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Third Sec. 1st Term 1435 ..

Revision Unit :4 Mega Goal 5

A. Vocabulary:1/ Fill in the blanks with the suitable words: -

]animated – abrupt -prominent– idiosyncratic - delusion – capture – prestigious – untimely [

1. The …………………… ending of the film surprised us.

2. Chris O' Donnell played the part of Hemingway, a ……………………… American writer.

3. Finding Nemo and Toy Story are two examples of …………………….. movies.

4. Geniuses are often quite …………………… individuals. They have unusual behavior and habits.
5. A cameraman's job is to ………………….. the scenes on film.

6. ……………………….. can sometimes be a symptom of mental instability.

7. A young actor's ………………….. death in an accident usually gets wide media coverage.

8. The Noble Prize is the most …………………….. award a scientist can win.

2/Match the words to their meanings:

1. enduring ( ) meet something difficult or dangerous.
2. confront ( ) save someone from danger or harm .
3. rescue ( ) catch and keep as a prisoner .
4. capture ( ) lasting.
5. crucial ( ) extremely important.
6. animated ( ) changed .
7. altered ( ) illustrated or drawn .
8. defect ( ) imperfection.
9. exotic ( ) great, remarkable.
10. prestigious ( ) important .
11. defect ( ) unusual and attractive.
12. phenomenal ( ) imperfection.

B/Grammar: Choose:

a. Neither my brothers nor my uncle ( wants – want – wanting ) to see that film .

b. I like dramas, ( so – or – but ) I like comedy shows more.

c. He is not only hardworking, ( but also – nor – and ) intelligent.

d. Neither John nor his parents ( plan – plans – planning ) to go to graduation.

e. She was bored, ( or – so – yet ) she called her friend.

f. Both ice and vapor ( is – are – am ) states of water.

g. We ( are not – are ) neither angry ( or – nor ) disappointed.

h. One form of media is TV ( so – and – or ) another is the Internet.

i. Both my brother and my father ( likes – like – liking ) adventure films.

C/Do as shown between brackets :

1. The hero will win in the end. The villain will win in the end. [ Combine the sentences ]


2.I wasn’t tired. I wasn’t hungry. [ Combine the sentences ] .


3. Marlin is a character in the animated film. Dory is a character in the animated film. Combine


4.He loved the exhibition, so went to see it again. [ Correct the error ]

5.The documentary was not only popular, and also it won an award. [ Correct the error ]

6.In the end the hero saved the city, but he got the money. [ Correct the error ]

May Allah Bless You

.Teacher / Nawal S. H

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