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From: Paul Shives
Date: 5th May 2022
Re: Revenue Assessment

Thank you for giving me the chance to analyze your business data and make proposals for growing

your revenue. The following assessment and suggestions are founded on the information you supplied,

which spans the months of May 2004 until June 2006. The following analysis is based solely on this

information. As a result, my suggestions need to be moderated by your understanding of company

reality and the industry in which you operate. Kindly let me know if you have any queries about the

assessment or suggestions.


Considering performance, King recorded the high amount of sales, followed by Liverling in Austria,

whereas Suyama recorded the most negligible sales. There is a wide gap between sales representatives

King and Suyama, the first and the last, respectively. King surpasses Liverling by 1804, a smaller

ranger than Liverling and Peacock, who is the third performer. This shows that the First and second

sales representatives put in more effort than the other sales representatives. Peacock, Fuller, and

Davolio show average performance in Australia. The gap between Peacock and Davolio is 873 and

between Davalio and Fuller is 484 showing that the average performers do not exceed each other by a

significant margin.

Sum of revenue minus discount: Austria


Several factors can determine employee performance. Some employees perform better in countries that

they are familiar with. The language barrier, employee skills, and knowledge are all crucial factors to

consider while determining the performance of each employee in an organization. However, some

employees who are lazy continuously produce lousy performance. Suyama records a low performance

in comparison with King. Suyama, therefore, has the advantage of acquiring the skills and knowledge

that King utilizes to achieve high performance and increase his work efficiency. Employees should

encourage teamwork among themselves where they will be able to acquire different skills and improve

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their performance. Employees have different experiences that equip them with unique skills to share

with others to increase knowledge for work efficiency. It is also essential for organizations to increase

employee motivation to encourage them to work even in complex environments. They should equip the

employees with the necessary professional skills to work with people from various parts of the world.


Peacock, Leveling, and Davalio appear to be the top sales representatives, respectively, while

Dodsworth, Suyama, and Buchanan recorded the least sales. There is a wide gap between the total

revenue generated by Peacock and Leveling, who are the best sellers, compared to Buchanan and

Suyama, who appear at the bottom. Sales representatives who recorded higher sales also recorded the

highest sum of discounts. Peacock, the top sales representative, recorded a total discount of 17296, a

higher amount than Buchanan, who comes at the bottom with a total discount of 6776. The analysis

shows that the representatives use discounts to increase their number of customers or sales. However,

King, who gives his customers more discounts 16728, appears to be below representatives like

Leveling, who offers fewer discounts 10238 than him.

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Total sales per representative


Peacock, Davolio, and Liverling should share their sales strategies with the other representatives to

increase their sales. Sales representatives like King should minimize the total discounts and find other

means of increasing their customer base, for instance, offering services on time and prioritizing their

customer feedback. There is a considerable margin between the best sales representative and the worst.

This shows that some representatives fail to secure more customers to increase sales. Therefore, this

shows the need for the representatives at the bottom to ensure that they learn and share their issues with

the others to develop new operating strategies to better their performance.


In the year 2004/5/6 USA recorded the highest sales of 263567 without discounts and 245585 aft

deduction of the total discounts. Germany closely followed it with total sales of 244641 before

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discounts and 230285 after discounts. The third country recorded slightly lower sales of 139497 before

discounts. There is a massive difference between Germany and Australia, which appear in the wagon

and third positions. Countries at the bottom, for instance, Poland and Norway, have a slight margin

difference. The second last and the third last country have a sales difference of 2384 before discounts

compared to the second and third best countries which recorded a difference of 105144 before

discounts. The total sales of USA and Poland are 260035.


The sales representatives record different sales in different countries. However, they record meager

sales in some countries like Poland and Norway, showing that the representatives need to improve to

increase and balance their performances. The sales representatives should incorporate the selling

strategies that use in USA and Germany to other counties for efficient results. The sales representatives

who record low sales should improve to boost the overall sales in all the countries. It is essential to

increase performance to increase the company's competitive advantage; however, the sales

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representatives should ensure that they do not offer more discounts that might affect the company's

financial performance. However, they should increase product quality and develop better customer

relations skills to enable them to increase their performance.


The sales representatives recorded higher sales in beverages, followed by dairy products and meat or

poultry products. The sales representatives also reported a low sales performance in condiments,

produce, and grains. The number of discounts offered increases with the best selling products. For

instance, representatives gave a total discount of 18659 on beverages and a total discount of 4982 on

grains. It shows that products with several discounts attract more customers than products with low

discounts. The more the representatives make sales, the more they offer discounts. The difference

between the total sales of one product to the other is visible. From the report, customers have their

preferences for assorted products.

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The sales representatives should increase the beverage products and offer different varieties to generate

more sales. Since the beverages have record-high sales already, the sales representatives should focus

on creating efficient market strategies for other products like grains and produce to increase their sales.

Even though beverages are more marketable, the representatives should be careful not to offer higher

discounts to minimize profit generation for the company.


Peacock records the best sales in both the worst and the best countries. Peacock is one of the sales

representatives who has shown continuous excellent performance in countries like Belgium. He was on

top with total sales of 13597 minus discounts defeating the second performer with a total sum of 5923.

Peacock ensures that he dies not come below the third position including in the worst countries, making

him the overall best performer. Fuller and Leveling also show good sales performance in both the worst

and best countries. On the other hand, Suyama records mediocre performance in all the countries. It

shows that there is a lack of motivation in her work. The deficient performance might also be due to a

lack of commitment to her work. Buchanan shows, however, showed good sales performance in

Belgium, which shows his better average performance in both the good and worst countries.

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The sales representatives show different performances in different countries. However, representatives

like Peacock show relatively superior performance in most countries. Therefore, other representatives

must emulate peacocks' commitment to increasing their performance. Representatives like Suyama

should increase their work efficiency by acquiring work motivation strategies. Suyama can also

undergo work training to increase their knowledge and skills to better her performance. It is also

necessary for the company to ensure that they hire qualified employees for their work to avoid

underperformance. Employees who do not meet their targets should also be given a period to better

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their performance; if they fail, the company might consider replacing them with more qualified and

committed employees.


Buchanan Peacock is the best sales representative in Belgium, followed by Buchanan. Even though

Buchanan recorded low performance in some countries, he is the second-best in Belgium. Several

factors may contribute to Buchanan's performance, including an increase in work motivation due to

familiarity with the environment. The relationship between Buchana and the customers in Belgium

might be different compared to the other countries. King also appears in the third position. Peacock and

King show their consistency in their work performance. Leveling, however, performs poorly in

Belgium regardless of her efforts in other countries. Suyama comes in the third last position. She is

appearing in this position severally and comes last in some countries. With increased work

commitment and motivation, the employees increase their performance. Dodswork appears to be an

average performer. He, however, needs to show an increase in his performance to boost the overall

country's performance.

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Work performance is a critical aspect in increasing the customer base and the company's efficiency.

Employees, therefore, need to put in more effort to ensure that they record superior performance.

Employees who are motivated to work can attain their expected targets. Buchanan, for instance, should

find his motivating factors to maintain excellent performance across all the countries. Employees who

show effort increase their work efficiency. Employees who are not commuted to work appear at the

bottom positions in performance. Peacock is an employee who has shown superior performance in

most countries. When employees receive positive work feedback, it increases their motivation which

translates into superior performance. Some employees, for example, Dodsworth, show average

performance, and such employees should also be encouraged to get out of their comfort zone and

perform better. Employees can be encouraged through good incentive programs that help boost their

work morale.

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