Stylistic Devises & Their Effects

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Stylistic Devises Definition Effect

Alliteration Repetition of initial consonant  Grabs reader’s attention, sort of

sound. punctuates words.
 Also creates mood for e.g. if it’s
an ‘s’ sound, maybe shows
snakelike quantity or hissing.
Perhaps slyness of the narrator
Antithesis Having two opposite ideas in a  Emphasizes ideas.
sentence. “One small step for  Makes it easier to understand
man, one giant leap for the point being made or the
mankind.” complexity of the situation.
Hyperbole Exaggeration of ideas.  Create amusing effect.
 Common human feelings sound
 Can also create contrast if
something is described using
exaggeration and the next
thing isn’t. This attracts
reader’s attention.
 Helps visualize.
Metaphor Comparing two things without  Gives readers another way of
using the words “like” or “as” thinking about something.
 Creates an image for the
 Make it easier to understand
what the reader is saying
(mostly applies to similes).
Simile Comparing two things  Same effect as mentioned for
using the words “like” or “as” the metaphor
Onomatopoeia A word which imitates the  Helps readers hear the sounds,
natural sound of things like allowing them to enter the
“buzzing”, “rustling” or even author’s world.
Personification When an idea or animal is given  Helps readers empathize with
human characteristics. “The sky non-human characters.
weeps.”  Gives deeper meanings as well.
Repetition Repeating words or phrases.  To grab the reader’s attention.
(There are actually many For e.g. repeating a line.
different types of repetition like  Emphasize and create rhythm.
anaphora and epiphora.)
Emotive It refers to word choices that  To persuade the reader or
language are intended to get an listener to share the writer’s
emotional reaction or arouse an point of view.
Flashback The story begins with a  To hook the reader from the
flashback that starts the reader very first sentence
off in the middle of the action
Foreshadowing A technique in which a writer  Makes your reader wonder
includes hints in the text letting what will happen next and
readers know what will happen keeps them reading to find out.
at the end of the story.  Build dramatic tension and
suspense throughout their
Rhetorical A question which is meant to be  Emphasize a point being made.
Question unanswered. Mostly used to as an effect.
 Used to persuade people.
Informal Personal, colloquial sort of  Writing becomes more casual
language language. and relaxed.
 Sets up close relationship with
reader because it appeals to us.
It’s speaking at our level
Formal Doesn’t use colloquialism,  Makes text more authoritative
language contractions or first-person. and powerful.
Passive voice  Make your writing more interesting to read
active voice  Makes your writing clearer and aids the reader in visualizing
what's happening, especially when you use vivid action verbs.
Short/long  Short sentences may make it more authoritative like an order.
sentences  Could also give more clearness.
 Long sentences may sound formal or even conversational.

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