LC Toeic T7

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‘eo ner -on rm ToRIe "THEME ANH CAC cAP m4 Hoe LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate now well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. PART 4 ‘or each question in this pert, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be ‘spoken only one time, 3 Statement (C), “They're sitting at a table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. 146 (GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TEST? 105 is cae os 2 106 ‘Guo nif? - ON Tin TORIC TENG ANH CAC CAP BSE HOC uso TIEP- Ox TH ToEIE ‘TIENG ANH eAC CAP BSC HOC G0.0N TO THE NEXT PAGE nd TEST? 107 ae 68 PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question ‘cu THERON 1H ToEIC ‘HEME ANH EAC eAP ue Hoe or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. 10. "1. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 47. 18. 19. 108 Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. cuso Tip - on TH ToEIC TIENG ANH CAC CAP BAC HOC PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), of (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 32. Where most likely are the speakers? (A) Ata fitness center {B) Ata doctor's office (C) Ata pharmacy (0) Ata bank 33. What did the woman do in advance? (A) She checked some business hours (B) She made a list of questions, (C) She paid for a service online. (0) She completed some forms. 34. What does the woman say she will do? (A) Get her coat (B) Retum to a parking garage (C) Look through a magazine (D) Connect to the Internet 35. Where most likely are the speakers? (A) Ata farm (8) Ata restaurant (©) Ata grocery store (0) Ata catering company 36. What does the woman say will happen soon? (A) Some friends will join her. (B) She will apply for a job. (C) She will pay her bill (D) An anniversary will be celebrated. 37. What does the man imply when he says, “They're selling quickly"? (A) An item may be unavailable soon. (8) An item is not expensive. (C) Adelivery should be made immediately. (D) Some help will be needed. 38. 39. at. 42. 43, Where does the man most likely work? (A) Ata ferry terminal (B) Ata bus depot (C) Atan airport (D) Ata train station What problem does the woman have? (A) Her colleague is late. (B) Her suitcase is broken, (C) Asecurity line is long, (D) She lost her ticket. What will the man borrow from one of his coworkers? (A) Apen (B) Akey (C) Ajacket (0) Amobile phone ae Ty Where do the women work? (A) Ata construction company (8) Atan automotive factory (C) Ata chemical plant (0) Atan interior design firm ‘What is the man’s job? (A) Warehouse manager (8) Computer engineer (C) Sales representative (D) Building inspector What does Insook plan to do in the afternoon? (A) Finalize a contract (B) Watch a demonstration (C) Visita property (D) Meet with potential investors (G0.ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. TeST7 109 45. 46. 47. 49. 110 ‘Guo nif? -ON Tin ToEIC TENG ANH CAC CAP BBE HOC Why is the man calling? (A) To hire a moving truck (8) To schedule a job interview (C) To make a payment (D) To ask about renting an apartment What does the woman suggest the man do soon? (A) Create an online account (B) Schedule an appointment (C) Take some measurements (D) Review a contract ‘What does the man say he will do? (A) Call back next week (8) Write a report (C) Use another agenoy (0) Contact some references Why was the man late to work? (A) He was stuck in traffic. (B) He missed a train. (C) He had a doctor's appointment. () He woke up late. What is scheduled to be delivered today? (A) Company uniforms. (B) Desktop computers (C) Cleaning supplies (D) Informational brochures ‘What business will the man call? (A) Aplumbing service (B) Acatering company (C) An automotive repair company (0) An electronics recycling center 50. 51. 52. 53. Who most likely is the woman? (A) Aclient (B) Asupervisor (C) An intern, (D) Avendor What is a benefit of a new material? (A) Itis strong. (B) Itis lightweight. (C) Itis warm, (0) Itis soft What will the speakers do next? (A) Contact a colleague (B) Plan a celebration (C) Look at some samples (0) Review a document What type of event are the speakers discussing? (A) Aholiday party (8) Aconference (C) Agrand opening (0) Ajob fair What does the woman say attendees will receive? (A) A discounted rate (B) Aralfie ticket (C) Free transportation (0) Acity map What do the speakers need to do soon? (A) Write a short speech (B) Submit a budget report (C) Notify some employees (0) Sign a contract 56. 87. 59. 60. 61. ‘euso nie? oN "TENG ANH EAC CAP BAC HO ‘Who most likely is the man? (A) An advertising executive (8) A factory manager (C) Acustomer service representative {D) A product designer What does the woman imply when she says, “Our clients are interested in environmentally friendly products”? (A) She is frustrated with her clients, (B) She is surprised by some feedback. (C) She approves of the man’s idea. {B) She thinks the man is unfamiliar with ag topic. 3 What does the man say will take place on Friday? (A) An awards ceremony (8) Amanagers’ meeting (C) Asatety inspection (D) Atraining class cr Who is the man? (A) An art gallery owner (B) Astore manager (C) Ahair stylist (D) Areal estate agent ‘What does the woman say happened last week? (A) She visited some relatives. (8) She received a raise. {G) She gave a presentation (D) She purchased a building. ‘What does the man recommend doing? (A) Postponing a project (B) Using a mobile phone application (C) Creating some promotional fiyers (D) Ordering some name tags Inbox: DX] Bj! 0 From Subject GhovdieU Thue dcamentny Else Chet Riveron promotional video ‘nyo Lundy Taka to Tring edule Location suggestions What problem are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) An event venue is unavailable, (6) Aproject deadline has passed. (C) Adocument contains spelling errors. (0) Avideo file is not working. Look at the graphic, Whose e-mail does the woman mention? (A) Claudine Lis (8) Elise Choi (C) Anya Lundly’s () Madoka Ito's ‘What event will happen this weekend? (A) Alocal election (8) Acorporate fund-raiser (C) Acity festival (0) Asports competition oa 5B (G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, — rest? 114 iefaix] fl a "HE Check Out Item 231 trom 498 Paper-Small Paper-Large @ Hem 540 Plastic-Large Ttem 762 Plastic—Small 65. What does the man say the store has recently done? (A) Replaced some equipment (B) Updated a company logo (C) Installed a security system (D) Painted some shelving units 66. Look at the graphic. Which item will the store order? (A) Item 231 (6) Item 498 (C) Item 540 (0) Item 762 67. What does the man say he will do next? (A) Print a receipt (B) Stock some shelves (C) Finalize a schedule (0) Find a credit card 12 ‘ON mi ToRIe ‘EME ANH ext eXP He Hoe [Courthouse| 68. Who most likely are the speakers? 70. (A) Lawyers (8) Bakers (C) Accountants (©) Doctors. Look at the graphic. Which building does the man say he likes? (A) Building 1 (@) Building 2 (C) Building 3 (0) Building 4 What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) E-mail a real estate agent (B) Make a lunch reservation (C) Contact some colleagues {D) Upload some photographs ‘ciao TEP -ON THI TOEIC “nENG AMF CAC EAP BNE HOC PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 71. Why is the speaker calling? (A) To explain a schedule change (8) To discuss an upcoming conference (C) To request approval for an expense (0) To confirm an e-mail address 72, What does the speaker say about a job candidate? (A) He requires additional training. (B) He has good references. (C) He speaks several languages. {O) He does not live in the area. 73. What did the speaker send in an e-mail? (A) Arésumé (B) Acost estimate (C) Ameeting agenda (0) Atour itinerary 74, Where are the listeners? (A) Inan airport (6) Onatrain (C) Ata theater (0) Ona ferry 75. What are the listeners with e-tickets asked to 0? (A) Check their seat numbers (B) Increase their screen's brightness (C) Come to the front of the fine (0) Download a mobile application 76. Why does the speaker say, “you shouldn't leave any belongings on the seat next to you"? (A) To ask the listeners to clear space (6) To remind the listeners about forgotten items (C) To explain safety regulations (D) To clarify the checked baggage policy 77. 78. 79. at. 82. Why is the speaker calling? (A) To reschedule an inspection (8) Te request a demonstration (C) To book a vacation package (D) To change an order What has the speaker's company recently done? (A) It changed its hours of operation, (B) It hired additional staff. (C) It moved to a new location. (©) It started a health program. What does the speaker encourage the listener to do? (A) Display some products (B) Offer some coupons (C) Create a handbook (D) Expedite a delivery =i i a he Si Where do the listeners most likely work? (A) Ata health food store (B) Ata restaurant (C) Ata spice factory (D) Ata vegetable farm What are the listeners preparing for today? (A) Aseasonal sale (8) Acooking class (C) Abaking contest (D) Agrand opening Who is Ingrid Vogel? (A) Anewspaper journalist {B) Ahealth inspector (C) Afamous chef (0) An interior decorator (GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Test 7 113 ‘cu TEP ox TH TOEIE “TIENG ANH EAC C&P BAC HOC ¢ 83. Where is the tour taking place? (A) Atan art museum (B) Ata pottery workshop (C) Ata clothing design studio (0) Ata glass factory ‘84. Why does the speaker say, “we ship to customers all over the world"? (A) To reassure the listeners about a service (B) To explain why a storage area is large (C) To emphasize the popularity of some products (0) To make a suggestion for a gift 85. What does the speaker say is available to the listeners? (A) An event calendar (B) Adiscount on a purchase (C) A subscription to a newsletter (D) Entry ina prize drawing ‘86. What is the purpose of the speaker's organization? (A) To advise businesses about mergers (B) To arrange travel for executives (C) To share resources with new business ‘owners (D) To recruit volunteers for a research study 87. What did the listeners do on March 15? (A) They signed some documents. (6) They purchased some materials, (C) They downloaded some software. {D) They wrote some proposals. 88. What will the listeners do in a few minutes? (A) Congratulate a colleague (B) Vote on a policy change (C) Create an advertisement (D) Meet with mentors 14 89. What does the speaker say is a top priority? (A) Increasing product sales (B) Keeping quality employees (C) Improving worker efficiency (0) Lowering manufacturing costs 90. Who is Helen Liu? (A) Acompany spokesperson (B) Ahuman resources consultant (C) Acigital marketing expert (0) Acourse instructor 91. Why does the speaker say, “this affects all of us"? (A) To encourage participation (B) To congratulate a team (C) To discourage future errors (D) To apologize for a delay 92. What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To demonstrate a work process (B) To choose a job applicant (C) To present a marketing plan (0) To review some sales reports 93. What does the speaker say about the company's current customers? (A) They are unhappy with a service (8) They live mainly in cities, (C) Many of them work in technology. (D) Many of them are young, 94, What feature of Soft-Palm 51 does the speaker emphasize? (A) Its easy to carry. (B) Itis less expensive than expected. (C) Itis energy efficient. (0) Itis faster than previous models. iso Ti? -oN TH TORIC “nieve ANH cAC CAP AE HO Mondoy | Tesdoy | Wednesday Thursday O 95, What is causing a delay? 96. a7. (A) Aholiday parade (B) Abroken traffic light (C) An icy road (0) Afallen tree What does the speaker advise the listeners todo? (A) Take an alternate route home (B) Take public transportation (C) Drive carefully (D) Postpone travel Look at the graphic. When will a sporting event take place? (A) On Monday (B) On Tuesday (C) On Wednesday (D) On Thursday This is the end of the Listening test. 100. Fall Lecture Ser Date Name September 19 __| Jung-Hoon Kim October 17 Mei Na Zhang November 14 Maryam Alaoui December 15 Isamu Nakamura 98. Who most likely are the listeners? (A) Librarians (8) Engineers (C) Polticians (D) Biologists 99, Look at the graphic. Which lecturers is the speaker excited to hear? (A) Jung-Hoon Kim (B) Mei Na Zhang (C) Maryam Alaoui (0) Isamu Nakamura What will the listeners most likely do next? (A) Vote for a board member (B) Share a meal (C) Participate in a workshop (0) Pay membership fees. (ae Te TEST 115

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