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PHD program is accredited by American accrediting body – ACBSP – and European
accrediting body – ECBE for Business Education

Year 1

PHD658 - 10 ECTS  International Business Strategy

PHD673 - 10 ECTS  Business Research Methods

PHD674 - 10 ECTS  Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

PHD792 - 10 ECTS Dissertation Proposal

Year 2

PHD660 - 10 ECTS Global Economy

PHD661 - 10 ECTS Multicultural Management

PHD780 - 20 ECTS Journal Writing

PHD802 - 40 ECTS Dissertation Writing

Year 3

PHD670 - 10 ECTS Global Communication

PHD810 - 40 ECTS Dissertation Writing up and Defense

PHDxxx - 10 ECTS Elective

PHD659 - 10 ECTS  International Human Research Management

PHD671 - 10 ECTS Emerging International Markets 

PHD672 - 10 ECTS E-Commerce

PHD658 - International Business Strategy 
 (PHD in International Management Specialization)
(10ECTS/4US credits)
The International business strategy course is grounded on the fundamental principles of strategic
management and focuses on strategy making in business corporations.  Emphasis is on corporate
and business level strategic analysis, strategy formulation and implementation.  Strategic
management emphasizes the determination and evaluation of environmental opportunities and
threats in light of strengths and weaknesses in the organization’s value chain in order to enhance
its core competencies and craft a sustainable competitive advantage.
PHD661 - Multicultural Management
(10ECTS/4US credits)
This course seeks to provide with an understanding of effective cross-cultural management and
the challenges that are likely to be faced while working internationally. The course focuses on
international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in transnational
PHD660 -  Global Economy  
(PHD in International Management Specialization)
(10ECTS/4US credits)
This course examines the world’s economy from a global as well as various local perspectives.
Globalization has increased the interdependence of the economies of nations around the world,
but this interdependence does not imply all differences in economies have vanished. The Global
economy is made up of many different actors, some international such as the World Bank, IMF,
WTO and large multinational firms, others national such as national governments and some
local. The course is designed to exam both the overall global economy and some of its individual
PHD670 - Global Communication
(10ECTS/4US credits)
Its aim is to show the various aspects of global communication and how it is influenced by
history, language and culture. The course also focuses on the issues, challenges and obstacles
raised by Global Communication, especially in the context of politics, journalism, science and
PHD673: Business Research Methods                                             
(10ECTS/4US credits)
This course focuses on the development of research skills and the design of research used for
business.  it will be introduced to various research approaches and learn what strategies,
methods, and techniques are in use.  it will be expected to design a business research proposal,
formulate basic and secondary research questions, develop a strategy for data collection, develop
a literature review, create a model of the expected results or outcomes and finally to formulate
ways to operationalize with stakeholder involvement.
PHD674 -  Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
(10ECTS/4US credits)
An introduction to a range of quantitative and qualitative data collection and methods of data
analysis. it will be learnt about and be able to distinguish between quantitative, qualitative, and
mixed-methods research.   Qualitative methods include including Action Research,  Appreciative
Inquiry,  Focus Groups, Interviews and Narrative Data Analysis. Quantitative methods include
Descriptive Research Designs, Experimental and Ex Post Facto Designs, and Descriptive 
PHD780 - Journal Writing. 
(20ECTS/4US credits)
This course facilitates the ability to write, review, edit, and format an original paper to meet the
publication standards of an academic journal.  When completed, the course results in a published
article in Horizons University Business Journal.
PHD792 - Dissertation Proposal
(10ECTS/4US credits)
This course focuses on the development of the Dissertation Proposal under the supervision of a
Doctoral Faculty member. During the course it will be guided through the completion of the
Dissertation Proposal, and by the end of it will have a Research Proposal that is to be submitted
to Horizons University.
PHD802 - Dissertation Writing
(40ECTS/24US credits)

1. Formulate a thesis topic

2. Evaluate resources to assist in developing thesis proposal
3. Write a proposal for a thesis/dissertation

PHD810 - Dissertation Writing up and Defense

(40ECTS/24US credits)

1. Write a proposal for a thesis/dissertation

2. Demonstrate ability to prepare and conduct an oral presentation on thesis proposal.

PHD659 - International Human Resource Management
(10ECTS/4US credits)
This course allows to exam human resource management from a global perspective as well as
from various local perspectives. Increases in international business activities require firms to
implement human resource management in a variety of different political, legal, economic, social
and technological environments. Therefore a deep understanding of international human resource
management is essential for international organizations for successfully motivating and
managing the most important of all resources, human resources.
PHD671 - Emerging International Markets
(10ECTS/4US credits)
The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity to explore and evaluate the challenges
and opportunities associated with developing strategies for international emerging markets.
PHD672 - E-Commerce
(10ECTS/4US credits)
Its aim is to show the various aspects of E-Commerce and how it influences the consumer
behavior around the world. The course also focuses on the issues, challenges and obstacles raised
by E-Commerce

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