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Don Honorio Ventura State University

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

1. Baluyut, Angelica Mae T.,

2. Dabu, Raymond E.,
3. David, Joven D.,
4. Manese, Sean Michael R.,
5. Tabora, Allen Christian C.,
6. Villanueva, Maricar T.,
(Lucelle, 2017). In other words, "Embutido" belongs to a
I. ABSTRACT category of sausage recipes during the Spanish colonial period
(Evan, 2015). Like most Filipino dishes in Philippine culinary
The abstract This study aimed to develop a new history, Embutido has evolved over the passage of time from
summarizes variety of Embutido made from Rabbit Meat, its Spanish origins. Embutido was developed by Filipinos to
he problem, which could recognize Rabbit Embutido's suit their own taste and liking into some form of meatloaf. At
participants, general acceptability and would introduce a present, Filipino Style Embutido is popularly known as the
hypotheses, healthier way to cook Embutido. This study Philippine version of meatloaf (myfilipinorecipes, 2021).
methods utilized the method of product development. Amid the growing concern regarding the supply of
used, This study has a total of ninety-six (96) chicken and pork, the Department of Agriculture assures the
results, and respondents residing in the researchers’ consuming public of enough meat to feed the country (DA-
barangays. The researchers’ findings, indicates AFID, 2020). The Department of Agriculture (DA) on
that majority of the respondents belong to the 20 Wednesday said it is considering rabbit as an alternative to
years old and below age bracket and most of pork among backyard raisers, citing the shorter growth cycle
them are females. The researchers generalized of the animal than that of pigs affected by the outbreak of
that the respondents' interpretation of Rabbit African swine fever (ASF) in the country (Gomez, 2020). The
Embutido as measured by the respondents in Department of Agriculture has long thought of rabbit meat as
terms of appearance, texture, taste, aroma, and a potential replacement for pork. It revisited the idea again in
its market potential/acceptability which was 2020 when it became apparent that the African swine fever
rated as very acceptable. Majority of the outbreak had yet to be contained (Rivas, 2021).
respondents were willing to pay 125-150 PHP Rabbits are small mammals with fluffy, short tails,
for a piece of Rabbit Embutido with a weight of whiskers and distinctive long ears. There are more than 30
130 grams. The researchers came up with the species around the world, and while they live in many
following suggestions based on the results and different environments, they have many things in common
conclusion: Due of its business acceptability, the (Bradford, 2017).
Rabbit Embutido should be introduced in the This study aims to introduce a new product using
market and popularized. Since the taste and rabbit meat. A meat that has a unique taste and texture but
price is good enough, it is highly recommended. also very nutritious and healthy. The researchers decided to
The researchers also suggest conducting a study make an Embutido out of it that can be prepared for different
to test the product's shelf life and further occasions. Rabbit meat was a chosen replacement to chicken
investigate the health benefits of the product's or pork because taste is similar to chicken yet much more
ingredients. tender. Rabbit meat is very delicious, healthy, and full of
nutrients. Our body needs many proteins to work and rabbit
II. INTRODUCTION meat has many easy digestible proteins that help our body
function normally. Rabbit meat contains proteins even higher
The origin of Filipino-style Embutido than that of beef or chicken (Shah, 2019).
can be traced when Spain colonized the
Philippines for three and a half centuries III. OBJECTIVES
beginning in the middle of the 15th century. This study aims to introduce a new product using
During that time, the Spaniards introduced rabbit meat. A meat that has a unique taste and texture but
different recipes of their sausages such as also very nutritious and healthy. The researchers decided to
Chorizo, Longaniza, and Embutido. It's for this make an Embutido out of it that can be prepared for different
reason why Embutido is regarded as a generic occasions. Rabbit meat was a chosen replacement to chicken
term for sausages in the Spanish language or pork becausetaste is similar to chicken yet much more

tender. Rabbit meat is very delicious, healthy, time spoilage of the product. The powdered milk added a
and full of nutrients. Our body needs many creamy taste and texture.
proteins to work and rabbit meat has many easy
digestible proteins that help our body function Pricing
normally. Rabbit meat contains proteins even
higher than that of beef or chicken (Shah, 2019). The formula used in getting the total selling price is
the sum of food cost (353.07 PHP) divided by the yield (8),
IV. METHODS AND MATERIALS multiplied by 10% of buffer margin (4.41 PHP), 70% of food
Headings and
cost percentage (30.89 PHP) and the packaging cost (10.00
Participants PHP). The total selling price of embutido per piece with the
show the
weight of 130g is 94.43 PHP
paper’s Majority of the respondents, 35 or 36%
organization. belong to 20 years old and below age bracket, Summary of Nutritional Facts
19 or 20% of the respondents are between the
age bracket of 21-30 years old and 31-40 years Based on the assessment of nutritional facts by a
old, 17 or 18% are under 41-50 years old and the dietitian from DOH in figure 4, 130g of Rabbit Embutido has
remaining 6 or 6% are from 51 years old and 345.75 kilocalorie of energy, 21.84 grams of protein, 14.04
above. Majority of them are which composed of grams of fat, 32.88 grams of carbohydrate, 337.96
52 or 54% are females and the remaining 44 or micrograms of calcium, 386.88 micrograms of phosphorus,
46% are males. 2.76 micrograms of iron, 411.38 retinol equivalents of vitamin
A, 0.09 micrograms of thiamin, 0.34 micrograms of
Procedure riboflavin, 7.23 micrograms niacin equivalents of niacin and
0.63 micrograms of vitamin C.
1.In a large bowl, add the Knorr cube and pour
in a little bit of hot water stir until melted. Schematic diagram
2.Place the rabbit meat in a blender and add a
little bit of water until it is ground finely.
3.Add the carrots, red bell pepper, onion, grated
cheese, and raisins in the bowl. Mix thoroughly.
4.Add the bread crumbs.
5.Place the meat mixture in an aluminum foil
and flatten it.
6.Roll the foil to form a cylinder. Once done,
lock the edges of the foil.
7.Place in a steamer and let cook for 1 hour.
8.Let the finish product cool down for a while.
9.Store inside a refrigerator to prolong the shelf Work Plan
life of the product and could be consume the
All works other day.
referred to
in the paper
appear on MATERIALS
the reference Logo and Sample Product
page, listed In the logo, the rabbit represents the
alphabetically meat used as the main ingredient of the product.
The font used symbolizes simplicity but with a
by author
touch of elegance. The inner and outer circle
(or title).
with color brown represents DHVSU. The
circle in the middle that has color orange V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
represents the color of the vegetables put in the
product. While the sample product It has a more This chapter presents the findings of the analysis data
distinct taste and aroma compared to the that answered the study questions. Every variable analysis
traditional embutido. Much longer shelf life were described in tables. The data derived from the
compared to the recent product testing of the respondent’s answers were used in assessing the acceptability
product. We removed the raisins to prevent short of Rabbit Embutido.

Table 6.1 shows the sensory evaluation of the
Table 5. shows the demographic profile of respondents in terms of the product’s texture. Item number 1
the respondents. The majority of the respondents in terms of texture stated “I like the smooth texture of Rabbit
were 20 years old and below, 19 or 20% of them Embutido”. 69 or 72% of the respondents answered Strongly
were under the age bracket of 21-30 years old Agree, and the remaining 27 or 28% answered Agree. None of
and 31-40 years old, 17 or 18% were under 41- the respondents answered Disagree and Strongly Disagree.
50 years old, and the remaining 6 or 6% of the Item number 1 obtained a mean value of 3.67 with a decision
respondents were 51 years old and above. 52 or of Very Acceptable. For item number 2 in terms of texture
54% of the respondents were female and the which stated “I like how the Rabbit Embutido melts in the
remaining 44 or 46% were male. mouth”. 71 or 74% answered Strongly Agree and the
remaining 25 or 26% answered Agree. The mean value
obtained for item number 2 was 3.69 equivalent to the
decision of Very Acceptable.

Table 6.0 shows the sensory evaluation of

the respondents in terms of appearance. Item 1
states “I like the cylindrical shape of Rabbit Table 6.2 shows the sensory evaluation of the
Embutido”. 69 or 72% of the respondents respondents in terms of taste. In item number 1 that stated “I
answered Strongly Agree, 24 or 25% answered like the creamy taste of Rabbit Embutido”. 75 or 78%
Agree, while the remaining 3 or 3% answered answered for Strongly Agree and the remaining 21 or 22%
Disagree. None of the respondents answered answered Agree. Item number 1in terms of taste obtained a
Strongly Disagree for item number 1. This item mean value of 3.73. Item number 2 in which stated “I like the
obtained a mean value of 3.64 with a decision of sweet flavor of Rabbit Embutido”. 66 or 69% answered
Very Acceptable. Meanwhile, for item number 2 Strongly Agree, 29 or 30 % answered Agree and the
which stated “I like the creamy white color of remaining 1 or 1% answered Disagree. Item number 2
Rabbit Embutido, 69 or 69% answered Strongly obtained a mean value of 3.63 with a decision of Very
Agree, 24 or 30% answered Agree and the Acceptable in terms of taste.
remaining 1 or 1% answered Strongly Disagree.
None of the respondents answered Disagree.
Item number 2 obtained a mean value of 3.62
with a decision of Very Acceptable. Meanwhile
for item number 2 states that “I like the creamy
white color of Rabbit Embutido, 69 or 69%
answered Strongly Agree, 24 or 30% answered
Agree and the remaining 1 or 1% answered
Strongly Disagree. None of the respondents
answered for Disagree in item number 2. Item Table 6.3 shows the sensory evaluation of the
number 2 have obtained a mean value of 3.62 respondents in terms of aroma. Item number 1 stated “I like
with a decision of Very Acceptable. (RRL) the rich aroma of Rabbit Embutido”. Item number 1 has 73 or
76% respondents answered Strongly Agree and the remaining
23 or 24% of the respondents answered Agree. Item number 1
in terms of aroma obtained a mean value of 3.71 with a
decision equivalent to Very Acceptable. Item number 2 in
terms of aroma stated “It didn’t have a stench smell”. For item
number 2, 70 or 73% answered Strongly Agree. Item number
2 obtained a mean value of 3.68 with a decision Very

bracket of 21-30 years old and 31-40 years old, 17 or 18% are
under 41-50 years old and the remaining 6 or 6% are from 51
years old and above. Majority of them are which composed of
52 or 54% are females and the remaining 44 or 46% are


The researchers came up with the following

suggestions based on the results and conclusion: Dueto its
Table 7. show’s ratings of the business acceptability, the Rabbit Embutido should be
respondents in terms of the pricing. The introduced to the market and popularized. Since the taste and
majority of the respondents 46 or 48%, preferred price are good enough, it is highly recommended. The
pricing range of Rabbit Embutido to be around researchers also suggest conducting further studies to test the
125 – 150 PHP, 43 or 45% preferred 95 – 110 product's shelf life and further investigate the health benefits
PHP and the remaining 7 or 7% considered 150 of the product's ingredients. It is suggested to find a cheaper
PHP and above. packaging for the product. It is recommended to be introduced
to restaurants where they sell exotic food.


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Table 8. shows the respondents
evaluation for the product’s overall
acceptability. The majority of the respondents
71 or 74% rated overall acceptability of Rabbit
Embutido as Strongly Agree and the remaining
25 or 26% rated Agree with a mean value of
3.69 with a decision of Very Acceptable.
Bradford A. (2017). Rabbits: Habits, Diet & Other Facts,
retrieved from;
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