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Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы из предложенных вариантов. Если вы не

знаете ответа на вопрос, выберите пункт «I don't know».

1 My name ________ Kathy.

 will
 are
 am
 is
 I don't know
2 They ______________ good friends.
 have
 is
 are
 isn't
 I don't know
3 Do you live in Moscow? Yes, _____
 I don't
 do you
 you do
 I do
 I don't know
4 This is ____________ pen.
 Peter
 a Peter's
 Peters
 Peter's
 I don't know
5 They like ______________ football.
 do
 playing
 play
 are playing
 I don't know
6 Why __________________ live in Paris?
 you do
 you
 do you
 are you
 I don't know
7 _________________ any orange juice?
 Is there
 Aren't there
 Are there
 There is
 I don't know
8 Can ___________________ a piece of paper?
 have I
 I have
 I am
 I don't know
9 I ________________ on holiday in August.
 am usually go
 usually go
 go usually
 usually
 I don't know
10 She usually stays ________________ home.
 to
 on
 at
 in
 I don't know
11 He _________________ swim very well.
 can't
 don't can
 can't to
 not can
 I don't know
12 They ____________________ basketball yesterday.
 play
 are played
 played
 did played
 I don't know
13 There aren't ______ people in the street.
 some
 the
 any
 ___
 I don't know
14 I am ___________________ person in the world.
 the happiest
 happy
 happier
 happiest
 I don't know
15 He _________________ very powerful enemies.
 have got
 has got
 does has
 got
 I don't know
16 Where's the dog? It _________________ in the garden.
 plays
 playing
 play
 is playing
 I don't know
17 When ____________________ to buy me a computer?
 are you going
 you are going
 you going
 are you going to
 I don't know
18 I _________________________ to France.
 has never been
 have never been
 was never
 never was
 I don't know
19 I would like ___________________ to the beach.
 to go
 go
 go to
 going
 I don't know
20 Theatre is a novel ______________ W. Somerset Maugham
 of
 with
 at
 by
 I don't know
21 Peter ________________________ when the phone rang.
 slept
 were sleeping
 was slept
 was sleeping
 I don't know
22 He is reading ________ newspaper.
 the
 ___
 a
 an
 I don't know
23 The doorbell is ringing. I ___________________ it.
 am going to get
 will get
 get
 got
 I don't know
24 I ______________________ work late last Tuesday.
 must
 had to
 could
 must to
 I don't know

25 If I ______________________ to the post office, I'll post this letter for you.
 would go
 will go
 went
 go
 I don't know
26 She ________________________ smile a lot, but now she doesn't.
 use to
 is used
 used to
 did use to
 I don't know
27 Most computers _______________________ in Asia.
 were make
 are make
 make
 are made
 I don't know
28 If it wasn't so hot, I __________________________ some beer.
 drink
 will drink
 would have drunk
 would drink
 I don't know
29 When we _____________________ at the post office, it had been already closed.
 arrived
 arrive
 have arrived
 had arrived
 I don't know
30 They said they ____________________________ the music and left the pub.
 didn't like
 don't like
 like
 not like
 I don't know
31 It's a lovely place. I ____________________ a wonderful time here. Too bad I'll
have to leave soon.
 have been having
 was having
 had
 have having
 I don't know
32 He enjoys _________________________.
 to diving
 dive
 to dive
 diving
 I don't know

33 He decided ____________________ the party.

 leaving
 leave
 to leave
 left
 I don't know
34 You __________________ put it back before the boss comes back, won't you?
 won't have
 will
 will have
 have
 I don't know
35 If you had studied harder, you _____________________ failed your exams.
 wouldn't have
 won't
 wouldn't
 hadn't
 I don't know
36 This time next week I _______________________ in the sea.
 swim
 will swim
 will be swimming
 am swimming
 I don't know
37 I didn't go ________________________ last night.
 somewhere
 some where
 nowhere
 anywhere
 I don't know
38 I like learning English _______________________.
 by my own
 with myself
 on myself
 on my own
 I don't know
39 I think _____________________ cars are quite expensive. Public transport is
cheaper and sometimes more convenient.
 the
 a
 ___
 an
 I don't know
40 He thinks too much ________________________________ himself.
 of
 on
 in
 at
 I don't know

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