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January 2011

for private circulation only


This happened to me when I was in school. I was playful and had lot of friends and all of them were talented in various things like music, sports, dramatics and so on. But I always wondered about my talents and I asked Jesus Christ about this and asked Him to show me what my talent is. During those days I participated in the singing competition in my school and I was eliminated in the earlier round because I could not sing well. I was discouraged and became sad. I asked Jesus to help me, I prayed and I tried. The next time I succeeded. I won the first place and every time I sang I came first. Till I was in that school I always stood first. I also won the inter school and district competitions. Today I am a soloist for one of India's leading Choir, the Paranjoti Choir. I have also sung in front of the Russian Dignitaries in Russia. Jesus answers our prayers. - Winston Travasso

Dream Big Dream Big

Dear Friends, I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year 2011. I am happy to meet you through this newsletter called H2O. This will bring joy and peace to you . I am Jennie and I am doing my Masters in Social Work in Mumbai. Sometime back I was reading an ancient book by a Palestinian Prophet named Haggai. In his book he tells us how God builds individuals to do great things in this world. From the time I was a child I was always eager to help people. I always used to wonder whether I would ever be able to really reach out to people and help meet their needs . The amount of problems I saw in the world left me feeling helpless and frustrated. As I grew up, I realized that God really cares for each person and their problems. As we submit to Him, He uses us all as instruments to bring in the change. When God has placed a desire in us, He takes care of all the requirements. Whatever our needs are, both as individuals and as a community. Dream Big! He has such an awesome plan for all of us. It is indeed beyond our imagination! I look back at my childhood dream and see how far He has brought me and I know this is only the beginning. Whatever dream the Lord has birthed in us, He will bring it to fulfillment and will use it to touch the world. Even our church is a place of blessing. God says The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, and in this place I will grant peace, from this day on I will bless you. - Jennie Abraham

I Own a House at 26
Nothing is impossible for Jesus. My life has changed because of Jesus. One day while preaching, the pastor told us that Jesus loves us and gives homes to the homeless. I went home and told my mother about this and we both began to ask the Lord Jesus Christ for a house. After 3 months I went to see a house with my mother. As I entered ,it looked as if the Lord is telling me that this is the house I want to give you. Then I realized that I had not planned anything regarding the finances. But always I felt that all things are possible for Jesus. Now I had to arrange for a huge sum of money for the payment, so I kept on praying. My faith was built, as I attended the regular times of prayer every Sunday this was really encouraging. The money was arranged from unexpected sources. Its only because of Jesus, I was able to get the house, at such an early age. For our Lord nothing is impossible.

- Rina Nayak

Enter Success
One day my friend invited me to a friendship day party. I thought of attending it so that I could make more friends and become more popular. That day I was not in a good mood because I had fought with my father for no reason. I hoped to meet a friend who would understand me, I had lots of friends but no one understood me, nor did I respect any of them. At the party and I met a friend. This friend loved me before I loved him. This friend knew me before I was born. for the first time in my life I understood what true friendship meant. This friend never left me from that day. He died for me and came to life the third day and His name is JESUS. The first thing Jesus taught me was to value people. I always loved things and used people. He made me understand the value of my parents whom I seldom honored. He taught me the value of my friends, my brothers, my sisters and my life. Today I have good friends. More importantly, I now value each relationship. Jesus changed my attitude towards people, He taught me to love everyone - Trushit Solanki I am 20 years old and I am studying in the final year of B.M.S.. My course requires a lot of work on the computer. For all the projects and presentations I need a computer. My parents cannot afford to give me a computer so I don't have one at home. I was purely dependant on cyber cafes and they are very expensive.I realised that It would cost me thousands of rupees to finish my projects and presentations in the final year. I could not afford this. I didn't know what to do. During such times I would always pray to Jesus. Because I knew that He loves me, He would help me. Jesus is very faithful. He knows how to perform miracles. Something impossible happened in my life. In college, a boy met me and told me to use his computer. I knew him since he is my classmate. But I didn't know him too well. But he approached me and told me that I could use his computer which was in his house. He invited me to his house and helped me make projects and also said that I could also use his printer. For the last 2 years he has been helping me by providing his house, his laptop, his printer for all my project work. I am very grateful to Lord Jesus Christ for answering my prayer. When there is no way in front of us, when we are confused about what to do. Jesus will make a way. He can make a road in the desert and a highway in the sea. - Shashank Mishra

Change on the Way

Jesus has touched our family and lifted us up from a bottomless pit and placed us on the mountain top so that we may shine His light. Initially I used to stay with our family in a hutment in Santa Cruz, Mumbai. One day my brothers friend came to our house and told about Jesus. He told us that "Jesus is the only way to heaven, Jesus is the only truth and Jesus is the only life. Though Jesus Christ we can enjoy the abundant life on this earth". All our family members accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior that year. From that day on till date Jesus is doing wondrous works in ou lives. From that day god had done many marvelous works in our lives and I want to tell you how He helped us to our dilapidated house. Initially our house was in a very bad state and rain water used to pour into our house. For almost 4months water used to drip into our house whenever it rains. All of us couldn't sleep and were all busy collecting water in the buckets. This went on day and night. Though we were tired of these we did not have money to repair our house. After Jesus came to be the head of our house god miraculously provided finance to my dad from his company through which we could renovate our house. God provided finances not only to renovate our house but we were able to get the latest architect to design our house. Everyone who knew about this were amazed at the wonders God had done in our lives because they knew of our bad financial state. They knew we were not in a position where we could even afford to repair our house. This is the miracle Jesus has done in our family and looking this, our relatives and few neighbors also accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Their lives are also transformed. -Sujata Velpulla

No Longer A Mediocre
As a young man I had a great void in my life. I was searching for a way to fill that void but sadly I was searching in all the wrong places. I did all the wrong things, got into the wrong relationships, and even tried out some harmful substances. I wanted to be part of the 'happening lifestyle'. I never knew Jesus or had anything to do with Him. One day while I was at the chapel of Wilson College I heard my teacher, talking about Jesus and his love for us, about how He came to save us from our sins . I realized that I was a sinner drowning in a deep pool of sin. But there was hope because there is One who is standing outside this pool stretching out His hand towards us, to pull us out. All I had to do was to trust Him I prayed to Jesus, telling Him to bring me out of my sinful ways and I walked out of the Chapel feeling that something was different in me, something had changed. I went to the Chapel everyday and learnt about this Jesus who He was and what He did. I was always a mediocre student. But after I accepted Christ I started to excel in my studies. To my surprise, I stood first in my final year (T. Y. B. Sc) in my class. I am a new creation in Christ and I know that He is my Rock and my Salvation. - Santiago Rebello I had been suffering from a cyst (fluid filled sac) in my abdomen for the past four years. After months of treatment the cyst finally was gone. But in a later investigation it was seen in the second place and was bigger in size than the first incident. The doctors told me that it required a surgery. At this time I decided to pray about it because it is said in the Bible that Jesus can heal such diseases. After praying for a while I did an ultrasound and I found the cyst disappeared from that place. Earlier I knew that Jesus can heal but now I have experienced it in my own life. - Glory Dsouza My childhood was very beautiful. I had so many around to take care of me. Suddenly everything came to a grinding halt when I lost my father. I had to go through such things at a young age which I never expected or even thought of. I fought with various adverse situations in life. Nobody was there to really love me and take care of me. One day, I met a friend, who told me how Jesus helped her in her life. I listened to her but ignored her, but later I got a feeling to know more. One day I told her that I wanted to pray. She sent me a small prayer of three sentences through SMS. One night at around 2 a.m, I was not getting sleep and was helplessly thinking about a problem I was going through. That time I closed my eyes and I prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ, tears rolled down my cheeks while I was praying. Since that moment my life changed. After praying when I opened my eyes, I had a feeling which I cannot describe. All the grief and pain of my heart had gone. I felt free, very light and content. This was the first miracle Jesus did in my life. Since that day Jesus is doing lots of miracles in my life. Things which never happened started to happen. My life has changed into a joyful, and peaceful one. Today I know that God is good. Through the words in the Bible God speaks to us. Lord has changed my life ,in fact He has given me a brand-new life. He has accepted me as His son and the reason why Im saying so is because He takes care of me like a father everyday .Above all I have some one who loves me unconditionally more than anyone and He is, "My Lord and My Savior, JESUS CHRIST".

Cyst Dissapeared

Father & Son

97 % in Overall Performance
I am working for a BPO in Mumbai. When I joined this company I had a month of training and during the final assessment I got the first prize among 40 trainees. Our work is monitored and we are given an allowance according to the quality of our work. In the first month of my work, I got 83%. I have also got 97% for my discipline and overall performance. My Team Leader told me that my performance is the best among all the people working for the last four years. Even my colleagues ask me how I manage to get such a good percentage. This is the secret of my success. Whenever I start my work, I pray for God to bless the work of my hands and bless me. Then I work faithfully. - Rose Nadar

- S. Tiwari

Enjoy your 9 months
Delivered from Pain

God has blessed us with 2 beautiful daughters Esther and Ruth. When I was expecting my first child, I had morning sickness and was continuously For more than a year, I had a pain in my right ear vomiting for almost 2 months. In the third month I and could not hear properly. Suddenly one night the read a book called 'More Than Conquerors' which pain escalated and became very bad. I started to emphasized on saying Bible words loudly pray and pray for healing. It looked as if nothing (confessing) because they are powerful unfailing happened. So I started saying loudly, that Jesus words of God . Heaven and earth will pass away but took my pain, suffering and disease on the cross of God's word will always remain. After I read that book I Calvary and that He has completely healed me. started declaring God's word loudly on a daily basis. After this I slept peacefully. In the morning as I was Then I realized that God didn't want me to suffer pain praying in tongues, some black colored thing came and feel sick, rather He wanted me to have a restful out of my ear automatically. From that point the pain and refreshing time always. In the course of time, I disappeared and I could hear properly once again. I came across another book called showed it to the doctor; he told me that it was the dirt 'Supernatural Childbirth written which was in my ears. This dirt was more than an by Jackie Maize. Jackie in her inch. I had heard the Jesus healed the deaf but this book shares her testimony on how time Jesus healed my partial deafness and from she gives birth to 3 children that day I started to hear everything properly. I without any pain. Pain was like a thank Jesus for such a miracle in my life. curse, something nobody really wants but has to helplessly go - Sebastian through. The Bible says Christ has taken away from my life the curse of the pain, so I will enjoy my pregnancy and have a painless delivery. One day I went for my normal checkup knowing nothing. But it was the time to deliver my baby. When the doctor examined me, he was alarmed and said today I have to deliver. I had come at the right time to deliver. I was taken by surprise because I was feeling nothing. I was asked to stay back because the baby could be delivered any time. We continued praying and confessing God's word. Only at 3:30 a.m. I started to feel some contractions and within an hour our first child was born. It was a miraculous delivery. it was a normal delivery. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for a supernatural childbirth. I enjoyed my pregnancy as a result of God's goodness and His word. We thank God for giving us His word. We have seen how His word has worked wonders in our lives. God is faithful and true to His word and He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work in us. - Vijaya Fernandes

Life is a journey, come and celebrate with us !!!

Every time we meet it is a vibrant time of experiencing God through singing, praying, listening to the Word of God and participating. Life can be fun !!! Keep Smiling and Keep in touch.

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