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Bee 2 - Final

Task 1

Read the text. Find ten misspelled words and circle them. Then write the correct spelling on the
numbered lines below. There is an example.

Do you rememebre the old man who used to live next door? He was a scary-looking man and he
always carried around his buket of pennies. He used to take it everywhere with him and throw all
the pennies in the wishing well. What do you think he was wishing for when he went to the well at
miday everyday?

Some people used to tell stories about him and the ghosts that lived in his house. I’ve never believed
in that kind of thing, but there is one memory I’ll never forgete. One day, the old man asked me for a
favuor and said ‘Hey Lucas, fatch me a pair of wellies for my feet, will you?’. Of course I agreed
because I was scared, but I was also confused because the man had been wearing a pair of very
expensive desiner shoes! I got him the pair of wellies and he was very grateful – he even gave me a
few pennies to throw in the wishing well. As I was laeving his house, I heard a strange noise coming
from the bedroom. Sunddely, a cold brieze from inside the house sent a shiver right thruogh me and
I ran out of the house as fast as I could. That was the last time I saw the strange old man who lived
next door.

Example: ____remember___________

1) _______________________________ 6) _______________________________

2) _______________________________ 7) _______________________________

3) _______________________________ 8) _______________________________

4) _______________________________ 9) _______________________________

5) _______________________________ 10) ______________________________

BEE 3 Finals CANDIDATE NAME: _________________________________________

Bee 2 - Final
Task 2

Look at the pictures and put the letters in the right order to make the correct spelling of the


____dinosaur__________ ___________________


___________________ ____________________


____________________ ___________________

Task 3 – Listening

You will hear a short recording.

Read the text on your paper and complete the gaps.
You should write one word in each gap.
You will hear the recording twice.

1. My brother has an __________ hobby.

2. He collects __________.
3. He must have at least a __________ pairs now.
4. He often buys them __________.
5. He is always very __________ to find a new pair.

This is the end of the paper.

BEE 3 Finals CANDIDATE NAME: _________________________________________

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