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1. In terms of section 31 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act the employer is to

keep record of all time worked by employees.
2. The required data is required to be available at the Pietermaritzburg office for
perusal by the Dept. of Labour. This data will also affect the payroll system.
3. It has to be appreciated that the Company entities are not centralised and spread over a
wide area. It is thus essential that each of the posts identified above be responsible to
verify and collect such data.

4. With immediate effect the following instructions will apply:

4.1 Attendance Records

4.1.1 A copy of the attendance register/Time Sheets is to be emailed to head

office for the attention:
a. The Assistant Operations Manager
b. The Human Resources Manager
c. Human Resources Clerk

4.1.2 The mentioned email is to reach the office on or before 10:00am on the
first day of every weekly cycle (Monday) will all supporting

4.1.3 Thee monthly payroll cut off will be as per pay period schedule
distributed by the payroll department.

4.1.4 Payroll documentation will not be accepted after the cut-off date,
however due to the nature of operations and in fairness to you
exceptions will be made only under circumstances with proven merit.
4.2 Staff Movement

4.2.1 Where the District Chief Fire Officer, or higher authority, under normal
circumstances, contemplates the transfer of an individual to another
station, the concerned individual is to be issued with a relevant
instruction two weeks prior to the date of reporting to the new station.

4.2.2 The notice period depicted in paragraph 4.2.1 will not apply or have
effect under conditions where temporary transfers is to be executed
on short notice for whatever reason.

4.2.3 In any circumstance where a staff movement had occurred, such

movement is to be reported in writing to the Operations Manager as
well as the Human Resources Manager.

4.3 Salary Adjustments

4.3.1 The Operations Manager or higher authority can exclusively

authorize any salary adjustment.

4.4 Employment of staff

4.4.1 When the necessity occur to employ staff, such employment is to be

approved by the Operations Manager. No staff are to be appointed
without the intervention of Management for final approval.

4.4.2 Once approval is obtained by the Operations Manager the Human

Resources Manager is to be notified for the purpose of advertising,
vetting, and employment etc. of possible candidates.

4.4.3 Appointments shall only be approved where all requirements of PR

103 have been met.

4.5 Communication
4.5.1 For the purpose of legislated parameters and effective record keeping all
communication to staff in regard to status changes are to be in writing
and the original documentation forwarded to the Pietermaritzburg office
for filing purposes.

4.6 Confidentiality

4.6.1 As all HR related communication to employees are of confidential

nature it is to be ensured that all files are to remain confidential by
placing such files behind lock and key. It has to be ensured that the
confidential status of such files is never breached, thus not being left
lying around on office desks etc. and replaced to their original place
once done working with it.

5. A blatant disregard and/or refusal to comply with this order will attract the institution
of disciplinary procedures against such an individual in accordance to Company Policy
and Procedures.

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