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Characteristics of Centrifugal Pump

Location: N1.2 B4-16

Name: _______________________________________

Matric Number: _______________________________________

Group: _______________________________________

Date of experiment: _______________________________________


Fluid machines (or turbomachineries) are usually characterised in two distinct classes:
rotodynamic or positive displacement. In the former, relative motion is required between the
rotating element of the machine (the 'rotor') and the fluid stream, whereas in the latter the
machine components mechanically displace a set volume of fluid. In a rotodynamic machine,
therefore, the changes in fluid velocity and pressure between inlet and outlet are of considerably
greater significance in determining performance than for a positive displacement
machine, where essentially machine speed is the key operating parameter.

The centrifugal pump (Figure 1) is a radial flow rotodynamic machine, wherein the fluid is
drawn into the center of a rotating impeller and is thrown outwards by centrifugal action. As a
result of the high speed of rotation, the liquid acquires a high kinetic energy. However, as the
fluid leaves the impeller (at a larger radius), its velocity is reduced, and the kinetic energy is
converted into pressure energy. This gives rise to the pressure difference between the suction
and delivery sides of the pump. An understanding of pump behaviour and performance requires
measurement/calculation of these (and potential) energies.

Figure 1. A schematic diagram of basic elements of a centrifugal pump. (Munson, Young

and Okiishi, “Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002)

The operating characteristics of a pump are often conveniently shown by plotting head H,
power Pgr, and an efficiency Egr against discharge flow Qv for a series of constant speeds N,
as shown in Figure 2. It is important to note that the efficiency reaches a maximum and then
falls, whilst the head at first falls slowly with Qv but eventually falls off rapidly. The optimum
conditions for operation occur when the required 'duty point' or operating point of head and
flow coincides with a point of maximum efficiency.

In this experiment, you will use the Armfield FM51 demonstration unit (Figure 3) to determine
and understand the operating characteristics of a centrifugal pump using 'on-line' data
acquisition and analysis.

Figure 2. Typical operating characteristics of a centrifugal pump.

Theory – Energy Transfer in a Pump

The general relationship between the various forms of energy, based on the 1st Law of
Thermodynamics applied to a unit mass of fluid flowing through a ‘control volume’ (such as
the pump itself) can be expressed as:
𝑣𝑣 2
−𝑊𝑊𝑠𝑠 = 𝑑𝑑 � 2 � + 𝑔𝑔(𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑) + ∫ 𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 + 𝐹𝐹 (1)

𝑣𝑣 2
Where –Ws is the mechanical shaft work performed on the fluid, 𝑑𝑑 � 2 � is the change in kinetic
energy of the fluid, g(dz) is the change in potential energy of the fluid, ∫ 𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 is the change in
pressure energy, where V is the volume per unit mass of the fluid, and F is the frictional energy
loss as heat to the surroundings or in heating the fluid itself as it travels from inlet to outlet.

For an incompressible fluid of constant density ρ (assumed throughout in this experiment):

1 (𝑝𝑝2 − 𝑝𝑝1 )
� 𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 = � � � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 =
𝜌𝜌 𝜌𝜌

where p is the pressure, and subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the pump inlet and outlet, respectively.
The first three terms on the right hand side of the equation (1) represent the useful work Wai.e:

𝑣𝑣22 −𝑣𝑣12 (𝑝𝑝2 −𝑝𝑝1 )

𝑊𝑊𝑎𝑎 = �
� + 𝑔𝑔(𝑧𝑧2 − 𝑧𝑧1 ) + 𝜌𝜌

The term Wa represents the actual work performed in changing the energy of a unit mass of
the fluid. This may alternatively be presented as the total dynamic head H of the pump, by
converting the units from work per unit mass to head expressed as a length:

𝑊𝑊𝑎𝑎 𝑣𝑣22 −𝑣𝑣12 (𝑝𝑝2 −𝑝𝑝1 )

= 𝐻𝐻 = � � + (𝑧𝑧2 − 𝑧𝑧1 ) + (3)
𝑔𝑔 2𝑔𝑔 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌


Figure 3. The experiment set-up

The equipment comprises of two identical centrifugal water pumps driven by electric motors
which are mounted on a support plinth together with a clear acrylic reservoir and associated
interconnecting pipework for continuous circulation. Configurations of either series, parallel or
single pump operation can be set using the appropriate valves. Clean water is used as the
operating fluid and a drain valve at the base of the reservoir allows the water to be drained after
The flow of water through the centrifugal pumps is regulated by a flow control valve installed
in the discharge pipework of the unit. Adjustment of this valve allows the head/flow produced
by the pumps, either separately or combined, to be varied.
Appropriate sensors are incorporated on the unit and linked to the PC (via an IFD Interface
Console) to facilitate on-line data acquisition and analysis of the pump performance.

Setting the flow path
The system may be configured to drive flow using single or parallel pumps.
The system valves are as shown:

Single Pump

Parallel Pumps

Valves should be set to configure the system as follows. The software should also be set to the
corresponding flow path to ensure that the correct calculations are performed.

Part I: Pump Inherent Characteristics


To obtain the Head-Flow curve (Characteristic or Performance Curves) for a centrifugal pump.

Theoretical Background:

The best way to describe the operating characteristics of a centrifugal pump is using the
characteristic curves (Figure 4). This figure shows the interrelation of discharge pressure or
head H, capacity Qv, efficiency Egr, and power input Pgr, for a given pump at inherent speed
(motor speed changes with load).

The H - Qv curve shows the relation between total head and capacity. The pressure increase
created by a centrifugal pump is commonly expressed in terms of the head of the fluid. This
discharge head H is independent of the density of the fluid. In Figure 4, the head increases
continuously as the capacity is decreased; this type of curve is referred to as a rising
characteristic curve. A stable head-capacity characteristic curve is one in which only one
capacity can be obtained at any one head. Pump selection should be made such that stable
operating characteristics are available.

Figure 4. Characteristic curves for a centrifugal pump.

The Pgr - Qv curve shows the relation between power input and pump capacity. The Egr - Qv
curve relates pump efficiency to capacity. For a pump having the characteristics of Figure 4,
maximum efficiency would occur at a volume flow rate of 0.7 dm³/sec, and a pump total head
of 1.2m.

Experimental Set-up and Procedures:
1. Ensure the Inlet valve and Gate valve are both fully open. (Turn anti-clockwise, Hand-
tight, Do not Overturn).
2. Set the 3-Way valve for flow in Single. (Refer to diagram on page 5).
3. Close Pump 2 outlet valve. (This will prevent flow through Pump 2, thus directing all the
flow through a single pump, Pump 1).
4. Run FM51 software. Select Single pump mode.
5. In the software, set the Pump 1 setting to 80% (equivalent to 50Hz). Click on ‘О’ icon to on
Pump 1.
6. Allow water to circulate until all air bubbles has been flushed out from the system. (Take
note of the maximum flow rate under this setting).
7. Close the Gate valve to give a flow rate equivalent or close to 0. Important: Hand Tight
will do! (Note that the pump will not run well with the gate valve closed or nearly closed, as the
back pressure produced is outside normal operating parameters. The pump should begin to run
more smoothly as the experiment progresses. Do not leave the pump on with closed discharge
valve as the water will heat up, pressure built up will also damage the pump. Go on to the next
point as soon as possible).

8. Select icon to record sensor readings and pump settings on the results table in software.
9. Open the Gate valve to give a small increment in flow rate. Allow sufficient time for the
sensor readings to stabilize, click on to record readings.
10. Repeat step (9) for a gradually increasing set of discharge valve openings, i.e. increasing
values of flow Qv. The final sample point will correspond to the discharge valve being fully
open. (Record 15 points between zero and maximum flow rate).
11. Save your data in Excel 5.0 file format.
12. Now, repeat steps (5) to (11) by running Pump 1 setting at 100% (equivalent to 60Hz).
Examine the acquired data on the software. Save data results.
13. Set Pump 1 setting to 0%. Switch off pump by clicking on ‘О’ icon. Tidy up your work and
get ready for the next experiment.

Part II: Parallel Pump Operation


To demonstrate the operating characteristics of two pumps running in a parallel pumping


Theoretical Background:

Should the head or flow rate of a single pump not be sufficient for an application, pumps can
be combined in series to obtain an increase in head, or in parallel for an increase in flow rate.
When two pumps operate in series the combined pump head-capacity curve is found by adding
the heads of the single pump curves at the same capacity. Similarly, for parallel pumps the
head-capacity curve is found by adding the capacities of the single pump curves at the same
head (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Head-Capacity curves for single and parallel pumps.

Experimental Set-up and Procedures:

1. Ensure the Inlet valve and Gate valve are both fully open. (Turn anti-clockwise, Hand-
tight, Do not Overturn).
2. Set the 3-Way valve for flow in Parallel. (Refer to diagram on page 5).
3. Fully open Pump 1 outlet valve and Pump 2 outlet valve. Opening both valves fully ensures
that the outlet pressure on both pumps is equal.
4. Run FM51 software. Select Parallel pump mode.
5. In the software, set the Pump 1 setting to 80% (equivalent to 50Hz). (Speed of Pump 2 is

fixed at its design operational point). Click on ‘О’ icons to on Pump 1 and Pump 2.
6. Allow water to circulate until all air bubbles has been flushed out from the system. (Take
note of the maximum flow rate under this setting).
7. Close the Gate valve to give a flow rate equivalent or close to 0. Important: Hand Tight
will do! (Note that the pump will not run well with the gate valve closed or nearly closed, as the
back pressure produced is outside normal operating parameters. The pump should begin to run
more smoothly as the experiment progresses. Do not leave the pump on with closed discharge
valve as the water will heat up, pressure built up will also damage the pump. Go on to the next
point as soon as possible).

8. Select icon to record sensor readings and pump settings on the results table in software.
9. Open the Gate valve to give a small increment in flow rate. Allow sufficient time for the
sensor readings to stabilize, click on to record readings.
10. Repeat step (9) for a gradually increasing set of discharge valve openings, i.e. increasing
values of flow Qv. The final sample point will correspond to the discharge valve being fully
open. (Record 15 points between zero and maximum flow rate).
11. Save your data in Excel 5.0 file format.
12. Now, repeat steps (5) to (11) by running Pump 1 setting at 100% (equivalent to 60Hz).
Examine the acquired data on the software. Save data results.
13. Set Pump 1 setting to 0%. Switch off both pumps by clicking on ‘О’ icons. Tidy up your
work bench before you leave the laboratory.

“Instruction Manual FM21”, Armfield Ltd. UK., 2005.

“Instruction Manual FM51”, Armfield Ltd. UK., 2013.

Robert W. Fox, Alan T. McDonald and Philip J. Pritchard, “Introduction to Fluid

Mechanics”, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

James O. Wilkes, “Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.

Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young and Theodore H. Okiishi, “Fundamentals of Fluid

Mechanics”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Questions to be answered in both Logsheet/ Short Report (except the
parts highlighted in italics) and Formal Report. (to be submitted with Cover

1. Using your data obtained in Part I (single pump operation), plot in either a single figure
or three separate figures the Head-Capacity, Power-Capacity, Efficiency-Capacity
curves at both speeds. (Your figure(s) must be clearly labeled). Comment on the trends
of the curves obtained, and compare the pump performance at the two speeds.

2. What are the Best Efficiency Points (BEP), the corresponding Head and Flowrates at
these points? Comment on the efficiency of the pump used in the experiment.

The overall efficiency of the pump can be defined as the ratio of “useful” power
absorbed by the fluid to input power to the pump. Suggest three losses which could have
contributed to the reduced overall efficiency of the pump in your experiment.

Develop an equation to determine the overall efficiency of the pump.

3. With reference to the Head-Capacity curves obtained, what is name of the point
corresponding to zero flow rate?

Obtain a mathematical expression or equation for the pump performance curve, stating
clearly the constants. (Hint: You may use curve-fitting; and plot your fitted curve against
the measured data; Example 10.4, Fox et al., 2004)

4. Using your data obtained in Part II for the parallel pump operation, plot the Head-
Capacity curves at both pump speeds against those obtained in Part I for the single pump
operation. (Your figure must be clearly labeled). Comment on the curves (parallel pump
operation vs single pump operation). Based on the single pump curve, theoretically, how
could you obtain the Head-Capacity curve for a parallel pump system? Sketch the
theoretical curve on the figure you plot in (5). Comment on the differences (theoretical
vs experimental), if any.

As in (3), obtain a mathematical expression and fitted curve for the parallel pump

5. State four components in the flow system which could contribute to the system head.

Formal Report (Only for students submitting the Formal report)

The Formal Report should consist of (with the Title Page):

a) Aim
b) Principles (keep to about one page).
c) Experimental Procedures (including equipment and materials used)
d) Results and Discussion (answer ALL Questions)
e) Conclusions


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