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 Error in equipment

o RBC pipette – do not used chipped end

o Reagent – must not be expired
 Field error

 Salsma/platelet Retention test

o EDTA/heparin
o Requires 3 test tube
o 1st tube – control
o 2nd tube – platelet count
o 3 – another platelet count (lower)
o PRT=2-3/1x100
 Test for adhesion of platelets to collagen fibers
o PC – routine counting
o Final PC – collected through glass bead system

 Clot retraction 0 the while blood separate

o Hirshboeck or Caster oil method
 Reagent: 10ml of caster oil
 20uL of sample
 Check for the dimpling phenomenon for 15-45 minutes
 Protrusion in RBC
o Single tube method
o Stefanini
o Macfarlane
 Check after 1 hour
 Thin wire loop is formed in spiral and stick on top of red top
 If the blood adheres to the loop, remove the clotted blood
 The serum will be centrifuged.
 Normal value
 44 – 67%
 Formula: Vol of serum/vol of whole blood x 100
 Volume of serum – left in test tube
 Aspirated using syringe
 Improtance of clot
o Assess the thrombosthenin, the entire platelet function
 If abnormal,
o Abnormal platelet retraction
o the platelet count is decreased
o Low fibrinogen
o Glanzmanns
 Capillary fragility/resistance test
o Check for vit. C because it is maintained by capillary fragility.
o Tourniquet Test
 For 5 min; release; do not read immediately; read after 5 minutes
 Check for the presence of petechiae

 Bleeding time
o Chemical action of platelets – release for hemostatic plug
o Duke’s method
 For infants and children
 Done in earlobe and finger
o Modified Ivy’s
 With the use of blood pressure cuff
 5cm below the antecubital fossa
 The arm will be pricked using feather lancet 3 times
o Coply Lalitch
o Adelson-Crosby
o Macfarlane’s method
o Aspirin tolerance test
 Take the sample without patient taking aspirin.
 Prick the perform the bleeding time.
 Do not squeeze the finger.
 Blot the blood every 30 seconds until bleeding stops.
 The patient will take an aspirin tab.
 Prick the perform the bleeding time.
 Do not squeeze the finger.
 Blot the blood every 30 seconds until bleeding stops.

 Aplastic anemia – very prone to infection because of low WBC

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