough
decision trying to balance perception or likely panic and trying to be decisive.
Is there anyone here who watched the BBC Africa Eye video: The Bandit Warlords
of Zamfara? The NBC imposed a fine of N5 million on broadcast platforms that aired
the documentary on the grounds that they ‘promoted terror in the country’. The
inference from the documentary is that masterminds of banditry and terrorism in
parts of the country are not invincible after all. In some climes, government
intelligence agencies will synergize with those makers of the documentary to harvest
actionable intelligence from them. It appears the Nigerian establishment doesn’t
appreciate the publicity and feel embarrassed because they probably had all the intel
but have failed to act. Anyway, the government hates competition… As we speak,
notorious bandit leader, Turji Bello is said to have been granted an ‘amnesty’ and
‘embraced peace’ in Zamfara state. Imagine the faith of someone who gave out
intelligence about him.

 Lack of anonymity: Scores of Nigerians don't feel free volunteering information, nay,
intelligence to government security, intelligence agencies. You don't even know if
the person you are giving the information is a sympathizer. Recall that a Premium
Times January 8, 2012 report quoted former President Goodluck Jonathan as
admitting that members of the extremist Boko Haram sect succeeded in infiltrating
his government, planting its members in government agencies and security outfits.

 Food for thought: Why is that more often than not, when the Nigerian government
or the security denies anything, it turns out there’s some iota of truth in what they
are trying to deny?

How to share intelligence

Intelligence sharing is the process of exchanging actionable intelligence, information,
data, or knowledge amongst relevant government agencies or private-sector entities
as appropriate.

The Bible says Can two walk together without agreeing where to go? You can only
share intelligence or information if you have a good relationship and mutual trust
with the second party.

Intelligence can be shared amongst the security cum intelligence agencies - inter
agency collaboration. Ideally, Private citizens should also be able to share intelligence
with the security / intelligence agencies. I said ideally because we know this is not
always the case in Nigeria and the reason is not far-fetched.

Why private sector, citizens need to be involved in intelligence gathering.

Just like Georges Clemenceau quote that “War is too important to be left to the
generals”, I can paraphrase this to say that intelligence is too important to be left in
the hands of government intelligence agencies.

With due respect, the home truth is that Nigerian Security And intelligence agencies
are overwhelmed, stretched hence they tend to be more reactive than proactive.
Similar to this, they tend to devote more effort to regime protection, stifling
supposed opposition than fighting criminals.

While some people may blame mainstream intelligence agencies for the security
breaches in Nigeria, I think we are all complicit. As we say, security is a collective

Gathering or sharing intelligence is not the exclusive preserve of government

security/intelligence agencies. The democratization of Intelligence entails that
corporate organizations, private security companies, security professionals and
private citizens are now deeply involved in the business of intelligence gathering and
sharing. I commend the likes of SBM intelligence, Bulwark Intelligence amongst
others and I recommend that Nigerian intelligence agencies should synergize with
private companies in the business of harvesting intelligence.

Social media is the new normal in intelligence gathering and sharing:

 Extremist groups such as Boko Haram/ISWAP, Abuja-Kaduna train kidnap
masterminds share videos etc. online and those videos or images can be geolocated
and clues pinpointing location deducted.
 It is not encouraging that some government intelligence agencies in Nigeria seem to
be ‘social media shy’. I mean they don’t have official social media accounts. Granted
operatives of Nigeria’s intelligence agencies, the DSS, NIA, ONSA of this world have

social media accounts and they do follow individuals of interest (especially perceived
dissenters and opposition) on social media, the lack of official presence on social
media means they won’t be able to receive nuggets of intelligence from citizens,
 This contrast with the practice across the world where the intelligence agencies are
quite active online and can be reached via social media. For instance, according to the
report: ‘’Spy Influencers: Social Media Secrets of the CIA, MI5, Mossad & More’’, the
‘The FBI reportedly runs more than 70 social media sites!

 Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, the Mi5, which is the equivalent of Nigeria’s
DSS, officially joined Instagram a while ago @Mi5official.

 Canada's Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the Canadian spy agency has
LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube accounts.

Nigerian intelligence agencies should take a cue from UK's Mi5, the American FBI etc.
by embracing social media. Social media cuts red tape and bureaucracy in sharing
intelligence. Imagine if I have an actionable intelligence that I want to share directly
with the National Security Adviser. It would be easier if I have his twitter handle. I can
also do that anonymously.
See Something, Say Something

Local communities and citizens play an important role in preventing criminality,

terrorism and keeping our communities safe.

The public should report suspicious activity such as the discovery of a suspicious
package or suspicious behavior, such as someone breaking into a restricted area,
attempting to gain access into a restricted area, or making suspicious purchases of
precursor chemicals (like fertilizer, )

Abduction of Umaru Dikko in London: It took the observance of a private individual

to foil the abduction and repatriation of Umaru Dikko in London On Thursday, July 5,
1984, a team of Nigerian intelligence and Israeli agents.

According to the Money Laundering Act: Financial institutions and designated non-
financial institutions must report transactions in excess of 5 million Naira for
individuals or 10 million Naira for legal persons to the EFCC within seven days of such
transaction taking place. How many financial institutions actually do this? If they do,
they will help in sniffing out kidnappers and bandits. Following the money is a global
anti-terror and crime-fighting tactic.

Ways to Use OSINT for Corporate Security

Thanks to the rapid growth of public data, OSINT has now established itself as an
indispensable tool for business risk management and can be deployed in:

1. Executive Protection: In early-January 2020, the corporate security team at Fiserv

advised against executive travel to China after initial reports of COVID-19 disease
outbreak weeks before most U.S. companies even acknowledged COVID-19.
Executive protection details can scan open sources to spot travel risks, route
assessment and emerging events. If they spot a suspicious post, teams can exploit
open source intelligence to gauge the credibility of a threat. Such situational
awareness enables protectors to avoid dangerous areas, set up alternative travel
plans, or respond quickly to incidents.

2. Protecting against Operational, brand or reputational risks- OSINT can be used to

monitor Misinformation, fake news or false rumors spreading like wild-fire online.
Such negative publicity could damage a brand, VIP’s reputation, their ability to
conduct business, or the value of the organization they represent. Keeping tabs on
any rumors or false reports allow corporate security teams to respond quickly.

3. Identifying investment opportunities - OSINT is becoming the new litmus test for
investors because it is used for due diligence investigation due to benefits of speed
and size. Private equity firms use our OSINT-powered due diligence to know who
they’re dealing with, helping lower the risks. For instance, a single tweet or a just
published image can be an early signal of a major market event that would completely
change the winning strategy regarding particular stocks.

4. OSINT/SOCINT and civil unrest monitoring: Examples are the Capital Hill unrest in the
United States, the ENDSARS civil unrest in Nigeria had massive social media footprint
in real-time. Similarly, the “Arab Spring” and insurrections in Egypt demonstrates the
importance of OSINT/SOCMINT at a strategic level to intelligence tradecraft, as well
as the inefficacy of traditional intelligence sources and methodologies.

5. Loss And Fraud Prevention - Retail organizations around the world are fully
embracing open source intelligence (OSINT) to filter through billions of online posts
to discover valuable intelligence for their security operations, protect assets, detect
internal and external fraud and data breaches. Criminal groups often exploit social
media to coordinate robberies or share tips and tactics with their fellow thieves.

6. Supply Chain Protection - The process that delivers a product to store shelves is a
tightly interconnected network. If one link in that chain fails — from sourcing and
manufacturing to transportation — the whole system breaks down. A supply chain
disruption can result in millions of dollars of lost sales for retailers, result in financial
losses and impair the reputation of the entire company.

7. Event Security - Savvy event managers employ open source intelligence to protect
attendees. OSINT can be used to Anticipate Risks and spot potential problems ahead
of time. Continuous Intelligence: Security teams often conduct a threat assessment
ahead of an event. Locate an Incident: Geo-tagged social media posts allow teams to
quickly determine where an incident has taken place.

8. Monitoring Data Leaks and Social Engineering: - The average cost of a data breach
for organizations now tops almost $3.9 million, according to a 2021 survey by IBM and
increased to $8.2 million on average per incident for companies based in the US.

9. Crisis Response - Corporate security teams basically contend with three types of
hazards: Natural hazards (floods, earthquakes, and blizzards); Technological hazards
(power loss, industrial accidents, and infrastructure failures), man-made hazards
(October 2020 ENDSARS, January 6, 2021 Capitol attack in the US, cyber-attacks,
terrorist threats, or workplace violence.

Suspicious activity/intelligence worth sharing?

Suspicious activity may include an unusual interest in gaining sensitive information

about a facility security, operations, or maintenance.

 An unattended bag or backpack.

 Suspicious purchases of items that could be used to construct an explosive device,
including hydrogen peroxide, acetone, gasoline, propane, or ammonium nitrate
 Theft of explosive materials.
 Theft of security personnel uniforms or credentials
 Attempted/unauthorized access to rooftops or other potentially sensitive areas.
 Individuals acting suspiciously around the entrances to an event location.
 Unusual or bulky clothing that is inconsistent with the weather.

What information should citizens report?

 Who or what you saw (specifics)

 When you saw it (time).
 Where it occurred (exact place, landmark)
 Why or what makes the incident suspicious.

Contact Emergency Numbers –

 Lagos State Government: 767 and 112.

 Nationwide: The Nigeria Police Force recently secured '933' Short Code For Free
Emergency calls and information sharing with the citizens.

Concluding remark:

Remember that security is everyone’s business, If You See Something, Say

Something. As we have seen from this presentation, intelligence is not the exclusive
preserve of national security. Numerous security lapses, including recurrent
jailbreaks, intensifies the exigency to retool Nigeria’s intelligence gathering
architecture and boost inter-agency coordination. There is need for real-time
information sharing and also need to plug leakages of sensitive information.

Let's hope Nigeria’s newly created and much touted National Counter Terrorism
Strategy Document (NACTEST), National Crisis Management Doctrine (NCMD), and
the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) domiciled in the of the Office of the
National Security Adviser (ONSA) enhances inter-agency collaboration between the
intelligence agencies and the Nigerian Army, the Nigeria Police Force, the Nigerian
Army, and the Nigerian Airforce, amongst others, at strategic, operational, and
tactical levels.

©Don OKEREKE, a security analyst, thought leader, and consultant can be reached
via: Twitter: @DonOKereke


1. 7 Ways to Use OSINT for Corporate Security

2. Open Source Intelligence For Retail Security

Updated February 9, 2021

3. OSINT Tools and Techniques for Business Risk Intelligence

4. OSINT Tools

5. Managing OSINT Tools

6. Introducing Open Source Security Management at Enterprise Scale

Gauthami Polasani

7. Understanding OSINT

8. OSINT Business Data: Actionable Intelligence For Company Growth

May 27, 2022

9. OSINT Due Diligence: The New Litmus Test For Investors

10. 6 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Applications for Your Business


11. Using WEBINT and OSINT to tackle extremist groups

12. Producing Actionable Intelligence With OSINT

13. How to Leverage OSINT Data During a Crisis

14. OSINT Geolocation Guide and Best OSINT Geolocation Tools

15. Six Tools To Help With Geolocation

16. Private guard companies recruit over 4.2million people in 6 years - NBS Monday,

17. The economics of Nigeria’s kidnap industry, an update

18. DSS Presented 44 Security Reports Before Kuje Attack

19. Between 2015 and 2022, there were twenty attacks on prison facilities in Nigeria.

20.The FBI reportedly runs more than 70 social media sites!


21. Private guard companies recruit over 4.2million people in 6 years - NBS Monday,


22. OSINT Goes Mainstream: How Security Teams Can Use Open-Source Intelligence
To Help Companies Understand Risk


24.Are spy agencies ready for open-source intelligence?

25.MI5 warns of spies using LinkedIn to trick staff into spilling secrets

26.Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Use by Governments

27.Seven Ways to Use OSINT for Corporate Security

28.The Advantages and Challenges of Utilizing SOCMINT for National Security Affairs

29.Intelligence Studies: Types of Intelligence Collection

30. Social Media Intelligence

31. Social media intelligence, the wayward child of open source intelligence

32.Buhari launches national crisis management doctrine

33.Boko Haram has infiltrated my government, says Jonathan
34.Budget: Despite extra N12 trillion in 7 years, security remains elusive, as education,
health suffer

35.NBC imposes N5 million fine on Trust Television over documentary on banditry



37.With NCMD, Police Have Five Minutes To Respond To Kidnap Attacks – Presidency

38. National Counter-terrorism Strategy (NACTEST)



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