LP Eng 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino
Maddela District II
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

Name of Teacher: LILIBETH B. SADANG Date: NOVEMBER 15, 2019

Grade and Section: GRADE 8 INVESTIGATORS Time: _________

I. OBJECTIVES Share ideas using opinion-marking signals;

 Construct correct sentences using opinion-marking signals
 Express their opinions correctly in written or oral form
 Identify opinionated ideas
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian Literature as a
mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion and emphasis.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive
speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance and behavior.
C. Learning EN8RC-IIIb- 10: Share ideas using opinion-marking signals
Write the LC code for
II. CONTENT Opinion –marking signals
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages N/A
2. Learner’s Material N/A
3. Textbook pages N/A
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Reading Links by Dava et. Al, pp.161-162
PPT presentation
Worksheets, picture, video clip
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity Indicator
A. Reviewing previous
lesson/ presenting the I think it’s A, HOTS
new lesson because the chicken
comes from an egg. #1. Applies
knowledge of
A I think it’s B, content within and
because the hen lays across curriculum
Which do you think came the egg. teaching areas
first, A or B?
Why do you say so? (or varied answers)
What about in science, what
did you learn about how According to
human, animals and plants theories, human
came to be? beings evolved as
beings with senses
already and they
reproduce. So, it
must also be that
hens came first
before they laid eggs.

B. Establishing a purpose for What did I get from you from Our own ideas and
the lesson our activities? opinions

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the What is an opinion? It is a personal idea.
new lesson
An opinion expresses one’s
views, belief and even
judgment. It cannot be proven
true or false.

Clue words: I think, I believe,

It seems, it appears, probably,
likely, possibly

Note: Not all opinions have

the same value because there
are some opinions that are
based from solid facts while
there are others that are
completely baseless.
D. Discussing new concepts (Individual recitation) Students give varied
and practicing new skills Watch a video clip. (natural responses using #3. Applies a range
#1 calamities) opinion-marking of teaching
signals strategies to
What do you think is it all develop critical and
about? creative thinking as
well as other
What is your belief regarding I believe these higher-order
the causes of these calamities happen thinking skills
calamities? because of the
activities of men.

What do you suggest that we

do in order to minimize the I think we should
destruction of our natural manage our garbage
resources or environment? properly to prevent

I believe, we should
plant trees to restore
the forests.
(other varied
E. Discussing new concepts Group activity
and practicing new skills
#2  Shakespeare group #6. Uses
-Find a song that differentiated,
expresses an opinion developmentally
and sing to the class at appropriate learning
least two of its line experiences to
that express opinion address learners’
-Find a poem that gender, needs,
expresses opinion and strengths, interests,
tell the title then recite and experiences
a line which has an
opinion –marking
 Rene Descartes
#2. Use a range of
teaching strategies
Given are three
that enhance learner
opinions. Use two
achievement in
graphs to show that
literacy and
they have different
numeracy skills
value, that one is of
greater value than the
other and give your
It seems Vice
Ganda is the most
amazing TV host in
the Philippines.

I believe that we,

people cannot prevent
natural calamities
from happening.

Probably, we can
restore the wildlife in
our forest if we start
planting trees now.

 Pia Wurtzback
4 are candidates for
the Search for Ms.
Environment. 3 are
judges and 1 will ask
the question for the Q
and A portion. The
candidates has to
answer the questions
logically using
 Sen. Gordon’s
You are having a
committee hearing to
a criteria for the
School-based Search
for the Most
Outstanding student.
-Each of you shares
your opinion
observing correct
grammar and usage of
opinion- marking
F. Developing mastery Asses the learners’ outputs Presentation of # 4 – Managed
(Leads to Formative based on the following outputs classroom structure
Assessment 3) criteria: to engage learners,
individually or in
groups, in
discovery and
hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning

G. Finding practical Why do you need to learn So that we will be

applications of concepts opinion-marking signals? able to express our
and skills in daily living opinions correctly.
H. Making generalizations First, check if there is
and abstractions about the an opinion-marking
lesson How do you identify signal
statements that express
opinions? Second, check if
there are adjectives
used in the statement.
I. Evaluating learning A. Write O if the
statement is an
opinion and NO if it is
not an opinion on the
1. Philippines was
conquered by different
2. Manila Bay is the most
fascinating bay around the
3. The boys think they
will win the championship
this afternoon.
4. In Quirino, Maddela is
probably the best
municipality to put up
5. Batanes is located in
the Northern part of
J. Additional activities
for application or

Prepared by:

Teacher III

School Head
Name: _______________________________ Date: ______________ Score:

A. From the text, complete the diagram that follow.

Cigarette Smoking
What happens in the body each time a person smokes a cigarette? The heart beats faster, the blood
pressure rises, and a harmful gas replaces oxygen in the blood. Cancer-causing chemicals travel to the lungs.
The three most harmful substances inhaled in cigarette smoke are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar.
Nicotine causes the heart to beat faster and makes the blood vessels narrower. This puts more strain
on the heart to pump blood and the flow of blood is reduced. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that
replaces some of the oxygen, so that less
oxygen is carried by the blood.
Tar in cigarette smoke can harm lung tissue. Tar and smoke reduce the work of the cilia, which is
responsible for sweeping dust and particles upward to the throat and mouth. The tar and other chemicals
subsequently reach the lungs and stay there in the form of a sticky brown mass.
Similarities & Differences in Mars & Earth

Earth and Mars are planetary neighbors in the solar system, sharing some features, such as a rocky
composition, and having differences, such as size and temperature. Although the same materials make up
Earth and Mars, they are present in different amounts. The two planets are also thought to have formed at
about the same time, although they evolved to become very different. While Earth is home to many forms
of life, whether any exists on Mars at all remains a question.

Similarities Between Mars and Earth

Both Earth and Mars are believed to have condensed out of a massive cloud of hot gases around the sun
about 4.6 billion years ago, according to the European Space Agency. Since that time, both planets slowly
cooled and formed into the spherical shapes you see today. Both planets have dense cores and hard
exterior crusts. In addition, water had a role in the history of both.

Size of the Planets

Mars is nearly twice as large as the Moon and a little over half the size of Earth, according to the Center
for Mars Exploration. The diameter of Mars is about 6,786 kilometers (4,217 miles), compared to that of
Earth, which is about 12,756 kilometers (7,926 miles). In addition, Earth has a mass that is 10 times
greater. Because of its much smaller size and mass, Mars cooled at a much faster rate than Earth,
following its initial formation. Also, its lower gravity resulted in the faster loss of volatile materials, such
as water and gases.

Atmosphere and Water

Mars has a very thin atmosphere that consists mostly of carbon dioxide. Average atmospheric pressure is 7
millibars, compared to 1,013 millibars on Earth. Without much atmosphere to protect it from heat loss,
temperatures on Mars are much colder. According to NASA Quest, average temperature in the mid-
latitudes are minus 50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit). At night, it can drop to minus 60
degrees Celsius (minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit), while daytime highs may reach 0 degrees Celsius (32
degrees Fahrenheit).

Although water may once have existed on the surface of Mars, it disappeared long ago for unknown
reasons. In comparison, Earth's surface is two-thirds water.

Stable Mars, Dynamic Earth

The Earth's outer crust is always moving. It is divided into plates that move laterally. In contrast, Mars' is
stable, although there still appears to be some magma flow underground. This makes its geologic state
very different from Earth's. Greater stability on Mars results in the preservation of much older features,
some dating back to about four billion years.
        Early Marriage is a poor state that a human will be interfering with. From an Early
Age, we meet other people including our opposite sex. By meeting them, we end up
communicating and developing feelings. It is the start of a relationship and can cause
Early Marriage.

          What Causes Early Marriage? This problem can be caused by disobeying our
parents and not listening to elder’s advice. Certain teenager is much focus on their
peers and partners than to their studies. Some people especially teenagers are not
basically aware on sex education. A person who believes that marriage is easy can
also caused Early Marriage. They believe that Early Marriage is like rice that when you
placed it in your mouth and it is hot you will just emit it. Bad Habits can also cause
Early Marriage. A temptation to your partner is caused by the neglectful parents and
leads their child to a rebellious stage. On the other hand, what are the Effects of Early

          The Effects of Early Marriage is Poverty. Why? It is simply because a teenager
couple can’t finish and graduate on school so they will always leaning to their parents.
A depression is an effect also because they are teenagers they are not well given
knowledge about marriage, it can lead towards Difficult Marriage Life. It includes
misunderstanding and financial problems. The effect of Early Marriage also is that you
can’t enjoy your teenage life. You can’t enjoy your life without thinking your spouse.
And the last Effect of Early Marriage is that you will build your own family at an Early

          For Me, Early Marriage is not that easy and we must think first before deciding
such things. We can’t bring back time if we made a wrong decision. Just always think
that you are not living with a beautiful world but you are living with a colorful, difficult
and a full of decision world. Just put God first and everything you will do will be fine.
You are a student of Maddela Comprehensive High School. You are given P1,000.00 by
your parents as your allowance for the week. You have to divide it for the following
needs- food, clothing, school papers and research work.

Present your budget plan using an appropriate nonlinear presentation.

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